The Explorer
A/N: Welcome to my first fanfiction story! My Name is PokeWriter235 and I will be bringing to you all the story of Ash Ketchum. In my take Ash will be allot more serious and smarter, basically my Ash will be like Traveler's Ash from The Straight Elf. My story will closely resemble Traveler because that is where I'm taking my inspiration. My story and Traveler will be similar but not the same. My story will be a mixture of the games and anime with very serious elements. My ash will be very mature and very calm as well as a tactical genius. Anyway, I hope anyone who reads this enjoys it. Welcome to the world of Ash Ketchum The Explorer. Please make sure to Review if you enjoy.
Disclaimer: I Don't own Pokémon. If I did, I wouldn't be writing this story.
Chapter 1: Origin
In the beginning there was nothing, and in that darkness, there was a single glowing egg. That Egg was the only thing in that void of emptiness but suddenly it started to crack and shake.
After a few moments there was a huge explosion of light! That light illuminated the entirety of that void of nothingness but soon the light started to subside, but something could be seen in the middle of that huge explosion.
After the explosion ended, there was a creature standing in the center, of what was the huge explosion, looking around in that void of darkness.
This creature was a centaur like creature with a grey, vertically striated underside. The straited pattern recurrences on the underside of its mane, tail, and face. Its four-pointed feet are tipped with gold hooves. Its long mane juts away from its head, and its face is gray, with green eyes and red pupils, and a green circular pattern below its eyes. The creature also has a streak of gold coloration on its head, and ears that point upward. Its neck is long, with two pairs of extrusions to the sides, and a flap-like feature on the neck's underside that is colored white like much of the body.
The most distinguishable part of the creature's body was its golden cross-like wheel attached to its body by its round abdomen. Around the wheel there were a total of 18 plate like objects floating around it. The wheel also has four jewels attached to it.
The creature had a look of utter confusion on its as it looked around finding nothing. Then suddenly this creature began to speak.
"Where am I?" The creature said as it continued to look around.
"What is this?" The creature continued.
Then suddenly the creature started to move trying to find something or someone.
"Hello! Is there someone out there!" The creatures voice boomed on that darkness, while getting no response in return.
The Creature continued to look around calling for anyone or anything in hope of a response. The creature continued its search for an infinite amount of time. (A/N: I know time did not exist in that time but just roll with it.)
After a long search the creature gave up and resigned itself to its loneliness.
When the creature was about to lose all hope a voice was heard in the emptiness of the endless darkness.
"Follow my voice, young one." The mysterious voice said.
The creature's head jerked up immediately and started to search for that voice that had spoke to it.
"Where are you!?" The creature cried desperately for the only voice that it had heard with the hope of the voice being someone and not its mind playing tricks on it.
"Just follow my voice, young one and everything will be explained to you." The voice replied calmly.
The creature obeyed the voice and continued its running to search for the voice. Suddenly the voice spoke again to the creature.
"Stop young one, you have found me." The voice said.
The creature stopped and started to look around for the owner of the voice but found no one.
"Where are you? I can't see you." The creature said starting to lose hope again. Then the voice spoke again while chuckling.
"Hehe don't fret young one I am right here. Just turn around." The voice said with a gentle tone.
The creature did as it was told and turned around but had to immediately lower its head to shield its eyes from the blinding light that was being produced by its owner.
"My mistake, sorry about that young one." The voice said again revealing to be the owner of that blinding light.
After the light subsided the creature was able to see again and immediately looked to see who it was that was speaking to it. (A/N: I keep referring to Arceus as it because it has no gender and that's what I am going to do with all genderless Pokémon)
To the creatures' great surprise, the owner of the voice that spoke to it was an older version of himself with a look of happiness, regret, and hope. Suddenly the creature spoke again.
"Who are you? Why do you look like me? Where am I? What's going on? Are you my father?" The creature fired a multitude of questions at its older looking self. As the creature was going to continue with more questions, the older looking one motion for it to stop.
"Calm down young and I will answer all your questions for you." The old one said to the creature with a firm yet understanding tone.
The creature calmed down and motioned to its older looking self to continue. The old one smiled gently and spoke.
"Good. To answer your first two questions young one, the reason I look like you is because I am you." The old one said with a look of amusement on its face while looking at the bewildered expression of the creature.
"yo-you are me-me?" the creature stuttered with a look of astonishment on its face.
"Yes, I am you, my name or should I say our name is Arceus." The now revealed old Arceus said to its younger looking self.
"My-my na-name is Ar-arceus?" The young Arceus said to its old counterpart.
"That is correct young one and to answer your question of where you are, well you are in what's left of my home." The Old Arceus said sadly.
"What do you mean" the young Arceus said. The old Arceus sighed and continued with his tale,
"Young one before there was this void of emptiness there existed my universe and the world I created from nothingness." Said the old Arceus with a nostalgic look on itself.
