If You're Ever in the East


Happy 5/20 day everyone!

Chapter 14

Ed was a better driver than Roy, judging by the fact that he was perfectly content to roll them through the streets back to their neighbourhood with a one-hand feel on the steering wheel; palming Roy's cock through his dress uniform with his other hand whilst nonchalantly keeping his eyes on the road. Roy would have driven them up the curb by now, and it was a good thing the Fuhrer wasn't in control of any part of the car, because Ed's playful fingers teasing him through the starchy material of trousers would have been more than enough for him to lose any semblance of control at all.

"Edward..." He breathed in what might have been a plea and might have been a warning, head lolling back on to the support and closing his eyes.

"Almost there." Ed replied, just as breathless, but with the low pitch of authority that Roy remembered so fondly from the days Edward had spent as his bodyguard.

Roy swallowed down the desire threatening to burst from him and focused on breathing steadily – and not thrusting up into Ed's hand, which was skimming his dick so expertly; giving him just enough friction to make the most powerful man in the country want to whine like a bitch in heat. Ed turned into their road without signalling, (signalling would require the hand currently occupied teasing Roy into fucking oblivion) and pulled up outside the house Roy had been frequenting regularly under the guise of teaching Ed's family to sign. It wouldn't be the first time they had fucked in that house, but it would be the first time they didn't have to keep painfully quiet on fear of two meddlesome children catching them in the act. If Edward's muttered threats and promises the entire ride home was much to go on, the man was looking forward to being able to go to town. And Roy would send Winry a god-damn fruit basket in the morning.

Roy had vivid memories of being teased for volume, back in his flat in Central, the first time Ed had fucked his way inside him. He should have been embarrassed by the idea that in all that time little had changed; that he was still noisy during sex. Instead, he hoped that Ed's neighbours weren't home – because he expected they would have trouble trying to sleep the moment he and the golden boy next to him made it up the stairs.

Ed put the car in park, unbuckled his belt, (smoothly unbuckling Roy's as well whilst his hand was down between them) and in a moment Roy had crawled over the seats, positioning himself in a straddle on Ed's lap, with the back arched forwards to accommodate the steering wheel.

"Impatient bastard." Ed teased, but smiled into the kiss Roy placed on his lips; hands cradling his head upwards to accommodate the angle, and framing such a perfect sun-god face. Roy wanted to devour him. "Ffffuck." Ed added as Roy ground down into his lap, throwing his head back in such a beautiful move that Roy couldn't be held responsible for instantaneously latching on to the bared neck before him.

Ed's hands came to rest on his hips, pushing him and pulling him into a gentle figure-of-eight sway which created all kinds of perfect friction between Roy's ass and Ed's straining cock – marred only by the issue that they were both way too clothed. Roy whimpered into the younger man's neck, sucking and nibbling and kissing at the exposed skin and hoping to leave a dirty mark there he would be able to remember the night by come the next morning. How and where Ed had learnt that move Roy didn't want to know, but he also wanted to write a letter of appreciation to whoever had taught it to him. Ed sighed almost daintily, the quiet of the car and the angle of his mouth so close to Roy's ear making it seem loud. Then he thrust his hips upwards and Roy's eyes rolled back slightly and he moaned unabashedly, showing them both what loud really meant.

He had just dived in for more kisses when there was a knock on the car door.

Feeling mortified, the Fuhrer peered out the slightly foggy window to see a man dressed in a cheap suit with one hand raised in a fist to knock against the glass of the driver's side window, and the other clutching a recognisable notebook, his thumb trapping a pencil against it. A reporter. A pool of dread overcame his original arousal, and slowly, keeping his eyes trained on the vulture outside, he shimmied from Ed's lap. A moment later Edward had opened the driver's door and was stepping out of the car despite the obscene tent in his smart slacks. Roy hurried around the other side to stand next to him.

"Jordan Flakey, East City Daily." The journalist started spewing the moment Roy was on the pavement. "A line for our readers, your Excellency? Is what I just witnessed a commonality for you? Can the residents of East City expect to see you and Mr Elric indulging such in cars all over the city?"

Roy took a threatening step forward, eyelids lowered in a glare, and felt a curious kind of satisfaction when the reporter scrambled backwards. He rubbed his thumb against his middle finger by his side, feeling the comforting scratch of his ignition gloves, and gave it just enough energy to create a spark. The journalist's eyes flickered down to the crackle of alchemical electricity for a second and he put up his hands in the universal gesture of surrender.

"This is our private property." Roy told him sternly, gesturing at the house as he and Ed stepped into Ed's small front garden. The journalists ears perked up, following them up the path towards the house as he began to question them more.

