Hello! I am a newer Author here, please excuse anything done improperly, please don't hesitate to review or send me a message to for things to fix or be aware of!

I cannot take credit for the characters of the story those are Stephanie Myers she owns them!

I read a lot of Fanfics for the Twilight Universe, I procured a lot of info from the story itself, Twilight Wiki, and Twilight Storytellers. I can't take the credit for those Amazing works of Art either!

Taking a deep breath to steady myself, my hands worked gracefully before me in a synchronized dance. Eyes closed yet I saw everything, My eyelids were a screen to a world most normally didn't see. Blossoming with the colors of the aura of the person just below my fingers.

Most people would call what I do for a living a Hoax, a sham. Something that just did not work! For me however, it was a way of life. I had always been sensitive to these things... Aura sensing, being incredibly emphatic and knowing what someone needed to get off their chest and then helping them rid themselves of that issues so they could grow and move beyond it.

Starting at the root chakra all the way to the crown chakra, raking, smoothing and repairing the aura. My fingers would find the darkness in each of the seven chakra points and brush it from their aura coaxing them to be rid of issues and problems that no longer served them.

The tiny women before me was an incredibly bubbly extroverted person. We shared a brief conversation before the session today and that alone spoke volumes about her. The purity and kindness made up her aura was infectious and left me feeling just a tad lighter.

My hands rested over her third eye, my brows furrowed in concentration her aura was muddled, not so much as darkened but felt clouded and stagnant. Drawing on my energy- or universal energy felt very similar to adrenaline, having years of practice it felt like operating an appendage. Memorizing the shallow breaths of the women I guided the energy threw her body using her breaths as a means of pumping energy it starting at her feet and pulling it up and through her body with my fingers and using my own body as the ground and sending it through my body and out at my feet.

She gasped at the sensation, stilling almost daring not to breathe

"Keep breathing, you are doing excellent! The blockage in your third eye is starting to break apart" I murmured softly. There was a near palpable silence before I felt the soft breeze against my fingertips again.

There were times where this might sound crazy but I could swear I could see the blockages, the events the led this woman to harbor and store the harsh memories. It played like a movie in my mind, my third eye.

She was a teenage girl, thrashing in the arms of a man and a woman on either side of her gripping her arms roughly she was escorted into an eerie building with tall unforgiving concrete walls. They passed through a tall barbed wire fence following a paved path to the entrance of the building.

"Please stop, no! I-I saw him do it! Please, No!" The whimpers escapes from her terrified mouth she seemed only slightly younger then the women before me. Fear radiated from her person the man set her in the ground and turned her around gripping her tighter.

"Now, you Listen to me here Mary Alice Brandon, I have tried and tried to keep you safe." Irritation and annoyance flashed across the face, cigar bobbing in the corner of his mouth as he spoke. "My patience run thin and I could not live with myself if something were to happen to you because of your outbursts!" A foreboding look flashed deep in his eye that seemed near malicious.

"She was killed, I saw it Momma was killed I don't know why you don't believe me!" The dark hair cherub wailed

"I'm doing what's best for you." The Building seemed like it was some sort of old fashioned hospital, it was hard to discern and concrete images they passed my eyes in a haze they were coming so fast.

The memories seemed to slow again, an older man sat before her in what appeared to be a doctors office? A shrink's office? his honey colored eyes closely regarded her dark chocolate ones and held fondness Alice was older, looked very much like the women who laid beneath me.

I was a bit taken aback by this, office appeared to be so old timely along with the occupants in the room. The man placed his head in his hands sighing heavily.

"Sweet Alice, Are you sure you want me to hypnotize you? You know everything will be gone." the man's gravelly voice spoke. Alice smiled widely and nodded furiously

"I'm absolutely positive! It's like a fresh slate, I've already seen the effects of it!"

Her thousand watt smile lit up the room.

"The shock treatment hinders my memory and your ability to hypnotize make the shock treatment null and void!" The woman was dancing across the room toward a lounging chair the candles in the room cast shadows across the room.

The doctor was right behind her, his golden eyes regarded her smiling softly as she made herself comfortable.

"I hope you are right" his baritone voice called out and much quieter "I hope you do remember this one day and forgive me, if I change you it should save you from James." His voice seemed to pull her into a trance despite being so softly spoken, his hand waved gently across her face and eyelids fluttered closed and darkness embraced her brief moment past and she was met with pain fiery hot liquid lava pain.

I opened my eyes slowing my flow of energy before cutting it completely, I blinked sluggishly I felt almost intoxicated. It was a common occurrence from manipulating another's energy.

"Alice? How are you feeling?" The women on the table seemed to be coming out of the brain fog that was clouding that third eye. Without missing a beat she smiled brighter than the sun, her melodious laughter filled the room.

"I'm feeling better than I have in a long time! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" She was off the table and before me in a second grasping my hands and jumping up and down.

