Hellos Loves! Back at it again with another fanfiction, hopefully I'll complete it this time around!

Summary: Peter has PTSD from dying during the snap. After he is injured on a simple patrol, he is having trouble healing himself. Stuck on a bus on a school trip with Ned, Peter must battle overcoming his own mind whilst Ned calls Tony to try and keep him alive.

This is inspired by Teen Wolf's episode Frayed.

Warning: May contain possible Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame spoilers!

A/N: This is set post Endgame snap-back and battle, but Tony is still alive :)

All Split Open

Why did they choose to sit in the back of the school bus? Out of all the perfectly spacious seats before them, they had to choose the very last seat that barely fit one person. Peter was slumped and squished up against the window. The bus hit another bump and his head, which was pressing far too deeply into the glass, slid down another few inches. He let out a half huff, half moan, and his breath fogged up the glass. He'd had his eyes closed for a few miles, now. They hurt inside his head, inside his eye sockets. Everything hurt. He wished he had told Ned he was sick and couldn't go, but it seemed like all of their school trips were always interrupted by villains trying to destroy Earth, so Peter felt obligated. He had hoped this time would be different. The bus had been pushing less than 20mph on Interstate 278, and slowly began to come to a stop. A few students in front of Ned and Peter whined in frustration. If Peter could open his eyes, he would have guessed there was an accident blocking the roadway. He felt Ned jerk beside him. He'd been playing some sort of warrior fighting game for the past half an hour, headphones in, grunting at odd and end points. The name of the game, Peter could not remember. He remembered Ned gleaming about it and he remembered being psyched, but everything was getting a bit too foggy for him to think straight.

"I got him, Peter! I got him!"

Peter tried to give a thumbs up but his hand barely moved an inch. The bus jolted to a halt and Peter's head quite literally flopped forward. His forehead was resting on the seat in front of the pair, his chin nearly to his chest. His eyes involuntary rolled around under his lids. A sound, sort of like a moan, bubbled up from his throat but I was not a sound he meant to make. It was his body's response.

"You okay, man?" Ned pulled one of his hear buds out and let it dangle, "Peter?" Ned put his hand on Peter's back and pulled it away almost as quick. Peter was soaked in sweat. If Ned looked close enough, it glistened on Peter's upper lip.

"Whoa, you're really hot."

"Is that a compliment?" Peter leaned against the back of the seat once again and pulled his sweatshirt tighter around himself. As he did so, a large circle of blood flashed from the inner side of the fabric. It looked like the original blood had dried, but there were fresher spots blooming now.

"Is that blood?" Ned whispered. He went to pull Peter's hand away but Peter flinched.

"It's not a big deal."

"Not a big deal! Are you crazy? I'm serious, dude. What happened?"

"I'll heal its fine."

"It doesn't look fine!" Ned eyed the rest of the bus over the top of the seat. The traffic was still stagnant, and the rest of their classmates had their heads bowed either at their phones or in a napping position. No one was listening. Peter was letting out huffs instead of normal breaths now.

"Were you on patrol? Is that what happened?"

Peter nodded and it looked as if he was going to say something, but he flinched like an electric shock shot through him and he nearly lifted himself out of the seat in pain. He gripped the seat and squinted his eyes shut, letting out a whimper.

"Okay, okay. Calm." Ned's hands hovered over Peter, unsure of what to do. "Uh. Let me see it."

Peter shook his head. He had paled significantly in the three minutes they had been talking.

"Come on. Hiding it isn't going to get you anywhere. Let me see. I won't even puke, I promise."

Peter unwrapped the hoodie from himself, hands shaking. His t-shirt was soaked through. Ned knew it was supposed to be blood, but the color was closer to brown than red. Peter lifted his shirt too, and Ned struggled to keep his promise of not puking. There was a visibly deep gash from below Peter's belt to near his third rib. It looked as if Peter had attempted to stop the bleeding with a piece of gauze, but the gauze had only stuck to the bloodied side of his shirt and left the wound wide open.

