Hermione ran down the stairs in her house where her parents were waiting. Her father loaded her trunk into the car.

"This came for you today." Hermione took the envelope from her father, the Hogwarts seal on it.

Dear Ms. Granger:

We apologize for the delay. Apparently there was a sickness that affected the owls worldwide. We think the Dark Lord was involved. Anyway, Congratulations are in order as we are delighted to make you Head Girl along with Head Boy Seamus Finnegan. Meet in the Head Compartment of the Hogwarts Express at 11:30. The other prefects will be there as well. Congratulations once again and enjoy your seventh year.

Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster Minerva McGonnagall, Deputy Headmistress
Hermione raised her eyebrows. Seamus Finnegan: Head Boy- the boy who always caused everything to explode? She chuckled. He was still very smart. She didn't know him well, but anything was better than being Head Girl with Draco Malfoy or as she liked to call him "ferret."

With that last thought, Hermione grinned and pinned her Head Girl badge on her collar. "I'm Head Girl!" Her mother and father gave her hugs.

"We're so proud of you sweetie!" "I'll miss you!" "Us too, but you will be home for Christmas. Oi! But you better go. It's 10:45 and your train leaves at 11. Owl us lots."

Hermione nodded and climbed into the car with her father. They set off for Kings Cross.

Upon reaching the station, her father helped her shove her trunk on a trolley, gave her a kiss goodbye and drove off. Hermione ran through the barrier.


"Oliver? What are you doing here?" "I'm on break from Puddlemere. Madame Hooch is taking a sabbatical so I'm going to take her place for the year. You look good. Very pretty."

Hermione blushed. "And you Oliver, you look great too."

Oliver helped her with her trunk.

"Well, I better go to the teacher's compartment Congratulations on making Head Girl!"

"Thanks Oliver."

Oliver walked off as Hermione went towards the compartment she always shared with Harry and Ron. They were going to hear it from her for not owling her all summer.