"So the two of you are living together? You've moved in to Mr Elric's address? Is this in prelude to a wedding? Can the masses that be anticipate a national holiday to celebrate the wedding of the country's first gay Fuhrer and his newly betrothed?"

"We're not… that's not..."

Hell, Roy had thought he was ready for the vultures of tabloidism. He had mistakenly believed that becoming Fuhrer would discourage the reporters from tailing him everywhere – but that only worked for press that actually respected their country's leadership. The gossip columns of papers such as the East City Daily were still out for blood, and without his PR team with him, Roy was faltering under the flurry of razor-sharp and rapid-fire questions. They had almost reached the door, but the reporter had followed them the entire way up the path, and Roy whirled to get the man to back off again, fingers out in front of him, poised to snap.

"No comment." Edward huffed next to him, wrapping one arm around his waist and pulling him back a little against his firm chest. With his other hand he quickly pushed Roy's threatening gloved hand down to his side. "I am asking you to remove yourself from the boundaries of my home, or I will call the police."

The journalist looked worried by Ed's calm rebuttal of his attempts to ease closer to them, and after a moment he held up his hands in surrender again and took the three steps back off of Ed's front lawn. Edward turned, unlocked his front door and ushered Roy inside as the man attempted to shout further questions from the sliver of pavement between Ed's property boundary and the road. Once the door was closed behind them, however, his questions faded out, and when Roy peered through the peep-hole, he had turned to leave.

"They can't just wait outside the house!" Roy hissed angrily at the door. From behind, Edward melted his body against Roy's back, cuddling him into the door, and his fingers began working deftly to undo the many buttons of his dress uniform.

"Yes they can, actually." Ed told his shoulder. "You, however, can't go raising the literal bombs at your fingertips every time someone annoys you. You're the Fuhrer now."

Roy turned in his captive's hold and rested his back against the door, feeling scolded and slightly grumpy because of it. Ed had already slipped off his coat and hung it up, and a quick look down showed he had also toed off his shoes and socks – looking domestic with his toes peeking out under his slightly long dress slacks.

"I felt like we were being ambushed. If the kids had been here -" He mumbled.

Edward cut him off with a shake of his head.

"They weren't." He reminded him solemnly.

"Those tabloid bastards are half the reason why… four years ago..."

Edward sighed, put one hand on the back of Roy's neck and angled him down slightly for a kiss – one of Ed's languid, lazy, perfect kisses.

"They can't hurt us now." He promised. "You won Roy – they published every shit rumour and damaging half-truths they could think of about us and you still won. All those years ago I thought I was standing in the way of you becoming Fuhrer, but today you were sworn in, and no matter what that shit-stain prints tomorrow morning it isn't going to change that. But you can't go around threatening the press – how would it look if the Fuhrer got called up on censorship? Or coercion?"

It said a lot about Roy's mental state that Edward Elric was being the voice of reason. Reluctantly, he nodded his agreement.

"I know, I'm sorry." He mumbled, wrapping his arms around Ed's waist and pulling him forward a little so there was more contact. "I just wasn't expecting it. I saw a threat and..." Deep breath. "There was once a time when I didn't have my gloves on me. When I didn't react fast enough because I didn't see the danger in front of me, and things got really bad really fast."

He clenched his fists around the loose material of Ed's crisp white shirt at his back, and dropped his head to the other man's shoulder. Ed had gone unnaturally stiff. Roy was trying hard not to shake or run the hell away. After a moment, Ed pressed a gentle kiss into his hair.

"I know this probably isn't much comfort, but a protection team have been following you the entire night. I noticed some not so subtle ear-pieces at the restaurant, and we were tailed home by a VGA company car." He explained.

Roy hummed to show he had heard, not yet willing to give up the hug, or the bundling into Ed' firm shoulder. He had known that despite his insistence that he wanted the night to be only a celebration of his closest friends, that some people had to be invited, and some people would be strategically placed to keep a protective watch on him. He had logically known that after being sworn in as Fuhrer he would be allowed to go a grand total of nowhere without a twenty-four-seven team of bodyguards keeping a close eye on him. He had known it, but in the moment in which he had been shocked to see the journalist knocking on the car window, he had forgotten, and only reacted to the danger he saw in front of him.

"I can protect myself." He mumbled petulantly into Ed's shoulder.

"Yes, you can." Ed agreed, "But you shouldn't."

Roy nodded at that. It was a difficult pill to swallow, but he could swallow it. Every fibre of his being was telling him that fighting his way out of any difficult path was the only correct option, but he needed to get himself on the steep learning curve of deferring his bodily protection to someone else. He should have been used to the idea of someone else protecting him – heavens knew Riza had saved his ass more times than he could count, and Edward was pretty well versed in the 'save Roy Mustang' theory as well, but ever since Guttering he saw threats around every corner and jumped at every bump in the night. Always choosing fight was the easiest way to keep himself feeling safe.

