"I can't believe they let that idiot teach here," Hermione groaned dropping her books on the table.

"Yeah, all I've learned is not to let pixies loose," Theo added, snickering at the memory.

"Dumbledore must have lost his mind," Pansy interjected.

Draco shook his head. "From why my father said, Lockhart was the only one to apply for the job," Draco inputted. "Father thinks Dumbledore might be trying to expose Lockhart."

"Dumbledore knows he's a fraud and still hired him?" Hermione asked in disbelief. She pushed Lockhart's book aside. She read them once and she was not about to read them again.

"He was the only applicant," Draco repeated with a shrug. "We can't go without a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor." He sighed. "It just means we have to teach ourselves, again."

Hermione grabbed her journal. Do you have any second year Defense Against the Dark Arts textbooks? We have Lockhart as a professor this year and he is useless.

I do have a second-year textbook though it may be outdated. I heard Lockhart was coming. I'm glad you're not falling for his charms. He is an idiot.

You don't believe his accomplishments?

No. I have no proof. He was sorted into Ravenclaw. He came years after I left but I know people that went to school with him. They say he should have been in Slytherin. He's sneaky. He is an idiot but he's not completely stupid. Be careful around him Hermione. Never be alone with him.

Do you think he would do something?

I don't know Hermione. Those books of his. They may be a load of dragon dung but at least some of it is based on truth. He had to have gotten the information somehow, if he didn't know it himself. Just be careful, please.

I will. Promise.

Good. Is Flint behaving now?

He's been avoiding me. He won't even look in my direction. Anytime he's around Draco glares at him. Draco mentioned something that night. He said I was under the protection of the Black and Malfoy family. And Flint said I stole my pendant from the Black family. Do you know what that means? Why would he think I stole the pendant you gave me?

Hermione waited and waited and no reply came. Hermione sighed and closed the journal. "Draco can you ask your mother if she has old Defense Against the Dark Arts books?" Hermione questioned. Morgana might be willing to send hers but one wasn't enough.

"Sure," Draco agreed. "Theo, Pansy?"

"Yeah," Theo said. "I'll ask my father. It's a good idea."

Hermione got up and walked over to Madam Pince. "Excuse me," Hermione said softly. She didn't want to disturb the librarian. Madam Pince looked up. "I was wondering if there was a second year Defense Against the Dark Arts book I could look through, or a syllabus from a past class."

Madam Pince studied Hermione. Hermione was one of her favorite students. She was pleased to learn Hermione wasn't falling for Lockhart's crap. She tapped her wand on the cabinet to her left. She opened it and pulled out the parchment on top.

"This will give you an idea of what is studied during second year," Madam Pince said handing over the parchment. "It doesn't cover everything but it should give you a good start."

"Thank you Madam Pince," Hermione said gratefully.

She took the parchment and headed back to her friends. "What's that?" Pansy asked pointing to the parchment.

Hermione sat it on the table. "I got it from Madam Pince. It seems she doesn't like Lockhart either. It's a general overview of what second years are supposed to learn in Defense Against the Dark Arts." She frowned. There were different spells they were supposed to learn, like the disarming spell. It was an important spell to know. Theory would only get them so far. "We need to figure out how to practice these spells."

"We could talk to Professor Snape," Theo suggested. "We can see if there is an empty classroom we can use."

"Would he be okay with that?" Hermione asked nervously. "I wouldn't think he would happy with us testing out spells."

"He may want to supervise us," Draco said with a shrug. "But these spells won't cause any real damage so he might be okay with it. I'll ask tonight."

Theo checked his watch. "We should head down to dinner."

The four friends gathered their things and headed to the Great Hall. Hermione sat at the Gryffindor table beside Harry and Ron. "Hi guys," she greeted, piling roast onto her plate. She was suddenly starving.

"Are you talking to us now?" Harry asked.

Hermione frowned. "You avoided me after what happened with the stone. How was I supposed to talk to you before?" she questioned.

Any anger Harry held toward her was gone. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "It wasn't fair to you. I just…"

"Wanted to protect the stone," Hermione finished. "I know. I did too. Whatever happened, I don't know. I don't remember anything, just like you. But you can't keep punishing me for that day."

"You're right," Harry said. "You're right. I'm sorry."

It felt nice, hanging out with Ron and Harry again. They chatted about random things during dinner. Nothing important as they were still adjusting. After dinner the three of them walked up to Gryffindor Tower together.

