So I know I was going to focus solely on Secrets Of A Fox, but I got writer's block with that so I wrote a little in this and found I had a good amount written. So I finished this chapter and decided to post it with the next chapter of SOAF plus the first chapter of another story i started to write.

I really do enjoy writing this story and have decided to continue writing it on long side SOAF and my new story, From A Time No Longer, my first attempt at a time travel story.I hope you enjoy this chapter and I will see yall later.

I do not own Naruto or anything else Naruto related, only my ideas.

"Normal talking"

'Normal Thinking'

"Demon/summon speaking"

'Demon/ summon thinking'


"What Will I do? I will wait for Naruto to explain himself. After that is up in the air. He is technically a missing nin from the leaf. Even worse because he abandoned his station and duties it counts as treason. A capital offense" Tsunade said as she sipped some of her tea. "The Fire Daimyo will be mad if I let slip a chance to capture a capital offender."

Hans scoffed from behind Onoki. "Forgive me Hokage-dono. But you will not be leaving with Naruto. In the two years he's been here he's made friends. Plenty of people here will fight you because you are Konoha. But his friends will fight for him for more than that. Me included."

Jiraiya smiled softly before he pulled out a journal. "The Steam Powered Hans. S class Threat from Iwa. near fully realized Gobi Jinchuuriki. Taijutsu S class. All other skills B class. Only attack in large groups. Extremely Hostile. This was taken from the time of the Third Ninja war."

Hans rose an eyebrow. "And?"

"You were also known as the aggressor of Iwa. You never played nice with anyone, even your own comrades. Yet here you are defending Naruto through your friendship. I see Naruto still has a talent for changing the hearts of the ninja around him"

Onoki chuckled "Indeed. Naruto has done many good things in Iwa. besides his rising popularity his status as an ex Konoha ninja is known. He is slowly changing the views of our people. He's started with his peers. To my knowledge only the older ninja still hold a grudge against the leaf."

Gaara smiled as well. "Of course he has. If he could take the darkness in my own heart and show the light then I doubt anyone on this planet could resist his passion."


"Enter" Onoki said. The delegates held their breath as the door slowly opened. Tsunade scowled at the sight of Roshi, who bowed upon entering

"Tsuchikage-sama, Kazekage-sama, Hokage-sama. It is good to see you have arrived safely. I hope my spar with Naruto didn't cause any inconvenience" He said politely.

Tsunade waved her hands. "It's fine. But where is Naruto?"

"Yes, where is the blonde idiot? I suspected he would have escaped by now." Onoki commented.

"I am unsure. When I dropped him off at Mikato's room she was applying arm and leg restraints. I think I saw some suppressor seals too." Roshi said, oblivious to the stares he was getting

"Is that really necessary?" Temari asked, causing Onoki and Hans to laugh.

"Mikato is a healer Temari-san. No one leaves the hospital without her or one of her nurses say so. This causes a little game where Mikoto has to find new ways to keep Naruto from escaping. Though she usually fails." Onoki explained. This time it was Tsunade that laughed

"Of course she's going to fail. At age 8 he painted the entire Hokage Monument, in broad daylight, and didn't get caught until he was done. Then he led 2 anbu squads on a chase for two hours. They gave up because they couldn't find him." Tsunade said with a grin. "It was actually his academy teacher who found him."

(With Naruto and Kurotsuchi)

"So Naruto how do you want to play this? They came here for a reason." The jonin said as they started the walk to the tower.

"I'm not leaving. I think I have enough support behind me that they can't force me out"

"Idiot of course you have support. Akiko and his squad practically swore a life oath to help you after you saved them, Roshi and Hans won't let you be taken. Jiji-sama might just to see you sweat but would probably stop it." Kurotsuchi said. "You're not just the former leaf ninja anymore. You're an Iwa shinobi now. If they want to have a fight then bring it."

Naruto rolled his eyes at the fire in her eyes as they approached. Shrio walked beside them scoffed. "Well i guess i'm just chopped liver. You also have my support and the support of our clan. If they try anything I'm summoning my mother."

