Hello, dear readers. Here is a new fanfiction with an OC who enters the world of ARC-V in the body of Yusei Fudo (don't worry, he won't just be a ripoff of our dear protagonist of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D'S). His mission will to stop the bad ending of ARC-V of happening by saving the Yu-Boys and Bracelet Girls and stopping Academia and the Professor's plans. However, he will discovers as he enters this world that 'someone' revived thanks to him. Who it is ? Don't hesitate to review ! To tell what's good, what's bad. What could be better. If you have any questions and all this kind of stuff. Let's now jump into this story !

Chapter 1 : A new life


This was the only thing I could feel after so long.

I am all alone now, there wasn't anyone left who I could trust nor who could help me. Becoming an orphan 11 years ago wasn't something I expected, and losing the person who helped me overcome it last year neither. They were really, really hard moments in my life that I will never forget.

I was now in the streets, preparing for another night alone like always.

I took a card from my pocket who was none other than the legendary Stardust Dragon from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, aka : my favorite Yu-Gi-Oh Anime of all the times. Sure, I liked DM and GX but 5D's had such an impact on me. Zexal was decent. Arc-V really disappointed me by its really bad ending, like come on ! 6/8 protagonists died and also one of them never revived after being 'killed' early in the series. Yusei is really like the guy who was in my situation before and he inspired me to never give up hope, but now, I must say that I was beginning to losing it.

I replaced Stardust in my pocket, along with his evolutions that I got which consist of Shooting Star Dragon, Savior Star Dragon, Shooting Quasar Dragon and some other Stardust monsters. Having them near always made me feel safe.

As I was about to go to sleep, the card I held in my hand began to shone very brightly, causing me to cover my eyes. Then I felt like the world was spinning over and over and that my body began to change.

''What in the world is happening ?!'' I yelled, before losing consciousness.


I woke up in some sort of park, I slowly stand up, feeling my body was different and what caught my attention : the people passing me had Anime eyes !

''What the...'' I muttered before realizing another thing, my hands had brown gloves, I don't recall I had any ! I also felt a little bigger than what I actually was so I checked near the fountain of the park to see my reflection on the water and like I thought I looked different.

I had a tanner skin, spiky black hair with gold highlights, the upper layer of my hair juts upward while the lower layer arches down. My clothes changed as well, I wore a long-sleeved blue jacket with a high collar and amber gems, over a sleeveless black shirt with a red symbol, and wears brown gloves below my elbows with an amber gem on them. My lower body consists of black jeans with amber knee pads, a belt with my Deck holster hidden under my jacket.

''Wait a minute...'' I said and remarked my voice was a little deeper too. At the exception of my eyes, who were dark gray, I looked like… oh my god...




''I'M YUSEI FUDO !'' I screamed in my mind. No kidding, my idol's flesh was on me now. ''God... relax this is just a weird dream, you are gonna wake up.''

''Hehehe, I can assure you this not a dream, my friend.'' said a very masculine voice.

''What ? Who said that ?'' I checked around me but saw nobody speaking to me. 'Great... I also hear voices now, I think I begin to become crazy...'

''No, you are not crazy, check out your Deck...'' responded the voice. I obeyed and saw that Stardust Dragon was a little glowing before a spirit appeared in front of me. ''Hello, young master.''

I jumped of surprise before regaining myself and I just realized that it was the spirit of one of my favorite cards that was before me.

''Stardust... Dragon ?''

''Yeah, indeed. I know you have a lot of questions in mind and sorry we couldn't

meet in another circumstances but I thought it would be better if you are already aware of us.''

''Us ?'' I asked.

''Hi, dude.'' A monster armored in purple with red-eyes and what seemed to be an iron fist to his right appeared right next to Stardust.

''Wait, you are Junk Warrior ! What does that mean...''

''Well, it seems that when you got into this world, you have been given the Deck of Yusei Fudo. Along with cards from our world and some that I never seen before. That, and you also got the ability to communicate with us, the Duel Spirits.''

''Whoa… Awesome.''

''We know that you have other questions in mind so feel free to ask them.''

''Okay, so... what's going on guys ? How I was able to reach the Anime world, visibly the Yu-Gi-Oh one, in the body of Yusei Fudo ?!''

''Well, there were certainly the questions you were going to ask first but we are as unaware of the current events as you. However, we could detect in which reality we arrived.''

''So can you tell me, please guys ?

''Well you are in...'' Junk Warrior began but got interrupted by a very loud and angry voice.

