With spring came the ever familiar setup of the chase. In Izuku's eyes it was a glorified version of hide and seek in the forest. One which gave the founder the ultimate prize, the right to court the omega.

As an omega, Izuku thought it was barbaric. Only because he dreaded the thought of being caught by an alpha that he couldn't stand. An alpha that wouldn't challenge him mentally or physically, someone that would be dull and drag him down. Izuku wanted to go places with his life and he wouldn't let some two-bit alpha destroy his plans.

Izuku's mother always reminded him, as an omega it's his job to settle down and start a family. He hated that idea. Izuku didn't want to be forced to do that, he wanted to decide on his own when he was ready to start a family. After all, having a kid was no joke. It'd take a lot of time and money. Not to mention patience, but Izuku had all of that he needed.

What Izuku really wanted was an alpha that'd support him. Someone that'd push him to do better, someone who'd comfort him if needed but not baby him like he was weak willed. He knew the chances of finding an alpha that would meet his standards were slim, but; he wasn't willing to back down. Not even as his mother signed him up for the chase and doted on him and how he should proceed with the event.

It was nerve wracking to say the least. Izuku knew a few alphas that'd be going to the event and he also knew a few omegas too.

His mother had cried as he stepped up to the event line, shoulder to shoulder with the communities omegas that had signed up. He was one of the younger ones, barely 18. Down the line from him he could see Ochako and Tsu. He hoped they'd find themselves good partners.

The announcers wished everyone a good chase before blowing the horn and they were off.

Izuku bolted as fast as he could into the tree line. They had an hour to get as far as they could and find the best hiding place. After the hour was up the alphas would be there to track them down, searching for that one scent that clicked with them. Most Omegas only had one alpha find them, on the rare occasion two alphas would find the same omega. When that happened it was up to the omega to choose whom they'd like to be courted by.

Izuku ran until he couldn't anymore, chest heaving as he hid under a small hill in an alcove. He didn't know how much time had gone by but he knew the alphas would be there soon. He pulled his legs to his chest as he sat, eyes trained dead ahead of him as he waited for his alpha to come barreling through the brush.