I updated again. Yeah. But I am sorry to dissapoint you here.

I am discontinuing this fanfiction and giving it up for adoption.

If someone is interested, then pm me. You can change everything that you don't like. It's your story after I gave you the permission.

There are various reasons why I am abonding my best work.

The first reason and the probaly biggest reason is, I can't write any lemons anymore. I feel sick of writing them, I feel weird when uploading them and I absolutely have no idea how I will put up with lemons for so many girls.

The second point is, I think I fucked up when I started to add the woman from the monsterverse. They were nothing but a bunch of OC's. It's hard to involve many Charakters In one scene without letting someone out, but this is what happens often. A few changes that I did over the time were simply changing the names of a Charakter because they didn't talk enough.

The plot ended with a cliffhanger about a plan that Issei has build up. By then I had created about half of the plan. The rest was still in development. I had no idea what to do.

With lockdown I thought that maybe I will write more, but work fucked me up so hard that I didn't write for any story except some ideas that I had.

So if anyone is interested, hit me up with a pm. If I don't write back instantly then write me on Instagram: Red.cloud.yura

I will send you the documents what I have written and a list of who is in the harem/Who will join.

I hope some of you will make this story into something great. Thanks for reading it.