Just a quick tribute to Cameron Boyce, who died last night in his sleep at 20 years old. Rest in peace, you will be missed.

Carlos was not born of love. To be realistic, no-one on the isle was, but most were born of some kind of want. Mostly for free labor or someone to carry on their legacy. Not Carlos.

He was told his entire childhood that he was a mistake, something his mother had pounded into his head, both literally and figuratively. He was nothing. He didn't matter. Not to her, not to his father, not to anyone.

Until he met Evie. She talked to him like a human, like something. Mal and Jay did too, even if to wasn't very kind at first, they actually talked to him. Not at him, not about him.

But no amount of being talked to made him realize he deserved it, not until they got to Auradon. No-one there was treated the way he had been, apparently it wasn't right to do that to your kids. To anyone.

So when he started to talk about it the Fairy Godmother made him talk to Snow White, and it helped. He felt…Good. Better than he had in years. He didn't flinch at loud noises or sudden movements, didn't feel so much like he didn't deserve to be alive.

No amount of time would fix him completely, there would always be scars, but that's what they would become. Scars, not open, infected wounds.

Jane helped too. Having her around made him happy. Someone not connected to his past, though he still loved Evie and Mal and Jay.

Carlos was not born into love, he was born into disgust and hatred. His childhood was filled with it. His adult life, however, was full of love and acceptance, and he died surrounded by his friends and family.

No-one deserves to die that young. I swear, I will have more stories out soon, I've got some finished, but I'm not super happy with them so…