"So what can you tell me about the Konoha delegates?" Kurotsuchi asked

"Kakashi-sensei. He has the sharingan but you already know that. He's very tardy and lazy. But he's strong. Bushy brow sensei, Might Guy, is a pure taijutsu specialist. He doesn't use genjutsu and his ninjutsu arsenal is limited. He's very eccentric and use s the Forbidden Eight Gates. Asuma-sensei, I know about as much as you do. I never spent much time with him." Naruto explained. "Jiraiya is a super pervert but he's very observant and super strong. It would probably take Roshi. Hans, and I working together to take him down. Tsunade isn't a slouch either. Her combat prowess isn't high but her healing abilities and super strength make her a threat"

"Based on our initial research Asuma Sarutobi was one of the 12 Fire Guardians. The Daimyo's personal bodyguards. Which means he most likely means he's stronger than an average jonin." Kurotsuchi said as they stood in front of the tower. "Heads up. Most of the delegation is waiting outside the office. They were allowed one guard."

The blonde jinchuuriki nodded as they walked inside. The scene that greeted him made him sigh. Guy was doing one thumb handstand push ups, shouting something about passion and the flames of youth, Kakashi was in the corner reading an orange book, and Asuma was smoking a cigarette. It wasn't long before the green clad ninja was in front of his face.

"YOSH. You're flames of youth are shining brightly indeed Naruto-kun. You and Lee must spar at one point. He has been training to surpass you. Kurotsuchi-san it is good to see you again." Guy said with a thumbs up pose.

"Did you say something Bushy Brow-sensei?" Naruto asked reading a scroll that seemingly came out of nowhere. This caused Guy to drop to the ground crying.

"Damn you Kakashi" he cried.

"What was that Guy?" Kakashi asked while he stood up, causing the bushy ninja to cry harder. The silver haired ninja carefully observed Naruto. 'Minato-sensei, he;s grown strong,' "So you're an Iwa Ninja now. Considered an A ranked ninja. Quite a power growth. Though I would like to know the logic jump between Suna to Iwa if you don't mind."

Kurotsuchi took a step forward, "He will explain as soon as he reports to Jiji-sama. Come on Naruto." she said knocking on the door.


Naruto walked in slowly, feeling the eyes of the two sanin on him. "Jiji-sama" he said as he gave a slight bow, shocking the two leaf ninja present.

"It's good to see you Naruto but please don't disrespect my fellow Kage" Onoki said motioning to the other leaders.

"Of course. Gaara, Tsunade-sama" He said. Gaara quickly got up and caught his friend in a hug.

"Naruto. My friend. You dishonor me. In the last two years I have been to Iwa five times. All five times I didn't know you were here." he said with a scowl, making Naruto grin.

"What can I say, I liked the secrecy." He said. Tsunade wasn't quick behind and as soon as the words left his mouth he was enveloped in a bone crushing hug.

"Aren't you supposed to be his protector?" Temari asked Shiro, who was watching from the side.

"Yes. But he called me a house cat earlier. As long as she doesn't kill him it's pay back"

"Naruto. You brat. Do you know how worried I was for you?" Tsunade said on the verge of tears. "When Onoki sent the letter saying you left and you never appeared in Suna I was so worried"

"Baa-chan...Air...can't...breathe." the blonde ninja said, turning blue in the face. Tsunade let go and looked sheepish.

"Sorry, but what happened? Why did you disobey my order? I had to brand you a traitor," She said.

"I wasn't going to really. But when Kakashi-sensei gave me directions I ran into Kurotsuchi. Long story short, I saved her life, escorted her back to Iwa, and decided to stay. I was already leaving the leaf and I wanted to hide away for a while so I could train in my parents techniques. What are you doing here? This can't just be for a social call." Naruto said.

The blonde hokage sighed as she slumped back in her chair, "Naruto, what I say next comes from the Hokage of the leaf village, not your godmother. I need you to understand that."

This caused the Iwa shinobis to narrow their eyes. "Why is that Hokage-dono?" Onoki asked.

"Naruto comes from a noble lineage in the leaf, however when he was born his father was killed in the Kyuubi attack, as well as his mother. Sarutobi-sensei sealed away his birthright and changed his name so the enemies of his parents couldn't hunt him. However, word of his clan has reached the ears of my council. They have cleared his name of all charges and now are calling for him to come home." She explained with her head down.

"Of course they would drop his bounty when they heard he was the son of the Fourth." The elder Kage said with a scowl causing the Leaf and Suna delegations to widen their eyes.

" in the Yondaime Hokage… Minato Namikaze" Temari said while Tsunade and Jiraiya had different reactions.

"Naruto. You told Onoki you're heritage?" She said her voice full of shock.