''YUYA ! COME BACK HERE !'' A young girl with pink hair, red skirt and gray-white shirt chased with which it seems to be a fan chased a boy with green and red hair with green trousers, white jacket and red shirt while 3 kids walked behind not bothering with the situation, like it was a casual thing.

''You know what ? You are about to discover it.'' My purple warrior said as he and Stardust vanished.

''Wait !'' I tried to stop them but too late, they already were out of my sight.

''Please Yuzu ! I said I was sorry !'' Yuya begged as he turned his head to plead her and she only grunted in response but quickly snapped when she saw that her friend was about to bump into someone. ''YUYA ! WATCH OUT !''

''What is...'' I began to say. I turned around and it was too late to see the upcoming boy who collided with me, causing to make me drop my cards who were now all scattered on the floor.

Yuzu covered her mouth in horror as she and the kids went to Yuya.

''Yuya ! Are you all right ?'' Yuzu asked with concern.

''Yeah, I'm fine.'' Yuya answered before getting up and dusting himself off and finally turning to me.

''Hey, sorry, I didn't look where I was going.'' Yuya apologized before giving his hand to me.

''I've been through worse, so you don't have to worry for me.'' I said to him before slowly opening my eyes. Seeing it was Yuya and Yuzu in front of me, I was in Arc-V. And judging by the way they act, it seems I was early in the series. I accepted the hand reached to me and got up.

''Excuse me, sir.'' a red haired shyly approached me with her hands full of my cards. ''You dropped those.''

I gently took my cards and placed them in my holster before realizing a small smile. ''Thank you.''

''Hey, are you a Duelist ?'' Yuya asked which made Yuzu and the three other kids look in surprise.

'Like most of the people of this world' I thought but I didn't want to be rude so I answered ''I am. My name is...'' now that I thought about it, it may not be a good idea to tell them my real name so I need to quickly think of a new one. Since I was in a new body and hold a Synchron Deck, I decided…

''Yusei. Fuji Yusei.''

''Alright Yusei. I am Sakaki Yuya.'' the boy with red and green hair told with a smile while we shook hands.

''Hiragi Yuzu. Nice to meet you.'' the young girl bowed.

''I am Tatsuya. It's nice to meet you too.'' the boy with blue hair said.

''My name is Ayu. I hope we can be friends !'' the red haired girl who handed my cards exclaimed.

''And I'm Futoshi, I like to say shivers a lot !'' The chubby one said excitedly.

'Still don't know why, sadly.' I thought. ''It's also nice to meet all of you.'' I said with a small smile.

''So Yusei, I don't believe any of us has seen you before, are you perhaps out of town ?'' Yuzu asked me.

''That's right. I recently arrived here.'' I nodded in confirmation.

''Really ? What brings you into Maiami City ?''

''Hmmm… 'Quick, think of a backstory !' Well, I've been on my own for one year so I took this opportunity to travel. However, traveling alone is quite exhausting and I needed a place to settle down and Maiami City sounded like a good place. Plus, I also learned there was a Championship coming soon that caught my attention so I thought it was worth to take part in.'' I explained.

''That's awesome ! We also want to qualify as well.'' Yuya added in excitement, then he proceeded to another question. ''Hey Yusei, are you by any chance part of a Duel School ?''

Before I got to answer, a loud 'SMACK !' was released. It was Yuzu who took her huge paper fan and smacked Yuya's head with it.

''Yuya ! You can't ask this kind of things to people that you just met !'' Yuzu yelled in embarrassment.

'Seriously, where does she keep this fan of her ? I don't see any pocket in her outfit and even if there were any, I doubt it will be big enough to hide this. Anyway...'

''Hum, it was ok Yuzu. It really didn't bother me.'' I told her.

''Oh sorry, it became quite a habit.'' She chuckled while she put her fan away.

''Back to your question Yuya, no I'm not affiliated with any Duel School, I didn't even think about joining one.''

''Then why don't you come to You Show Duel School ? It's a great place where we learn how to be entertainers and have fun.

'Fun' I thought. It was a word that I have long forgotten in my life. When was the last time I was truly happy ? That I no longer was in despair ? However I'm just not sure about one thing.

''I don't know. I don't think my Deck is quite made for entertainment.''

''Nonsense ! I'm sure you will now how to get attention, no matter what your Deck is.'' Yuya added.

Actually now that I think of, there was a lot of impressive combos to do with Yusei's Deck, even some that I found to do but were not shown in the Anime. There were ways I could maybe entertain.

