Climbing up the mountain side I saw the bright sparks of lighting in my fading vision. I had been losing my sight for some time now though a little chi bending helped me a little. The air currents also allowed me to see what was around me without looking, learning from Toph herself a few years back. The plea for help had come from the Avatar herself and since it was my own family that was in danger, I answered her summons. Dark clouds rumbled overhead as lightning continued to flash until finally I reached the mountain peak. It had been sheared off many years ago to form a large and flat surface possibly used before for worship as I could see old carvings in the stone.

"This time Avatar, this time I shall capture you!" An old crow of a woman fired lightning at Korra who had to dive out of the way, dodging carefully and keeping the attacks away from my niece and nephews and the little children who were all tied up and unable to break free. "I shall return to my father in triumph and he shall grant me the throne, I shall be the greatest Fire Lord that ever lived!"

"Azula." I spoke and stamped my staff into the ground, blasting an arc of air outward which knocked her away from Korra and instantly she whirled around with a crazed expression, making my heart sink sadly. She looked as old as I was now, silvery haired and wrinkled however she still moved with surprising strength and agility for her age. "That is enough Azula, it is over. Please, come home with me." I offered, stretching out my hand and extended it to her. "We shall take care of you, you are still family after all."

"You…you should be dead, I killed you long ago. I'll kill you again and this time you'll stay dead!" She screeched and Korra looked up from where she lay on the ground in pain from her injuries and where Azula had drugged her to make her more lethargic. "RAAAAARGH!"

"NO!" Korra bellowed as Azula directed a blast of intense blue flames directly at me and I managed to slide out of the way however she followed up with lightning, a blast so powerful yet uncontrolled that it struck the ground by my feet and I jolted backwards, eyes widening as I lost my footing and slipped over the edge of the mountainside. Korra screeched again before a burst of light appeared, making me blink as I wrapped the air around me and stopped my descent, allowing me to settle on a platform and catch my breath. I'm too old for this. I'm an old lady who wants nothing more than a good cup of jasmine tea.

Up above I could hear Korra's outraged roar, the wind blasting everywhere so I rose up, calmly ascending before I then stepped forwards, recognising the powerful spiritual presence as Korra stood with her back to me, completely enshrouded in air so that her body was shielded from view. Azula lay trapped in the ground, bound by heavy rocks though she tried to break free but her strength was not what it was and it failed her, causing her to scream and cry. Turning my attention back to Korra, I stepped forwards and entered the hurricane that surrounded us.

"Aang." I spoke and instantly I felt a slight calm enter the person before me. "It's alright Aang, I am not hurt." I murmured and took the wrist, holding it gently as the entity turned around and placed their feet on the ground once more. With a flash the wind disappeared and the rushing slowly eased to reveal Aang standing there, eyes glowing before finally that too disappeared and he looked down to me with love. I smiled, tears slipping free as I leaned towards him and we touched foreheads. "Go in peace, my precious baby brother." I whispered though I choked on the emotion. The air wrapped around him once more before then revealing Korra, the two of us still touching foreheads as she murmured before opening her eyes.

"Master Thyra?" She blinked and I smiled further, exhaling softly before I then looked her in the eye, reaching out to then embrace her.

"Forgive me, young Avatar. Forgive an old woman for missing her brother too much." I asked of her as I then placed my hand on her face and brushed my willowy fingers through her short hair. She had cut it. It suited her. "Let us start anew."

"I would like that." She said with a smile before we bowed to one another and turned, going to my family and releasing them.

"Aunty Thyra!" Bumi instantly flung his arms around me and I chuckled, seeing much of my brother in him as he hugged me a little too tightly. The children flocked to me too, beaming and wrapping their arms around my legs and waist as I rubbed their heads. This was my family, Aang was not completely dead. He lived on through his legacy, his descendants, his life's work. Republic City was something he spent his life working towards and now his dream of uniting the nations had come true. Although I was still grieving and probably shall do for the rest of my days, I knew that my spirit would find his once I too pass. However, I am not ready to go just yet. I intend to stay and help guide this new Avatar who still had much to learn but she had already learned a great deal and accomplished many great things.

She was an Avatar of a new generation and all after her will have large shoes to fill.

Watch over us Aang, Sokka, Gyatso, Iroh…watch over us until we come to join you.

The End.