Naruto scoffed, "Of course I did, he is my Kage after all." Han's grunted

"So you're village didn't care to demoralize a scared little boy who nearly died in a successful mission and branded him a traitor. But because he's the son of the fourth hokage they will take him back?" he asked in a dull tone. Onoki nodded his head

"Agreed. They don't want Naruto. They want the Fourth's legacy. Look me in my eyes Tsunade-dono. Has anything really changed? From the grape vine I've heard that your village celebrated his absence" the tsuchikage said with a frown. Tsunade said nothing as her eyes filled with tears.

Jiraiya noticed this and decided to pitch in, "I won't lie to you. It's true, the village celebrated. But his friends miss him. And so do we."

"Please Jiraiya-sama. As soon as he walks through those gates half the village will try to kiss his ass and the rest will try to slander him. The council is the only one who calls for him, and they only want what can only be possessed by him" Gaara said with a scowl. "My friend, what do you think?"

"Nothing will change. As soon as I return they will demand my fortune. And when that is taken I will be charged with some other crime. I was always the secret monster of the village. Maybe I still am a monster, but i am the Leaf's monster no longer" the blonde Jinchuuriki exclaimed.

"You were never a monster Naruto, not to us at least" Jiraiya pleaded. Tsunade put her hand up as she stopped the tears.

"No, they are right.. My council has informed me that if Naruto doesn't return they will repossess everything the namikaze clan owns. But that means going through a lot of legal trouble. The easiest route is to have Naruto come and claim it." She said with sad eyes. "But I do wish you could come home Naruto…" Naruto smiled sadly

"I am grateful you are trying to get me home Hokage-baa-sama, but Konoha was never my home. I made my home, my own place. I am respected here. I don't want to leave this place for a village who would use me and throw me away like i was yesterday's garbage." He said, causing all the Iwa ninja to smile.

"He has made his mind Tsunade-dono, I don't think you can persuade him." Gaara said, smiling at Naruto.

"I see. He was always stubborn." She said as she sighed and leaned back in her chair.

"What are your thoughts now, Hokage-dono?" Onoki asked.

"Too many Onoki-dono." She said thinking. "Truthfully I can never ask you to come back to the village Naruto. Not when you are so happy here. But I do want you to come to the village, and get what you want. The estate your father owned is still sealed. It has all the memories of your parents." She said.

Kurotsuchi finally spoke up, being the only one who hadn't said anything. "No. That's a death sentence. If Naruto walks into the Leaf Village as an Iwa Shinobi your council will scream murder." She said, Shishi nodding his head..

"I agree with Kurotsuchi. What guarantee do you have that your council won't immediately arrest him?" he asked.

"You forget one thing. The Leaf is a ninja village, ran by me. I'll tell you as I told my council. My word is -sensei was old and needed the council to help him. I only need the shinobi council." Tsunade said Onoki agreed while he played with the Idea in his head.

"If you go Naruto, then I can't help you. I am busy for the next three weeks, trying to persuade the Earth Daimyo for more ninja in the village. I can assign you two people to go with you but that's all." Onoki said Kurotsuchi immediately stood up.

"I'll go with him" She said fiercely.

"So will I" Roshi said from behind Onoki

Gaara raised his hand. "I will accompany him to the village Onoki-dono. It has been too long and I hope to catch up with my friend."

"Kurotsuchi and Roshi I expected, what say you Gaara-dono? What do you gain from this?" Onoki asked.

"I gain nothing and expect nothing Onoki-dono. Naruto saved my life once. We are brothers through the demons that shackled our childhood. Two years ago I saw him take off after Sasuke Uchiha and I haven't seen him since. I will make sure he stays safe, you have my word" Gaara said, getting Naruto to smile.

"Okay then. Naruto if you want you can go. I expect you back by the end of the month, you hear me? Though do give the Konoha delegation a break. They did just all. You and Kurotsuchi go show them to the Rocky Roads Hotel. Tsunade-dono, Gaara-dono, it has been a pleasure to work with you but I must get back to my paperwork."

Naruto nodded as he and Kurotsuchi led the Kage out of the room. All the guards present jumped to their feet as they walked out, a million questions on their tongues. Tsunade held her hand out, stalling the questions.

"Kuro-chan, you are the jonin here, wanna take the lead?" Naruto said as Shiro shrank to the size of a normal cat and settled on top of Naruto's head. Kurotsuchi nodded.

"If you will follow me I will show you to your rest place for tonight" She said as they started to walk out of the Kage tower. Tsunade watched as Naruto and Kurotsuchi talked with each other and sighed. Onoki was telling the truth about their feelings for each other.

