
Greetings everyone! MarvelMaster 616 and I are back with another volume of Peace in Our Time, which means Peace in Our Time: Mutiny, is here and will continue to expand this ongoing series MarvelMaster and I have collaborated on together. Ever since the end of Peace in Our Time: Generation X, corruptions have taken place after Cameron Hodge and Obadiah Stane kidnapped and murdered Warren Worthington III's girlfriend, Candy Southern. As the X-men continue to grieve and cope with their loss, the United States government continues to hate and fear mutants, which will further be explained in this volume. This volume takes place about four months after the events of volume one. Once again, I would greatly appreciate it if you review! I thrive off constructive criticism of any kind. Per usual, I will be updating bi-weekly, unless I say otherwise. Additionally, I would encourage you all to go and check out MarvelMaster's series X-men Supreme! However, what I recommend if you are a new reader, to read Volume 1 first. Volume 1 is titled Peace in Our Time: Generation X

Also, be sure to check out my newest X-men story The Evolution Project and support me over there! Excelsior, muties!–

XOXO, Danielle, aka DC-MarvelGirl 1997

Born with extraordinary powers of telepathy, Charles Xavier became known to the world after having formed the company of X-Corporation with Howard Stark, a company which helps employ mutants to secure their futures. After the deaths of Howard and Maria Stark, Charles took their prodigal son, Tony, under his wing, as they proceeded to look for more recruits into the company.

Recruiting five young men and one young woman, Forge, Hank McCoy, Warren Worthington III, Jean Grey, Scott Summers and Bobby Drake, the name of X-Corporation took on a new meaning when they stopped Magneto's Brotherhood of Evil Mutants from attacking presidential-hopeful Senator Edward Kelly. Shortly after having helped Alpha Flight arrest the Brotherhood, X-Corporation's future employees became known to the public as the X-men.

Unfortunately, this came with a price. After Warren Worthington III's father was blackmailed by Cameron Hodge to give Hodge the Legacy Cure, Hodge and Obadiah Stane took it to Genosha, where they were keeping over twenty mutant children and young adults as hostages. In addition to planning on murdering over a dozen mutants, Hodge kidnapped Warren's girlfriend, Candy Southern.

Shortly after the X-men had rescued the mutant prisoners, Hodge brutally murdered Candy. As the X-men grieve the loss of their friend, they are now finding that they are being known publicly. Some view them as heroes. Some view them as monsters. What is in store for our heroes as they embark on their newest adventure in Volume 2 of Peace in Our Time?

Issue 21: New Beginning

Stark Hotel, Casino and Spa – Atlantic City, New Jersey

Life is like an hourglass, and the sand is running through. Eventually, it stops, so what you do with your life is meaningful. For Tony Stark, this meaning couldn't be truer. For the past four months, life went on, and he found that he was working on fulfilling his life by making sure that he continued moving forward. Tony knew in moments such as this that Hank McCoy would take advantage to quote a great philosopher such as William Shakespeare, because their lives four months ago had played out like nothing short of a Greek tragedy.

The murdering of Candy Southern still weighed heavily on all of the X-men, but, they were finding ways to continue living. Warren had graduated from college, Scott and Jean both got their GED thanks to tutoring from Hank McCoy and Bobby was still going to school like any normal teenage boy. Charles Xavier was working closely with and mentoring Warren on the job as the new CFO of X-Corporation.

Ever since the X-men have exposed themselves to the world, they were already receiving recognition, a mixture of both good and bad from people. It was thanks to them that Cameron Hodge and Obadiah Stane were in prison on Rikers Island and had been exposed for the frauds that they were. However, Senator Kelly was still highly adamant about using the Sentinels and forming a mutant registration act. As far as everyone knew, Senator Kelly and Bolivar Trask hadn't agreed to allow Hodge and Stane to hold mutant hostages of Genosha, and as a result, the senator, Trask and Warren Worthington, Jr. had dissolved their partnership with Stane and Hodge. However, that also meant that Senator Kelly was going to have to do a lot to prove himself to people.

But, for Tony, right now, he was focusing on the grand opening of his newest business venture: Stark Hotel, Casino and Spa in Atlantic City. The hotel was something that Tony had been working on for the course of two years, and it was finally built, completed and ready for a grand opening worthy of press and dozens of people being there.

