Okay. Regarding the previous episode, I know why it felt strange. First, the entire episode was an allusion to a popular musical: "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee". A lot of the characters in the episode emulated the characters in the show. I tried to integrate it into the story, but clearly I didn't succeed. Second, the previous episode was, I felt, a sequel to TDP:S. Granted, the entire series is, but when TDP:S left a lot of unfinished plot lines that were tackled in that episode so let's go through those.

Julio's elimination in TDP:S was because he figured out Brittany was a criminal. The twist was built up for a while, but because the season wasn't finished, so I wanted to get that out of the way early in this one.

Annah v. Brittany. Started episode one, continued to that day. I guess Annah won?

Back to the Putnam County allusions. Like I said, everyone was assigned a character essentially, and while the eliminations were altered a bit (obviously, I'm not spoiling it here). Olive was also an allusion to the show, as Olive was my personal favorite character in the show. Any way. This episode will be a return to form.

Now for some review replies!

Yosdave Alejandro: Yeah, I kinda forced the idea that Brittany was done down your throat last episode. I do feel a need to clear this up, since there isn't a super good time to later, but now you guys get some TDP:P lore! Schaffer essentially had Hayley watch the first episodes (including the confessionals) to make up for lost time. Also, yes that Invincibility Pass may be important later.

LaViolaViolaRosa: Indeed.

Nikolai777: Yes, the episode was very odd and I might have to rewrite it at some point later. The tone was very different and everything was just... off as discussed above. Yes, the inspiration was was definitely from Mr. Mackey.

About Schaffer. He definitely watches the confessionals, and watches the episodes before. He will continue 'interrogating' the contestants, as you'll see in this one. My intention is to make him the 'chaotic good' of the hosts, as opposed to the 'chaotic evil' that is Chris McLean for lack of a better metaphor.

Yes, Annah and Charles could be handled better. And they won't really be built in this episode, but I think I may make them a primary focus in the next one. I'll have to think about it.

Harvard will get built more in this episode, I'm glad you like her. Again, the last episode was the most "direct sequel" to TDP:S that this series will ever have to get. Brittany and Julio were built on heavily in the prior season and her criminal record was brought up there, although she was never eliminated because the series ended.

Yeah, she threw Annah under the bus, but as for Rina, she was just encouraging her to focus on herself as opposed to Gabe's elimination. Yeah maybe I should have told everyone to look at TDP:S, but this was the only episode the heavily focused on the plot points from that series, and I won't be focusing on those in the future because well.. I won't have to. Annah, Julio, and Algonquin have their own characters this season so I won't have to go back to P:S for them.

I should say: There have been allusions to TDP:S throughout the show, and if you WANT to read it, it won't take long. There is about 2,000 words an episode, and it's only on my original account. It's not my best work, but if can't get enough of Algonquin (actually he was the first boot... never mind), you can take a look at it.

About there being a short wait...

Space Zodiac: I think this episode will overall have very little impact on the the series. It could have been handled better, so there will probably be less references to it than normal.

Remaining Campers:

The Crying Griffins: Abby (The Rich Vigilante), Dylan (The Cheerful Jock), Eden (The Martial Agent), Algonquin (The Rebellious Boy Scout), Harvard (The Smart Stereotype), Hayley (The Otaku), Jaime (The Who Knew Everything about Everybody), Julio (The Human Encyclopedia), Piper (The Evil Misunderstood), Miriam (The Fiery Dancer)

Team Green: Annah (The Strategist), Charles (The Man with the Money), Danny (The 'Basic' Guy), Florence (Norway's Beauty Pride), Max (The Energetic Tomboy), Rina (The Confident Singer), Rodrigo (The Bullfighter), Simon (The Jester)

"Last time on Total Drama Project: Pearl!" Chris announced as the camera opened up on him. He was standing on the Dock of Shame, and the lake was behind him as per usual. "Annah and Charles faced some challenges, and we went to a spelling bee! Schaffer and his friend Olive hosted, and out of nowhere, Max won so Team Green won the challenge and immunity, but Brittany was arrested, so she left the show instead of Julio, who was supposed to go home instead!" He grinned at the camera. "What will happen next? Find out here on Total Drama Project: Pearl!"

