
This is my first FF story in this particular fandom. My son introduced me to Miraculous LB + CN, he has recently lost interest in it and moved on to Avengers but I do love this program it really makes me chuckle so I thought I would give this a go. I have only just recently returned to FF after having my son then my daughter earlier this year. I am in the middle of majorly re-writing two of my stories ( for X Files and Walking Dead) but in the mean time this idea tickled me a little and I thought why not?

I have a four year old and seven month old - as a parent there are some baby experiences that you go through that blow your mind, make you laugh hysterically or make you want to cry. Sometimes all at the same time!

I wondered how 18 year old Adrien, with a little help from the notoriously mischief master Plagg, would fare having to deal with some of the situations that my husband and I have been in with our two little munchkins?

So basic premise: Ladybug gets hit by an akuma that reverts people back to babies and poor Adrien/Chat Noir has to deal with the aftermath of trying to figure out how to get the akuma purified without Ladybug as well as take care of a (roughly) 9 month old baby.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I have had trying to piece it together. Looking at my notes this is likely to be around 8 chapter story possibly a bit longer although not all around the baby. He does have to figure out how to get everything back to normal without LB!

I am hoping that I will be able update once a week but it will obviously be around a toddler/baby schedule so my brain may be a little too addled to write consistently every night with the three stories I have on the go!

Rated M to be safe - Only for some severe swearing at times and a trigger warning for a particularly angsty akuma situation. Nothing else.


Ladybug stood on the roof of the apartment block, surveying the layout of the path that the akuma had taken. In her wake there seemed to be civilians who had randomly been transformed into babies, she guessed due to the variety of sizes, in ages newborn right up to about a year old. The police, at her orders, were currently corralling citizens away from the path as well as herding off the people who had been hit by her beam into the squadron cars to make sure everyone was safe and accounted for. The akuma seemed to be pretty picky about who she was targeting, floating past groups of people to specifically target certain citizens.

The soft thump of her black cat partner landing next to her barely broke her concentration.

"Well bon matin, LB. A pleasure as always to see you." He greeted her with his usual suaveness, receiving the typical slight head shake and eye roll from his partner in response. Her eyes had not even moved from the roads she was surveying, however he felt a warm shot of pride course through him as her lips pursed softly, a slight pull at the corner of her mouth telling him that she was trying not to smile so that his ego was stroked in thinking she had reacted to his compliment.

"Bon Matin, Chaton," She replied after a couple of seconds, before getting straight down to business. "I think this one is going to be a bit more difficult than our normal ones. I can't understand why she keeps turning specific people into babies."

Chat hummed in response watching her for a couple of minutes then ventured, "Maybe she's one of those mums where her kids have moved out and she's having that empty nest feeling? She might be targeting people who have the same features as her kids."

Ladybug glanced at her partner in surprise at the softness of his tone and realised that it was actually a really good guess. It made sense, she mentally rolled her eyes, well a lot more sense than your average akuma who seemed to lose their shit over the most random things.

"You know Chat, I think you might be onto something there." She mused, taking in the akumas appearance as she floated down the street. She was wearing, in comparison to previous akumas, quite a normal outfit. Well at least it wasn't outrageous. The woman was dressed in a deep purple jumpsuit with white knee high boots and holding a white staff that she was using to revert the chosen adults to babies. The most notable thing that struck her was that she seemed to have a stream of tears flowing from her eyes even though her face was impassive, and the tears seem to never hit the ground. They simply flowed into a pool of water which shimmered beneath her as she floated like a mirage. She was definitely one of the sadder ones that she had witnessed and she cursed hawkmoth once again for his cold use of this poor woman's anguish for his advantage.

She stood up suddenly trying to shake off the sad feeling in the pit of her stomach and turned to her partner, "Chat, I think we need to get on with this one. She is turning more people into babies, but the longer we wait and scope her out the more issues we're going to have make sure everyone is safe."

"On your command LB," he saluted and grabbed his baton ready to launch off as her yo-yo whirred to life. They both launched off the building landing simultaneously on the ground in front of the akuma. They eyed the woman warily as she turned to the partners slowly. She seemed to be more ominous just in her silence and clear heartbreak that radiated off her body. Ladybug realised that Chat must be feeling the same trepidation, as usually he would have launched an attack or at least started with the, what he believed to be, witty one liners to grab the akumas attention. She glanced at him seeing the same expression of concern and pity that she was sure was written across her own face.

"I am baby maker," the akuma whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I will have a baby one way or another."

Both of the superheros exchanged worried glances before reverting their gaze back to the akuma. Hawkmoth really was an asshole.

Ladybug sensed that this akuma may actually listen to them for once rather than fight. Maybe this time it called for a more gentle approach. "Listen madam, I am truly sorry for what you are feeling at the moment and that Hawkmoth is using you but please. You need to fight him. Fight him off. He is only using you to get what he wants not to help you."

"You know you are so beautiful," baby maker told her floating towards her slowly," with raven hair and blue eyes you are just like my husband, yes you would be a perfect baby for us. I don't care about your earrings he can have them. Ladybug, I just want you."

