
It was after Umbrella Academy training that day. Ben wandered the halls, just wanting to go for a walk. He could hear the sound of Vanya's violin practice filling the large building. He smiled as he felt the music calm him. The sound of running reached his ears as Luther chased Allison down the hallway. He pressed himself against the wall to let them pass.

"Give it back!" Luther said, laughter in his voice.

"No way! I got there first!"

"That's a lie."

Ben grinned, seeing a bright red apple clutched in Allison's hand. As the two disappeared around a corner, the boy glanced out the window. He did a double-take as he spotted Rachel out in the backyard's corner bench. No one knew why, but it was Rachel's favorite spot in the Academy when she needed to wait around for her parents or the end of Vanya's lessons, as was the case today. A feeling of melancholy struck him as he looked at the girl. He hurried down the stairs and out to the backyard.

"Hey, Rach."

Rachel's piercing blue eyes looked up at him. She gave him a half-hearted smile.

"Need something, Ben?" she asked, ready to get off the bench.

Ben waved both his hands at her.

"No, no! I…You just seemed sad. Do you…want to talk about it?"

The blonde blinked at him, her eyes examining his face as she thought. Resting her hand in her lap she shrugged, leading him to sit beside her.

"I don't know if I can talk about it, Ben."

The boy's brow furrowed.

"Are my brothers picking on you? Is it Five or Klaus? Either way, I can tell them to back off."

Rachel shook her head.

"No, it…They didn't do anything…Its just personal."


Ben dug his toe into the dirt at his feet, unsure what to say to her. Rachel glanced over at him, biting her lip. Taking a breath, she closed her eyes.

"What do you want when you are an adult, Ben? What do you hope will happen?"

Glancing over at Rachel, Ben thought about her questions.

"I guess I expect most of my hopes to be impossible because…well, we're part of the Umbrella Academy. But…without limitations…freedom to go wherever I wanted and do whatever I want."

Rachel waited for a minute before looking at him.

"That's it?"

The boy's eyes met hers and he nodded.

"I know its vague, but I can't hope for more if I don't have freedom, right?"

The blonde gaped at him for a moment before shrugging.

"I suppose not. Okay, well…what if someone said that was impossible? That freedom you want is something you can never have. Even though it is the number one thing you wanted for your future. What do you do? How do you get over that loss?"

Ben frowned. Her eyes were searching his desperately with such intensity, he felt himself blush.

"I don't know. I'd…kind of expected it would never happen? So, it isn't much of a loss since I never had the freedom in the first place."

Apparently, that wasn't the answer she had been looking for. Sighing, Rachel tilted her head to the side as if her neck could no longer carry the weight. He felt terrible.

"I'm sorry."

Rachel lifted her head and smiled at him.

"That's okay, Ben. It is just…I heard some bad news today and I'm trying to process it. I wish Vanya didn't have a lesson."

Ben looked at the Academy before nodding.

"I get that. Is it really something you can't share with me?"

"I honestly don't know if I'm ready to share with Vanya."

Biting his lip, Ben reached out and interlaced his fingers with Rachel's. She looked over at him in surprise.

"Ben…" she started quietly, her cheeks going pink.

"If you can't share, then I'll just be here for you. I didn't like seeing you be sad alone. If you need to cry, its okay. I won't pick on you. I just want to sit here with you until you feel better."

Her hand squeezed his, making him smile. He breathed out as Rachel slid closer and put her head on his shoulder.

"This is why you're my favorite Hargreeves boy."

"Yeah, well…don't tell Diego. I think he'd try to skewer me."


"Rachel, wait! No one thinks you are weak!" Allison shouted after the girl.

Violently throwing her domino mask at her bag by the front door, Rachel tore through the Academy to evade her friend. She escaped to the backyard where she sat on a small bench off in one of the corners. She pulled her knees up to her chest and buried her face in them. Her arms wrapped tightly around her thighs to keep her skirt against her. The Academy's team had done a great job today, all except for her. Rachel could still feel the tight hold around her torso from when the gunman robbing the pawn shop grabbed her. She felt the cool metal of the gun against her head. In her mind, she saw the eyes of the Hargreeves children as they stared wide-eyed at her. She would be dead right now if it weren't for-


Rachel turned her head to see Five standing by her with his hands in his pockets. The girl turned her back to him, her legs landing on the ground as she uncurled.

"Go away, Five."

The boy chuckled before sitting down beside her, his body turned in the opposite direction from hers. He nudged her with his shoulder.

"Since when has saying that to me ever worked?"

Rachel stared up at the sky. It was late evening, so the sun was low in the sky. Sighing, she closed her eyes.

"Thank you…for saving me."

"Mm, well, no one else was getting you out of there without a bullet to the head so…"

It was quiet between them for a moment. Five quietly bit the side of his tongue and shook his head, thinking what to say when whispered words reached him.

"I'm such a liability."

Five turned to the girl with a frown. He opened his mouth to speak when Vanya and Allison dashed through the back door.

"There you are!" Vanya said, relieved.

Rachel glanced back at them, brushing at tears that Five hadn't noticed.