Opening Chords

The camera opened on a gopher, who had just crawled out of the ground, and seemed blinded from the light. It looked like he hadn't seen the light in weeks. A bass came flying out of the sky, hitting the gopher square on the head, knocking it back into the hole, and leaving the bass flopping on the surface.

Dear Mom and Dad I'm doin' fine

The camera cut to Algonquin, who was fishing into lake Wawanakwa on the surface. He had a puzzled look on his face, having just witnessed the bass that flew and hit the gopher. Something grabbed his fishing rod, tugging on it wildly until Chandler flew out of the water, flying into the sky. Algonquin stared at the camera, confused once again

You guys are on my mind

The camera cut to the top of the mountain where Eden was practicing her martial arts in front of Miriam, who was watching her, looking a little unimpressed. Eden seemed to finish her routine. Miriam stepped up and began to dance, clearly showing up Eden, who sighed until Chandler flew out of the sky, hitting Miriam off the cliff. Eden now began to laugh hysterically

You asked me what I wanted to be and I think the answer is plain to see

Danny, Charles, and Gabe were all walking in the forest exchanging pleasantries, and they all seemed to be enjoying themselves. Gabe and Charles continued their conversation, walking onward, while Danny stopped, and knelt down. He began to talk to a frog, who looked at him strangely.

I Wanna Be... Famous

Harvard and Julio were having some sort of battle of smarts, both of them reciting facts at about ninety words a minute. They were both completely running out of breath, their faces turning purple. They both passed out simultaneously. Jaime strode into the frame, and looked at the two nerds. He stood on top of Julio like a hunter standing on his prey.

I Wanna live close to the sun

Florence was in the confessional talking about something, and she said something evidently very smart, having a very smug look on her face as she smiled, her teeth flashing, causing the camera to black out.

Go pack your bags 'cause I've already won

Brittany and Annah were arguing about something. Annah pulled out a venus fly trap, and showed it to Brittany. Brittany gave a very confused look at the camera. Annah set the fly trap down, looking rather proud of herself. Brittany shrugged and punched her, causing Annah to keel over. Piper looked fown from a tree, and began to laugh hysterically. Brittany looked up, and Piper disappeared into the leafs.

You asked me what I wanted to be and I think the answer is plain to see

Rina was singing along to the music in one of the cabins. Simon was laying on the bed, sifting through a deck of cards, and Jaime walked into the frame, waving at Simon, who gave him a chin jut in return. As Jaime began to lay down on his bed, a teddy bear popped up out of the bed, causing him to freak out, leaving the cabin screaming. Simon began to crack up, and Rina glared at him, a p-oed look on her face

I Wanna Be... Famous

Dylan and Georgia were clearly about to play football. Dylan had a concerned look on his face, and clearly asked if Georgia was okay with it. Georgia nodded aggressively. Dylan grabbed the football and Georgia began to run. Dylan threw the football, but it went directly over Georgia's head, and she began to scream at him.

Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na

Rodrigo was clearly trying to train a bull he found on the island. He tried to whip the bull, and Max began to flinch with each strike of the whip. She ran forward, grabbing the whip from Rodrigo, who sighed, and let it go of the whip, and walked away. Suddenly the whip struck out, hitting Rodrigo. He turned around, looking at Max who smiled at him innocently.

Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na (I Wanna Be! I Wanna Be! I Wanna Be Famous!)

Abby was hanging out with Kyle, playing checkers. Kyle crossed his arms and leaned back after moving one of his pieces. Abby observed the board for a minute, scratching her chin curiously. She then grabbed a checker piece, and jumped over the entire board, and grabbed all of Kyle's pieces. Kyle put his head on the table as Abby bragged about her victory

Whistling Chorus

The cast was sitting around the campfire. The camera zoomed in on Abby and Dylan, who were looking at each other awkwardly. Dylan began to lean in, but Abby leapt out of the way at the last minute, leaving her hiding behind her stump, and Dylan fell onto the her stump. The cast whistled the chorus, as Chris popped into the frame, spinning a plate of marshmallows on his finger.