"There was a world and a universe before this?" the young Arceus said surprised.
"That is correct." The old Arceus said.
"Wha-what happened to it? Why is it gone?" The young one said. After the young Arceus said this, the old one had a look of complete sadness, regret, but most of all shame on its face.
"Sigh" I destroyed it" came the sad reply from the old one.
The young Arceus was completely shocked by the old Arceus's response.
"Yo-you dest-destroyed your uni-universe?" the young Arceus stuttered.
When the young one said this, the old one got a look of regret and shame upon its face before responding.
"Yes, I did because I had no choice in the matter" came the old one's reply.
"What do you mean by that" Said the young Arceus.
"To answer that I must tell you what happened." Came the reply.
As there was no response from the Young Arceus, the old one told his tale.
"I am going to tell you what happened, but I ask you to not interrupt me at any moment and most importantly to let me finish." Said the old Arceus looking directly at the face of its young counterpart to make its point clear. When he got no response, it began its tale.
"You see young one I am the original one. I was before everything and everyone. I am the one that created my universe and a world for my creations to live on. In my world I created two different species of sentient creatures with one of them being humans and the other being Pokémon, which you and I are a part of." Said the old Arceus to its young counterpart. When it saw the other understood, the old Arceus continued. "Now you might be wondering what are these Pokémon I speak of right?" said the old one to the young one with the young Arceus nodding its head to motion the other to continue. "These Pokémon are amazing creatures that I created to give my human creations a companion on their evolutionary journey and for them to able to cohabit the world I gave them. In total I created about 807 of these Pokémon." (A/N: Not counting Pokémon sword and shield) The young Arceus was already entranced with the tale that it was being told and continued to listen sternly. "Now this number is just the total number of individual species of Pokémon but this number doesn't count the entire family's or even entire colonies that some of these Pokémon had, which means that there was an even greater amount of Pokémon from the number that I just said. As I created these Pokémon, I also created an entirety of 18 different types of Pokémon to distinguish themselves from each other and for some of them to congregate together knowing they are from the same type and even some of the evolved to have a dual type" continued the old one telling its tale. "These types that I created were fire, water, grass, electric, ground, ice, flying, rock, steel, normal, fighting, ghost, dark, psychic, poison, dragon, fairy, and bug. All these types that I created I gave them weaknesses and strengths to each other. I also gave some of my Pokemon the ability to evolve and change their bodies to get stronger and protect themselves and their soon to be families. In some cases, I gave some of my Pokémon the ability to go beyond their final evlution to, something that the humasn called, Mega Evolution. In fact, the plates that revolve around us are the 18 different types that I created and that you will soon create" the old Arceus said with a smirk on its face as it saw its younger counterpart looking at its plates. (A/N: Roll with it)
The young Arceus was amazed of what it was just told regarding its plates and started to look at them intently but soon spun its head quickly at its old counterpart when it registered the old one's last remark.
"What do you mean that I will soon create?" said the young Arceus.
"All in due time young one, let me finish my tale first and then you will understand" said the old one gently yet stern. As the young one nodded, the old one continued "Before I created the Pokémon, I created my children that would rule under me with the realms of time, space, and distortion at their beck and call." These children of mine were Palkia the one I assigned to rule space, Dialga the one I assigned to rule over time, and lastly Giratina the one I assigned to rule distortion." The young one was amazed by this and had many questions but continued to listen. "I created my children with the help of my arms." At this statement the young one gave a look of confusion at its old self when it mentioned its "arms." As the young one look intently at the old one it saw that it had no arms but just paw like appendages. At this the old one chuckled and said "These arms of mine young one" after it said that it closed its eyes and started to focus its power and then opened its eyes and from the nothingness came a weird creature with an "A" like body and a sole eye in the center of it.
The young one was surprised by the creature's sudden appearance but soon got over the surprise and started to look at the creature with a calculating look on its face and the creature stared right back at it unflinchingly.
Then out of nowhere the creature chirped happily and started floating closely to the young one.
The young one was surprised at first but a calming look and a nod from the old Arceus calmed its nerves and let the creature float closer to it until the creature floated very closely to its body and then started to revolve around the body of the young Arceus while continuing to stare at it. Suddenly another of these creatures appeared but this time with a "B" like body and then another and another until an entirety of these creatures with bodies like the letters of the alphabet appeared revolving around the body of the young Arceus while continuing to stare at it as if it was the most important thing in their world.
The young Arceus just stared right back at the odd little creatures revolving around the it until the old Arceus spoke again.
"Alright little ones, I think that will be enough of that, leave the poor lad alone you might fright it" said the old one with a small chuckle at the end.