Plus she saw the way the other villagers smiled as they pass and how the other ninja respected them. She shook her head and smiled a sad smile.

Jiraiya saw this and frowned. "Kurotsuchi, would you mind if I stole Naruto for a moment, I would like a chance to speak with him privately"

"Please Jiraiya-sama, Naruto-kun is a Tokubuetsu Jonin. I can't control him. That is up to him, though Shiro follows him everywhere so." She replied.

"That's fine, I can handle myself. Come on pervert I know a spot. Naruto said as he held out his hand. Jiraiya smiled as he took it and they both disappeared in a small hurricane.

Gaara raised an eyebrow as they left. "Is that smart? Jiraiya could easily capture him."

Kurotsuchi laughed as she continued to walk, "Maybe so, but Naruto can easily hold off the Sannin until backup arrives, or Shiro could take Naruto the Hakai Tori Caves. So I'm not worried, but there shouldn't be any reason to worry. Right Tsunade-sama?"

"No, of course not. I am his godmother, and Jiraiya is his godfather. We won't do anything to endanger his happiness."

(With Naruto and Jiraiya)

Naruto had taken Jiraiya to a small hill right outside the village walls. It was coming out of the mountain and Jiraiya was in awe at the sight. He could see the entire village from here.

"It doesn't have a name but the Locals have called it Watchers Point. You can see all the major parts of the village from here." Naruto said as he smiled at the village below them.

"So. You really are happy here. Aren't you?" Jiraiya said with a sad sigh.

"I never planned it. But after I ran into Kurotsuchi, knew I was heading to Iwa. And when I brought her here… I actually felt like I could be happy." The blonde replied. "Then I made friends. Like Shiro."

Said lion hopped off of Naruto's head and yawned. "Onoki-jiji saw potential in me, not a demon. He had me train with Kurotsuchi and Akatsuchi until I dropped and after them came Roshi and Han. But even more, I have friends in Kiri and Kumo now."

"You left everything behind you know. And you seem so much happier. But I knew you wouldn't leave." The old pervert said as he sat down

"What do you mean?"

"Ever since I learned you were in Iwa I've kept a toad watching you. For almost 3 weeks now its been reporting back to me that you were happy. I knew you wouldn't come back home to stay." he said with a heavy sigh.

"Are you okay Pervy Sage?" Naruto asked concerned.

"Naruto, I've had three apprentices. One of them died in Ame due to the war. Your father died due to the Kyuubi and you left Konoha. I guess I'm just getting to an age where I'm looking to pass on my will and dreams. Someone needs to take the Toad Contract. I was hoping it would be you. Don't get me wrong, signing on with the Nala and the Lion Clan is a testament to what you can be, but the toads were really attached to you. I thought you would be the one"

"I'm sorry Pervy Sage. I'm not the one but there are perfect candidates in Konoha who can take on your will. Konohamaru is one and I know he doesn't want the Monkey contract. He would make an excellent student and apprentice. You still have time you know." Naruto replied.

Jiraiya nodded his head, seemingly lost in thought. "Say, how about we spar. Nothing to serious. I promised Minato that I would look after you and honestly i failed. So now I want to test your strength for myself. What do you say? For old time's sake?"

Naruto smiled and nodded. Shiro, stay outta this one. You can be the ref. It's time for a student to surpass his old master."

This brought a smile to Jiraiya's face as he took a stance. "I may be old, but I'm not weak yet"

Shiro, who was now the size of a small horse stepped between the two. "Okay, no maiming and no serious injuries. Naruto, if it's okay with you knock out blows allowed."

"Of course, Pervy Sage won't do anything rash if he knocks me out" Naruto replied.

"WHEN I knock you out Brat. You've never beaten me before. You're only an A class ninja, I'm near Kage strength and I haven't even shown you my triumph card yet" Jiriaya said.

"Okay then. Toad Man understand if i see a killing blow i will jump in to protect Naruto. Other than that...Begin"

Immediately Jiraiya noticed that Naruto was more patient, as evident by the fact he didn't instantly charge him. He saw Naruto pull out two blunted kunai. "Get ready Pervy Sage, I just named this technique. It's one of my best. So keep up. Fujin no Koka (Descent of the Wind God)"

The toad sage saw Naruto disappear and reappear next to him. `No sound, no muscle movement...he just moves. It's like the Hiraishin except…' he blocked the kunai with his forearms and in one movement grabbed and threw Naruto to the side.