"Mkay so can you describe what's going on with Abby and Dylan for me please?" Schaffer asked. He had Harvard in his office, who didn't look very happy to be there.

Harvard rolled her eyes. "I don't really know, and I don't think it's really anyone else's business."

"You are on international television," Schaffer narrowed his eyes. "It's everyone's business. Now allow me to roll the tape," he said, reaching over to a TV he had set up.

The tape rolled revealing a clip from two episodes again.

"This is dangerous," Harvard grimaced, and the campers turned around to see her. "They are putting a buttload of money on this, so if you don't do anything, Chris will probably force you off the show."

Julio nodded. "She's right about that. If hosts like Chris don't get bang for their buck, you'll be the ones paying for it."

"So you are saying I have to have to go out with Dylan or the producers will hate me?" Abby asked nervously.

"Please explain that," Schaffer raised an eyebrow.

Harvard sighed. "All I was saying was that Abby should be careful with how she deals with Dylan in the future."

"It's funny you should mention that," Schaffer said, turning to face his bookshelf behind his chair. "Some of the executives were talking about kicking Abby off the show until you mentioned that we could interfere."

Harvard's eyes widened. "Why would you tell me that?"

"Because you just lied to me," Schaffer said, turning around to face Harvard. "And I called you in because I was concerned you would lie to other people. We DO NOT meddle with the show, and I'd like you to refrain from mentioning that again."

Harvard rolled her eyes. "And the gamemakers don't mess with the Hunger Games. Bite me Neon, the game is rigged. You can boot whoever you want."

Schaffer recoiled, but then began laughing. And once he did, he didn't stop for several minutes. "I respect your courage," he said, wiping a tear from his eye. "But don't say that to Chris. We still don't mess with the show, I promise. You may go," he pointed to the door.

Confessional- Chris

The host laughed. "We'll see how long Neon's promise goes," he smiled evilly.

Location: Team Green Cabin

Campers: Annah, Charles, Florence, Max, Simon, Rodrigo

"What do you think the next challenge is going to be?" Annah asked her team. Gathered around her were Florence, Charles, Max, Simon, and Rodrigo.

Rodrigo scratched his head. "I really don't know," he admitted. "Chris has done a really good job keeping us on our toes this season. I mean, all out war a while ago, and then a spelling bee?"

"Let's not forget that we won both of those challenges," Max said pridefully. "If Brittany wasn't a criminal, we'd have a much bigger lead."

Florence sighed. "It would have been a big victory for us if they had gotten rid of Julio. He basically wins any mental challenges."

"You can say that again," Simon muttered. "The only way we won last time was because he quit to spite Harvard."

Max smiled. "Let's not forget that I had something to do with our victory. And I'm still here."

Confessional- Simon

"Seriously?" Simon sighed, his normally goofy persona now gone. "I think that Max has let her victories get to her head. Just because she can spell doesn't mean she can brag about how she's so good and ROB us all of pizza!"

"Well then," Charles beamed and grabbed Annah's hand. "We are going for a walk. See you losers later!"

Simon and Rodrigo both looked at each other strangely. Annah seemed to know about this walk as she was taken by Charles, Florence and Max just waved awkwardly.

"What on Earth do you think that was about?" Florence asked as soon as Charles and Annah had closed the door behind them.

Rodrigo shrugged. "Beats me. Those two are super odd."

"You said it," Simon added. "Does anyone else see the problem with having two horrible people in an alliance though?"

Florence rolled her eyes. "Annah isn't really a villain. You have tunnel vision because Brittany said she was. If she was an actual criminal, doesn't that kind of ruin her credibility?"

"I actually think she may be right," Rodrigo said to Simon, who rolled her eyes.

"Still," Simon muttered. "If Charles ever gets under our skin again, I know who I'm voting for."

Max shook her head. "How would eliminating Annah make Charles less annoying? Also, you are asking a lot from our rich friend. Being annoying is his whole life."