Suddenly the small creatures listened to the old one an separated themselves from the young one but this time started to separate themselves even more and started to revolve around both the old and young Arceus until both were inside a giant sphere made out of the body of this unknown creatures. Then these small creatures started to rhyme a very strange tune while they were revolving around both of them. (A/N: The chant they were doing in the third movie)
The young one continued to look around but its attention was brought back to the old one when it started to speak again.
"These little ones are the arms that helped me create my original three children. Basically, these little ones are an extent of my own power and they were the ones who helped me create my world and universe." Said the old one.
The young Arceus was amazed by this proclamation by the old Arceus and started to look at the small creatures with more respect on its eyes just because at the sheer power they possessed by helping the old one creates its universe. Then the old one spoke again.
"Aren't they amazing little things?" said the old one while looking at the small creatures.
The young one simply nodded still amazed by the small little beings. Then the old one spoke again.
"But don't overestimate them too much young one, because all of them together are a force to be reckoned with but by themselves they are pretty much useless." The old one said with a deadpan look on its face.
The young Arceus couldn't believe that the old one had called this little creatures useless but it understood because when just one of the unknown creatures appeared, the young Arceus did not feel anything special of it but it wasn't until all of them appeared that it felt the power these small beings possessed when they were together. Then the old one spoke again to bring back the attention of the young one to it again. This time though the old Arceus spoke with a solemn tone to its voice.
"Though the biggest flaw these little creatures have is that they are a blank slate and that they need a master to command them, basically they have no free will and will do anything they are told to do by anyone that can find them and control them" said the old one to its young counterpart.
The young Arceus could understand that because it feels that these unknown creatures and the old Arceus were connected together, it felt how happy the little creatures were being in the service of the old Arceus and that they would do anything for the old one. Then the old one spoke again.
"It was because of this great flaw that these little ones had that led to me to destroy my home and everything in it but I don't blame them, I blame the dam fool who used my little ones for his nefarious purposes" said the old one with a look of shame and understanding but also with a look of anger at the mention of the fool.
"I don't understand, how where you and these creatures responsible for the destruction of your home?" said the young Arceus to its old counterpart.
"For that I need to continue my story, sorry for diverging a little" said the old one with a sheepish look on its face. The young one understood but motioned for the other to continue.
"Very well, after I created my children, I taught them how to control their power and how they were going to do the duty that I assigned to them. After they completed their training, I sent them out into the universe to start doing their duty with Palkia ruling and guarding the entirety of space, Dialga being the master of time and making the sure the flow of time wasn't interrupted, and lastly Giratina ruling over all that was distortion. In the meantime, that they were doing their duties I was creating the world were my human and Pokémon creations were going to live together. After I was done, I created my very first Pokémon, not counting my three children, in the form of Mew." (A/N: In my story Mew was the first Pokémon)
"After I created Mew I told her to go and habit this new world I created but I soon realized that I had created only one of Mew and realized that just one could not habit and populate this new world of mine, so I gave my Mew the ability to transform into anything she wanted and then created at least 807 of them to go and populate this world and populate they did. So basically, my Mew was the ancestor of all my Pokémon creations because most of the mew had to change and evolve to adapt to all the environments that this new world brought with it and thru Mew the 18 different types were created." Said the old one with a proud look on its face when it mentioned Mew.
The young Arceus was entranced with the old one's tale and continued to listen on.
"Out of all my Mew that I created I personally took 41 of them and created, what were to be known forever more to my humans and Pokémon alike, the legendary Pokémon. Now these legendary Pokémon of mine that I was going to create were going to be the ones who were going to rule and protect and, in some cases, even try to destroy this world of mine. This legendary Pokémon's that I created were my Legendary birds in Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno and these three were going to rule over the three basic attack elements in fire, lightning, and ice and were going to be the epitome of their type. After them I created My Guardian duo in Ho-Oh and Lugia for them to rule the Sky and guard the Sea respectively. Also, my Ho-Oh created or in a sense gave life to three unfortunate little Pokémon that had died in an incident that occurred in a tower in which the humans revered Ho-Oh. I think the name of that tower was the Brass Tower and from what I was told by Ho-Oh that tower was struck by a lightning bolt which made it caught on fire but the fire was stopped by cold winds from the north the blew and put out the fire but sadly three little Pokémon's of the fire, lightning, and water types perished in that incident, but Ho-Oh feeling guilty in the deaths of these little ones brought them back to life but with more power and strength and wisdom. It wasn't until Ho-Oh brought them before me that I gave them the Legendary Status and gave them their names and their roles. I gave them the tittles of legendary beasts and gave them the names of Entei, Suicune, and Raikou and their roles were to protect their region from any harm that tried to befall on it. With them I also created Celebi to be the guardian of the forest and to protect them." The old one said then took a pause to catch its breath and then continued its tale.