"That's one hell of a technique. Unless you're fast or have fast instincts it'll be near unstoppable. Now how do you achieve it?" He asked as Naruto got up. He grinned and spun on his hell and disappeared again.

He reappeared behind the older ninja only to be met with a roundhouse kick to the side that sent him flying. 'The air around his feet went away right before he disappeared..ah so that's the secret.'

Naruto got up again and put away the kunai before he smiled. Around his wrist a small orb of chakra began to form. It was smaller than normal but Jiraiya saw it was because Naruto had formed another in his other hand. This time a spark of lighting appeared at his feet before he disappeared.

This time it was Jiraiya's instincts that saved him. He ducked and rolled out of the blonde ninja's way as he reappeared and quickly sprung to his feet. 'At this rate he won't need a special seal. He'll be fast enough on his own'

"Still to slow Naruto. You can't catch me by surprise. But let's end this little spar. What do you say?" The toad sannin asked as he made a rasengan in his hand.

Naruto grinned as he accepted the challenge and made a rasengan as well.

(With Kurotsuchi and Others)

"And this is the Rocky Roads Hotel. It is our best hotel in all of Iwa. It is reserved for dignified guests such as yourself and others. No doubt ana anbu came before us to set up the rooms." Kurotsuchi said as they walked in.

It was a lavishly designed interior with brown as a primary color with decorations all over the place.

"Kurotsuchi, where did Naruto and Jiraiya-sama go? I would hope they wouldn't take so long." Gaara asked in his monotone voice.

Kurotsuchi thought for a moment. "He probably took him to thar hill over there. You can barely see it from here. It's attached to the mountains and grants a view to the entire village. Though it doesn't have a name the locals call it the Watcher's Point. Naruto likes to go there when he's feeling down or needs alone time to think."

"It sounds like him. When he was in the leaf he always went to the Fourth Hokage's head on the Kage Monument" Tsunade said.

"Yeah he likes the view. He's up their so much that some of the villagers have started to call him the Watcher. He's a beacon of hope to the villagers because of his popularity in the village."

"That reminds me. How did he become so popular? Most foreign ninja who join a village aren't usually so well received yet everyone is defensive of Naruto and they praise him." Temari asked.

Kurotsuchi nodded her head, it was a valid question. "Well it started that way. Everyone was very hesitant to let a former leaf ninja into the changed when he went on a mission with a friend of mine and his squad. Long story short Naruto saved the entire team from death and the mission from failure. When they got back, Akikko practically praised Naruto and after the news of what he did spread Naruto kept proving himself."

"Of course he did. If Naruto could change Gaara then theres no one he can't change." Kankuro said with a laugh.

"I do admit, Naruto has a way of changing people. He's been like that his entire career. Even on his first C rank mission, he managed to change people." Kakashi said as he remembered the mission to wave.

Flash back

"He loved you like a father. And you still want to treat him like a tool? After everything he's done for you?!" a young Naruto scream at Zabuza, a former member of the Seven Bloody Swordsmen of Kiri.

Naruto cried as he saw the dead form of Haku, a young man whose entire life was dedicated to Zabuza.

"Shut it kid. You're words cut deep. Deeper than any Kunai. I knew how Haku felt. And I loved him like a son." Zabuza said as he sent a small prayer to kami.

"Oh this just breaks my heart. Oh well at least it saves me a paycheck. The first one who can kill that idiot swordsmen get triple pay" Gato said as his army of mercs rushed forward.

Kakashi quickly readied himself but the Kiri ninja stepped forward. "This is my mess Copycat. I'll handle this. Mind giving me a kunai" he asked.

Kakashi stared for a minute before he flicked a kunai in the air and watched Zabuza catch with his teeth.

Flash back end

"Naruto is a ray of light that can't be ignored by any darkness. He showed me and now I wish to-"

Gaara was cut off by a huge explosion coming from watchers point. Kurotsuchi cursed as anbu and jonin started to rush over there. "Please stay here and get yourself settled. I'll be back."

"No, you said Naruto and Jiraiya were over there I'm going encase that stupid perver has caused an accident. The rest of you stay" Tsunade shouted as she ran out the door.

Kurotsuchi cursed again as she started to follow Tsunade.

'What the hell Naruto..'

(Watchers Point)

Naruto and Jiraiya started to charge each other, fully powered Rasengans in their hands. It wasn't long until they clashed and an explosion soon followed.