Edward was right though; Fuhrers did not go around threatening the press, and starting his career constantly carrying around a powerful weapon like his ignition gloves didn't send a peaceful message. He frowned. He'd feel much more comfortable if Ed still had his alchemy. Heck, since giving up his job at VGA Ed didn't even own a gun. But if the man was to be believed, and Roy had no reason not to believe him, there were invisible bodyguards everywhere that wouldn't let harm come to him or his. So, grinding his teeth slightly, he took a deep breath and took off his gloves.

Leaning back, he presented the starchy material to Ed. The blonde stared at them under the rims of his glasses and then shot his golden irises up to Roy's with a questioning look.

"You don't have to go that far." He stated. Roy shrugged one shoulder helplessly.

"I think I do."

It took Ed another few seconds to collect the gloves from his hands, in which Roy battled with himself constantly not to rip them away, or change his mind. Ed folded them in on themselves, the stitching of Roy's own personal array hidden beneath unassuming white cloth, and lifted them out of Roy's upturned palm with all the care of handling a new born baby.

"Wait here." The blonde ordered, and he turned and walked up the stairs, off to hide the gloves so that when Roy inevitably changed his mind and wanted them back, he could not sneak them back into his possession, and would have to ask Ed for them. Roy watched after his broad back, swallowing down the irrational nervousness that enveloped him the moment Ed had taken the gloves from his hands, and telling himself that waiting alone in a corridor did not automatically mean Guttering was standing on the other side of the door, awaiting his chance to pounce.

A few minutes later Ed came thudding back down the stairs, his mismatched steps more obvious thanks to having further to fall on a downward descent, and Roy's anxiousness abated a little.

"All done." The blonde told him, "Are you okay?"

It should have felt like babying, but Roy was grateful for the opportunity to assess whether sacrificing the security of his gloves was the best decision. Edward was looking at him with such genuine concern that he was able to take stock and realise that the man in front of him had at no point made him feel pathetic or guilty for clinging to his gloves – and that should he say he had changed his mind Edward would retrieve them in a heartbeat. That alone was enough to steel his nerve. Eventually, he nodded. Ed cocked a half-smile and reached for him, and Roy fell into his arms with a heartfelt sigh of contentedness.

"Come on then," Edward ordered gently, "let me take care of you."

He took Roy by the hand and pulled him along the corridor. Roy expected to be lead up the stairs, so was surprised when instead Ed bypassed them and dragged them through the galley kitchen where at the back of the house was a downstairs bathroom. There were still transmutation marks on the door where some weeks prior Roy had used alchemy to unlock it and help Edward wrestle Sasha up to bed. The night Freya had broken up with him. It seemed almost like a lifetime away.

Edward pulled him into the bathroom, pulling on the string to flicker the room into light. The identical room in Roy's house was decorated in blues and whites. It had a wooden anchor hanging on the wall over the bath, a round mirror encased in a chunky life-ring frame and a ceramic sail boat sat on the window sill. Ed's bathroom had tiles that looked like wooden slats that encompassed the lower half of the walls, and were painted purple. The bath was free standing and deep, and there were an assortment of sea-life animal toys lined up along the edge. Ed quickly placed the lid down on the toilet and lowered Roy on to the seat, before running the hot tap into the bath and pouring some creamy pink bubble-bath under it.

"What are you doing?" He questioned from his spot on the toilet lid, watching Ed roll up his sleeves and dip his hand under the pouring tap to test the temperature.

"Romance, Roy." The blonde replied with a smirk over his shoulder. "Sometimes it's this nice prelude to mind blowing sex."

Roy crinkled his nose at him.

"Sure, if you're a simpering housewife." He shot back.

Ed's smirk turned into a gentle smile, his golden eyes swimming with amused fondness and love. Roy rose an eyebrow in askance, but said no more on the subject as Ed prepared the bath, swirling the water around in the tub and frothing up more bubbles. Once he was happy he let the water fill up some more and turned to Roy, lowering himself to his knees in front of Roy and carefully unclasping the shiny cuff-links on Roy's sleeves. He pulled the already unbuttoned jacket from his shoulders, and stood with it, hanging it neatly on the pegs on the back of the bathroom door. A far cry from the man's usual habits of ripping Roy's clothes from him and throwing them haphazardly on whatever surface was closest. Then he returned and slowly, deliberately, unbuttoned his shirt, repeating the process. Once Roy was topless he lowered himself once more to his knees between Roy's open legs and began unlacing his parade boots, tugging them from his feet with a slight amount of firmness and placing them neatly to one side. Roy had been on his feet most of the day and his feet probably stank, but Ed made no comment as he peeled away the standard thick grey socks and balled them up in the boots. Roy wiggled his toes awkwardly for something to do and Ed huffed out a laugh and placed a chaste kiss to the inside of Roy's thigh through his dress trousers.

