A/N: Hello there. I began to work on my WIPs and then got the worst cold. It may or may not have sucked my creativity out of me. So, to try and gain inspiration I asked the tumblr fandom for some prompts and they did not hold back. So, anything posted here is based on a prompt that either tumblr or myself came up with. Thank you so much for reading in advance.
Prompt: After Sheldon and Amy get back from Sweden, they decide to start trying for a baby.
Amy wanted a baby.
She also knew that Sheldon wanted one. However, the subject had not been brought up again since the day they watched Howard and Bernadette's children. Even then, the matter was left on a somewhat mysterious note, with Sheldon mentioning his 15 children idea again and leaving it at that.
It wasn't that Amy was opposed to having lots of children, but 15? That was too many. She knew that they would find a way to compromise, but she did not know how to broach the subject again. They had just recently got back from Sweden after receiving their Nobles, and they were still trying to settle back into a regular routine. Plus with Leonard and Penny's baby on the way, Amy didn't want to detract any attention from them.
But she wanted a baby.
It was one of those rare days where they had the opportunity to spend the day alone in their apartment. Sheldon doing god knows what on his computer and Amy treating herself to a relaxing bath. She figured that she could broach the subject during dinner, and she had practiced her speech multiple times in her head. However, finding it in herself to actually bring it up would be the hard part.
She pulled her hair into a half ponytail as she walked into the living room. She found Sheldon in the same place she left him almost two hours ago when she retreated to the bathroom. On the couch with his computer.
At first, she thought he was playing one of those online video games with his friends, but the way that his shoulder's seemed stiff clued her into the fact that he was doing something else.
"Hey," Amy softly greeted, snaking her arms around her husband's shoulders, placing a gentle kiss to his cheek as she did so. With her chin finding it's home near the crook of his neck, he was able to get a glance as to what he was doing on his laptop. Ikea?
"Are you shopping?" She asked, furrowing her brow in confusion.
He nodded. "Yes, I need to find a new closet organizer," he said, clicking on something he already saved to his bag. "What do you think of this one?"
He lifted up the screen so she could get a better look. Unlocking her arms from around him, she took the laptop from his hands. "Why are you looking for a new closet organizer? What's wrong with the one we have now?"
Sheldon gave her an incredulous look, as though the answer was obvious. "Amy, before you changed your wardrobe it consisted mainly of skirts, blouses, and cardigans; shorter items if you will. Then you went out and bought all these dresses that are much longer than anything you owned before. I don't know if you have checked recently, but some of them are dragging on the floor, and that is just unacceptable."
Amy's mouth hung open as she tried to process what he just said. However, when she caught a glance at his, almost concerned face, she softened. "Oh, Sheldon, it's very sweet of you to look for this, but I really don't mind, honestly," she assured him, handing back his laptop and joining him on the couch.
"But I do!" he exclaimed, rubbing at his temples. "It bothers me, Amy."
Amy thought about it for a second. It would be nice not to clean of lint from dresses she hung on the bottom. Or to iron dresses that wrinkled because there was no room to accommodate its length. She conceded. "Ok, if it's bothering you that much, I think it would be good to get a new system."
Sheldon perked up, ecstatic that she was on board. Amy loved watching the way his eyes sparkled with excitement. "Great! Let me tell you about the one I picked out. Don't worry I've measured and everything…"
Amy smiled while Sheldon explained to her all the great things about the new closet. She still couldn't figure out why things like this made him so happy, but nevertheless, it was one of his many idiosyncrasies that she loved.
She never did bring up the topic of babies until two weeks later when they were setting up the new closet.
Trying to find an appropriate time to bring up the topic was proving to be more difficult than she thought. Every time she tried, she either got too nervous, or there was something else he wanted to talk about. However, never once did Sheldon hear the word 'baby' out of her mouth. It was beginning to frustrate her.
Sheldon was handing her various articles of clothing while she set them neatly onto her bed. Cleaning out the closet was proving to be more of a task than she thought. However, they had worked themselves into a routine, finding their rhythm. There was nothing but silence between them as they worked. Sheldon didn't even need to turn his body to hand her the various dressed he pulled from the closet.