"After them I created what were going to be my most rambunctious children in the forms of Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza. I created Groudon to be the master of the land that I created with the one below him being Heatran in him being the embodiment of this new world's boiling core. I gave Kyogre the tittle of master of the sea, basically giving him dominion and absolute authority over the entire sea with under him being Manaphy and Phione, his sons you might say. After I created Groudon and Kyogre they immediately hated each other and started to battle in the world I created in trying to expand their dominion in the land and sea even more. To control these two behemoths from destroying the world I had created, I gave life to Rayquaza and gave him dominion of the entirety of the sky but also the power to stop and subdue both Groudon and Kyogre. I also gave life to my Titan Trio in Regirock, RegiIce, and Registeel and their job were the same as the beasts in that they had to protect their land from any threats including Groudon and Kyogre. Along with them I created my Eon duo in Latias and Latios and I just gave them the duty to travel my world and just make sure everything was ok and if anything went wrong to inform me but from what I found out is that they had stayed and found a home in a place called Alto Mare and were the protectors of it. I even found out that little Latias had kissed a young human while she was in her human form." The old one said its tale while laughing at the last part. The young Arceus was so entranced in the story that it barely paid attention to the last part and waited patiently for the old one to stop laughing and for it to continue.
"After them, strangely enough Palkia created a very strange creature with the name of Deoxys, I didn't mind and just let it be around. After that I brought to life Jirachi the wish maker and his purpose was to grant a single wish to anyone that befriended it. After those I created, in my opinion the most essential legendary Pokémon, and the only ones who can control Giratina, Plakia, and Dialga with the gems in their head. These were the embodiment of willpower Azelf, the embodiment knowledge Uxie, and the embodiment of emotion Mesprit. These three were very essential because it was because of them that my humans and Pokémon had knowledge, willpower, and emotions and if I had not created any of them those three important aspects of every living thing would not exist in my creations. Those three also have a very important role in holding my three children down if they were to ever fight amongst each other, until I come to stop them. In fact there even came a time were Palkia and Dialga battled each other and they both had almost destroyed an entire city with each and every blow they spat against each other but in the end both of them were stopped and calmed downed by a beautiful tune that even I was able to hear from my realm. If Mesprit, Uxie, and Azelf would have been there they would have been able to hold them down until I arrived. After those I also created the embodiments of dreams and nightmares in Cresselia and Darkrai respectively. Then an event happened that almost destroyed the entirety of my world and had wiped most of my early Pokémons, but I was able to heal the world and had saved most of the Mews but now they had to adapt to new lands and climates, but most importantly the land that I had created had broken into many different lands an island scattered around. To bring all those pieces back together or at least give them a shape I created Regigigas to pull them together and it was because of him that the 7 regions were created" the old one stopped and then looked again at its young counterpart to see if it was following along and as it saw it continuing to pay attention the old Arceus continued.
"These 7 regions were Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova Kalos, and Alola. All the Mews that were left after that deadly event spread all over these regions and evolved and adapted to the climate and food that were in their respective place. It was because of that mass extinction event and Regigigas pulling all those broken pieces back together and creating the 7 different regions, that the modern Pokémon of their respective regions came to be. I also gave Regigigas the bility to control or subdue my titan trio if they ever went array. But I digress, after them I created my Tao dragon but due to some very unfortunate events involving two human brothers, they separated themselves and left 3 dragons in the place of the original dragon. These dragons became Reshiram the vast white dragon of fire and believer of Truth and Zekrom the vast blackness dragon of lightning and believer of ideals. Also, a third dragon came out because of this separation but this dragon was the shell of what the original dragon once was. This dragons name was Kyurem and his mastery was over ice. After this separation occurred Reshiram and Zekrom immediately started to battle against each other but their battles were so hot that they almost burned down their entire region. I noticed this and took action, I did not intervene, but I met with Kyurem and gave him the authority to use his ice to bind and ground them until they calmed down but I knew that wasn't enough so I gave him the ability to transform into Black Kyurem and White Kyurem to be able to battle against Reshiram and Zekrom if need be. Along with those three dragons I created the swords of justice in the forms of Cobalion, Terrakion, Virriszion, to, just like the beasts and the titans, defend their land against any threats. Hmm now that I remember I think young Keldeo also became a sword of justice member." Said the old one all of this with a nostalgic look at the end of his words.
The young Arceus was so amazed by everything it was learning from the old one and had hundreds of questions but kept its mouth shut and let the old one continues.
"Anyway, after them after them I created the physical manifestations of the forces of nature in Tornadus, Thundorus, and Landorus. After them came three of my most important creations, not counting my three original children and Mew, in my Aura trio in Xerneass the representation of life, Yveltal the representation of destruction, and Zygarde the one I assigned to be the guardian of my world. These three are very important to my world but they are also very dangerous so most of the time, just like Groudon and Kyogre, they are slumbering but unlike Groudon and Kyogre, Xerneass and Yveltal don't hate each other but they just tolerate the others existence but if they were to fight I gave Zyagarde the power to stop both of them when he uses his full power." Said the Old Arceus again stopping the regain its breath before continuing its tale. After it regained its breath it continued.