"You're gonna need to be a lot more naked." Roy insisted, and Ed looked up at him through his glasses, fogging up slightly in the humidity of the bathroom, and mustered a teasing smirk to his lips.

"Yes sir," He breathed, the term of respect supposed to be teasing but coming out a little too serious.

He stood as he dragged his own white shirt from over his head, not bothering to undo any buttons, and threw it on the floor; not showing it anywhere near the respect he had given Roy's dress uniform. His glasses followed suit and were thrown on to the shirt with a soft thump. Roy swallowed as the other man's scarred chest was unveiled, the firm muscles in his stomach flexing slightly as he pulled his arms back down from above his head. Roy realised after a moment that there was no need for Ed's stomach six-pack to flex like that to accommodate the movement of his shoulders, and it became apparent that Ed was definitely putting on a show. The beginnings of the insane arousal he had felt in the car, which had dissipated when they had been ambushed by the journalist, began to come back to him. He wriggled in anticipation as Ed ran his hands down his own sides, travelled them to the front of his slacks and pawed at himself through the material. Then, slowly, like the tease he so clearly was, and with his crotch roughly in line with Roy's head and about three inches away from his mouth, the man pulled down his zip.

Roy was entirely incapable of looking away as Ed reached inside his own underwear and made a performance of touching himself. Fuck, he could just lean forwards and get his mouth on him; but that would be playing right into the other man's hands, and Roy was nothing if not stubborn. As highlighted perfectly by the fact that he was rock hard in his dress trousers and he could taste the masculine sex-smell in the humid air, but he remained still, with his hands lying flat on his knees to avoid them pulling Ed to him by his hips and getting that gorgeous cock in his mouth.

Then Ed turned away, paced to the bath and turned off the tap, testing the water temperature once more and obviously deeming it acceptable because he ushered Roy to him with a look over his shoulder that was all sultry flirting and bedroom eyes. Breathing out heavily through his mouth and standing awkwardly due to the raging hard-on, Roy stumbled to him. Ed caught him, unzipped and unbuttoned his trousers and pushed them and his underwear down his thighs, until gravity took over and they pooled at his feet. Urgency must have taken over because when Roy stepped out of them Ed made no attempt to move them from their position on the floor. Instead he just shoved his own slacks and underwear down to join them, and he stepped over the deep rim of the bath, settling down into the water.

Taking Roy's hand, he helped him into the bubbly bath, steam rising from the surface, and positioned Roy so that when he lowered himself into the warmth the Fuhrer's back was resting against Ed's firm chest, the blonde's legs encircling him on either side, and his arms hugging him securely from behind.

"Slouch down a little." Ed instructed into his shoulder, and Roy had to smile at how their small height difference was enough to make the position a little awkward. Ed seemed to have a plan though, so he slumped a little further until he could rest his head against Ed's shoulder, and the man behind him rewarded him with small kisses placed on his cheek and ear. He pulled his knees up, legs spread as far as they could when cushioned on both sides by Ed's thighs and the sides of the tub, and shivered, even in the heat of the bath, as Ed's hands reached around him and smoothed down his chest and stomach, disappearing under the water and, blessedly, taking a soft hold of his straining erection.

His head fell back on Ed's shoulder with a soft thump and a hitch of Roy's breath that sounded loud in the quiet of the room. He could practically feel Ed grinning behind him as the younger man created small waves in the bath by pumping Roy's cock with lazy movements. Roy reached down in to the water himself and placed one hand over Ed's, falling and rising with Ed's movements and attempting to encourage a firmer hold, as the slippery, bubbly water was easing any resistance. His other hand he placed on the edge of the bath for stability. Then Ed's hand under the water dipped lower, played with his balls for a moment; rolling them and squeezing them gently, and Roy could feel the swell of Ed's own arousal thrusting against his back and allowed himself an appreciative, hopefully encouraging, moan. Ed's fingers slipped behind his balls, and ran a firm line all the way up his taint, before playing with his cock for a little longer. Roy's eyes slipped closed, his stomach drew tight, and his balls felt heavy with semen. His breaths came in short pants of pleasure. Edward handled him like a needy kitten, alternating between giving his dick attention, down to his balls, and then short, incredible swipes of calloused fingers on his taint making him breathless with desperation.

"Edward." He huffed after another wonderful swipe over the sensitive skin behind his balls, which had yet again come damned close to his hole and then ignored it. "Fuck, please."