The amiable silence between them was something that Amy knew he loved; however, it was starting to burn a hole in her skull. The topic that had been on the tip of her tongue for weeks was beginning to bite at her.
Amy knew there would be no better opportunity.
"Sheldon, I think we should have a baby."
What happened next shocked Amy. Of all the scenarios she came up with in her head, his reaction did not fit any of them. He didn't yell, he didn't freak out, he didn't leave, he didn't just pass out. In fact, his reaction was very demure, he was calm as he rotated his torso slightly to look at her. There was no crazed look in his eye that showed her any contempt. His hands seemed steady as he handed her more dresses. There was no lecture, all that came out of his mouth was a simple:
And although his arm was outstretched with yet another of her garments, she did not move to take it. Her mouth hung open in shock, and she gawked at her husband's calm demeanor.
Sheldon's brow furrowed, and he gazed quizzically at his wife. "Amy?"
His voice seemed to snap her out of her stupor. "Sorry," she said, taking the dress from his outstretched hand. "That was not the reaction I was expecting."
He moved back to the closet. "What reaction were you expecting?" He questioned, handing her the last of the clothes.
"I don't know," she shrugged. "I guess I figured you would freak out and leave or something."
Amy saw a certain softness behind Sheldon's eyes that warmed her heart. It was the side of Sheldon that no one else got to see; the side of him that only she had privileges to. "You know I want to have children with you, why would you assume I would freak out at the notion of them?"
Again she shrugged. "In all the years we've been together, we've never really excelled in the serious discussion department. And the only other time we have talked about having children was when we helped Howard with babysitting. Even then," she paused, averting her eyes from him to look at the clothes neatly sprawled across the bed. "I didn't think you were taking it that seriously.
Hearing him sigh, she felt him move closer to her back, wrapping his arms around her midsection and resting his head on her shoulder. 'I'm sorry I made you feel that way. You should never be afraid to come talk to me, you know that, right?"
"I know."
"And I do want to have children with you. Lots of them. If 15 is too many for you, then I'm sure we can find a suitable number for both of us." His arms tightened around her, and his lips moved closer to her ear. "How does 12 sound?"
By the tone of his voice, she knew he was joking. She giggled at his playfulness and turned in his arms to face him. While his eyes still held their playful glint, she could tell he had gone serious again.
"Amy, I do want a family with you, I have for a long time," he said. "And I do think that now is the perfect time to start trying, I've actually thought of talking to you about it, but things kept getting in the way."
He'd been thinking about it too? It was so strange to her that they were both having the same struggle. However, it made her all too happy. He wanted it, it was real, they were going to try and have a family.
"So, we're going to do this then?" She asked. "We're going to try and have a baby."
His hands that had settled on her hips squeezed them slightly. "If we're both in agreement, yes."
She wanted a baby.
"We're both in agreement, my love."
He flashed her a gentle smile, placing an equally gentle kiss upon her lips. He didn't pull away like she thought he would, in fact, he lingered for a while. His mouth dancing perfectly with her own. His hand caressed her back in the most tender of touches before it buried itself into the back of her short hair.
Deciding to go along with him, she tangled her own arms around his neck. The loving and gentle kiss was turning into one of passion a lust, something that happened many a time for the couple after their nuptials. Sheldon was desperate to get her as close to him as possible, but no matter what he did, it never seemed to be enough. He pried her mouth open with his own, still not close enough. He pulled her so close to his own body that it was almost painful for both of them, yet, not close enough.
He suddenly broke away from her, leaving her rooted in the place where he left her. She was panting as she watched him begin to hang all the clothes back into the closet. "What are you doing?"
"What does it look like? I'm putting the clothes back," he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, which it was, but she was still confused. He noticed this and clarified it for her. "We're going to need the bed, sweetheart, if you help me it will go faster."
It should have been clear to her before what he was doing. So, when he did explain it, she mentally slapped herself for not realizing it before. However, that was quickly forgotten when the anticipation caught up to her.
Baby-making was starting early.
A/N: Thanks for reading! If you have a prompt or one-shot idea do not hesitate to PM me. Or if you'd rather be anonymous, you can send it to me via Tumblr lemonz-and-limez