"Jesus! Peter, what the hell is that!"

"I got stabbed last night but I thought it would've healed by now."

"Dude, we need to get that checked out. It looks like it's...oozing…stuff."

Peter pulled his shirt back down and shivered. "What am I supposed to do, Ned? It's not like I can go to the hospital."

"Wait, why aren't you healing?"

"I don't know, maybe the knife was laced with something, I don't know I just-"

"Alright! Everyone listen up!" Mr. Harrington, the teacher in charge, stood up from his seat at the front. He was holding a clipboard in his hand. "It looks like traffic is moving again so we will get going any minute now. I've gotten quite a lot of bathroom break requests – thanks to Brad – so we will be making a quick pit stop. I would say buckle up, but we all know these buses are extremely under qualified in the safety department."

"That's perfect! We'll fix you up there and…" Ned turned back to Peter, who was barely even holding up his head. His eyes were closed but Ned could see slivers of white. "Peter? Peter. Hey." Ned shook Peter's shoulders. There was a small shift in his movement, but the only new thing was the amount of sweat everywhere. "Hey, man, you have to stay awake because I don't know what to do and I can't just carry you unconscious off the bus."

Nothing. Ned's head swirled. The bus was full of students and staff and yet no one could help him. No one knew about Peter's wound or that he was Spider-man. No one knew about the supposedly super healing that was MIA at the moments. No one except Ned. Ned and Tony Stark. Ned patted down Peter until he found what he was looking for. Peter's phone with an Iron man case. Ned dialed without thinking of what he would say. He just dialed. The pickup way swift and quick.

"Go for Tony Stark." Ned could practically feel the power pose and three piece suit through the phone.

"Mr. Stark, sir, hi. Um, hi."

"I won't be taking any sale pitches today, thank you. I am right in the middle of a very important tea party and our juice pops are melting." Ned heard a sweet, muffled giggle from the other side of the phone. That most have been the Morgan Peter was always gushing about. He'd like to meet her one day, teach her a few things about Legos.

"No! Please don't hang up. Um, this is Ned. I'm Ned. Peter's friend Ned."

"What's wrong?"


"Where's Peter? Put him on the phone."

"He can't really talk right now. You see, sir, um, well he said he was out on patrol. I guess, last night, I don't know he wasn't really clear about that but, yeah, anyway, last night and he got stabbed and, typically, he just heals right up, right, but he's sort of not healing at all and he's basically bleeding all over the bus…And I don't know what to do. Sir."

"Where are you?"

"On a bus."

"I know that part. Where is the bus? What are you near?"

"Um, um, oh." Ned squinted at a passing big blue sign that designated rest stops. "It says Broome Rest Area. We are stopping there next."

"Okay, look, I'm coming to you. I need you to keep him awake. Try and stop the bleeding. Okay? You keep him awake and you get him to a bathroom and you lock the doors and you wait for me. You understand? You wait for me."

"Okay, I can do that. Yes."

Ned had no idea how long it took them to get to the next rest stop, but a million years sounded about right. He's used an extra shirt he had in his bag to keep pressure on Peter's wound. Made Peter drink one of the waters May had packed. But, now, Ned was hefting Peter's arm further over his shoulder as they made their way off the bus. He'd made some dumb excuse about Peter being hungover and didn't stay long enough to give details. Peter's full weight was against him now, his feet dragging on the ground, pointed in on each other. As the entrance to the bathroom came into view, Ned saw Tony Stark ducking inside. It was Tony Stark, but not the one Ned had seen on TV. He was dressed in dark jeans, a gray sweatshirt with the hood drawn up over his head and a baseball cap. Ned assumed he was trying to hide his identity, but he still looked like Tony Stark. Just Tony Stark...running errands. The bathroom door squeaked as it closed and Ned locked eyes with Tony. He was kneeling in the corner, with a towel on the floor in between two sinks.

"Lock the door. Put him here."

Ned did so and Peter let out a cry.

I have more coming, I swear! What did you think? Please let me know :) Toodles