A small smile graced my face, I was incredibly relieved. The images that were shown to me didn't seem all too pleasant but maybe they were need for her as some form of closure?

"I'm thankful that you feel much better now!"

With our session concluded I walked her out to the receptionist area where her family seemed to be waiting. I was a bit puzzled, I thought they all received services too? Normally a reiki session was finished sooner than most other services. Glancing at the clock as we entered the room I was taken aback at how late it was, we had gone over an hour which was not unheard of but a shock to me nonetheless.

Alice had left my side and danced over to the group of women that were waiting, the entire family was just as beautiful and breathtaking as she was. Alice wrapped her arms around a much taller women with caramel colored hair that cascaded gently down her back her heart shaped face absolutely radiated love and affection which was true to the aura she was projecting.

The blonde next to her seemed gobsmacked, in second of silent conversation they shared her picturesque face went from guarded to protective her honey eyes surveyed the surroundings resting on my own before darting back to Alice's own pixie ones.

Slipping behind the receptionist desk I fished out my business card and walked up to her offering it in my hand.

"I apologize for going over the appointment time, I hope you all were not waiting too long" I spoke quietly, my tongue seemed foreign in my mouth "I hope I was able to help and you today"

"It was fantastic! I can't begin to express the gratitude I feel!" She gently took my business card from my hand and gave it a once over before pocketing it. "Thank you so much!" I softly smiled nodding my head in approval, excusing myself to clean up my room.

My mind wandered, it was hard to keep my attention to the book I was attempting to read. I huffed unceremoniously giving up and stopped trying altogether, closing it and setting it down on the coffee table. My mind would not rest, question after question assaulted me. Why did the visions I see, seem so old fashioned? Why did it look like she hadn't aged a day? How were golden eyes so common?

None of these I seemed to have an answer too.

I stared at my phone on the coffee table in front of me, it seemed to be taunting me like the answer itself was so incredibly obvious.

"Couldn't this be considered an invasion of privacy?" I wondered out loud I mentally shrugging it off. I was a medical professional after all, I was just concerned for my clients well being? I grabbed my phone off the table curling deeper into the couch, where would I start my sleuthing at? My fingers paused over the letter on the screen before typing I the name I had heard in the vision.

'Mary Alice Brandon' the results I pulled from google seemed to incredibly vague. Noting giving me concise answers.

I chewed on my lip deep in thought. My mind felt like a movie reel going in slow motion, re-showing the scenes of Alice's mind today.

A teenage girl, thrashing in the arms of a man and a woman on either side of her gripping her arms roughly she was escorted into an eerie building with tall unforgiving concrete walls. They passed through a tall barbed wire fence following a paved path toward the entrance of the building.

I gasped in realization, as the scene played over in my head I was able to take in more details to my surroundings. Standing tall to the right of Alice, a stone sign stood bright- almost glowing against the dark contrast of the memory.

Mississippi State Lunatic Asylum

I immediately blinked away the memory the mental fog cleared and my fingers work furiously at my phone, I clicked on the first link available.

Mississippi State Lunatic Asylum in practice 1850 - 1930 before closing due to inhumane treatment of patients. entailing the administering Lobotomy's, Electrical Shock treatments, chemical restraints patients often were Physically and Mentally abused.

I had to put my phone down, I was instantly filled with a sense of sadness and depression.

I pushed my glasses down off my nose and pinched the spots where they had been resting all day. Something's were starting to make sense to me! Thinking back the images that flashed by me incredibly fast when I was clearing Alice's third eye, they were remnants of her experiences there.

The shock treatments she had to endure.

The loneliness of her time in solitary.

But how? Could that have really been her? I mean the date this asylum closed was in 1930 there's no physical way Alice could appear to 19? 20? I had been finding myself with more questions than answers.

After more clicking around and exploring of the Asylums page, I headed back and tried Alice's name again attaching the State to my search this time and I had been met with some shocking results.

Did you mean? Lillian Mary Brandon

I blinked quizzically at the name before clicking it delving further into the results. Lillian Mary Brandon's body was discovered in a vehicle that was driven into a lake. Her death was considered a mystery a cold case? She was survived by her Husband Edgar John Brandond and their two children Cynthia Lily Brandon, and Mary Alice Brandon.

Oh my god.

A hyperlink was encoded at the bottom, a symbol of a photograph next to it. Clicking on it a black and white picture filled my screen, the little family looked absolutely adorable. Two of the faces I didn't know, but deduced as Lillian and Cynthia the other two however looked to be pulled straight from my memory.

This was without a doubt Alice and Edgar, of which Alice looked like she hadn't aged a day.

What exactly did I just uncover?

Thank you for those who read through the story! how did I do?

There won't be that much filler, Aurora will literally be thrust into the middle of a war, how will she far?