Hi all and thanks so much for dropping by! I've had this idea buzzing around in my head for a good while now. I'm honestly not sure if anyone is even reading Fics based on Jurassic World anymore, but my little one has recently started a Dino obsession and it started the wheels turning. This is sort of a test chapter. Just something to throw out to see what people think. I'm already working on the next chapter, but I would love to know if anyone comes across this and what they think. Thanks in advance and sorry for the annoyingly long Author's Note.

So It Begins

The VFW was more packed than she'd seen it in months. Liz grumbled as she slid out of her truck. She came here specifically to drink in peace, not to be social. She could go downtown and spend $7 a drink if she wanted that. The door swung open and she scooted around a couple that stumbled out, professing their love a little too loudly as they leaned on each other. Liz rolled her eyes as she shuffled through the crowd, nearly swallowed by the mass of people.

"Terry! Beer!" She called as she managed to squeeze up to the bar, irked that her usual space was taken up by a man in a suit milking what looked like a scotch. She didn't even think they offered scotch. Her beer slid down the bar and she snapped it up, taking a long swig while eyeing the goon in her spot. He lifted his drink at her with a smirk that made Liz almost snarl out loud before turning her attention behind the bar.

Terry whizzed by her, spry for being in his early 70s. He knew his regulars, chatting here and there while serving drinks to newer patrons. Eventually it died down and the crowd seemed to move like one giant mass further into the bar. Terry leaned in front of Liz and gave a dramatic "phew!" And wiped his forehead.

"The hell's going on tonight?" She asked.

"Fundraiser." Terry said back, sipping from a water bottle before stuffing it back under the bar. "MacAvoy's cancer is back."

Liz winced and shut her eyes. "Shit. I totally forgot." Leonard MacAvoy was another regular. A Vietnam vet who had health problems a mile long. His wife had passed 3 years prior and he had been deteriorating rapidly ever since. When his lung cancer resurfaced the community rallied around him. She could see a band warming up in the corner, probably where the mass had moved to. All of the nights procedes, including the band's tips would go to helping Leonard and his family pay for his medical bills. Unfortunately, Liz thought, it would most likely go toward his funeral. She chugged the last of her beer, putting it on the bar a little harder than necessary and signaling Terry for another round.

"For Old MacAvoy, I'll drink double." She lifted the bottle he handed her in the air in cheers before taking a quick sip and setting it down on her coaster. The band started up, making the already rowdy crowd cheer. Liz smiled to herself before peaking over her shoulder. If the influx of people meant helping one of the old timers, then she'd manage.

"Specialist Meyers?"

Liz rolled her head to the side with her tongue in her cheek, annoyed. It was the suit goon that had taken her usual spot at the bar.

"It's Liz, man." She said without looking at him. "I haven't been SPC Meyers in oh," she fingered the bridge of her nose while she thought."Three years? Maybe four?" She took a swig of her beer. "Time flies when you're having fun."

"Is that what you've been doing?" Suits sat down next to her, invading her personal space. "Couch surfing, under the table jobs. I wouldn't exactly call that fun." He slid a card over to her. "Michael Berlusconi. I work for InGen. We received your application."

Liz didn't bother to look at the card as she slid it into her pocket. "InGen? Oh!" She slapped her hand down on the bar before pointing at him with her bottle. "The money behind that dinosaur park! Crazy thing, that place. Thanks, but I don't think I'm exactly what you're looking for."

"On the contrary." Michael produced a small pamphlet from the folds of his suit. "Military background of any kind is EXACTLY what we're looking for." He held the pamphlet out to Liz, who took it gingerly and opened it up. "And from what I've gathered, you don't exactly have many opportunities for employment right now."

Liz shot him a withering look. "Is this supposed to be an interview?" She scanned the pamphlet. It had descriptions of some of the jobs InGen offered. Park ranger, security, something called an "asset containment unit," whatever the hell that was. It detailed there benefits plan; medical, dental, life insurance. The basics of any job. It also listed that housing was included, showing a picture of a bunch of three room shacks neatly in a row. They weren't much, but it was better than barracks living. She read the scale for base starting pay and had to take a second glance, eyes nearly bugging out of her head.

Michael grinned, knowing exactly what had caught her attention. "That number includes hazard pay, though there is plenty of room for advancement." He watched as she folded the pamphlet back up neatly and picked up her beer. She brought it to her lips without drinking, obviously mulling the idea over. Finally, she turned steely eyes on him.

"Shouldn't this be more official? I'm nearly two beers deep already." She took a sip for emphasis, making Michael chuckle.

"We prefer to meet our people where they are. It gives us a better idea of their true personality." He pulled a tablet from a leather bag at his feet and began tapping away at it. "We did our research on you long before making an offer."

"Creepy." Liz shot a look at Terry, who just shrugged and went back to washing glasses.

"Ah" Michael pulled up a file and flipped the case the tablet was in to prop it up. "IF you decide to take the offer, you'll be given an advance to pay for your travel expenses. You will sign a contract that binds you for one full year of employment. Said contract will be up for evaluation every year. If you choose to stay and you live up to InGen standards, your contract will be renewed."

"Re-up you're crazy. Re-up you're out of your mind." Terry sang quietly. It was part of an old army cadence, Captain Jack. Funny, it was one of Liz's favorites. Though this time it did seem she was out of her mind. 'Re-up' was slang for reenlisting, something Liz swore she'd never do. Though not reenlisting with the army, this did seem like an enlistment of sorts.

Michael held out a pen-shaped stylus. "All you have to do is sign."

Liz eyed the stylus like it would reach out and bite her. "I should really think this over. Read the contract." She watched as Michael's cocky demeanor change subtly.

"I see." He said, letting the stylus snap back to the tablet. "I can have the contract emailed to you, though I can't promise there will be an opening by the time you're done 'going over it.' We only have so many positions available." he closed the tablet and slipped it into his bag. He stood, throwing a $20 on the bar and telling Terry to keep the change. "I wouldn't think too hard, Specialist." He warned. "I can promise you an offer like this won't come around again." He pushed off the bar and headed towards the door.

Liz watched him go. Five steps from the door...four...three...two… oh hell.

"Hey, Berlusconi." She watched him turn and seeing the smug look on his face, she realized he had been bluffing about leaving. "Shit." She mumbled before she raised her voice again.

"Where do I sign?"

There it is! I know its short, but like I said, test chapter. Let me know what you all think.