Chapter One: Dear Little Sister

"Why thank you ladies, she will be so happy that her big brother could bring her lunch to her personally." I charmed the office ladies at the school as they let me pass so I could go and bother Elena, my little sister, while she was in class. I walked down the hall remembering where the history classrooms were.

"Ok class, what are we learning today?" I heard Ric ask as I grew closer.

"Well with the decades dance coming up we have been discussing the 60's." A girl told Ric as I entered the classroom drawing everyone's attention.

"Oh no." Elena muttered as I grinned at her.

"Dear little sister, you forgot your lunch at home, and I thought as your best big brother ever I would bring it to you." I tell her as I plop the bag with her food in it on her desk with a smile.

"You're my only older brother." Elena said as she was clearly embarrassed of me being here.

"Ouch, you wound me Elena." I tell her as I place my hand over my heart as if in pain.

"So, Ric the 60's is your topic of discussion today? I recommend the Beatles for this conversation." I tell him as I walk over and wrote the Beatles on the board. "You will all thank me later." I tell the class before walking out but not before missing the look Alaric gives me. Ha, he is just upset I could probably teach better than him. I think as I walked out of the school and getting in my car and driving to the Salvatore boarding house to hang out with Damon.

"Yo Damon you home!" I called as I let myself in.

"You don't have to yell I can hear you just fine." Damon says as he comes down the stairs looking annoyed.

"Just making sure you knew I was here." I tell him with a smile as I infiltrate his Bourbon supply.

"What were you doing before coming here?" Damon asked as he stole the glass I poured myself. I pouted at him before replying.

"I brought my dear little sister her lunch as she forgot to take it with her today." I retell the story with a grin as Damon started to laugh.

"I take it she was embarrassed?" Damon asked as I nodded drinking my glass of bourbon.

"Oh yeah and you should of seen Ric's face. He was probably jealous that I could teach his class better than him." I laughed just thinking about it. "So Damon when can I pull that Dagger from Elijah's chest?" I ask him as innocently as possible.

"Uh let me think, oh that's right. Never." Damon tells me as he rolls his eyes.

"Oh come on Damon, he was a cool guy. Besides he offered to help me shop for a suit." I told him as I downed the rest of my glass. Before Damon could respond however his phone rung.

"Hello Stefan, what is it?" Damon asked Stefan. "Oh great just what we need. Alright then get over here quickly with the others and I'll call Alaric." Damon ended the call. Before I could ask him what was going on he had already dialed Ric. "Ric we need you at the boarding house and be quick Klaus already made his first move." Damon spoke before hanging up.

Already! Damn." I said as I pushed my empty glass away and the door opened to reveal Stefan with Elena and Bonnie but no Ric.

"So what happened?" I asked them.

"Klaus compelled someone at school." Elena told me.

"So we go to the dance, we find him." Damon suggests.

"Really? How are we going to do that? We don't even know what he looks like." I tell Damon as I cross my arms.

"Something tells me he's not going to be 16 and pimply." Damon Retorts

"He could be anywhere at any time. He compelled somebody at school, I guess it's not as safe as you guys thought, huh?" Stefan comments while looking at Elena and Bonnie then the door is knocked on before Alaric enters the room.

"There you are." I say and he gives me a look before turning to face Damon.

"Sorry I'm late." He says.

"Hey, I need you to put me and Jasper down as chaperones at the dance tonight. Klaus made his first move." Damon tells him.

"What did Klaus compel the student to do?" I ask feeling slightly left out of the loop.

"He compelled a girl named Dana to ask Elena if you were going to the dance tonight and when we told her you already graduated she said that a guy named Klaus was asking for you to save him a dance." Bonnie told me as I looked confused.

"Why would he ask for me, I'm not the doppelganger. No offense Elena." I tell her.

"None taken. But we don't know either." Elena told me just as confused. "Ok, so we find him and then what, hmm? What's our plan of attack?" She asked.

"Me. I'm the plan. He has no idea how much power I can channel. If you can find him, I can kill him." Bonnie says confidently even though I give her a look. She can't channel that much power without dying.

"That's not going to be that easy. I mean, he is the biggest, baddest vampire around." Alaric tells us.

"Alaric has a point. I mean, what if he..." Damon says before he rushes over to Bonnie but she throws him on the other side of the room with her powers, without touching him.

"Nice one Bonnie." I compliment her.

"Well, I was impressed." Stefan comments.

"It doesn't matter if he's an Original. I can take down anyone who comes at me. I can kill him, Elena. I know I can." Bonnie tries to convince Elena.

"Elena she can always channel me if needed." I tell her and she thinks about it before nodding her head in agreement. "Cool but I aint dressing up for this dance. The 60's sucked and Elijah never got to take me suit shopping so I have nothing to wear anyways." I tell them before walking out of the house and driving home.

Klaus' POV:

"Ah, you're right. This witch is all juiced up and aiming to kill. And you never told me about Jasper Gilbert being a warlock. And a good looking one at that. I had to find out about him all on my own." I tell Katerina as she continues to stab her thigh.

"That's terrible." She replies as I roll my eyes and turn to Maddox.

"We're gonna have to kill the witch, Maddox." I tell him as I look through the clothes of this history teacher. "Do you think this Alaric guy has anything vintage?" I ask before noticing something off. I lift up to reveal under the clothes is weapons to kill vampires. "Crossbows, wooden bullets and automatics? Who is this guy, again?" I ask Katerina.

"He's the local vampire hunter." She replies.

"Ahh. Well, that explains the clothes." I comment.

"All I could find. Guy likes his bourbon." Maddox says as he gives me a glass.

"I knew there was something about him I liked. There's a high school dance and I'm gonna need you to take out witch bitch." I tell him as I take a drink.

"If she has that much power, she can sense me coming from a mile away. I won't be able to get near her. You have to do it. What about the other warlock?" He asks me.

"In this body? I'm a Haggard history teacher. She can easily hurt me. I mean, not me, Klaus me, but you know what I mean. And no we will leave the Gilbert boy alone." I tell him.

"No witch could handle channeling that much power. It'll kill her. It would kill me. You just have to make her use it." He tells me.

"You mean like provoking her to death?" I ask him.

"Won't take long. Just keep attacking her until it kills her. His body, Alaric's, will last longer than hers will." He tells me.

"How? He's human." I state.

"I can help in that department. I can do a spell to protect you." He tells me.

"One problem she will be channeling Jasper Gilbert, who I have recently learned is also a warlock." I remind him of the warlock.

"Well then just kill him too." He tells me.

"No! I will not be killing Jasper Gilbert. He interests me too much." I tell him with a smirk.

"Do you know how powerful he is at least?" Maddox asks me. I look over to Katerina and she lowers her head to avoid my gaze.

"Well Katerina,how strong is the oldest Gilbert?" I ask her.

"He is strong." She tells me simply.

"How strong?" I ask her annoyed.

"He is an Everett Warlock." She confesses as I am more intrigued now than I was before.

"You can't kill him Klaus,and if you do I want nothing to do with it." Maddox immediately states and I looked at him shocked.

"And why not?" I ask curious to know the answer even though I had no plans to kill him.

"He is an Everett. They are the strongest clan of witches and warlocks. Lately though they are all old and dying. But if you attack him the ones that are left will stop at nothing for revenge." He tells me.

"Well then it seems that it is in my best interest to not kill him. In fact it also seems I should be trying to get him on my side." I state with a smirk as I was already thinking of a plan to get the oldest Gilbert to join me.

"Won't be easy you are going to sacrifice his sister in your ritual after all." Katerina comments.

"He'll come around." I tell her before leaving and heading to the dance at the school.