Welcome to my new story! This time the declaration of love will not be as easy as in the original ... Will Blu confess his love for Jewel? Will Jewel reciprocate the potential feeling? Here is what you will find out in this story ... Meanwhile, I invite you to read it!

It was a few minutes after 7 a.m. when Blu, Jewel and a couple of people with a child went to a medical clinic.

-Blu, I'm afraid... - said Jewel being scared of what might happen next. Blu saw it, because the chest of Jewel quickly rose and fell, also Blu felt that her breathing is terribly fast and uneven.

-Hey, Jewel, calm down... Look at me," said Blu trying to calm down Jewel. Jewel obediently raised her head and looked at Blu, who had the face that expressed the greatest compassion.

-Don't be afraid... It'll be fine, Tulio knows what he's doing," Blu said, showing her wings so that Jewel could take a few deep breaths to calm her down. Jewel has done it several times, but it didn't help. Jewel was still upset, afraid of the whole situation, and every higher sound caused her the biggest fear. Tulio came back from the doctor's room from where he had already put on his apron.

-Jevel, you're going to have surgery," said Blu sadly, realizing what Jewel's reaction will be.

-What kind of surgery?! But I don't want to! - She answered sobbing and sobbed Jewel. Blu approached her and then put a wing next to her neck so that Jewel couldn't leave her head.

-Don't worry, Tulio knows what he's doing... You won't even feel a thing... I promise," said Blu. Jewel nodded her nervous head, but she was still very scared. Tulio took her in his hands a moment later and went to the treatment room. Even though parrots made a loud noise to people, Blu knew that what is a noise to people is really Jewel's crying of fear and pain.

"Poor Jewel... I hope she can handle the surgery," thought the sad Blu. His thoughts were interrupted when he felt the touch on his shoulder - it was Linda, who was also saddened by the fact that Blu was already safe.

-I'm glad it's over," said Linda in a sad voice. Blu gave a sign confirming the slow movement of the head. A moment later a nurse came to the room and slowly took Blu on her shoulders.

-I will take Blu to the aviary. She certainly needs rest - said the nurse.

-Yes, of course, Linda nodded. The nurse bowed gently and then left the room. When Blu was carried by the nurse, he fell into thought. He didn't even notice when he was put into the aviary, where he met Jewel for the first time.

"Am I already here? Woah! Well... I'll sit by the stream and wait for Jewel..." thought Blu. He came a little bit further up the road and sat down at a small lake with small stones around him.

"When I am at Jewel... My heart... It beats terribly fast..." thought Blu and touched his chest. His heart worked evenly and slowly. Just as it should be.

"But when Jewel is next to me... I feel like there is fire in my heart, my heart is warming up... I feel strange... And I think there's something about why I feel so weird... When I'm next to her I blush... I don't know why myself... I think it's... (Blu swallowed heavy saliva) love... ".

The last word of Blu mumbled very quietly and with hope that this feeling is true. When he finished thinking, he lay down and tried to sleep. He tried different ways, he fell to the sides, tried everything, but it didn't help him. Eventually, he thought again.

"But unfortunately it's too good to be true... A woman like Jewel happens once in a million... And a fool like me? There are so many of them... The fact that I am the last representative of Spix Macaw, but surely Jewel does not want me... Even if I am the only one... Literally... "thought saddened Blu. He sat with these words for the next half hour imagining a situation in which he really dared to confess his love for Jewel. Although he tried to think as positively as possible, he still imagined that Jewel rejected his feelings. Each time it caused a feeling of crying in Blu's soul. However, when Blu rested his mind, he gained some courage. He started wondering if it was such a stupid idea."But this kiss... No! No, it's just a coincidence, caused by emotions... Let's focus on what can really give something," thought Blu. He took courage in himself and this time he was really thinking whether a confession of love would be stupid.

"All in all... Probably in 3 days I will leave Brazil... so why not? I'll try, you live once!" thought Blu. He got up energetically when he decided to do it. And then he heard a familiar delictane female voice behind him... It was Jewel, after the surgery. Blu was thinking for so long, probably a few hours. Blu didn't even realize it. His courage stopped immediately and his heart started to beat faster and faster. He started breathing fast, but tried to stop it. Slowly he turned back and saw a blue figure.

"In this light he looks so beautiful..." He thought Blu at the time when he saw the light of the light bulb illuminating Jewel's blue body. Her wing was wrapped in bandages, but it didn't bother Jewel to run up to Blu and hug him with all his might.

-Blu! I missed you! - said Jewel, and there were tears coming out of her eyes, most likely tears of happiness. When Blu felt Jewel's body, his heart was immediately beating like crazy, and there was a fire in his body.

-Yevel... - Jevel said quietly that Blu was hugging each other. After a while they split from the embrace, Jewel was smiling without even paying attention to her wing, and Blu tried not to look into Jewel's turquoise eyes.

-Jevel...- he started Blu unconsciously.

-Yes? -Yes? -Yes," asked Jewel.

-Maybe this is not the best time, but I wanted to tell you that... - Blu's voice was cut off, because Tulio entered the aviary, who probably came to examine the wing just in case.

-Come on Jewel, it won't hurt, I just want to see your wing," said Tulio.

-I'll be back in a moment," said Jewel warmly, "and then she approached Tulio. The doctor took her and then he left the aviary. When the door closed, Blu felt frustrated that at such a moment Tulio had to enter.

-Why did he come? Whoa! - snarled Blu and sat down at the pond. His heart had already calmed down and the feeling of warmth had also disappeared. Everything was normal.

"And again this feeling..." Blu thought, touching his chest. 30 long, very long minutes have passed. The aviary door opened and then Jewel went inside again. But this time she wasn't as happy as before. She approached Blu and sat down next to him.

-Yevel? Did something happen? - He asked Blu gently. Jewel sighed a little and then looked at her broken wing.

-I have to wear these bandages for 2 weeks," said Jewel sadly. There was a moment of silence until Jewel remembered that Blu had something to say to her.

-Something you were going to say to Blu, what was it? - asked Jewel. When Blu heard this question, his pulse immediately jumped up and down twice and he started to be terribly nervous.

-Me? Yes... Ekh... I wanted to tell you... that I'm glad that I ended up only with bandages - Blu briefly said, and then he laughed nervously.

-I think I think I'm going to sleep... - He said Blu and then he got up.

-Blu? - Jewel stopped the male.

-Yes? -Blu? -He asked Blu.

-Can you lift me up to the nest? - asked Jewel. Blu swallowed severe saliva and then answered.

-Yeah, sure," said the upset Blu and then took Jewel gently into his clutches. He did it very badly in order not to hurt the wing. After 2 minutes Blu put Jewel gently to the nest where she slept.

Blu, when he was about to leave, was stopped again.

-Blu? - Again Jewel asked.

-Yes?", answered Blu.

-Thank you for finishing the plane... For me She said she was blushing Jewel.

-Well... Ekh... Good night, Jewel," said Blu, scared of the whole situation. He went to a smaller nest where he was supposed to spend the night.

"She is so sweet... Amazing... I met such a woman... It's a pity that it's only me who loves her, without any mutual feelings," thought Blu sadly and then fell asleep. He fell asleep.

I think it will be a pretty short story, but I hope you like it!