Tony stood there in front of his thousands upon thousands of guests who were there for the opening. Fireworks were going off in the night sky. Everyone was cheering as Tony stood on the stage in the main dining room of the restaurant attached to the hotel.

"Hello, everyone," Tony said with a smile, and he was met with a roaring applause from every single person that. "Thank you, I am glad to see that you all are enjoying the grand opening of this fabulous hotel."

"WE LOVE YOU, TONY!" someone yelled out.

"Thank you, thank you very much I love you all too. Now, I am not saying that my company, X-Corporation, and I, are responsible for this country enjoying its longest lasting amount of peace for the first time in years. I'm not saying that Uncle Sam can kick back and relax on a lawn chair, sipping on a Long Island iced tea because I haven't come across anyone who is man enough to go toe to toe with me and my X-Corporation employees on our best day! It's not about me. It's not about my X-Corp employees. It's not about you! It's about legacy! It's about what we work to leave behind. Things have been getting better ever since my X-men and I started to fight on behalf of everyone in the United States of America. The Brotherhood is locked away with Alpha Flight, awaiting their prison transfer which will be taking place about this month.

"Cameron Hodge and Obadiah Stane are imprisoned on Rikers. Next time you think that mutants are the cause of all your problems in your lives, think of the X-men and what they've done for all of you! Now, I know that there are many out there that still hate and fear mutants, but, I can assure you, that the X-men are working towards privatizing world peace!" Tony flashed a peace sign with his hands to show the crowd. Everyone cheered even more as a result. "Also, I plan to make Stark Hotel, Casino and Spa a safe haven for mutants, where they will be able to enjoy the luxuries of a vacation, and if they want, they can have an employment here! This is a place that has got no issue keeping mutants employed! I mean, I am hearing there's one mutant out there whose mutant power is being lucky! I think she can work well at the Roulette table just fine if you ask me." The crowd let out a series of laughs as he winked. "It's the perfect opportunity to create job opportunities for mutants everywhere who are struggling with finding employment. Now, I can say, that I did one hell of a job. Now, everyone, relax and enjoy the new Stark Hotel, Casino and Spa here in its first location in Atlantic City!"

A large round of applause followed, and Tony followed his bodyguard, Happy Hogan, off the stage and to his private car which was set aside for him to go home for the night. He knew that the X-Corporation employees were home; hopefully sleeping in their beds. But, Tony also knew that for Warren Worthington III, he was most likely crying himself to sleep like he'd been doing for the past few months. Ever since the murdering of his girlfriend, Warren had been going to the cemetery where Candy was buried every single day, and he cried himself to sleep at night. Warren was still mourning, but, that also included him going out to clubs every night as well to try and drink away his troubles. However, Professor Xavier was trying to steer Warren as far away from the partying lifestyle as much as he could manage to.

As Tony exited the hotel, he was bombarded by fans that were waiting for autographs and photos, as well as a couple of celebrities. From Chris Evans, to Sophie Turner and her fiance Joe Jonas, to Robert Downy, Jr. to Anna Paquin and her husband Stephen Moyer, the grand opening of the hotel was practically a red carpet event.

"Hello, everyone, hello, hello," Tony said to everybody there. He found himself taking Snapchat photos with several fans, flashing peace signs in the pictures. "Hugh Jackman, Debs, very nice to meet you two, oh Ryan Reynolds – by the way, Mr. Reynolds I don't hold the Green Lantern movie against you and Blake, say hello to the wife and girls for me. Hello, Mr. Hemsworth." Tony threw a wink towards Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen as he and Happy continued to walk towards his private car, which had been delivered to him. When he arrived, he saw the person that was there next to the Mercedes that was there awaiting him.

"Hello . . . um . . ." Tony started to say to the woman.

"Gia," the woman said.

"Ahh, Gia, Italian, I like it, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you Tony," the young woman said. That was the moment when Tony stepped into the car with Happy, and Gia handed him an envelope.

"Oh, I-I can't," Tony said.

"He hates being handed things," Happy explained as he took the envelope. That was the moment they both saw what the envelope was. It was a letter announcing Tony and the X-men were wanted in Washington, D.C to appear before the courts there the next day, which didn't surprise Tony. Senator Kelly had been wanting Tony and the X-men to appear before the courts for months. However, Tony understood that it was because Senator Kelly was looking to register the X-men under a government contract.

"You and the X-men have a court summons to appear before the Senate Armed Services Committee tomorrow at ten A.M," Gia explained. "And this is Senator Kelly's final order."

