Hello all Storm here with a new chapter! This is another story I haven't updated in a while, but I'm glad to be back with it. Here we'll be seeing Naruko, Lucy, and the Fairy's encountering Lyon and his team, only it'll definitely be going much quicker with Naruko's presence. So, without further ado.

I own nothing

Naruko walked through the forest along with Lucy, Natsu, Happy, Gray and Cana, as they made their way to the island temple.

After getting over her initial shock at being asked to destroy the moon, Naruko had asked for the full details of what exactly happened to cause the villagers transformation. From what the village leader, Moka, told them, it started three years ago, when the moon suddenly turned purple which they believed was a curse that was turning them into demons. Moka also mentioned that around the same time, a group of mages had taken up residency in the temple, on the island.

Upon hearing that, Naruko realized what was really going on. There wasn't a curse put on the villagers, whatever was causing their transformations was a spell being cast by the mages that arrived on Galuna, the spell being called Moon Drip. Naruko knew about the spell, given Acnologia had also told her of every single form of magic in existence, given the Dragon King, himself, knew and recognized all types of magic and spells.

Moon Drip is a spell that harnessed the moon's magic power in a single place as moonlight. Once completed, Moon Drip could be used to deactivate any spell in existence, even those deemed impossible to break, like Ice Shell. So the mages who are casting Moon Drip, were likely going to use it to deactivate a spell that isn't meant to be deactivated.

Naruko didn't know what exactly the mage's goal is, but whatever it is, she's going to stop them.

The redhead was also thankful that none of the Fairy Tail Mages tried speaking with her, given she's still resisting the urge to tear Natsu apart. Even more so, as she could sense his Etherious Magic was even stronger than the last time she encountered him. The only thing stopping Naruko from simply killing him now, was her promise to Erza.

Finally, the group reached the temple, Naruko narrowing her eyes when she looked at the top and saw the bright purple glow, showing Moon Drip was currently gathering Magical Power.

The group ran to the top of the temple, when they reached the top, they saw a group of cloaked figures, one of whom they heard being called the Sub-Zero Emperor, and three non-cloaked figures standing behind the Emperor.

"Well, it seems we have some uninvited guests, some more than others." Said the Sub-Zero Emperor, with Gray stiffening, while his eyes widened.

"That, that voice? It can't be…Lyon?" Gray asked, recognizing the voice, as the Sub-Zero Emperor, or Lyon, looked at Gray.

"Well if it isn't Gray, finally showing your pathetic face." Said Lyon, removing his helmet and glared at Gray, who was shocked to see his old friend.

"Gray, who is this guy?" Cana asked, seeing her guildmate's expression.

"His name is Lyon, Lyon Vastia, we trained together as kids under the same master." Gray revealed.

"Yeah, we trained together, and then you had to go challenge Deliora and got Ur killed!" Shouted Lyon, glaring at his fellow Ice User, Gray flinching at the accusation and knowing it was true.

"Gray, what's he talking about?" Asked Natsu, confused about what was going on, with Gray clenching his fists as memories he's worked to keep buried came flooding back to him.

"It happened when I was a kid, way before I joined Fairy Tail, I lived in a village up North with my parents. That is until one day, the Etherious, Deliora, showed up and destroyed it, killing everyone, including my parents. I was spared though, before being found by Lyon and our master, Ur, who taught us how to use Ice-Make. I swore that after I learned it, I would hunt down and kill Deliora to avenge my parents. But I was overconfident in myself, and when I heard about Deliora's current location, I ran off to challenge it, believing I was strong enough to kill it. Instead, all I got was a beat down, and I would have died if not for Ur arriving, she gave her life to trap Deliora so it couldn't hurt anyone ever again. Lyon blamed me for what happened, and he's right, it's my fault Ur is dead." Said Gray, while maintaining the lie Ur wanted him to tell, that she died trapping Deliora, instead of her body turning into the ice, keeping the demon locked away.

'That's why he doesn't trust me, because I'm the same thing as Deliora.' Natsu thought, realizing why Gray has grown distrustful, even hateful, towards him since the reveal of his Etherious nature.

He was the same type of demon that killed his parents and master.

Naruko narrowed her eyes as several pieces started coming together in her mind. Remembering her encounter with the Tartarus Mages, and the resemblance the Ice Devil Slayer had with Gray, Naruko realized it wasn't just a resemblance, that was Gray's father.