Ladybug stood there in shock almost hypnotised as the woman cooed at her and reached out to her. Before she knew it the woman had raised the white staff and was directly pointing it at her chest shooting a purple beam directly at her. Then her vision was obscured by the leather clad back of Chat Noir who had leapt in front of her spinning his baton to deflect the beam, dissipating it into thin air.

Grabbing his partner without a second thought, he launched them onto a nearby roof, the landing rougher than usual as he had in slight panic vaulted before figuring out the trajectory. Rolling to a stop on the roof top with her in his arms, she shook herself almost out of a daze and looked up at her partner.

"Are you ok LB?" He asked hurriedly, dragging her up and putting him behind whilst warily looking around him. The akuma hadn't followed them but he was desperately trying to keep his ears in tune with their surroundings so that she didn't just sneak up on them.

"Jesus, Chat this is a bad one." She huffed feeling disconcerted and collecting herself. "Thanks for the save. That was close."

He nodded in response a little worried but relieved that she was okay. " I think the akuma isn't the staff." She looked over at him in questioning.

"Yeah, whilst she was distracted by you I had a chance to quickly look her over and the staff is white, but there was something purple in her pocket, like a piece of paper or an envelope. I was going to try to get to it but realised what she was about to do so left it."

She blushed slightly embarrassed, she had stood there looking at the akuma as if hypnotised and had almost got caught by the beam without defending herself. She had even seemed to have forgotten that her partner was right next to her.

"Don't worry about it LB." He reassured her placing his hand softly on her shoulder. "You're right this is a tough one. She radiates pain. Whatever the hell it is that she is suffering she doesn't deserve this on top of what she's going through."

"I agree," she told him a little unsteadily, "All the other Akuma's were more anger based. This one is definitely heartbroken which means it's going to make it harder." She contemplated for a minute, then turned back to him. "We know what she wants, she's going to come after me so we need to use me as bait."

Chat baulked at her suggestion, shaking his head," Not a chance!" he replied stubbornly, " If something goes wrong you are the only one that can purify the akuma. If we lose you we are screwed as are all the people that have already been turned."

"Chat, it's the only way to get this done as soon as possible so we can get everyone back to normal." She argued firmly, holding up her hand as he went to protest further," besides you always have to be the one distracting the akumas and I have enough moves to get out of her way when I need to. You just need to make sure you get whatever's in her pocket."

He grumbled for a minute but seeing that look of determination he knew there was no way she was going to back down. " Fine but lets hurry. I have a bad feeling about this."

His ears suddenly twitched and then flattened against his head. "She's here."

Turning to the left bottom side corner of the roof top, he quickly pushed her away from him launching himself side ways as a purple beam shot between them. They simultaneously rolled away from each other springing up to their feet and arched their weapons in front of them in tandem to deflect any further beams.

"Come child," cooed the woman as she floated onto the rooftop facing them," I don't want to hurt you, don't you want to be loved and cherished? My husband and I would love you more than life itself. You would be our star, our baby."

"I am already loved and cherished by my own parents," Ladybug told her firmly, never wavering the fast pace of the yo-yo in front of her, "You would be taking away their star, their baby."

"With everything that you are going through, would you wish the same fate to another pair of parents?" She kept talking as she could see the woman falter slightly, and Chat out of the corner of her eye skirting around the other side of the building to gain the advantage of attacking from behind. "I can't let you do that to them, I love them too much."

Suddenly the purple butterfly appeared across the woman's features and both the superhero's knew that this was their one chance whilst she was distracted by Hawkmoth obviously shouting at the woman to get the miraculous from them. In one swoop she threw her yo-yo up calling for her lucky charm as Chat launched at the woman's pocket to get the akuma.

Chat watched in horror as everything seem to fast forward in a few terrible seconds. Ladybug caught a large empty jar in her hands, and the woman snapping out of her communication with Hawkmoth raised her staff to the heroine who was temporarily unprotected. He yelled her name to warn her but he knew it was too late as her head snapped up from the jar and the beam hit her in the chest. He watched as Ladybug morphed into a baby, the jar landing on the floor with a small plinking sound and rolling away from her.

The woman who had not realised he was literally at her left flank didn't have time to react before he ripped the pocket of the jump suit and grabbed the purple piece of paper, ripping it in half and releasing the tainted butterfly. He didn't watch her transform back as he had with all the other akumas, instead running towards the jar. Skidding to a stop he grabbed it, then launched himself upwards to catch the little purple akuma that seemed to be hovering high over the lady's head as if it was ready to re-akumatise her again. When he had successfully managed to capture it into the jar, and sealed the lid, he breathed out in exhaustion the situation finally hitting him. Oh man are we up shit creek without a paddle.

Gently settling the jar down to make sure it didn't break, he furiously tried to figure out what to do first. The woman was on her knees to the left of him sobbing unhindered, and Ladybug was sat in a pool of the red and black material of her suit, happily chomping on her hand just to the right of him.

His head snapped up at a beeping sound, Ladybugs earrings, cutting through the sounds of the woman's sobs.

Oh crap.