"Lastly, I created my light Trio in Solgaleo, Lunala, and Necrozma. For Solgaleo and Lunala I gave them a contained form or as the humans referred to them "its pre-evolved form" in Cosmog and Cosmoem. But something went wrong in the creation process of Necrozma from Mew and it suddenly started to attack me and my other legendary children, so with a huge pain in my heart I had to banish him to the Ultra Realm" the old one said with a look of sadness and regret at the end.
"The Ultra Realm?" asked the Young Arceus confused.
"Yes, the Ultra Realm is the place where I sent all my failed Legendary creations and they just remain there to Roam around a not do anything. I demeaned them the tittles of Ultra Beats because they weren't Pokémon in my eyes and before you ask young one I had a total of 11 of these failed Ultra beasts sent to the Ultra Realm and I made it forbidden to all my children to come in contact or even summon these beasts" the old one said with a calm anger in its tone at the end.
"Why is that?" asked the young Arceus.
"Because those things are not Natural and cannot come in contact with the world I created and also this will apply for the world that you will create" said the old one looking at the young Arceus directly.
"Wha-what do you-"before the young one could continue the old one motioned for the young one to stop and once the young one did the old one continued.
"I am almost done with my tale and everything will be explained to you momentarily" said the old one to the young one. The young one simply nodded its head and the old one continued after that.
"Very well I created Solgaleo to be the emissary of the sun of my new world and Lunala to be the emissary of the Moon. With them I created four different Guardian deities to protect four islands of where the earliest of civilization started to occur. These four Guardian deities where Tapu KoKo, Tapu LeLe, Tapu Bulu, and Tapu Fini. Their role was to protect early humans from the dangers of some of the most aggressive Pokémon that I created. The Tapus were the last of my legendary creations. All my children came from a Mew, that is the reason why my Mew could transform into all of them if she wished and while not as powerful as the original one still very mighty. There are still a few more of the mythical ones but that would take me even longer to explain to you. I don't have that much time left before I disappear I am sorry but I must hurry to finish my tale" said the old Arceus ending its tale of the creation of his legendary children and the formation of its world.
The young Arceus caught immediately the old one's last statement and asked "What do you mean by you not having that much time left? Are you going to leave me alone?" the young Arceus asked fearfully but the old one just smiled and spoke again.
"I will explain that very soon, but now comes my tale of what happened that lead to the destruction of my home by my hands and your creation young one" said the old one looking to the young one's face. When the young one paid very close attention to the old one to learn of its existence, the old one began its final tale.
"You see young one everything in my home was going very well until suddenly I felt a shift in the force of things. Something unnatural had occurred and I noticed it immediately but for some reason I couldn't tell what It was. After feeling the Aura around my world, I immediately knew that what was going wrong was on the planet I created. After I figured that out, I immediately started heading towards my Earth. While I was getting there that unnatural force was getting stronger and more distorted. It wasn't until I heard the cry for help from my original three children and, surprisingly enough, all my other legendary children that I immediately dashed to earth knowing something was definitely wrong if all my children were at the same place and all crying for help to me. You see young one I made it forbidden for all my children to be together in the same place on earth. The only place where they could be together and not cause destruction by their mere presence and power was the Hall of Origins that I created to talk and discuss or summon my children if I needed them. Before you ask young one the reason, I forbade most of them from being together is because their combined sheer power was so strong that it could cause a ripple in the fabric of creation. That is the reason I forbade most of them to be together in the same place if it wasn't the Hall of Origins. In fact, the last time allot of them were together was when that brat Hoopa's unreleased form used his rings to summon allot of my children to battle and destroy for it. The Hoopa's contained form had to use his power too summon some more of my children to battle and defend the city in which they were summoned. That battle was incredible but in the end my children that were controlled by the Hoopa's unreleased form were freed but with allot of them being there a tear was starting to occur. It took me to go there to stop this tear from spreading even more and in the process, I saved two humans and the Hoopa from being consumed by that tear." continued the old Arceus
The young Arceus was still listening intently but it was starting to get a little annoyed with the old one with it not going to the point of why it was here.
The old Arceus paid no attention to the young ones look but continued, nonetheless.
"As I was saying when I got there my biggest fear had occurred. In that I saw all my children beaten and bloodied on the ground an on top of an odd structure stood a man with a grey suit, bluish hair and a gigantic smirk on his face. On the ground beneath him there laid another bloodied man with black hair and a black suit with a red-letter R on it. The black haired man was obviously dead and alongside it was a dead cat Pokémon, but what caused me so much fear was that floating in a circle above that bluish haired man were all the little ones that are currently revolving around us" the old one said an then stopped and looked around to the floating little creatures around them like its younger self. Then it stopped and continued its tale.