'Meaning if he was in fact killed by Deliora, that means he was somehow resurrected, likely by another member of Tartarus.' Thought Naruko, while knowing that made things more complicated, if there was an Etherious that could resurrect the dead.

It just meant she'll need to get much stronger, if she had any hope of taking on Tartarus, and the other more powerful Etherious and Dark Mages.

"That's right. Now do me a favor and stay out of my way, I'll deal with you after killing Deliora." Lyon said, with Gray looking at him in shock of what Lyon was planning.

"What?! Lyon you can't possibly be thinking of fighting Deliora, let alone freeing it! Ur gave her life just to trap it!" Gray shouted, not believing Lyon was willing to free the demon that took Ur away.

He already had to deal with the guilt of being the cause for it, he didn't want Ur's sacrifice to be for nothing!

"Exactly. Ur only managed to trap Deliora, not kill it. So, if I kill Deliora then I'll finally prove I have surpassed Ur." Stated Lyon smirking, fully confident that he can kill Deliora.

"Darkness Dragon's Binding Chains!" Naruko said, slamming her hand on the ground, creating several black magic circles with jet-black chains shooting out and wrapping around Lyon, his team, and his followers.

"What?!" Lyon shouted at the sudden bindings and tried freezing them, only to be shock when he couldn't access his magic.

"Don't bother trying to escape, those chains nullify the magic of anyone bound in them. And be thankful I'm only binding you." Said Naruko, really wanting to snap this brat in half.

He was freeing Deliora, a powerful Etherious, just to prove he's stronger than his master. He wasn't even sure if he was strong enough to kill Deliora, completely ignoring the chance of the demon escaping to kill more people.

The only reason Naruko wasn't either killing or brutalizing them, is because they weren't actually Dark Mages. Just some foolish brats, that didn't know what they were dealing with.

However, before Naruko could knock them unconscious, she was surprised when her chains suddenly broke apart and dissolved into black smoke. Just then, another person jumped out, revealing themselves.

"Zalty, you arrived just in time." Lyon said, nodding to his masked subordinate.

"Of course, Lyon." Said "Zalty", with Naruko narrowing her eyes at him.

'And just how exactly does this person possess Arc of Time?' Naruko thought, knowing the only way someone could escape her Binding Chains is by being stronger than her and escaping them, given the chains were only as strong as she was, or if they had the Arc of Time Magic and aged them to the point of breaking apart.

"Alright then, I was willing to go easy on you runts, but since you insist on being stubborn. Let me show you a world of fear. Darkness Dragon's Nightmare Realm!" Naruko said, creating a larger magic circle as the surrounding shadows rose up and wrapped around Lyon and his followers, trapping them in a dome of darkness

Before the others could react, Naruko created an opening in the dome and ran inside, before it closed behind her.

"Uh, do you think we should try he-" Lucy started, only to be cut off when they all suddenly heard screaming coming from within the dome.


"Oh Kami, have mercy please!"

"Leave me alone!"


"I-I th-think, sh-she h-h-has i-it h-ha-handled." Cana stuttered, looking deathly pale, the same being said for the others as well.

It also made Cana know for a fact Naruko had to be related to Erza somehow, if she could be this terrifying.

*Inside the Dome*

Ultear Milkovich, the true identity of Zalty, looked around rapidly searching for either Naruko, or her "allies". The moment the dome had appeared around them, Ultear had tried using her Arc of Time to escape, only to find it didn't work, even worse, her disguise had failed as well.

It only got worse when she started hearing the screams of pain and fear from Lyon and his followers, worrying Ultear, as she realized she wasn't dealing with a normal mage. She only became more worried, and even fearful, that this mage didn't have an issues with getting their hands dirty, and right now, Ultear was at major disadvantage.

"Where are you?! Come out and face me!" Ultear said, hoping to draw Naruko out to where she could see her.

Her only response was a chilling laughter that sent shivers up Ultear's spine.

"What's the matter? Scared of the dark? Good, be afraid, you never know what goes bump in the night." Naruko's voice echoed around her, Ultear gasping when something bumped into her, making her whirl around, holding her orb.

Illuminating it, Ultear hoped to see or catch a glimpse of Naruko, or a possible an escape. Instead, all Ultear saw was an endless darkness that seemed to stretch on forever. Gulping, Ultear's breathing increased when she couldn't see anything, except the endless darkness. Being reminded of when she was trapped in the Bureau of Magical Development.

"I'm…I'm not scared." Ultear said, putting on a strong front.