"Hmmmm." Edward hummed into his shoulder, where he was leaving kisses and bite marks that would be covered by his uniform the next day. The hand Ed hadn't been using to play with him had been resting contentedly on his hip, but now he brought it up and took a very gentle hold of Roy's throat. "Tell me what you want, Fuhrer."

Roy couldn't help but cry out, his hips jumping upwards under the water into Ed's waiting hand. He couldn't tell whether it was in reaction to the placement of Ed's hands, the fact that the boy was working his cock expertly, or being called Fuhrer whilst being teased so thoroughly – but he didn't really care. All of it together was creating a wonderful, all together too much, feeling of pleasure to pool deep in Roy's stomach. He needed it to end and never wanted it to.

"You're such a sadistic bastard." He whined.

He'd had hints of Ed's kinks before, but the demands and the feeling of his hand on Roy's throat were more than enough confirmation that Ed was in to power-play. Especially if he got to be in charge. Calling attention to Roy's rank was simply proof that Ed got off on the idea of dominating the most powerful man in the country. And, despite his protests, Roy couldn't be more in to it.

"I want you to fuck me." He sighed. Ed moaned gently against his shoulder and Roy wondered how he would react to some heavier dirty talk. There was only one way to find out. "Fuck, Ed, I want you to fuck me so hard. I want you inside me. Fuck, I need you inside me. Ed -"

"Fucking hell Roy." Ed interrupted with a small amused huff. For a moment a swirl of embarrassment flushed through the Fuhrer, but then Ed licked up his neck and whispered in his ear. "You gonna be a good little slut for me?"

Ed needed to get his hand off of Roy's dick about three seconds ago because the way he whispered 'slut' had him so overstimulated he was sure he was going to finish right then and there. His hips stuttered upwards and a breathy moan escaped his throat, the fingers clutching the side of the tub scratching the porcelain for purchase as Ed stroked him roughly under the water and Roy's eyes rolled back into his head as he came, hard; shooting thick ropes of spunk into the bubbly water. Ed gave a shuddering sigh against Roy's shoulder, and, when it became apparent that Roy was being overstimulated, gently removed his hand from his captive's cock. Roy collapsed back against him, eyes slipping closed and riding out a couple of after shocks.

"Don't think I'm done with you yet, Fuhrer." Ed promised him.

Roy yelped as Ed pushed him forwards in the tub, the water easing the way and sliding Roy along as if he weighed nothing, and then rearranged him until his thighs were resting on his shins in the water, sat back on his knees, and holding on to the taps in front of him as leverage. Waves lapped around them thanks to the changing of position, and then Ed's fingers trailed down his back, making Roy arch at the ticklish feel of it, and slipped between the cheeks of his arse under the water. Ed used the slippery, bubble-bath water to ease his way, and buried his middle finger inside of Roy's orgasm-relaxed body.

Roy choked on his own damn saliva. He was over-sensitive from already coming once, but even as he hissed in a slightly unimpressed breath his spent cock gave a feeble twitch of interest because it was obvious that Ed had every intention of continuing on. His breaths came out high-pitched and wanting as Ed began to fuck him with one thin finger and only warm water easing the way.

"Hey, can you lift yourself up a bit?" Ed asked him, casually, like he wasn't taking Roy apart with every twist of his wrist. "Up on your knees, come on. I want your ass out the water."

Roy was fucking boneless, there was no way he could keep himself up on his knees enough to have his butt above the waterline; but Ed was already pulling on his hips to encourage him into the position he wanted and Roy was loathe to deny the man a thing, so he struggled to his knees, putting more weight on his arms, raising his hips above the surface of the bath water, so that his now soft cock, hanging down between his legs, was just dipping into the waves.

"You're so good Roy." Ed praised, and Roy's dick gave another little twitch in response. "You're so fucking good and pretty."

Roy leant forward a little on to his arms, whimpering as Ed continued to fuck him with one finger – the water slipping from him quickly and leaving the sensation just on the good side of too rough. There was a small commotion behind him as Ed tried to reposition himself into what Roy assumed was something more comfortable to continue fingering him open, and then he gave a surprised little scream that he would definitely deny in the morning, when Ed's tongue joined his finger at Roy's hole.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck." He gasped on every breath, gripping so tightly on to the bath taps he was sure he might break them. Ed's tongue was so wet and soft, in fierce juxtaposition to the finger still fucking him open, and he lapped at Roy's hole with no hesitation, before pushing his tongue inside next to his finger. Roy moaned, ears heating up in mortification. No one had ever put their tongue on him there before, and he'd never done it for anyone else. It seemed far more indecent than anything else he had ever experienced during sex. "Fuck, Ed… that's… it's dirty." He all but whined, feeling overwhelmed.

Ed pulled his tongue away just long enough to reassure the older man.

