Central City, December 13, 2013
Amelia 'Mia' Neil was a stubborn, southern girl, who's family moved to the city. Her parents opened a bar few months after moving to the city. And here she was cleaning cup and the counter of her bar. Most of the people had left to see the Particle Accelerator, but science was never really her thing. She picked a glass up and began to clean it. She took care of the bar when her parents passed away, and everyone who went to it loved her. The bar was her's and Mia took pride in it.
" We are moments away from what could be a life changing achievement,'' A news reporter stated from the flat screen on the wall. Mia laughed and set the glass down lightly not wanting to break it.
She picked the remote up and looked at the Tv, " Life changing my ass,'' she muttered before turning it off. She picked the glass back when the lights went out, " Great.'' she muttered throwing her rag down on the counter and placing down the glass. Mia heard another crack of thunder and figured it was just the storm.
Mia went to the back office of the building and grabbed a flashlight from her desk," What's the point of paying bills if this happens?'' she asked herself sarcastically. With the flashlight on the young girl began to walk to the basement to check the breaker box. Mia walked down the steps carefully not wanting to fall, old builds and old wooden steps don't mix well with the uncoordinated. Mia moved her flashlight around to try and find the breaker, most of the power in the City went out but she still wanted to check.
" Of all nights,'' she muttered when she found the box. Mia walked over to it and opened it. She touched a few of the switches making sure everything was in place. When she touched the last switch a volt of electricity sent her flying into the wall behind her. Her small form banged off concrete making collapse against it.
Her eyes fluttered open and she slowly looked around the pitch black room. Mia's head was pounding, like a jackhammer and her body was sore from hitting the wall. She sat there for a few minutes recapping what had went to push herself up when she crackling of lightning. She looked around and then down at her hands and saw blue static moving in her hands. Her baby blue eyes widened at the sight.
" Damn it,'' she groaned out in annoyance.
Central City, 2016
Mia's POV:
" Mia!'' A male voice yelled at one of the tables.
I looked up and smiled at who yelled for me, " Yes, Mike.''
He raised a beer bottle and I sighed, but I grabbed another one and walked it over to him. Men can drink, but these city boys had never drank with a southern girl.
" This your last one,'' I said handing it to him slowly, " you still have to drive home.''
Mike laughed and grabbed the bottle, " You worried to much Mia.''
" I have to.'' My parents died in a car accident so I could stop them I would.
I walked back the counter and continued to take orders and hand out drinks and refills. Hours passed and we were finally closed for the day. I was cleaning up glasses when I heard the door, I sighed people never listen or paid attention to signs.
" Sorry, we're closed,'' I said setting the tub of dishes down on the table.
I heard his footsteps walk closer, " I know but this will only take a minute.''
" Great a British man,'' I thought angrily, " No this conversation is over cause we're closed,'' I growled turning around to face him.
The British man didn't reply to my statement. I saw him pull something out of his pocket and sigh, " sorry about this.''
A white light flashed in my eyes and everything went black. " I'm being kidnapped great, just great,'' I thought to myself.