''It actually...'' I began to say but got interrupted.

''Hey !'' A loud sound coming from behind us made us turn around. Only to see it was Sawatari and his three… let's say 'lackeys'.

''It's that jerk again.'' Yuzu said angrily.

''What do you want now, Sawatari ? Yuya said in exhaustion.

'If my memory still works correctly, this is after the fourth episode when Yuya defeated Sawatari after the latter stole his Pendulum cards. And knowing Sawatari, he couldn't accept that.' I thought.

''What ?! You really thought you could beat Sawatari-san and get away with it ?'' Imbecile 1 said.

''Now it's time for revenge you scum !'' Imbecile 2 exclaimed.

''And don't think about running away !'' Imbecile 3 finished.

''That's right Sakaki Yuya ! So now get your Deck out and let's settle the score ! I won't stand such a humiliating defeat from the likes of you !'' Sawatari said arrogantly.

'Sawatari. Aka, fattest ego on all Ygo series. Even worse than Kaiba, And yet, even 5 years old Duelists can beat him.'

''Who is this… annoyance ?'' I asked. I obviously know who he was, but I still needed to make feel like I don't know him.

''It's Sawatari Shingo. He stole Yuya's Pendulum cards and gave him cards he called trash and useless.'' Yuzu said in disgust of the guy. ''He also dueled him with our lives in the line.''

''Cards you call trash, huh...'' I uttered in small anger, obviously not liking how he treated his cards.

''Hey you four ! You are from LDS, aren't you ?'' I asked them.

''Then that must mean that LDS must be a very bad school''. I told making Sawatari and his three goons angry and You Show crew laugh.

''What did you say ?! I'm Neo New Sawatari ! Top LDS student and best Duelist in Maiami City !'' he bragged.

Still wonder how this joker end up doing rather impressive move against Zarc.

''And yet, you are acting like a crying baby.'' I taunted him, making him fuming and Yuya, Yuzu and the kids explode in laughter.

''That's it ! You're for it now !'' Imbecile 3 said.

''Sawatari is going to wipe the floor with an amateur like you !'' Imbecile 2 added with a smug.

''I hardly doubt so, but he can always try.'' I retorted.

As I prepared to take my Duel Disk, Yuya tried to change my mind.

''Yusei, you don't have to do this.'' he said worryingly. ''Sawatari is my problem, you don't have to duel him in my place.''

''That's right. Yuya is able to deal with him by himself.'' Yuzu joined in.

''You don't have to be worried. An idiot like him won't cause me any problems. Also, it would be rude I just stay here doing nothing while he does his whining.'' I reassured them as I took my white Duel Disk attached to my belt, strapping it to my hand and activating it with a light blue blade appearing.

'Sweat, not as cool as Yugi's, Judai's, and Yusei's Duel Disks but it still matches my tastes.

''Get ready, Bakatari !'' I told him confidently.

''It's Sawatari !'' He snapped.

'He seems really confident about his Dueling. I wonder if he is as good as he says.' Yuzu thought.


Yusei : 4000 LP Hand : 5


Sawatari : 4000 LP Hand : 5

''So, Mister Serious. Since you are so confident, how about you go first ?'' Sawatari questionned.

''Fine by me.'' I just replied while looking in my hand, I have everything in my hand to summon a strong monster but Sawatari has certainly his Monarch deck so I still have to be weary. Maybe trying to force his best monsters effects to apply is the wisest solution by now.

''I set two cards and end my turn.'' I declared as two face-downs materialised on my field.

Upon my declaration, Sawatari and his three goons started to explode in laughter, obviously not knowing that going all out on the first turn is much of the time not a good idea.

''That's all ? You came up all strong and that's all you can do ?'' Sawatari said as he rested his hands on his knees, recovering from his laughing.

''Against an idiot like you, I don't have to do any big moves.'' I replied, making him growling.

''Is he really not going to play anything else ?'' Futoshi asked in disbelief.

''Don't worry. I think he just wanted to see how his opponent plays before doing big moves, his two cards must have good effects if he was willing to not summon a monster.'' Tatsuya explained.

''Tatsuya is right. The duel just began and we just have to wait and see.'' Yuya added.

''Watch a real move ! My turn ! As my opponent controls at least 2 Spell and Trap cards, I can Special Summon Escher the Frost Vassal from my hand

A warrior with ice armor appeared.