"We're literally in a bath." He supplied, "You're good and clean, so don't worry and just enjoy it."

And then he dived back in, fucking Roy with his tongue and one finger as Roy gasped and blushed and freaked out a little and his stomach twisted into pleasured knots at how good and wet it felt as Ed tongued him and dribbled warm saliva all over his hole. So much that it dripped down over his balls and leaked into the bath water. Hell, it was dirty in the best sense of the word, and by the time he had worked another finger into him Roy was half hard again and filling out quickly, pushing back against the fingers and tongue with needy, pitched grunts of pleasure.

"Edward!" He huffed, almost angrily, getting impatient to feel the other man's cock sliding into him. He was sure Edward couldn't keep preparing him forever – the man had needs of his own, right? He'd been hard ever since the restaurant, just like Roy had, but without the helpful hand of having already finished once.

"Alright." Ed agreed, pulling his tongue from Roy's hole and sounding raw-throated and just as needy. "I'm gonna fuck you now." He promised.

Roy felt the other man's fingers being pulled from him, and felt his arse-cheeks being spread apart by the blonde's thumbs, and then the blunt head of Ed's cock was being pushed against his saliva-slick hole and he showed his appreciation through a long, loud moan as Edward pushed inside him in one constant push until his balls were slapping up against Roy's from behind.

"Yesssss." Roy hissed, and Ed placed a simple kiss to his back, between his shoulder blades, with the mouth that had just been eating him out, and began to fuck him properly.

"Ah, fuck, yes, oh, fuck." Roy chanted as Edward trust into him, building up waves that crashed around them and pushing Roy's knees forwards against the slippery porcelain of the tub.

A slick slap of skin on skin reverberated off the bathroom walls, echoing around them until all Roy could hear was his own harsh breaths, his broken pleas and swears, and the dirty sound of lapping waves and Ed fucking him hard and fast. His hole felt fucked out in seconds, but Ed didn't slow his pace, and kept Roy right on the edge of way too much for so long that eventually his vision faded out, leaving him with intense white he closed his eyes against. And when Ed reached around him to give some attention to his dick it took all of three strokes before he was screaming as he came again; this time the pathetic spurts of dribble-like, thin semen of balls that did not have enough time to build a good amount.

Ed shouted incoherently into his back, resting his forehead between Roy's shoulder blades as he continued to hammer into Roy.

"Fuck you feel so good when you come." He breathed, hips faltering in their rhythm in a sure-fire sign that he was close.

"Come on Ed," Roy encouraged, wincing at the over-sensitivity of riding out two orgasms and still being fucked. "Come inside me. Fill me up." He demanded.

Ed gave a very broken sound as his hips stuttered forwards and hot ropes of thick spunk spurted into Roy, leaving the older man feeling dizzy at the feel of it. Ed's hands on his hips were physically shaking, and Roy realised his whole body was shuddering too. A moment later Ed groaned as he pulled out and a load of come gushed from Roy, landing in the water with an indecent noise that had Roy flushing and quickly sitting down into the waves to stop it from happening again. Ed kissed the back of his neck.

"I love you." He mumbled there. Roy smiled at the taps.

"Good." He replied, "Because you're definitely going to have to carry me up to bed."

Thirteen Months Later

"Have we unpacked the jumpers yet? It's freezing in here, I can't get the bloody heating to work."

"We haven't even unpacked the toothbrushes yet."

Edward scowled across the room to Roy, who wasn't looking at him, so didn't feel the brunt of Ed's wrath. It wasn't as if what Roy had said was entirely untrue. They had only moved in to the house the day before, and already it had been one disaster after another. He and Roy had put their toiletries in an overnight bag, but Sasha and Maesie had stupidly packed theirs in boxes and not labelled which ones they were in. Sasha had then proceeded to fight with Ed the evening before about why he had to brush his teeth at all, which had ended in Ed spreading toothpaste on his finger and wrestling that finger into his eight year old son's mouth, rubbing it all over his teeth. There were still bite marks on Ed' fingers from the experience and Roy had rubbed in the words 'choose your battles' at least six times since the event, and regularly reminded Ed of the fact that they still hadn't found the brushes.

Then, instead of toothbrushes and cosy jumpers, there was a litter of boxes in their new living room all containing fairy lights, tinsel, and baubles.

"Who moves house the day before Christmas Eve, anyway." Ed grumbled as he kicked a box containing a wreath out of his way to get to Roy. The Fuhrer was currently attempting to untangle lights and put them on the large tree he and Havoc had felled earlier that day. He turned and grinned at Ed, but didn't answer: because they both knew the answer was 'idiots'.