Once Hermione was alone in her room, she opened her journal. She didn't expect a reply. She assumed Morgana simply wasn't going to answer her. To her surprise, and pleasure, Morgana had replied.

Flint was right, she wrote. The pendant is from the Black family. I am related to the Blacks.

Hermione stared at the parchment. Her savior was a Black. She didn't know much about the different pureblood families. She did know the Blacks were a dark family. Dark families didn't bother Hermione. Draco, Pansy and Theo all came from dark families and they were her best friends.

She was reminded of something Draco said when she was attacked. Draco's mother is a Black. Which meant Draco was related to this woman. He had to know who she was. Did that mean he knew she was communicating with her? And why hadn't either of them mentioned knowing each other?

Hermione wanted to go to Draco and demand answers. Hermione caught sight of the Occlumency book on her nightstand. She sighed. That must be why the secrets were kept. Even though she didn't like it, she understood.

She went back to her journal to finish reading Morgana's message. The pendant was given to you to protect you from purebloods that would hate you because of your blood status. The Black's are one of the oldest families. They are highly respected.

Why didn't you tell me you're related to Draco?

Hermione was surprised to see Morgana didn't deny it.

I knew you would have questions and without Occlumency shields I couldn't risk it. I've been told your shields are decent now.

Does that mean you will answer my questions now?

Some, yes, but not all of them. Some things need to remain a secret, for now.

Hermione grumbled to herself. She knew better than to ask her name. that was one question she knew wouldn't get answered.

Instead she asked, When will I be able to meet you?

Morgana didn't respond right away.

I don't know, she finally answered. Perhaps next year when you can go to Hogsmeade. I'm not avoiding you Hermione but I can't come to Hogwarts whenever I want. If the professors were to catch me on school grounds…

Would you be arrested? Hermione wasn't sure what prompted her to ask that. With how secretive Morgana was being, she wondered if she was wanted by the police, or whatever the wizard equivalent was.

What makes you think that? Morgana didn't wait for an answer. No, I would not be arrested. But there would be many questions that I don't want to answer.

Like how you were able to disappear that night? I read in Hogwarts, A History, you can't apparate or disapparate at Hogwarts. Yet you disappeared after killing the troll.

I didn't disapparate. I used a disillusion spell, mixed with Animagi transformation. Don't bother looking me up on the registry as I know you will want to. I'm unregistered.

Unregistered… that's extremely dangerous. Professor McGonagall said so. There have been horrible consequences for wizards that have tried and failed the process.

Everything went fine Hermione.

Hermione relaxed silently. Morgana was right. She was fine. There was no reason to get worked up over it. I'm sorry. Of course, you're fine.

It's okay Hermione. I know how much the rules mean to you, but you can't be upset every time they are broken. Sometimes it's for a good reason.

What's your Animagus form?

A black raven, with violet eyes.

Can I see it sometime?

Yes, I suppose you could. It's getting late Hermione. You should sleep.

Hermione glanced at the clock. It was after midnight. You're right. Goodnight Morgana.

Goodnight Hermione.

Hermione closed her journal and set it aside. She crawled into bed and closed her eyes.

The next day was just as bad. Between self-teaching History of Magic for another year, and now Defense Against the Dark Arts, Hermione was getting worn out. She decided to spend most of the day with Harry and Ron. Harry wasn't mad at her anymore which made their time together much better. Her Slytherin friends weren't happy but they didn't say anything. They understood her desire to maintain friendships in Gryffindor, even if they didn't like it.

"Hermione, can you help with this essay?" Ron questioned.

Hermione held her hand out. "I'll look it over and give you some pointers but I'm not writing it for you."

Ron handed over his History of Magic essay. Hermione read through it. She scribbled out some things and rewrote others. She handed back the essay after a few minutes. "Thanks Hermione," he said gratefully. He grabbed a fresh roll of parchment and began rewriting the essay.

Hermione turned to Harry. "Do you need help with yours?" she asked.

Harry looked up. "My History of Magic essay is done. It's the Potions one I'm having trouble with."

Hermione dug through her bag and handed over some notes she took for her own essay. "Here's some notes. It should get you started."

"Thanks Hermione," Harry said gratefully.

The three of them sat quietly and worked on their homework. It was odd being back here with them. It was kind of nice. Hermione had forgotten how much she enjoyed their company. Well Harry more so than Ron. Ron, she didn't actually like, but she tolerated him for Harry.