"How cute, the Dark Mage isn't scared. But I can sense your fear and the darkness within you, and it's sickening! I wonder, how many people you had to kill, how many lives you ruined, in order to gain such darkness?!"

"Shut up, you don't know anything about me!" Ultear shouted, glaring all around her, refusing to be talked down to like that.

"Oh, I know exactly what you are. You're just like every other Dark Mage, killing innocent people, manipulating them, all because you can, or you enjoy hurting others. People like you…SHOULD BE BURNING IN HELL!" Naruko roared.

Ultear screamed in fear when suddenly, a group of tiny, shadow-like demonic dragons began appearing around her, biting and clawing at her. Attempting to use her Arc of Time to destroy the, Ultear paled when she saw it didn't do anything to the creatures, and they seemed to be multiplying every second.

Then suddenly, Ultear was grabbed from behind and her eyes widened in fear when she felt a clawed hand dig into her neck.

"Die." Naruko hissed, ready to tear Ultear's throat out.

"GET AWAY!" Ultear screamed, her magic reacting instinctively in her fear of dying.

Naruko's was surprised when she was suddenly thrown off Ultear, before grunting and grabbing her head when she started seeing images flash before her eyes. She saw a little girl in pain, her body containing to much magic for her to hold, before she was taken somewhere by her mother to save her.

Only for the people there to not helping her, but instead turn her into a lab rat and experiment on her. The girl managed to escape and return home, only to see her mother with two boys, whom Naruko recognized as a younger Gray and Lyon. The girl then returned to the lab, believing her mother had abandoned her, and allowed the people to continue their experiments.

Then, when the girl was strong enough, she took her revenge and killed all the people who experimented on her.

Before Naruko could see anything else, the images stopped, and she panted in exhaustion and confusion of what she just saw.

'What, what the hell was that?' Naruko thought, not understanding what just happened.

Looking at Ultear, Naruko growled and went over to her, intent to finish what she started. Grabbing the Dark Mage by her collar, Naruko raised her hand prepared to rip open her throat, only for her eyes to widen.

"You, you're that girl." Naruko said, looking into Ultear's fearful eyes and seeing the girl from her visions.

Naruko then realized what those images were, they were Ultear's past, her Arc of Time must have reacted to her fear of almost dying. She was treated as a guinea pig, believed her mother abandoned her, and ended up returning to the very people who experimented on her, before killing them.

'She's like me.' Thought Naruko, seeing they had similar pasts, believing they had lost everything they cared about and desired the power to get revenge.

Naruko didn't want to believe she's similar to a Dark Mage, but looking at Ultear's expression, all she could see was herself, before Acnologia found her, and the little girl in her visions.

Steeling her heart, Naruko tried to bring herself to kill Ultear, but she couldn't.

"Well, what're you waiting for, do it." Ultear said, trying to remain strong, despite the fact she was likely going to die.

Looking at her, Naruko wanted to end her life, but she couldn't do it.

"Fuck." Naruko muttered, snapping her fingers, deactivating her Nightmare Realm as the darkness dispersed around them.

Lucy, Natsu and Happy, Gray and Cana watched in surprised as the dome of darkness vanished. Though they stiffened when they saw Lyon and his followers on the ground, unmoving. Only to be relieved, when they saw they were still breathing and tied up.

Looking to Naruko, they were confused when they saw her holding a woman they didn't recognize, though Gray inhaled sharply at the resemblance she shared with Ur.

"Wh-what are y-you-" Ultear stuttered.

"You don't talk, unless I say so, got it!" Naruko growled menacingly.

Just because she couldn't bring herself to kill Ultear, doesn't mean she was going to play nice with a Dark Mage.

Nodding rapidly, Ultear knew she shouldn't test her luck against Naruko.

"Naruko, who's that?" Lucy asked, confused, since they didn't see Ultear before.

"I'll explain later, for now, you all can bring those idiots down to the village. I still have something to take care of." Naruko said, walking off before they could say anything, while dragging Ultear along with her.

Natsu and Gray went to argue, only to be silenced when Naruko glared at them.

With that, Naruko dragged Ultear into the temple, down to where she could sense Deliora was being kept, with Ultear realizing where they were going.

Soon, the two reached the cavern, with them seeing Deliora still trapped in Ice Shell. Naruko frowned at seeing the demon, with the close proximity allowing her to sense just how weak it was, and not only that, she could sense the magic within the ice itself, and it felt…alive.

"Reverse the ices time." Naruko said, wanting to make sure Deliora was actually dead, and wanting to test a theory she just had.