"All of these little ones had been corrupted by that evil man and were under his control. When I tried to talk to them and free them I couldn't because the control was so great, and the man's iron will was so strong that he had absolute control over them. You see young one these little beings can be controlled by anyone, but they can only be mastered by those with an iron will and a clear goal on their mind. That fool of a man had those two requirements to master them and he did, tha-that man had basically become my equivalent in power with these little ones giving him their all mighty power to alter and change reality itself." Said the old one with a tone of sadness during its tale.
The young Arceus was amazed by this and continued to listen to the tale told by the old Arceus.
"When I saw that I got incredibly mad and dashed immediately to that man to kill him but suddenly I was stopped by my children's evil version of themselves or as I like to refer to them as Shadow Pokémon because they are a pure shadow of evil of my children. I easily destroyed the first ones, but suddenly more and more were starting to appear, and I was holding back much of my power in the fear of hurting my children and even some of the humans that were there battling against that man. Holding back was my greatest mistake because in a moment of me loosing focus this man had the audacity to use my unknown children to try and control me. I saw red and immediately released the entirety of my power by reverting to my true primal form" (A/N: I have no idea how primal Arceus can look so just imagine something cool and go with that) said the old one with an even greater look of shame on its face. After taking a moment the old Arceus continued.
"Reverting to my primal from at that time was the biggest mistake I had ever made because when I did that and headed straight for that man, the man took out a strange round device with the lower half being black and the upper half being a purplish black color, but the most distinct aspect of that round sphere was a white letter M on the upper center of it. It wasn't until the sphere hit my body that I realized what that sphere was. That sphere young one had captured and controlled me but very regretfully made me subservient to that mans will who was amplified by the power of the unknown. That man had taken control over me and had robbed me of my free will with the help of my controlled unknown." the old one said with a complete look of sadness on its face and with a single tear falling from its eyes.
The young Arceus was shocked by this turn of events in the old one's tale but quickly gave a sympathetic look towards the old one when it saw how hurt and devastated it was because of that. So young Arceus waited and gave time for the old one to compose itself and continue its story and it did after a while.
"That bastard had complete control over the two single most powerful entities in the entirety of my universe in me and my unknown and with our combined power and me still in my primal form, was going to use us to recreate the universe and the world that I created. My children immediately took notice of how dangerous the situation had become and were going to fight me and the unknown to stop us. The fight was a blood bath against my children because I was easily defeating all of them because I knew their power inside an out since I created them. Also, my plates gave me immunity to every specific type of attack they sent at me. While I decimated my children against my will something was starting to break in the universe and reality as a whole. You see young one my primal form combined with the unreleased and full power of the Unknown is not a good combination and our combined power was starting to erase reality and everything in it as a whole. After my original three children realized this event that was occurring they informed the rest of my legendary children and all of them started to fight even more fiercely and with greater determination to stop me and the Unknown but most importantly the man that was controlling us, even the humans that were there tried to help out more by going for the man himself. I could clearly remember two young humans with a red cap and a blue/red cap and a yellow Pokémon on their shoulders respectively motivating the other humans that were there to not give up and continue to fight. Fight they did, I've never seen so much bravery in two humans since the time I was told of the action of a brave human and his aura Pokémon in healing and protecting the tree of beginning but unlike that human these other humans were completely out of their league in that situation and were immediately killed by the man by simply making the Unknown erase them from existence. I was saddened by this outcome with the brave humans but was surprised when my children started to fight even more fiercely when they saw what had happened to the humans that tried to attack the man. Out of all of them the one that was the angriest against the man was Latias when she immediately attacked me to try to get to the man. After I saw that I figured out that that human with the blue/red cap must have been the human she kissed in Alto Mare. After this I got angrier with the man and was trying with all the power and will I had left to break out of the man's control. The situation was getting from bad to worse because I was still releasing so much of my power in my primal form and the unknown were doing the same thing but this time all my children were fighting against primal me with their full released power not caring anymore. The universe was starting to collapse in on itself with the battle that was occurring between a controlled unknown and me against the full might of the legendary Pokémon. While this was going on the man had lost all sense of control and immediately started laughing like a madman while yelling "I did it!" I had no idea how much time had passed since the beginning of the battle but at one point the whiteness of the emptiness had already reached us and had consumed most of reality and all the humans and Pokémon's in it. The only area that wasn't affected was where the battle was occurring, but it was slowly creeping in. I kept trying and trying to break free and end this, but the control, enhanced by the full might of the unknown, the man had over me of them was to great. In the end I had killed most of my children and the only ones that were left were Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf against the man that was controlling me. The man was taunting my last children saying "look around you, you have lost I have finally won the universe will be mine to recreate in my image and I will be the new God of this new universe what can you hope to do to stop this hahahahahahahah" The man had completely lost it but was going to accomplish his goal no matter how hard I tried to break free. The situation was dire, but my children paid the ultimate sacrifice to stop me, the Unknown, and that man" sad the old one all this to the young one as it was still looking at it entranced by the tale it was being told.
