In this story, I would like to tell my version of what happened to Balto before he came to Nome, why Aniu left Balto in Nome, and other things like this.Dont forget to leave review after reading this chapter, because I like to know what do you think about that story.

Chapter 1

I thought youre dead

"So where are we going, dad?" Kodi asked as he followed his father. "You wanted to spend time with me so I thought we could go swimming." Balto answered as he walked forward. "It's a great idea, but why are we going to the forest?" Kodi asked a bit confused. "Behind this forest is a lake with warm water ... its really beautiful and romantic place, you can take Dusty there." Balto said and started laughing. "Dad!" Kodi said embarrassed. "Okay okay, sorry son." Balto said and suddenly raised his ears. "Did you hear that, Kodi?" Balto turned and looked at his son. "What?" Kodi asked, confused. " *sniff* I think we are not alone here." Balto looked around and began to growl, suddenly the bush in front of him shook with a rustle. "Show me yourself!" Balto said and began to growl louder. A gray wolf emerged from the bush, he was little bigger than Balto and had a black mark on the shoulder. The wolf took a defensive position and began to growl. Kodi was not sure what to do, so he did the same as his father and carefully watched the wolf. Balto looked at the wolf's shoulder and stopped growling. Kodi looked at his father and did not understand why he stopped growling. Balto looked uncertainly into the wolf's eyes. "D-Daro? Is that you?" Balto asked calmly. "From where do you know my name, dog?" The wolf replied still growling. "I'm not ..." Balto looked at his son, he didnt want Kodi to know he was half-wolf, but he had no way so he tell the truth. "I am Balto half-wolf who was driven out of the wolf valley as a pup." Balto said and lowered his head. Kodi was shocked by what he had just heard,he never assuming that his father might be half-wolf. This destroyed the world's perception of Kodi, because if his father is half-wolf, it means that he also has wolf blood. Kodi was so confused that he did not know what to say, do or think, he just stood and looked at his father, paralyzed by what he had just heard. "B-Balto? Is that really you? We all thought that youre dead..." Daro was hard to say these words because he didnt think that he would ever see Balto again. "Dead? Why does everyone think so?" Balto asked surprised. "Because we thought people killed you and your mother..." Daro said hesitantly. "Are you telling me that she has not returned to the wolf valley?" Balto asked, Daro knew that the truth would hurt Balto. "Unfortunately, she didnt come back." Daro responded and laid his paw on Balto's shoulder. "I'm sorry Balto." Daro said, trying to cheer Balto. "Balto pushed Daro's paw away and began to growl." You are sorry? It's the fault of your father's rules and the stupid wolf valley she's dead! "Balto shouted in anger." Balto ... my father is dead ... humans killed him. Now I am the Alpha of the wolf valley, I have changed the rules now no one is being expelled. "Daro replied sadly, Balto calmed down when he heard what Daro said." I ... I'm sorry, I didnt know. "Balto said because he felt bad that he saddened an old friend. "Thats okay Balto." Daro replied and looked at the Balto. "If you want, you can go back to the wolf valley." Daro said calmly. "Do you think I want to go back there? I was expelled and my mother is dead! I dont want to go back there now I have a real family here in Nome. Come on, Kodi, we're going back home." Balto said and started walking toward Nome, Kodi didnt say anything and followed his father." What about your family in the wolf valley? You dont want to see your sisters? "Daro asked Balto." Your father didn't expelled them out? "Balto turned around and asked." My father decided that they can stay beacouse your mother taught them everything." Daro replied softly. "I ... * sigh * "Balto turned and started walking back to Nome. "I hope to see you again." Daro said as he turned and walked toward the wolf valley. "I hope we dont see each other again." Balto said quietly to himself while looking at ground.

After a moment, Balto and Kodi were on the edge of Nome. "I'm sorry son that my idea didnt work out, we can go there tomorrow... it's already getting late, and I have a few things to think about. See you tomorrow son." Balto said and walked towards his boat, Balto knew that what Kodi had heard today could be hard for him, but he hoped that Kodi would handle it. "See you dad." Kodi replied and returned to his home, he lay down and thought about what he had heard.

A few hours had passed, dark nigh has come and only the moon towering over Nome illuminated Alaska, but Kodi was still awake... thoughts and questions were bothering him. Kodi raised his head from the floor and looked at other post dogs, everyone slept, everyone except him. He rose from the floor and silently left the building and headed for Balto's boat.

Kodi looked at the moon that shone on his father's boat. He took a deep breath of cool night air, he knew that talking with his father now would not be easy. While he approaching the boat in his head he tried to form thoughts and sensible questions. He stopped when a light wind pierced his fur, he hesitated, he was not sure if what he was doing was right. Kodi didnt know his father's past, but he knew it was not pleasant, he was afraid that he would ask a question that would hurt his father. Kodi turned and looked at Nome in the moonlight. Turn back? No. Balto is guilty of explaining ... if what he said to the wolf is true, it means that Kodi is also a half-wolf. Kodi set some uncertain steps, but when he heard the sound of the ocean he knew that there was no turning back. Kodi stood by the boat, took a deep breath and stepped aboard, to his surprise Balto had not sleep yet, he was sitting on a box at the back of the boat and watched the ocean. "We have a beautiful night today, the sound of the sea and the moonlight make it even more beautiful..." Balto said while looking at the ocean." Dad, I came because ..." Kodi started to speak but Balto interrupted him. "I know why you came... you want to know the truth." Balto said, still staring at the ocean. "Will you tell me the truth? The whole truth?" Kodi asked beacouse he wont truth, the truth about his father, and about himself. "I will tell you everything if you want, but it's quite a long story ..." Balto said and looked at his son with a serious expression on his face. Kodi sat on the floor. "I want to pose the truth." Balto turned to Kodi and sat down again against the night sky and ocean. "Everything started when I was born ..."

To be continued...

So what do you think? Let me know. The next chapter will be available soon. Have a nice day.