I was working on a story and this one came to mind. I decided to do a Prequal story, the others story I'd done from the past made me run out of ideas but I got much planned for this story. Beside the other Star Wars story, "The Grey Knight," I'm focusing on this one.

"What if Maul beated Obi Wan - not killed, and took the boy Anakin Skywalker to Sidious and trained under him? What happened when Padme is captured and below the Sith's feet? The childhood friend and angel he hadn't seen for years. Will Anakin saved her or allowed her to die?"

On Naboo, a fight insured as a Jedi Padawan and an Sith Assassin duel it out in a small arena. The padawan's master just fallen due to a stabbed by the Sith and now it was up to him to stopped this menace.

Obi Wan Kenobi dodged, sidestepped, and parried Darth Maul's blows. However, it wasn't enough, for the Sith Assassin was stronger and have more experience. It'll would be lucky if he's win, but luck is never on his side anyway.

One of Maul's blades intercepted against Obi Wan stomach and he grabbed Kenobi with the force, sending him to the wall. Taking hold of both Obi Wan and Qui Gon's lightsaber, he attached them to his belt.

Surprisingly, Obi Wan was still alive, Maul must have thought slamming him into the wall crack his neck... or the impact killed him. Obi Wan was just paralyzed and defeated, but not dead. 'Not yet,' Obi Wan thought as he played dead. He use the force to try to cover his pulse and to his luck, it worked.

Maul walk up to them, taking a good look at the Jedi to confirmed they're dead. "Fools, you both should've known I surpassed your skills. I would have love to have you as my apprentice, Padawan Kenobi, but your too dead right now, along with your pathetic master. Now I must contect my master."

The Assassin pulled out a Holo-pad Communicator and bow before it. The hooded figure of Darth Sidious stared at him. "My lord, the Jedi are dead."

"Good," Sidious voice ringed darkly through the holocron. "And now, everything is proceeding as I have foreseen. Bring young Skywalker to me and at last, we will control the galaxy."

"As you wish, my master," Maul said, walking out of the room.

Obi Wan sighed, trying to stand - but keep collasping. He was exhausted, hungry, degenerate, and broken. He had failed his Master in not taking the Sith. His eyes slowly close as he pass unconscious.


Maul watch as the ship took in for a landing. The Control Ship was blown up by a simple boy. He had the potential of being a mighty Sith Lord. As the ships took in for the landing, Maul raised his cloak, acting as a Jedi Knight.

"Jedi? Hey! Jedi!" one of pilots exclaimed, running up and touching Maul on the shoulder. "Where's Kenobi and Jinn?"

"Both had fallen," Maul said. "And you soon will too." The man stared down to see one half of a red double-bladed lightsaber pulling out of his stomach and him collasping the floor.

"What the...?!" one shouted and all turn their gazed upon Maul. Quickly raising their blasters as the zabrak took off his hood and reveal himself. Then he advance upon the surprised opponents with both sides ignited.

Maul block each of their shots, before pulling four blasters to him and slaughtering the defenseless ones. Raising an clock hand, he lifted one up in the air and place his body infront of him as all shots came to the body, making the barely alive man gasp and Maul clutching his fist and releasing him. He jumped and finished the remaining ones off easily with either the power of the force or a stroke with a lightsaber.

One remain and it was a boy, no doubt the boy Sidious had called "Anakin Skywalker." Instead of walking up to him menacingly, Maul took a calm step to him before the boy was under him. "Who are you? And why did you kill them all?"

Maul took a moment to respond, making sure to look over the boy. He had slavers clothing and his hair was dampled, messy. Finally, the sith responded. "They were a threat that had to be eliminated, they wanted to overthrow the Empire that is coming. I can't allow that."

"What's an Empire?" Anakin asked, raising an eyebrow to him.

"I will take you to my Master and he will explain it to you." Maul said.

"Where is Qui Gon and Obi Wan?" Anakin questioned.

Maul growled, this boy was really a nuisance. Part of him wanted to ended the boy with a stroke of his lightsaber. However, he refrained, knowing full-well that his master will kill him. "They died and their last breaths to me was to take you before my master." Maul lied.

"Very well," Anakin said. "Uh my name is Anakin..."

"Anakin Skywalker, I know," Maul hissed. Before taking a much calmer statement. "You made quite a reputation, you will make a mighty Sith under my master teachings."


Maul brought Anakin before Sidious. Anakin look up at him nervously as Sidious smiled at him. "Ah, Anakin Skywalker, I'm looking forward to completing your training as my apprentice. As my Apprentice had told you of my Empire, I want to teach you the power of the Dark Side." Sidious glared at Maul, the only reason why he didn't kill him was because he still had use for him. Maul handed Sidious the two Jedi lightsabers. Sidious wanted to teach Anakin alone. "Leave us."

Maul bowed and left as Palpatine smile at the lightsaber hilt of Qui Gon. "Ah, this will use to complete your training."

"My training for what," Anakin asked.

"A Sith," Sidious answered, handing him Qui Gon lightsaber. Anakin held the hilt in his hand, for the first time holding a lightsaber. It felt like it felt in his dreams, yet different at the same time. "Now, Skywalker, attack me."

"What if I hurt you?" Anakin frowned, still holding the lightsaber.

"You won't, now give into your rage and attack me," Sidious demanded.

Anakin frowned at the floor, and ignited the green lightsaber with one button. Sidious raised his hands as Anakin attack. This is the first lesson for Anakin and more will come.

A/N I hope you guys enjoy the first part of the story. I apologized for any grammar mistakes.