"The way I was finally stopped young one, was when Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf gave their life energy to hold me down with their sacred chains so that Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina could attack the dam fool that started all of that. So, they did my three emotion children gave their lives away to hold down my primal form and they were able too. After I was stalled my three original children used their own remaining life energy for one final attack against the Unknown and the man. Even as I was being stalled, I could see that the man was starting to get worried and ordered the Unknown to protect him with all their might and the unknown immediately tried to protect him. With what little energy my children had left they fired their last and strongest attack against the shield all the unknown had created to protect the man. When the combined attack hit the shield the force of the impact sent shockwaves to what was left of the universe and started to accelerate the erosion procedure even more. I tried to stop them, but I was being held down by the sacred chains. At first it showed that the shield was holding but soon cracks started appearing and then some more and more and more until the combined blast destroyed the shield. As the blast went thru, and knocked out the unknown, the shield it reached the man and immediately vaporized him. The mans final words that I could hear were "no dam it I was supposed to win, I was supposed to be a God, I was supposed to have ultimate power, Team Galactic were supposed to be the ultimate rulers of mankind and Pokémon alike! Dam you Red, dam you Ash Ketchum, Dam you Oak, Lance, Steven, Cynthia, Cyrus, Lysander, Giovanni! Dam you all to Heeellllll!" Were the final words of that man." ended the old one its tale of the great battle that had occurred.
The young Arceus was amazed by all this but felt extreme sadness for its old counterpart after hearing this because it felt how sad the old Arceus was when it was forced to battle and kill most of its children. Then the old one continued.
"After all that ended I was finally freed from the man's control and the chains had released me and after I reverted back to my normal self I immediately tried to fix everything but it was already too late My original children had used whatever small amount of lifespan they had left to fuel their last attack and had died in the process, the emptiness took them. What was left of the universe had already been erased and there was nothing left of what I had created many eons ago." Said the old one with another look of shame on its face but continued nonetheless.
"All that was left in that void of emptiness was me and the Unknown. At first I wanted to kill the Unknown for starting all of this but then I remembered their flaw and just let it be and reabsorbed them into myself" said the old one while this time not looking at the, now known as the unknowns, little creatures around them.
The young Arceus started to glare at the Unknown because they were the ones that started everything that caused the end of the universe the old one had created but a look from the old one brought back the young one's attention back to it.
"Don't blame them young one, as I told you their greatest weakness was of them not having free will by themselves and always looking for someone to control them. In fact, before all that had occurred there was a small incident were the Unknown were controlled by a little girl and them doing everything, she asked them to do. The Unknown need a master to guide them for them to not go array, but you will fix that" said the old one looking at the young Arceus and before the young one was about to ask why the old one motioned for it to stop and when it did the old one continued "In here I will explain what you have to do with everything and what is your role in all of this but let me finish." When the old one got a nod in return it continued. "After I had absorbed the unknown into me I saw that their was nothing left in creation so I did what I had to and absorbed all the emptiness into me creating what you see before you" said the old one calmly while motioning the darkness around both Arceus. Then the old one spoke again.
"Now I will explain to you what your role in all this is ok?" said the old one to the young one, with the young one nodding its head to finally know the meaning behind all of this. So, the old one explained what was left. "You see young one I can no longer create or rule anything because I have no more power left and I have no more body left. What you see before you young one is just my consciousness and my memories and knowledge and experience in the form of my old body. In Fact, the body that you have young one was my old body" the old one said with a smirk when it saw the bewildered expression on the young one's face but continued before it could ask a question. "After I had wiped out everything, I knew something had to be done to bring back life and creation again. So, what I did was to separate my self and the unknown from my body and to slowly reform the body of mine into a new me with a new and different personality without my flaws and mistakes. I waited for many Eons for you to be complete but then you suddenly were born, and I was so happy because this will start a new ear for everything. That new me is you young one and your role in all this is to prevent from what happened to me and my universe from happening ever again." Said the old one sternly to the young Arceus. The young Arceus just asked one question.
"How?" asked the young Arceus with wide eyes.
"With my help of course" said the old one but continued quickly.
"Young one what I'm about to do with you is fuse my essence with yours" told the old Arceus to the young one and at the confusion in the young one's face, the old one elaborated. "You see young one you cannot control your own power yet, that is why I am going to fuse with you." Said the old Arceus to the young one, Then the young one spoke again.
"Wil-will yo-you be gone if we fuse" stuttered the young one.