(Escher the Frost Vassal : Level 4/800 ATK/1000 DEF/Aqua/WATER)

''Then I release the Frost Vassal to summon Mobius the Frost Monarch !''

His warrior turned into particles letting place to a new one with white armor made of ice.

(Mobius the Frost Monarch : Level 6/2400 ATK/1000 DEF/Aqua/WATER)

''When this card is Advanced Summoned, I can destroy up to 2 Spell and Trap cards on the field. As such, I'll destroy your 2 Set cards.'' Sawatari said with a smirk.

Mobius threw a blizzard that vaporized my reversed cards who were Wasteland Tornado and Limiter Break, but it didn't faze me at all.

''Oh no, Yusei-onichan's set cards are gone.'' Ayu said worryingly.

''That's not good.'' Yuya muttered.

''You know, for someone who talk all mighty, you are actually no more than an amateur.'' Sawatari taunted as his goons cheered.

''As I said, none of your strategies, if you had any actually, will surprise me.'' I replied.

''What is he talking...'' Sawatari began to say before getting interrupted by a portal who emerged from my field. From this portal came in defensive state a warrior with a robotic appearance wearing a mask with tubes connected to his chest.

(Speed Warrior : Level 2 /900 ATK/400 DEF/Warrior/WIND)

''What ?'' Sawatari asked surprised. ''What happened ?'' His 3 goons as well than Yuya, Yuzu and the three kids were in confusion.

''Meet Speed Warrior. One of the Set cards you destroyed via Mobius effect was Limiter Break. Whenever this card is sent to the Graveyard, I can Special Summon this guy anywhere from my hand, Deck or Graveyard, so thank you for the defense.''

''So, he predicted Sawatari move ?'' Imbecile 2 said impressed.

''Whoa this monster looks so cool !'' Tatsuya said as he and the two other kids were now in excitement.

'Of course I am.' Speed Warrior smugly said, and I only let my lips forming a small smile.

''No matter ! I activate the Spell : Tribute Carnival ! I can now Advance Summon once again this turn ! So now, I release Mobius the Frost Monarch to Summon Mobius the Mega Monarch !''

Mobius then evolved in a bigger version of himself.

(Mobius the Mega Monarch : Level 8/2800 ATK/1000 DEF/Aqua/WATER)

''It seems that you don't know how to play Monarchs.'' I let out a small chuckle.

''Hey ! What again are you speaking of !'' Sawatari said in anger.

''You and your so-called ''Dueling Skills''. Your Mega Monarch has an effect that allows you to destroy up to 3 Spell and Trap cards on the field when Summoned. Have you waited next turn to summon it, you may have let me completely defenseless. Not to mention that your previous monster already had enough ATK to take out my Speed Warrior.'' I explained.

''Shut up ! I know ! I was testing you !'' Sawatari tried to defend himself.

''But wait... Mega Monarch is Level 8. Doesn't it require 2 tributes to be summoned ? '' Yuya asked.

Sawatari was about to answer but I cut him off.

''Not necessarily Yuya. Mobius the Mega Monarch can be called by releasing 1 already Advanced Summoned monster. So by tributingthe Frost Monarch, that's how he was able to do it.''

''Exactly ! And now it's time for your pathetic monster to vanish ! I attack Speed Warrior with Mobius the Mega Monarch !''

Mobius charged its attack, destroying Speed Warrior. Then I knew exactly what I had to say.

''It's time for you to know this. You are easily one of the worst Duelists I ever faced or saw.''

''WHAT ?''

''First of all, from what they told me.'' I pointed to Yuya, Yuzu and the 3 kids. ''You stole the Pendulum cards from Yuya and gave them cards who you call trash. This already is a disrespectful act. Secondly, I don't know in details which cards you gave him but the only reason you call them trash is because you obviously don't know how to use them. Every card has a purpose as long you use them right but judging by your IQ that is probably lower than your age, you obviously didn't find it. People who call cards ''trash'' or ''useless'' and stole other people's cards don't deserve to be called Duelists or even to duel. Either LDS was really dumb to enroll you four into their school or they are not even the top school everyone talks about.''

Sawatari and his goons went silent into my statement, while the tomato haired kid smiled when I said that no card is useless, Yuzu was happy that I defended Yuya and insulted LDS finally the three kids were satisfied at the four jerks silence.

''Anyways, my turn !'' I interrupted.

''Huh, at what possibly can you do against the 2800 ATK Mobius ?'' Sawatari arrogantly smirked.