"Oh," Tony said.

"Tony, you do not have to have the X-men appear before the courts tomorrow," said Happy.

"No, no, actually, we should be there. Have Pepper arrange me and my employees a hotel room so we can be there by tomorrow morning. The sooner the better," Tony insisted.

"Okay." Happy put the keys in the ignition and proceeded to drive them towards X-Corporation Tower.

X-Corporation Tower – Warren's Room

For Warren Worthington III, life for the past four months has been proving to be harder on him than he ever could have expected it to be.

The murdering of his girlfriend, Candy Southern, was something that pained him deeply all those months. For the most part, ever since his girlfriend died, he'd found himself drinking a lot more excessively than he typically would. He just wanted something to help him numb the pain. He couldn't even look at a photo of Candy without bursting into tears.

The hardest part of the whole grieving process was going through Candy's personal items, cleaning her closet and drawers out, as well as collecting items that had meant a lot to her: stuffed bears that had been her favorite that she hadn't wanted to get rid of, her favorite books, perfume that she wore almost daily – Marc Jacobs Daisy Dream, and one of her more cherished birthday gifts that had been from Warren. It had been a ring with her birthstone that was shaped like a birthday cake, with two white diamonds on the sides, completely custom-made just for her. He remembered that that had been a promise ring he'd given to her, and he remembered being so excited to give her that ring as a birthday gift. And he was going to keep that ring, because it brought him a memory of Candy which had been his favorite.

Warren laid there on top of his sheets, staring at the promise ring he'd given Candy two years ago. Tears stung in his eyes as he examined it. Lord, how he missed her. But, he hated crying. He'd cried like a baby for hours after Candy's death had been announced to him. He'd broken down at the court hearing for Cameron Hodge and Obadiah Stane when he'd been asked to testify as the person who had taken her to the hospital the night that she had died. He didn't think that he had had any tears left in him.

As Warren laid there on his bed, the tears rolling down his face, he saw Beast standing there in the doorway.

"Hi Warren," Hank said.

Warren sat up, brushing the tears out of his eyes. "Hey, Hank," he said.

"Warren, I hate to inform you, but Tony got another summon from Senator Kelly saying we must appear before the courts," Hank said.

"Again? When is Senator Kelly gonna realize that the X-men aren't government property?" asked Warren in a bored tone. He was completely over this.

"Well, he's still in pursuit. We'll be going there, tomorrow. But, I didn't come here to talk about that. I came to talk about you. Warren, you've been shutting yourself out from everyone for the past four months. Drinking and night clubs are not going to bring Candy back," Beast said.

"Easy for you to say, Hank; your love life seems to be pretty damn stable. I mean, you've been volunteering at that eye clinic for over a year, and I doubt that it's to help blind people see again. You've been seeing that Carly girl pretty often, and better yet she's safe!" Warren pointed out.

"Hey, do not compare yourself to me, Warren. What Carly and I have . . . I do not know what it is exactly between us, but, I'm not sure how long it will last, especially after she sees the real me," Hank said.

"But you've got an image inducer which helps you appear human. Why don't you use that?" asked Warren.

"Because . . . I just . . . that's not me. And I fear that if I hide behind that it would make me look like a coward," Hank explained.

"Oh please, Hank, for the love of God!" Warren sounded exasperated as he got up from the bed. "Hiding behind a holo-watch doesn't mean you're a coward! It means that people won't have to know whether or not you're a mutant! I mean, look at what we're dealing with, Hank! At least with that watch, you can be safe from all that!"

Hank sat there, digesting Warren's words, but, he still had a point to make. "Warren, at the press conference that Tony had hosted I had turned that image inducer off just like the rest of you! The world knows that Hank McCoy is a mutant covered in blue fur! Why should I try to hide it?"

Warren let out a sigh. "Yeah, yeah, you've got a point there, Beast. You do. But, still, I wish that things could just be easier. I mean, these past four months have been hell for me! I could have saved Candy, but I failed!"

"We all failed her that night, Warren. We did that as a team," Hank reminded him, resting a hand on his friend's shoulder. Sure, Hank was older than Warren by a year, but, the two had always been close. "Look, I know you do not believe it, but none of what happened to Candy was your fault, my friend. Besides, we are all going to D.C tomorrow for what will hopefully be our first and final time. So make sure you get some rest tonight." Patting Warren on the shoulder, the big blue beast left the room, leaving Warren with his thoughts.