"Yes, my consciousness will fade away and all that you will have left Is my experiences, my knowledge, and memories. Before you ask this is the only way young one and besides, I want this, I want to be reunited with my children wherever they are." Said the old one with a longingly look on its face at the mention of its children. The young one spoke then.
"I understand and I accept this request and mission of you… Father" said the young one now to its father with a look of determination and a fire in its eyes to not disappoint it.
The old one was taken back by this proclamation by the young one because it thought that the young one wouldn't want to handle and fix everything that had happened but it immediately composed itself and looked back at his Son with a look of pride and love towards the young Arceus.
"Thank you for granting this old man's final wish… Son" said the father to its son but continued to explain what must be done.
"The way this will work is with me touching your head with mine and just like that my essence will combine with yours giving you my knowledge and my experiences as well as my memories. Understood?" Explained the Father to its Son. With a Nod from the Son the Father spoke its final words to its Son.
"Thank you, my Son, for what you're doing for me and I wish you the best in this new universe and life that you're going to create." the Father said with a look of happiness in its face but suddenly the A unknown that had first appeared came down from the ones that were still revolving around them and headed straight for the father chanting worriedly. The old one chuckled at this but explained to it and the rest of the unknown what was going to happen. The unknown was sad, if their sad chanting was anything to by, but understood quickly and accepted their fate. After that moment the A Unknown headed back to the rest of the unknowns and all of them patiently waited for what was going to happen.
The Father said one final goodbye to the Unknowns and then spoke to its son "Let's begin this" said the father to the son while the latter quickly nodded.
Both Father and Son started to approach each other and when they got close to each other they both butted their heads together. While this happening the Unknown sphere was starting to spin more rapidly around both of them while chanting happily. When both Arceus's head touched each other, a light started to emanate form the Father but suddenly that light started to turn into small bright spheres that were merging with the sons' body. (A/N: Imagine Koro-Sensei's death but the little glowing spheres going into the Arceus body.)
The process went on for a little bit but meanwhile the young Arceus was getting eons worth of memories and experience and knowledge into its head. While before the young Arceus did not understand its power now he had full control of it a knew how to use it too its fullest extent. Now it knew what it must do but this time it was going to choose a human to be its chosen one to prevent evil entities from winning unlike its father who had not had a chosen one because of it feeling that there was no need for one. The young Arceus was going to have a chosen one and it will be that fellow with the blue/red cap and with the yellow mouse on his shoulder. The young Arceus decided this because it was amazed by the bravery that human showed during the ordeal that happened to its father but also because it had met most of the legendary Pokémon that its father had created and, in some cases, saved them. Also, this young human had saved the world of its father many times and was even instrumental in being the one who played the beautiful melody that calmed down Dialga and Palkia. In fact, this young human was able to stop its father from destroying an entire civilization by traveling back to the past and saving its father from being betrayed by a human. How this young human was not a chosen human by its father it would never know. But as the memories were flowing thru its head it decided then and there that its version of the chosen one was not going to be exactly like the young human in its fathers memories because from what it saw the human was vey dense, and rash, and did not think things clearly enough. Its version was going to be an example of what a trainer should be while still being kind.
As all this was going on the last bit of its fathers' memories flowed into it and then the entire process was all over and the old Arceus was gone and all that was left was no Old and Young Arceus but just a single Arceus.
All that was left of Arceus's father was a single whisper in Arceus mind saying, "Thank you, Good Luck my son" and then there was nothing.
Arceus just stood there assimilating everything into itself but then after a while it opened its eyes with a newfound wisdom in them and started to examine its improved body and its power. The plates and golden cross-like wheel around it where shining with an even greater brightness and look.
While all this was happening, the Unknown stopped revolving around Arceus and just waited patiently until Arceus moved again. They didn't wait long.
Once Arceus opened its eyes it saw things differently and knew what it must do.
The Unknown waited penitently to see what Arceus was going to do.
Then Acrceus looked at the Unknown and simply smiled towards them. At this action the Unknown started to chant and spin happily around Arceus. Arceus saw this and just smiled towards them and promised to itself that it would fix their flaw.
After a moment Arceus looked around at the Darkness surrounding it and suddenly said two words that started this story.
(Arceus looks directly at the reader)
"Let's Begin." Then there was a huge blast of Light.
A/N: Woo I am finally done with this first chapter. I hope you all guys like my take on Arceus. Next chapter begins Ahs's journey and I hope you all like my take on it. I have already decided on Ahs's team and before anyone asks not his starter will not be Pikachu it will be a different one. I know I did not do all the movies but because ei will only do the movies that I like but some of the legendaries in some movie will be mentioned allot. Like I said at the beginning my Ash will be allot like Traveler's Ash. For those who haven't read traveler I highly recommended for you to read it. Anyway, I hope all of you enjoy my story and please review and favorite it. Thank You and Peace out my Students Nurufufufufu.