''Let me show you how.'' I smiled as I took a card from my hand and placed in the Spell/Trap card zone. ''From my hand, I activate the Spell : Tuning ! This allows me to chose any Tuner monster from my Deck and add it to my hand, in exchange I must send cards from the top of my Deck to the Graveyard equal to that monster's Level.'' I announced while taking my desired card. ''I add the Level 3 Junk Synchron, so I send three cards to the Graveyard.'' I continued while doing said process. What I said seemed to surprise everyone here.

''Wait, did he said Tuner monster ?'' Sawatari asked in disbelief.

''Does that means that Yusei is...'' Yuya began in astonishment.

''A Synchro Duelist ?'' Yuzu finished, in the same state as Yuya.

''Impossible !'' Underling 1 cried.

''Only top LDS duelists chose to Synchro Summon.'' Underling 2 exclaimed.

'' I now summon Junk Synchron !'' My little orange robot with nice suiting goggles appeared in Attack Position.

(Junk Synchron/ Level 3/ 1300 ATK/500 DEF/Warrior/DARK)

''When this card is Normal Summoned, I can Special Summon a Level 2 or lower monster from my Graveyard in Defense Position, however its effects are negated. Revive ! Speed Warrior !''

My robotic warrior reappeared in Defense Position.

(Speed Warrior/ Level 2/ 900 ATK/400 DEF/Warrior/WIND)

''I then Special Summon Doppelwarrior ! This card can be Special Summoned when a monster is Special Summoned from my Graveyard !'' A monster dressed as a security guard then came.

(Doppelwarrior/ Level 2/ 800 ATK/800 DEF/Warrior/DARK)

''Then if there's a Tuner monster on my field I can Special Summon Boost Warrior from my hand in Defense Position!'' I then summoned a red haired monster with blue armor on the field.

(Boost Warrior : Level 1/ 300 ATK/200 DEF/Warrior/FIRE)

''Incredible, he summoned 4 monsters in relative ease.'' Yuya said as he and the spectators were amazed.

''Since I think everyone is eager to see, Level 3 Junk Synchron tunes Level 2 Doppelwarrior !''

Junk Synchron turned into three stars particles who formed rings with Doppelwarrior passing them. I guess it's time for the chant. Luckily, I remembered the chant of all my idol's monsters :

''The stars come together to call forth a new power ! Become the path that lights the way !''

(3 + 2 = 5)

''Synchro Summon ! Come, Junk Warrior !''

My warrior in purple armor and red eyes appeared making a cool pose on the field.

(Junk Warrior/Level 5/2300 ATK/1300 DEF/Warrior/DARK)

''Synchro… Summon...'' Yuzu and Yuya muttered in amazement at my monster.

''Whoa, this monster is so cool !'' The kids said in unison.

In LDS Control Room

''President ! We detected a strong Summoning method in Maiami City Park !'' A man in black suit and with blue sunglasses said.

Said ''President'' was a young man with glasses, gray hair, red scarf wrapped around his shoulders, blue sweater, white trousers and shoes stand up.

''Can we identify the Summoning method ?'' the President asked.

''Analyzing sir...'' One of his employees responded.

After few moments, the data showed the result.

''100 % confirmed. It's a Synchro Summon.'' Nakajima announced.

''Synchro...'' the young man thought. ''Do we have the visual ?''

''Yes, sir.''

A large screen revealed Sawatari and Yusei dueling.

''What do we know about… the man who is fighting Sawatari ?'' the president asked. His workers were searching and were quite shocked after the results.

''There is nothing on him, sir. The only thing we found is that his name is Fuji Yusei

'Fuji Yusei… something tells me he is not from here.' the President thought.

'Sir, what do we do about this… new duelist ?'' Nakajima asked.

''We will observe… by now.''

Back to the duelists

I couldn't believe my eyes. I summoned one of my favorite monsters and he is just here, right before my eyes. I could see Junk Warrior making a nod to me, probably figuring what I was thinking, which I only answered by a smile. Sawatari then suddenly began to clap.

''I do admit that I am surprised by the fact you can Synchro Summon. However your monster's ATK falls short to my Mobius so all your efforts were in vain.'' Sawatari said smiling smugly.

''You really thought I would have summoned this monster if it wasn't for taking out your Mobius ? Let me explain how he will deal with him. First, since I used Doppelwarrior as Synchro Material, 2 Doppel Tokens make appearance on the field in Attack Position.'' Tiny versions of Doppelwarrior were summoned on my field.

