The forest was dark and doomy, but there was tranquility in its sullen atmosphere. The wind slipped through the leaves and the cool breeze whispered against her face. Reina stopped running after she thought she was a good several miles away from the camp. Her feet ached and were covered with scratches and blisters. Wooden sandals were definitely not the most appropriate foot-wear for long-distance running, but her runners were taken away and she was desperate to escape from that first unifier. Now, she was safe...

Wait, safe from what? She was still in the past, stuck in this crazy time period alone, and surrounded by a couple of madmen.

From what she could remember about the Sengoku period she learned in class was, after Nobunaga Oda's death, Mitsuhide Akechi launched a rebellion that gained him control of the country for a mere thirteen days. His regime was quickly overthrown by the returning Hideyoshi Toyotomi. Except now, Nobunaga was alive, so Mitsuhide's coup couldn't happen. Does that mean history had changed? She couldn't have just stood there and let him die but now there was no telling the repercussions her actions had on the future.

Suddenly, she heard the soft chiming of bells and the sound of dry leaves being crushed under someone's feet.

"Young lady, what are you doing in the woods this late at night."

Reina gasped, turning around to find a man with a chiseled face in a purple and yellow robe approaching her with a smile. He held a jangling prayer staff in one hand. Maybe a Buddhist monk?

"I am called Kennyo, and I am a traveling monk. Perhaps I can be of assistance to you?"

Reina paled. Oh no, another historical figure she knew. However, this one, in particular, was known for being one of Nobunaga's enemies. Kennyo was the chief abbot of the old Hongan-ji temple which Nobunaga destroyed since he was a part of the Ikkō-Ikki Buddhist sect, a group of warrior monks who opposed samurai rule.

"Thank you, but I'm fine on my own." Reina took a careful step back. This was no good, he hated Nobunaga while she saved him. She held her breath as he took a long stride towards her only to put a hand softly on her shoulder.

Emotionless eyes peered into hers, and she saw a prominent scar slashing down his face. "You should return home quickly. Demons lurk in the woods at night," he advised, gravelly voice resounding in his chest.

"Thank you for the warning," she murmured, pulling away. She did a small bow before sprinting off. "Goodbye!"

Wasn't it awfully suspicious that Kennyo happened to be here out of all places? Where Nobunaga was almost assassinated? Or was it just a mere coincidence? She didn't know. Reina let out a worn-out sigh as she looked up at the sky only to find the moon silently watching her running aimlessly like a lost child. She didn't know anything about what was going right now. Reina set her eyes ahead once again to find herself crashing into someone at the edge of the forest. The momentum sent them both flying to the ground.

"Ow," groaned the man. Reina's eyes fluttered open to find a handsome man with brown hair dressed in fine, red clothing lying below her like an unhappy cushion. "Watch where you're going!"

Jesus, today was just not her day, was it. Reina peered into his nut-brown eyes. "I'm so sorry."

"Uh..." The young man looked away, a blush spreading across his face. Reina frowned, confused. What was wrong? "I'm fine. Just give me space, would you!"

That was when she realized how she was pretty much on top of him, and they were so close their noses nearly touched. She pressed her lips together, cheeks pinkening slightly. "Right."

She moved away from him as he stood up and offered a hand. "Here."

"Oh, thanks." She took it and got to her feet.

"What's this, Yuki? We've been here ten minutes and you've already found yourself a woman?"

A broad-shouldered man, a full head taller than 'Yuki,' approached the two with a grin plastered on his face. The color of his hair was a shade darker from Yuki's too. He wore a dull red kimono under a brown haori and held a massive sword that was the height to his shoulders.

Who was this? Reina eyed the huge katana warily.

"Don't tease me, Lord Shingen. She charged out of the forest and crashed into me," Yuki frowned.

Okay, she didn't mean to crash into him. "Hey, it was an accident. I had a lot of things in my mind while I was running."

Yuki scoffed, shooting her a skeptical look. "Yeah? And why were you running at night in the woods?"

Reina opened her mouth but then closed it. "It's a long story..." she muttered, averting her gaze. She had just wanted an escape from all the madmen she had met so far.

"Hmm..smoke from Honno-ji and a woman all alone at night," Shingen smiled, eyeing Reina flirtatiously. "Perhaps you're a ghost? Though you're the most beautiful ghost I've ever seen."

Her mouth fell open. Wow, that was smooth. She could imagine a million girls swooning over him if he told them the exact same thing, considering how attractive he was.

"Your ability to spew cheap pick up lines never ceases to amaze me." A platinum blond man clothed in an icy blue kimono and a black haori joined them on the cliff. His lips curled in disgust as he looked at Shingen.

"I just call it like I see it, Kenshin." Shingen gave him an easygoing grin.

'Shingen' and 'Kenshin.' Wasn't there two warlords during the Sengoku period with those names who were rivals? What was it again? Oh, Shingen Takeda and Kenshin Uesugi. These two men couldn't be them. Those warlords were already dead even before the Honno-ji incident.

A masked brunette arrived from the edge of the dense thicket. Strangely, his footsteps didn't make a single sound. "My lords, I've returned. Nobunaga's forces have extinguished the fires at Honno-ji." The newcomer was dressed for camouflage and ease of movement, with close-fitting layers that wouldn't rustle.

This guy had to be a ninja. A bespectacled one? Reina thought as she eyed the ninja's glasses. I guess ninjas could have bad eyesight, too.

"Thank you for your investigation, Sasuke," acknowledged Kenshin. "So, I assume Nobunaga is still alive then?"

"Yes," the ninja replied.

The others didn't seem happy about this. Reina noticed the dark expressions on their faces.

"He's got devil's luck," Shingen said grimly.

"Or he's the devil," muttered Yuki, eyes darkening.

Reina clenched her fist, trying to calm her nerves down. These guys were obviously Nobunaga-haters. Geez, she was first meeting all meeting his allies, now she was meeting all his enemies.

"You..." Sasuke murmured, sounding astonished. He was staring directly at her.

Raising a brow, Reina pointed at herself. "Me?"

The platinum blond took a step towards the ninja. "We happened to run into her here. Do you know this woman?"

"No, I was mistaken," denied the ninja. "Though I spotted a village on the way here. She must be from there. I'll escort her home."

Shingen's lips broke into a teasing smirk as he crossed his arms. "Moving quick, aren't you, Sasuke? Give the rest of us a chance, will you?"

"Lord Shingen, please. You and the others should return to the city," Sasuke said politely. Excusing himself, the ninja took her hand and led her back towards the forest before Reina could even protest.

Reina trailed behind Sasuke as they went deep into the woods. "Hold on, you've got it wrong. I'm not from a village or anywhere near here-"

"I know. I've been expecting you."

What? What did he mean?

The ninja abruptly stopped walking and released her hand. Lowering his mask, he turned around, revealing a composed face. "Do you recognize me?"

"The lab coat guy with glasses from the Honno-ji monument," breathed Reina. "So you also time-traveled."

He lifted a finger to adjust his thickly rimmed glasses. "I'm glad you remember me. My name is Sasuke. And just like you, I come from the present, or rather, the future."