Other than the occasional question, or request for help, the three of them didn't say much. All that could be heard was the scratches of quills. Hermione was pleased to see that they were taking their studies seriously.

"Hermione," Ron said getting her attention. "I talked to my parents. They said you could stay with us over the summer, if you want. I know Harry is coming too."

Hermione was taken aback by the offer. She was surprised he would invite her over for the summer. She got the feeling he disliked her as much as she disliked him. "Thanks Ron. I appreciate it."

"We should head down to lunch," Harry said checking his barely working watch.

They quickly cleaned up their things and headed to the Great Hall. The Great Hall was packed when they arrived. They took their seats at the end of the Gryffindor table, closest to the exit, and filled their plates.

"What do you think about Lockhart?" Harry asked nodding toward the Head table where Lockhart was attempting to speak to Professor McGonagall.

"He's a fraud," Hermione said firmly. "The sooner he's gone, the better for all of us."

Ron laughed. "I never thought I would hear you say that about a teacher."

"He released pixies and didn't know how to capture them," Hermione exclaimed angrily. "I don't know what the professors were thinking in hiring him." This wasn't completely true. She knew the theories, that Dumbledore hired him in order to expose him as a fraud.

"Maybe Dumbledore hopes he disappears as well," Ron suggested in glee. He was referring to Quirrell who disappeared after the stone incident. No one knew what happened to him. Hermione assumed he was dead but there was no proof.

"He's not the only one," Harry said darkly. It was good to know Harry and Ron weren't falling for Lockhart's act as well.

"McGonagall doesn't seem too pleased with him either," Ron commented, nodding toward the table.

Hermione and Harry laughed. "Galleon says McGonagall hexes him before the end of lunch," Harry said.

Ron frowned. "I'll take that bet." Ron must be confident he would win. Hermione knew he didn't have a galleon. Still it wasn't smart to make a bet when you couldn't pay. Lucky for Ron he made a safe bet. Professor McGonagall wasn't stupid enough to hex a professor in the Great Hall in front of all the students.

As they left the Great Hall Harry handed Ron a galleon. Hermione rolled her eyes at the look in Ron's eyes. He was acting like the galleon was everything to him, like he had never even held a galleon before. Considering how poor his family was it was entirely possible that was true.

"Do you think we have time to go to the dorm before class?" Harry asked checking his watch. He tapped on it, certain it had stopped working.

Hermione pulled out her wand. "Reparo," she said pointing her wand at the watch.

Harry stared at it in surprise and the watch he had for years was mended. No more scratches. He didn't know if it would actually work better or not, but at least it looked nice. "Thanks," he muttered.

"We have time if you're quick," Hermione told him. "Then again it's History of Magic. Binns will never notice if you're late."

They made their way to Gryffindor Tower. By the time they arrived at History of Magic they were five minutes late and as Hermione predicted, Binns hadn't noticed.

Hermione pulled out her journal once again. It became a ritual for Hermione and Morgana. She was always available when Hermione had History of Magic, and Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Ron invited me over to his house over the summer.

It didn't take long for her to reply. Do you plan on going?

Yes…no… I don't know.

Well those are your three options. Sounds like you want to go.

I kind of do, Hermione admitted. I've been trying to spend more time with Harry and Ron. Gryffindor is usually nicer to me when I spend time with them. But, I don't really like Ron. He's rude and loud, and it's his fault I was in that bathroom that night.

Is that the only reason you want to go? So, the Gryffindors will be nice to you?

It's not that. I actually like spending time with Harry, well most of the time. He was mad at me for a while because of the stone. I don't think he was actually mad at me. I think he was more mad about the situation.

It's okay to like them. Just because you are close to Slytherins doesn't mean you can't be close to Gryffindors as well. Don't let the house rivalries keep you from making friends.

Thanks. Maybe I'll go at the end of the summer, like I did last summer with Pansy. I'm curious to see how other pureblood families live.

The Weasley's may not be the best representation of pureblood families. They don't own a Manor like the rest of us. They're extremely poor. I believe Weasley Manor was actually sold off generations ago to pay off some debts.

Hermione saw Ron and Harry glancing at her journal as she wrote.

I have to go. Harry and Ron are looking at my journal.

Hermione closed her journal and focused on her History of Magic notes, ignoring the looks her two friends were giving her.