(2x Doppel Token/Level 1/400 ATK/400 DEF/Warrior/DARK)

''Then Boost Warrior increase the ATK of all Warrior-Type monsters on my field by 300'' I continued.

(Junk Warrior : 2300-2600 ATK)

(Boost Warrior : 300-600 ATK)

(Speed Warrior : 900-1200 ATK)

(2x Doppel Token : 400-700 ATK)

''Even with that, neither of your weaklings can beat Mobius.'' Sawatari smugly said, oblivious as ever.

''This is now where we get to the fun part, when Junk Warrior is successfully Synchro Summoned, he gains the combined ATK of all Level 2 or lower monsters on my field. Power of fellows !''

A yellow aura surrounded Junk Warrior, making him more powerful.

(Junk Warrior : 2600-3800-4400-5100-5800 ATK)

''WHAT ?'' Everyone yelled in unison.

''No way ! 5800 ATK ?'' Sawatari gasped.

''Sawatari is...'' Underling 1 began to say.

''going to…'' Underling 2 continued.

''lose.'' Underling 3 finished.

''Go, Junk Warrior ! Attack Mobius the Mega Monarch ! Scrap Fist !'' Said Warrior charged his attack while taking form of a punch.

'Come on attack me...' Sawatari thought. 'Your Junk Warrior doesn't have enough ATK to take me down and once you destroy Mobius ,I can activate my Set card : Ice Rage and win !' Sawatari thought before I announced something.

''From my hand, I activate a Quick-Play Spell : Scrap Fist !''

''What ? Isn't this the name of your Junk Warrior's attack ?''

''True. But it is also a card dedicated to him. It applies 5 effects when Junk Warrior battles a monster this turn but only 2 will be important here. The first is that you can't activate any cards or effects until the end of Junk Warrior's attack as for the second...'' My face turned to a smile ''you take now double the Battle Damage from its attack.''

''NO WAY !'' Sawatari yelled comically, shocked at the fact he was going to take 6000 points of damage.

''Oi, oi, oi ! Isn't it a bit too harsh ?'' Imbecile 1 asked nervously.

''Go Yusei !'' Yuya and Yuzu cheered.

''Take him down !'' the kids added.

''No ! W-Wait !'' Sawatari begged but too late, Junk Warrior's punch already obliterated his Mega Monarch and sent him flying to his 3 goons.

Sawatari : 4000-0 LP Hand : 1

''And that, is that.'' I said with a smile. 'Sawatari getting rekt during my first duel, what could be better than that ?'

''Tch, you just got luck !'' Sawatari yelled while getting up. ''I'll get you next time, just wait ! Let's go !'' Sawatari ordered as he and his friends ran up out of our sight.

''Geez, he really is a sore loser.'' I said in disbelief. Despite what I told him about cards, I think he will still remain as a jackass.

''Just don't pay attention to it, Yusei. He is only a jerk.'' Yuzu tried to cheer me up.

''Wow, Yusei this was awesome !'' Yuya exclaimed as he and the trio ran up to me. ''Why didn't you told me you can use Synchros ?''

''You simply never asked.'' I replied, making Yuya rubbing his head sheepishly.

''Yusei-onichan cards are so cool !'' Tatsuya exclaimed with stars in his eyes.

''Yes, they gave me the Shivers !'' Futoshi excitedly said moving his hips side to side.

''Yusei-onichan, will you join our school ?'' Ayu asked with excitement.

I hesitated for a little moment before taking a look to the kids which didn't prove to be a good idea. They all had puppy faces, something that was impossible for me to say ''No'' to it knowing how my heart easily sunk. Plus Yuya and Yuzu joined behind with reassuring smiles, approving the idea.

''Well, I would like to go see our school by myself then I will make a decision.''

''Excellent, follow me !'' Yuzu said while grabbing my hand and dragging me across the park. I started to feel a bit weird.

''W-Wait Yuzu !'' Damn. For a 14 years girl, she is pretty strong. ''S-Slow down, please !''

She didn't. In fact, she dragged me faster. Yuya and the kids tried to catch up behind.

LDS Control Room

The young President continued to observe the scene taking place before his screen turned off.

''President, what do you think of this new Duelist ?'' Nakajima curiously asked.

''For now, we won't do anything too harsh. If he proves himself to not be an enemy, he can be a suitable candidate for Lancers.'' He declared before his screen showed up an image of Yusei.

''Where do you really come from, Fuji Yusei ?''