Confessional- Florence

"I do think Simon has a point though," Florence muttered. "Sometimes the best way to make a point is to make a point."

Location: Wawanakwa Woods Clearing

Campers: Algonquin, Piper, Jaime, Dylan

"Okay," Algonquin said, gathering Piper, Jaime and Dylan around him. "The entire game is rigged against us, and we all need to do something about it. Abby has Eden, Hayley, and Harvard all in her pocket."

Dylan rolled his eyes. "Dude, we literally hate us. Did you forget that you already betrayed me?"

"No, I didn't forget that," Algonquin replied. "But this time, both of our necks are on the line, not just yours."

Piper grinned. "I'm all for an alliance as long as teddy bear-phobiac over here isn't along for the ride," she pointed to Jaime.

"What is your problem?!" Jaime demanded. "Seriously, what is your problem?!"

Dylan nudged Algonquin. "Did you also forget that these two hate each other? Pick your allies better. Plus, I'm totally immune."

"What do you mean, immune?" Algonquin asked.

Dylan snickered. "Look, as long as Abby and I aren't together, I reap all the benefits of being in her alliance, with none of the deadweight that goes along with it."


Confessional- Algonquin

"That's so despicable!" Algonquin exclaimed. "Geez, Harvard and now Dylan? This team is more corrupt than I thought."


Location: Crying Griffins Cabin

Campers: Abby, Eden, Julio, Hayley, Harvard, Miriam

"Okay then, have we decided on a strategy going forward?" Miriam asked, pointing to a board with a pointer.

Abby sighed. "I guess so, I just feel like we should have invited Dylan to this meeting, you know? He could be really important going forward."

"I agree," Julio said, raising a glass of something. "Then at least I'd have one of the guys to talk to."

Hayley and Eden rolled their eyes. "It's cool that you decided to step up since Algonquin is such a failure," Eden cheered.

"Did he really suck that much?" Hayley asked. "I wasn't here to see him in charge."

Miriam thought for a second. "If you mean 'suck' by being effective, then he sucked. If you mean 'suck' by being a person…" she thought again. "Yes."

"Which may be why we need Dylan," Julio said. "Remember how Algonquin backstabbed him and Kyle?"

Eden laughed. "To be fair, we backstabbed Kyle too."

The room went silent and turned on Eden, and she rubbed her arm uncomfortably. "I mean, what a horrible thing he did."

"What the *censored* is going on here?!" Algonquin slammed the door behind him as he entered with Dylan and Piper.

Abby flinched as Dylan looked at her as if feeling betrayed.

"It's simple," Miriam said, walking up to Algonquin, who stood up straight, as if challenging the Dancer. "You suck, and we don't want anything to do with you."

Piper grinned. "That's hilarious. And you didn't invite me or Dylan? I'm sure we'd be more than happy to help you guys out."

"Look it doesn't matter guys," Harvard said, pushing Algonquin and Miriam apart, to both of their surprises. "I had a talk with Neon today."

Abby tilted her head. "What are you talking about? Did he call you in because of the last challenge?"

"No, he talked about what I said about the game being rigged," Harvard sighed. "Knowing Chris, he'll rig the votes against me tonight if we lose. Don't bother wasting your votes and your time on this."

Eden walked up to Harvard. "Look," she said. "If Chris rigs the votes against you, I'll take the Boilerplate of Shame with you. I'll eliminate myself before you get cheated off."

"Me too," Abby said, walking up to Harvard and putting her hand on her shoulder. "We won't let you be cheated off the show."

Harvard smiled weakly. "Thanks guys, but I'm not going to have you do that."

Location: Mess Hall

Contestants: Crying Griffins, Team Green, Chef

"I wish I still had that pizza," Max sighed, picking at her slop with a disgusted look.

Simon rolled his eyes. "You are as picky as a cow," he said.

"That's true," Max smiled, and practically inhaled her slop.

Rodrigo raised an eyebrow at Simon, who glanced at him with an exasperated look on his face.

