Perfection; the condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects.

This very word, this very definition, was the opposite of what she was. She was the living embodiment of imperfection, everything wrong with the world taken into a flesh form. Unnatural looks not of the usual human form, ideas that didn't fall into the commoner's ground, and a mind that simply couldn't have been one of normality. Oh no, this was Azrael Claudia Echolyn, an abnormally intelligent girl with no patients for the ignorant or arrogant. More commonly known on the streets as "Ace", she was best known for her involvement with the local precinct and solving irregular cases that weren't the simple open-and-shut kind.

It wasn't unusual to find her startling blue eyes boring into something or someone, clicking together how something worked or how someone ticked. It was a gift as many would say. She was talented with extradentary abilities that were far from the normal. Of course, for Ace, there had never been any sense of normality for her. She hated even the thought of something being considered so non-unique. She couldn't tell you why it bothered her to such lengths, but she could tell you why she preferred the "out-of-the-norm" sort of things.

Ace's father was a man that was extraordinarily normal, or at least, he chased after the fantasy of being normal. No matter what she did, Ace was never good enough. She was never strong enough, fast enough, smart enough, etc. Never, not once, had she ever been enough. Her father ran with broken legs after a shattering dream of retaining some sort of peaceful casualness, but when that shattering dream crashed out the window, Ace received what was waiting on the other end. She had a burning, boiling, thundering hatred for normality due to that passionate and wrathful chase her father ensued, using it to stomp on her. In spite of her father, Ace continued on to take up one of the most abnormal jobs ever hear of.

Unofficial Consulting Detective and Doctor Azrael Echolyn, known well locally for her investigative skills. Her cut off personality proved to be difficult to look past, but there were few who were able to break past that thick, titanium wall. Those who were able to get past the first layer hardly ever saw that there was a second, or a third, or a fourth. No one had ever gotten to the center of the maze, the eye of the storm, or to the deepest pit in the sea of mystery. No one had ever once been able to peer up at the stars hidden in the darkness she kept them confined to.
Not until June 4th, 2018 at 2:27 AM, when Ace jumped into a war she didn't even know about.