"Come help me untangle these, will ya?" Roy asked, holding up a particularly knotted bundle of soft yellow lights. Ed nodded distractedly, stepping into Roy's space to get a hold of them, and yelped a little when the Fuhrer caught him up in a tangle of lights used like a lasso, and pulled him forwards into a sensual kiss.

"EW!" A little voice shouted from the doorway to the living room. "Maesie stay upstairs! Dad and Roy are making out again!" Sasha warned his sister.

Ed untangled himself from Roy to shoot his son a teasing look.

"Oh, is it 'ew' to kiss the person you love?" He asked, putting on an affronted look. "It's love, Sasha, love. You understand love. You just wanna kiss and cuddle and call each other stupid pet names all the time. Are you gonna deny me my right to call this man my gorgeous shnookums? I would never deny you the right to kiss your boyfriend!"

Sasha went a very deep shade of red very, very quickly.

"That's not… I don't… I'm never kissing anyone. Ever!" He promised, stumbling over himself in his attempt to retreat and storming back up the stairs away from his embarrassing parent.

Ed chuckled after his retreating form, and Roy sighed.

"You're going to give him a complex." He warned. Ed grinned back at him.

It had been on Sasha's eighth birthday, almost eight months ago, that he had proclaimed the only person he wanted to have at his party was Jean Havoc, on the basis of he was definitely going to marry the man. After Edward had calmed down from the utter shock (and the uncontrollable laughter at the look on Havoc's face when he had told the man Sasha's intentions) it had turned into a point of leverage. Ed wasn't worried about the situation – at the time Sasha had proclaimed it Ed had only just agreed to Roy's continued attempts at proposals, so weddings were on everybody's mind – and to a just eight year old all he saw was two men who were good friends wanting to do something to celebrate that. His proclamation that he would marry Havoc made sense when put into the context that Sasha had always monopolised the chain-smoker's time, and Havoc was usually more than happy to give it.

It was puppy-love at best; a friend-crush that Sasha didn't understand the complexities of. Over the last few months Sasha had grown up a lot, and between school and his parents the intricacies of a marriage, and boyfriends, and girlfriends, and love had all been explained to him; and now he was mortified that he had ever said aloud that he would be marrying the much older man. The kid was desperate to avoid the topic of love, and especially love and Havoc, all together, but Ed was far too much of a shit-bag parent for that. He was still trying to get revenge for the time Edward and Roy had taken both children to the very fancy Cretan restaurant on Sea Lane, and Sasha had taken himself to the toilet and on the way back announced to the entire restaurant that his constipation was finally over. Made worse by the fact that some stupid journalist had decided it was a slow news day the next day and wrote it up in the Gazette.

"How is Havoc, by the way? I feel like we haven't seen him in weeks." Ed asked. Roy, who had spent the morning with the other man, shrugged his shoulders.

"Same as always I guess. He got dumped again recently. Just before Christmas as well… so he's a little depressed." He explained, then shrugged. "So maybe Sasha's in with a chance after all."

"Who's giving him a complex now?" Ed shot back, crossing his arms over his chest with a fond smile.

No more could be said on the subject because at that moment the doorbell went and Maesie came hurtling down the stairs in an attempt to be the first to answer it, her brother trailing behind her and still looking somewhat flushed. Ed would never understand his children's needs to answer the door, but as he came out in to the hallway Maesie was opening the front door to reveal Alphonse and Mei, who was holding a chubby little dark haired baby who had the dominant Elric golden eyes.

"Hello Maesie." Alphonse signed to her. Maesie signed back, and then made impatient grabby hands for her cousin. Mei gently placed the eleven month old into her arms, and giggling, Maesie and Sasha took their cousin to play.

"Be gentle!" Edward called after them. Alphonse stepped into the house looking around the unpacked boxes in the hall and the tinsel that Roy had already wrapped around the stair banister.

"Looks festive!" He exclaimed, and then from behind his back he produced a hefty cat carrier and winked at his brother. "What do you think?"

Ed peered through the mesh window at the front to see a beautiful little fluffy white kitten staring back at him with slightly mistrusting eyes. He put his fingers to the mesh and she gave a pathetic little squeak. She was gorgeous.

"He's gonna fall in love with her in about three seconds and pretend he hasn't for three years." He told his brother. "He never stopped going on about the cat Freya had."

Alphonse, as a fellow cat enthusiast, nodded solemnly. Edward straightened up and ruffled his hair. Some months prior Alphonse had shown up on the doorstep and demanded he wanted to go fishing with Roy, and ever since then the awkwardness that had been between them had disappeared. Ed had attempted to niggle both Roy and Al about what had happened on that fateful trip, but both were tight lipped, and simply told him that they had found common ground. Ed was convinced that common ground was cats, since not long after Alphonse had told Ed he planned on getting Roy a kitten for Christmas, and today he came through on that promise.