'What the hell am I doing, sitting here feeling sorry for myself?' Warren thought as he stood there, still clutching the promise ring he'd given to Candy those years back. 'Hank and the professor are right. Why am I acting like I deserve to suffer? Why am I wasting my life away with things that are only temporary?' He proceeded to open up the window to his bedroom and turned his image inducing watch off to reveal his uniform which allowed his wings to be exposed.

He jumped out of the window and proceeded to break into flight, which allowed him to reach a high altitude and speed as he soared through the air, the cold evening air hitting his face as his wings flapped. Being in the clouds allowed him to escape his worries and troubles that were below. When he reached his desired altitude, he allowed himself to just float there in the air, his eyes closed as he breathed a deep sigh. He took Hank's words to heart. He knew that blaming himself for the death of his girlfriend wasn't the answer, but, he also knew that he needed a coping mechanism that was less dangerous and destructive than drinking away his problems. Finally, for the first time in four months, he allowed himself to do the one thing that he hadn't wanted to do: accept that Candy was gone, and that it was not his fault.

'Goodbye, Candy,' Warren thought silently, and proceeded to just fly through the air, leaving his worries behind him.

Jean's Room

Laying back on her bed, Jean Grey found she was staring up at the ceiling of her bedroom as she and Scott stayed there in silence, watching Transformers: Dark of the Moon. However, neither one was paying too much attention to the plot of the film.

Over the course of the past five months, Scott and Jean's lives changed in ways they hadn't expected. Before Tony and Professor Xavier recruited them to X-Corporation to become prodigies of Tony's, the two had been no-name nobodies with powers they didn't understand. They had lived every day of their lives in fear over what they could do. But through Tony's connections, they had gained unlikely friendships and a family, something they could have only dreamed about.

'I never thought we'd be able to have the second chances that we've been given, Scott,' Jean said, telepathically.

'Same here, Red,' Scott replied as the movie continued to play.

However, these new opportunities had come with consequences, most notably, Candy Southern's death at the hands of Cameron Hodge. It had been a moment that reminded them all of their failure as a team. All they could hope and pray for was that they wouldn't have to face something like that again.

As Scott and Jean continued to sit there, watching the film, they could hear knocking at Jean's bedroom door.

"It's Bobby!" Bobby called to them.

"You can come in," Jean said, straightening herself up on her bed. Scott followed her lead as Bobby came into the room, a disenchanted look on his face.

"Guys, I really hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Tony got a summons delivered to him in Atlantic City. We're being called by Senator Kelly because he's looking to register us as an armed weapon," Bobby said.

"Well, we might as well go, because he's never going to quit," Jean said with a shake of her head.

"We've gotta be there tomorrow, ten in the morning. Pepper already booked us a hotel room, so you might as well pack your bags," Bobby said, before leaving the room and shutting the door.

Scott and Jean both shook their heads. They were hoping for a quiet, relaxing night of watching a movie. Now, that was to be interrupted because they needed to pack their bags to go to Washington, D.C.

"Not exactly what I would have chosen to do," Jean said as she telekinetically retrieved her duffel bag and began to use her telekinesis to unzip it and pack clothes away. She made sure to pack pajamas, her slippers, some of her nicer dress clothes, sweat pants, t-shirts, shoes, stockings, and toiletries, not sure how many days they were going to be stuck in Washington.

"Well we've got no choice, Jean. Tony can only do so much to avoid this, but we knew that it was coming. We need to answer before the courts," Scott said with a sigh as he watched Jean pack her clothes. "But you've got to hand it to Senator Kelly. He's persistent."

Jean breathed out a sigh. "I'm just thinking about Warren. He doesn't need this. His girlfriend just died four months ago, Scott," she said. "None of us need this. But all I can hope for is that tomorrow, we can make our case, and close the book."

Scott nodded and gave her a high-five before heading off to his own bedroom to pack his bags. All the young X-men could hope for was that tomorrow, they would be able to end this and make Senator Kelly see their side.

'I can only hope and pray that tomorrow, Senator Kelly isn't going to be too much of pain,' Jean thought as she zipped her bag up with her telekinesis and laid down on her bed. 'But then again, that would be very wishful thinking. Maybe I should just hope we'll be convincing enough and persuade Senator Kelly to not force us to register under the government.'

Up next: Calm Before the Storm