"Sorry, I-" Rachel began before Five wrapped his arm around her abdomen.

"We're busy," he told his sisters.

Rachel felt the familiar tug of Five's jumping abilities before the two landed on the attic floor. The girl yelped from the force of hitting the floor before sitting up. She turned to look at Five who gave her one of his wicked smiles.

"So, we were talking," he said to her.

Rachel gave him an exasperated look.

"We were?"


Sighing, Rachel tucked her legs under her as she faced Five.

"I can only sense emotions and where people are. I'm not a great fighter or anything. I'm not strong or quick. After getting kidnapped years ago and now this…"

Five pinched her arm, making her smack him.

"OW! What was that for?"

"See? You can defend yourself."

Rachel stared at him, her jaw slack as he laughed at her. After a moment, Rachel couldn't help but smile, too.

"You're such a jerk…but you're nicer than you let on…"

"That is a complete lie," he sighed at her, getting up off the floor," Seriously, we'll all be around to help each other. You're not the only one who can have a hard time when we're fighting. Just keep training and practicing and you'll get better. All there is to it. Ask Diego for some fighting tips. I know he'd gladly give you private lessons."

Rachel stood up as well, dusting herself off.

"Don't pick on him! But it isn't a bad idea."

Five held a hand out to her.

"I should return you to my sisters so they can comfort you."

Rachel grinned and took his hand.

"Thanks, Five."



Luther pumped his fist as he knocked down all the pins in his lane. Allison clapped enthusiastically while Vanya gave a small smile. Five just rolled his eyes at his competitors. Rachel smiled at the group as she passed them. She was getting her third bowling ball, still attempting to find the right weight for her to bowl well with.

Placing her new ball with the others in play, she sat down beside Diego as he watched Ben coach Klaus on his technique. As her shoulder brushed his, he smiled.

"F-F-Found a good o-o-one?"

"I hope so…" she murmured, watching Klaus almost drop his bowling ball on his foot.

Reginald Hargeeves bought out the bowling alley, so the children, Grace, and Rachel's parents were the only guests in the building. Mr. Hargreeves didn't have the time to come, of course. Besides, he wasn't one for celebrating his own children's birthdays, much less Rachel's. Yet, letting the members of the Academy out like this to celebrate a birthday was a miracle and they all were taking advantage of that.

Diego leaned his shoulder into Rachel's as Klaus cursed at a gutter ball.

"Alright, your t-turn. Let's get you w-w-winning, right?"

The girl smiled at her friend as she stood up, grabbed the her newly acquired ball and moved over to the lane.

"You got this, Rach!" Ben cheered as he sat down beside Klaus.

"O-Okay," Diego said from behind her," R-Remember what I-I s-s-said."

Rachel did her best to do just that. She did her best to aim at the frontmost pin. As she brought her arm back, she glanced at Diego.

"Like this?"

He laughed before standing behind her and adjusting her arm. He then pointed her to look back at the lane.

"Focus," he told her.

There were suddenly catcalls from the lane next to them.

"Laying it on a bit thick there, don't you think, Diego?" Five teased.

Rachel rolled her eyes while Diego flipped his brother off.

"Sh-sh-shut u-up!" he stuttered worse than usual thanks to his embarrassment.

The girl ignored the brothers as she swung her arm forward and let the ball go. She held her breath as it rolled down the lane before knocking over the majority of pins. It was better than she had done all night! She whipped around and squealed, jumping on Diego. As he wasn't paying attention, he was taken off guard. The two tumbled onto the floor of the bowling alley. Now, more than just Five was whistling at them.

"Going to give her a birthday kiss down there, Diego?" Klaus quipped, leaning over his chair to stare down at them.

The poor boy's face was beet red. Rachel apologized and scrambled off him. Pulling him to his feet, she laughed.

"Sorry, I just got excited."

"Th-that's okay," he mumbled.

As his brother's continued to tease him, she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks for your help! Can you keep showing me what to do?"

Rachel glared out at his bothersome siblings. Klaus put up his hands in surrender, Luther rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, and Five just smirked at her with defiance.

"Invite us to the wedding, at least."

Five just always had to have the last word. Diego tugged on her hand despite his face being on fire.

"It's still y-your t-turn."

Rachel and Diego smiled at each other as she prepped to take out the rest of the pins in their lane.


Klaus sat at the lunch table just poking at his pasta with a fork. His brothers and sisters had already left the table, but Rachel sat across from him. She was staring him down.

"Enough, already," he sighed," If you have a problem just spit it out. How am I supposed to eat if you keep glaring at me like that? I'm not going to apologize for calling you a spoiled brat, so get over it. Yell, scream, go on!"

Rachel just kept staring at him. Klaus's eye began to twitch. Without warning, he swept the pasta off the table and stood, hands resting on the table. Rachel had jumped, but she was still looking at him silently.

"STOP STARING! I hate you! I can't even stand to look at you!"

He stomped around the table, practically spitting in her face with all the rage he could muster.

"You sicken me. You're not even a real part of this academy. You think your powers are special? They're synthetic. They're useless. You're useless. Why does everyone KEEP STARING?!"