"Honestly, you're gonna be his favourite brother-in-law."

Al's protests that he was Roy's only brother-in-law were drowned out by Roy, still tangled in lights, stepping out into the hallway.

"He's already my favourite brother-in-law." He attempted to smooth-talk.

Alphonse grinned, stepped forward and presented his gift. It was technically a day early but no one thought it was a good idea to try and wrap the poor kitten. Ed had the singular pleasure of watching Roy's face morph from confused to quietly hopeful as he took in the cat carrier, spotted the fluffiness inside, and came to the conclusion, from context, that the cat was likely for him. He turned to Alphonse with slightly wider than normal eyes, looking like the cute little sub Ed alone knew him to be.

"No way." He mumbled, and Alphonse winked at him.

"Merry Christmas!" He grinned. Roy took in a very deep breath, and reached for the cat carrier, and then at the last minute grabbed Alphonse and pulled him in for a hug.

"Thank you." He gulped.

Alphonse sent Ed a wide-eyed look over Roy's shoulder, but patted him on the back nonetheless. A moment later Sasha and Maesie had run back into the hall from the back room, supporting their cousin between them in a way that probably wasn't safe. He glanced quickly at Mei to see if she was concerned about the two older kids manhandling her baby, but she just laughed at their antics.

"Someone got a gift early?" Sasha asked. Roy, with the cat carrier now in his arms, smiled down at the three of them.

"Ed, put some coffee on." He ordered, and then addressed the children. "Who wants to help me name a cat?"

Ed watched as Roy took three very excited kids back into the box filled room with a half decorated tree, carrying the basket with their newest addition to the family, and felt a peaceful contentedness. He ushered Al and Mei into the kitchen at the back of the house, and busied himself putting the kettle on whilst his guests sat down at the island. The new house was huge, thanks in part to Roy's massive salary. He couldn't deny that the long nights Roy spent in the office and the sometimes seven-day-working-weeks had been stressful over the last year, but after months of planning and organising they had finally managed to amalgamate their households and were going to at least be working out of the same base. They would celebrate Christmas in their new home, and had even set a date for the wedding in the next year. It felt as if they were finally working towards their happy ending.

He placed two steaming mugs of coffee down in front of his brother and Mei.

"Thought you only wore that for public events." Al teased, tapping at the gold and diamond engagement ring on his finger and raising one eyebrow. "And even then it's ironic, right?" He added with a shit-eating grin.

Ed flushed a little, sitting down opposite them at the island with his own mug and looking at the solitaire Roy had presented him with nine months prior. He had told Al he only wore it ironically, and when he needed to put on his 'first lady' attitude, but he couldn't deny he did also just kind of like it. He shrugged his shoulders in lieu of a response, and was saved further teasing by the kitchen door, which lead to the large back garden, opening.

They all looked around to see a striking Xingese woman entering. Ming-Yue was the most changed of all of them in the last few months. Fuhrerhood had meant Roy had gained a couple of pounds in happy-weight. Having a second pair of hands around to help with the kids meant the bags under Ed's eyes had managed to recede a bit. Mei was back to being the stick-thin petite lass she had been before pregnancy, and Alphonse had finally given up on the cane and admitted he could walk perfectly well without it. But Ming-Yue had completely transformed.

Her previously buzz-cut hair had grown out and was kept in a neat, thick bob. Her black thigh-highs had been replaced with a ballet-pumps, and her short cheongasm dresses had been replaced with sash-neck cream jumpers and straight legged black trousers. She looked less thin, healthier, and much less angry. She waved at them as she entered, and there, following behind her, was a tiny Xingese girl with long wavy dark hair and large black eyes, who was clinging on to the back of her mother's trousers and looking shyly around the room.

"Hi Jia." Ed smiled at her, and she startled a little at being spoken to. "The kids are all in the lounge with Roy. There's a cat." He told her.

She nodded, without saying a word, and with one look at Ming-Yue, who smiled down at her and nodded her approval, she excused herself in a high-pitched voice, with a little bow, and moved through the kitchen towards where Ed could hear Maesie giggling happily.

"How's she holding up?" Mei asked after her, addressing Ming-Yue. The ex-bodyguard sat down next to Ed and stole his coffee, taking a sip before passing it back.

"She still calls me Aunty Ming." She supplied, "and learning Amestrian has been difficult for her. But she is strong."

"Like her mother." Ed supplied. Ming-Yue nodded back at him, with no worries about coming off as immodest.

They still had a long way to go, but looking around the kitchen of his new home, surrounded by friends and family and listening to his fiancé entertaining his children, he finally felt like they were in the right place at the right time.

Together, in the East.

The end.