The scene that Kurotsuchi and Tsunade arrived too was the two ninjas engaged in a taijutsu match, both trading blows and going back and forth. Neither were gaining any ground on the other.

"What the hell Naruto. Why are you fighting" Kurotsuchi yelled, only to be ignored as Naruto was completely focused on the taijutsu lock.

Tsunade smiled and laughed a little, getting looks from all ninja present.

Akiko approchoaed Kurotsuchi. "Ma'am do you want us to engage the leaf ninja? What's going on?"

"There's no need for that." Tsunade said "They're not fighting, they're sparring. Look at their faces. They are smiling" she said as she pointed.

It took a moment due to the highspeeds that Naruto and Jiraiya were moving but Tsunade was right, they were indeed smiling.

Everyone was silently talking to themselves when Naruto disappeared again, this time when he reappeared Jiraiya was able to land a hit right in the middle of his stomach, sending Naruto right into a tree.

Jiraiya grinned victoriously and apparently just noticed his surroundings. He looked sheepish for a moment before rubbing the back of his head. "Umm. hey long have you been standing there?"

"Damn Pervy Sage, that had some weight to i- where did all of these people come from?" Naruto said as he stood up. Kurotsuchi looked worried for a moment.

"Do you not remember the huge explosion that happened like Five minutes ago?!" She exclaimed.

"Oh you mean when we clashed rasengans." Naruto said

"Why are you fighting the toad sage?" She said bluntly

"Because the toad man wanted to spar one more time. It's really no big deal Kurotsuchi" Shiro said from his perch on top of a tree.

"Okay, But was the HUGE FUCKING EXPLOSION necessary? You know, because the village wouldn't respond to a random explosion." Kurotsuchi yelled, now annoyed.

Jiraiya coughed into his hands before bowing towards Kurotsuchi. "My apologies. The spar was my idea. I wanted to see how strong he was. It was a primarily taijutsu spar before we used rasengan. I'm sorry for the inconvenience."

Naruto bowed as well. "I'm sorry as well. A spar with the pervert sounded too fun to pass up"

Kurotuchi sighed at the two ninja bowing. "What ever, that's enough for one day. The rest of you get back to your stations. Jiraiya-sama it's been a long day, why don't we retire to the hotel for the night."

The pervert nodded as he followed Kurotsuchi and Tsunade. He walked next to Naruto with a smile. "So about your technique. I think I figured it out"

"Oh, you mean the Fujin no Koka?"

"Yeah. You use your Futon control to get rid of the air resistance at your feet to help you obtain a greater amount of speed and you add lightning chakra to your feet so when you move you literally just move through the air? It's like the ultimate Futon style chakra control right?" he asked

"Got in one Pervy Sage. the hard part about the technique is that it requires a lot of concentration to keep my air resistance down so I can't apply a lot of lightning chakra to my feet. Plus i can only really make one movement with it. I'm currently limited to using it from a standstill position"

"Which is bad if your opponent is also fast because you won't have enough time to lock on to him to use it."

Tsunade smiled as she walked next to Kurotsuchi. "Boys. I swear all they do is focus on their ninjutsu and nothing else."

Kurotsuchi smiled as well. "Yeah, but they look so adorable when they talk about it because they get so focused."

"True. Jiraiya has always been like that and so was Minato AND Kushina. It's no surprise that Naruto is like that too." Tsunade said as she watched Naruto and Jiraiya talked about improving his technique. "It reminds of the debates we had before Naruto was born."

"Maybe you could tell Naruto some of those stories? All the time I see him reading their journals. He told me once he wished he could hear some of their stories. The journals can only tell so much?" Kurotuchi asked.

"Yeah I wouldn't mind" she said as they reached the hotel.

From the air Onoki had a small smile on his face as he watched the interactions between Naruto and Jiraiya. 'Just because you are a Stone Shinobi doesn't mean you can't family from the leaf Naruto. Maybe this trip will do you some good.' he thought to himself as he floated back to the tower.


So I hope you enjoyed that chapter, not much action but just you wait. A lot of you mention that Tsunade finding out was a bit forced and rushed but I have reasons for that. Plans in motion that require Naruto returning to the Leaf. But what will happen?

Find out soon. As this chapter goes up, so will chapter 8 of Secrets of a Fox and chapter 1 of From A Time No Longer. Go check those both out and i hope you enjoy.

Keep up the positive vibes and thanks for the support

Ploytoid signing Out

Ja Ne