Klaus fell to his knees before her, curling into a ball.

"Go away! All of you just go away. It isn't fair…"

The boy felt hands on his head, gently stroking his hair.

"Stop. Leave me alone," he whined," Don't look at me."

"But that's not what you've been saying inside, is it, Klaus?"

Klaus uncurled a bit so he could look up. So many faces around him. Mutilated, ill-looking faces. One so close, so pale, yet pristine. Innocent and untouched. Both were revolting in their own ways. Yet, as Rachel touched his face with one of her porcelain hands, he couldn't help but close his eyes.

"It isn't fair that you have to feel this much, Klaus," her soft voice reached out like a caress," It isn't fair that I can shut my powers away. So, I'll feel your pain, too. I'm sorry that is all I can do for you."

"You're stupid," Klaus mumbled to her, but he opened his eyes at sat up straight.

She was the only person he could see at the moment. Klaus let out a laugh that was almost a sob at the same time.

"You're such a pushover," he told her," You'd want to be friends so bad you'd suffer for me? I hate that about you."

But they both knew he didn't hate her. A feeling was blossoming. A feeling of affection.

"Friends?" Rachel insisted, giving him a small smile.

Klaus let out a small laugh.


"I think you're cool."

With that, Klaus burst out laughing. He reached out and ruffled Rachel's hair, making her protest.

"You're weird. But I am, too, so…sure. Let's start over. As friends."

The two smiled at each other as Diego came skidding into the room. They both looked over to see his face growing redder and redder.

"What are you two doing on the floor together?" he demanded.

The two exchanged a look before Rachel held her hands out in front of her.


Klaus pulled Rachel against him and kissed her cheek.

"Stuff!" he practically sang.

Diego dove over the table at his brother, who scurried off.

"I was just kidding! I don't want your girlfriend!"

"She's not my girlfriend!"

Rachel leaned her head against the chair behind her. Sometimes the Academy was just a bit too lively for her to handle.


Rachel hugged her father's leg as they stood in the foyer of the Academy. Before them were seven children of various heights and genders, all the same age. A scary man with a monocle shook hands with her father.

"Today they will just have a chance to meet and get to know each other. How about we leave them with Grace in sitting room while we discuss details."

Erik Truesdale agreed before kneeling down to Rachel's level. Around her, the children filed into a side room while the scary man stood by a large staircase.

"I'm going to go talk to Mr. Hargreeves for a while, kiddo. You have fun with the kids in this side room. If you need anything, you let the nice lady know. Okay?"

Rachel coughed and shook her head.

"I want to go home. I don't feel well."

Her father's eyes were pitying as he put a hand to her forehead.

"You don't have a fever. You're probably just feeling anxious. Remember, breathe and count. Focus on that when you have trouble breathing. You're my smart girl. You'll make some friends, don't worry. You'll get to go to school with these kids every day and it won't be scary at all."

Rachel let her father push her toward the side room before he followed the scary man. Wringing her hands, the child meandered into the room. Two boys were pushing each other in a corner. Two girls sat on a couch whispering together. The last three boys sat looking bored on a couch across from the girls. Rachel looked up at the face of a beautiful golden-haired woman as she entered.

"Hello, Rachel! I'm Grace. It is a pleasure to meet you. Allow me to introduce you to the children."

As if on cue, the seven children lined up before Grace and Rachel in the same order they had in the foyer. First a tall blonde boy stepped forward.

"I'm Number One. Luther."

Rachel furrowed her brows. Were numbers also names? Did she have a number? Maybe he was just being stuck-up. He did give off a sense of being smug. She'd just remember to call him Luther.

A boy stepped forward, this time with dark hair who was just shorter than his brother.

"D-D-Diego. I'm-I'm N-"

He appeared to struggle with the word, almost choking on it. Grace smiled calmly at him.

"Visualize it…"

"N-Number T-Two."

Embarrassment radiated off of this boy as he stepped back into the line. Rachel tried to smile at him as reassurance. She wasn't sure if it helped as he only seemed to stare at her helplessly.

Next a girl with curly brown hair and darker skin stepped forward.

"I'm Allison. Number Three. Pleasure to meet you."

She gave Rachel a comforting feeling. That feeling shifted as the next boy stepped forward. He radiated a feeling of fear and insecurity.

"Number Four. Klaus."

Introductions were moving faster now. Numbers Five, Six, and Seven were all fairly normal to Rachel's emotional assessment. She realized she needed to introduce herself as well.

"I'm Rachel," she told them.

Grace smiled around at them.

"Well, then, how about you all go ahead and play. I'll be right here if you need anything, Rachel."

The woman pushed Rachel toward the other kids. Vanya was the first to approach her. She shyly reached a hand to the girl.

"Do you like to play with dolls? Allison and I have a few over there."

Rachel nodded vigorously before taking Vanya's hand and letting the girl lead her to the dolls. Allison bounded along after them. Before leaving on her first day at the Academy, Rachel was glad to have made friends with the sisters. Each time she went back to train with the Hargreeves, getting to know the siblings became more and more complicated, but also a newfound joy to the young girl's previously unfortunate life.