Nodding shakily, Ultear summoned her orb and used her Arc of Time on the ice, watching as it receded from Deliora's body, with the demons eyes glowing red as its head was freed. Then, to Ultear's complete shock, rather than the ice vanishing, the ice started shrinking and transforming, until they saw a woman with short dark purple hair and pale skin laying on the ground, unconscious.

Not only that, but Ultear easily recognized the woman.

"Mo-mother." Ultear whispered, not believing what she just saw, or that she was seeing her mother alive, once again.

Naruko, though, looked at Deliora, ready for a fight. Though the redhead relaxed, when the demon was only able to let out a single roar, before falling over dead.

"Pick her up, and let's go." Said Naruko, with Ultear wordlessly doing so, still in shock at what just happened.


After dealing with Deliora, and restoring Ur to her natural form, Naruko and Ultear began the walk back to the village. Naruko didn't have to worry about Ultear trying to make a break for it, positive the girl had more things on her mind than trying to escape. Plus, she likely knew she wouldn't get far, if she did try escaping.

As they got closer to the village, Naruko frowned as she picked up a familiar scent of armor polish, sweets and the scent of dragons. She recognized the scent as belonging to Erza, which confused Naruko as to why her sister was here. Though she was worried when she began noticing the scent of dragon she and her sister shared, it was now noticeably stronger.

Once they reached the village, Naruko saw Erza was in fact here and standing over Natsu and Gray, both sporting large bumps on their heads. While Lucy and Cana stood off to the side, with the latter trying to make herself as small as possible, in fear of Erza's wrath being directed at her.

However, Erza then turned around, and Naruko's eyes widened when she saw the slit pupils and sharper teeth.

'No…' Naruko thought, shaking her head, not wanting to believe Erza did what she think she's done.

"Naruko? You're here." Erza said, surprised to see her sister was here, as well.

"What did you do?" Naruko whispered, walking up to Erza, now sensing her magic and how it was different than before, now being similar to her own.

"What did I do?" Asked Erza, confused for a moment by what her sister meant, before realizing she could see the changes in her appearance.

"What did you do?!" Demanded Naruko, while grabbing Erza shoulders.

"What I needed to do to save you." Erza replied, knowing Naruko could sense that she was now a Dragon Slayer, as well.

"Save me?! Why don't you worry about saving yourself! Do you even realize what you've done?!" Naruko demanded, not believing Erza would give herself Dragon Slayer Magic.

"I made it so I have the same power as you, and I'll use to make sure that I can protect you this time, like I should have before!" Erza said, pushing her sisters hands off her.

"You only made yourself a target! Acnologia will be after you now, too!" Naruko shouted, since she never told Acnologia about Erza, not wanting her sister to be targeted by him as well, in his desire to wipe out all traces of the dragons.

"Good! Let him come!" Retorted Erza, not caring if Acnologia came after her, she'll do whatever it takes to protect Naruko from him.

"You aren't getting it! He will not stop until every trace of the dragons are gone! He is beyond anything you can imagine! He's killed hundreds of dragons, and that was before he even became one! Now he's even stronger, having become a dragon himself, while also having Four Hundred years to train, master and improve his abilities!" Naruko said, glaring at Erza, trying to make her see just how dangerous Acnologia was.

"I. Don't. Care." Stated Erza, returning the glare.

She already planned to go against Acnologia, Zeref, and anyone else that goes after Naruko, and Erza will make sure she's there to keep her sister safe, no matter what. And nothing she says will ever stop her.

Growling at how stubborn her twin sister was being, they continued to glare at each other. Before the sisters finally turned away from each other, walking in opposite directions, though both swearing that they weren't done with each other.

So, what did you think, good. Yep Naruko has showcased another Dragon Slayer Magic, Darkness Dragon, and easily dealt with Lyon and his team, along with encountering Ultear. Though rather than kill her, Naruko learn about Ultear's past, given Ultear's Arc of Time reacted to her fear, with Naruko seeing they were similar in what happened to them. Leading to Naruko being unable to kill Ultear, but she also isn't going to be nice either, before going to make sure Deliora truly dies, only to see the demon was already dead and freeing Ur as well. Finally Naruko and Erza meet yet again with Naruko being able to sense her sister has become a Dragon Slayer, much to her anger as it means Erza has an even bigger target on her back with Acnologia's desire to destroy all traces of the dragons. So, review if you liked go away if you didn't.

Storm out