Confessional- Rodrigo

"Does something seem off about Simon to anyone else?" Rodrigo asked. "Maybe he's insulted that Max won instead of him last time. Yeah, that sounds right."

Miriam had her whiteboard out again and was drawing some very odd symbols on it. Abby, Eden, Harvard, Piper, Jaime, Julio, and Hayley were all paying very close attention, while Algonquin was picking at his food alone. Dylan was oddly absent.

"So because of Chris' challenge picks, I believe that we can develop a formula to determine the next one," Julio said, making some notes.

Harvard leaned over and pointed to several numbers with her pen. "Change those to 'x's. Avoid the confusion."

"So while they work on that we can go over general tactics," Miriam nodded to the rest of her team. "As with anything, precision is vital."

Algonquin rolled his eyes. "We'll see how long that lasts."

"I think my food is green," Eden commented, looking down at her bowl. "I really don't think that's normal."

Jaime shook his head. "Mine is brown, and I know that's normal."

"Does that mean you aren't eating it?" Max suddenly appeared behind Jaime and Eden. "I'll take it off your hands if not."

Eden shrugged. "I guess not," she said. "I'll just hope that Chef actually learns to cook next time."

"If you'll excuse me," Miriam said, walking out of the Mess Hall.

Abby looked after her. "I wonder where she's headed."

"Who knows," Piper shrugged. "And honestly, who really cares. We'll have her back for the competition and that's where we'll really need her."

Julio rolled his eyes, looking up from his equation with Harvard. "Right. You are worse than her in every way, including challenges."

"Whatever," was all Piper could muster as a response and she quickly exited as well.

Location: Wawanakwa Peak

Campers: Florence, Rina

"Something wrong?" Florence asked, walking up to Rina, who had her feet dangling over the edge of the mountain and taking a seat next to her.

Rina shook her head. "No really. It's just a shame that Gabe is gone now. I thought he could become better and everyone would be able to see him."

Confessional- Florence

"I know this isn't the point, but who is Gabe?! Her imaginary friend?"

"Everyone can change," Florence assured Rina. "While others can help them, it takes a personal decision to truly adjust. If Gabe wanted to be seen, it would be his choice."

Rina smiled and turned to Florence. "You know what? You're really wise Florence."

"Thank you," Florence smiled. "Does that mean you are all better now?"

Rina nodded. "I'm going to win us this next challenge, mark my words!"

Before either of them could turn around a figure came over and hit them on the head, knocking them both out.

Location: ?

Campers: Crying Griffins, Team Green, Chris, Chef, Schaffer

"Good morning campers!" Chris cheered, despite the fact that the sun was setting behind him. Slowly, the contestants began to stir. They saw that Chris was standing on top of a massive tree. Not so much standing on it, but balancing on a branch.

Annah was rubbing her head. "Chris, you couldn't have just asked us to come here? You really had to knock us out?"

Schaffer gave Chris an "I told you so" look.

"I agree," Miriam sighed. "Or at least use something like tranquilizer darts? Or put us to sleep like that one episode a while ago?"

Schaffer coughed. "Actually, for legal reasons, we can't put teenagers like you guys to sleep."

Julio and Harvard both looked to Algonquin for some kind of sarcastic remark, but none was heard. The Boy Scout, despite being the first one awake, was poking at the ground with a stick. "Right," Julio said nervously.

Chris plowed on ahead, ignoring what happened. "Your challenge today is to climb this massive tree!" He said. "First team to the top wins the challenge and immunity!"

"I feel like I'm in Xenoblade Chronicles," Max muttered.

"Actually, we'd have to be IN the tree for that to work," Danny said matter-of-factly.

Rina was the first one on Team Green to be looking at the tree more closely. "Can everyone here climb a tree?"

The entirety of Team Green raised their hand other than Max and Charles.

"Of course," Simon rolled his eyes. "Well we'll have to find another way up the tree if we want to win."

Florence turned to Danny. "Wait. Can't you just get some birds to carry them up?"

"Yeah, I probably could," Danny thought for a second. "But I don't think any amount of birds could pick up that stomach," he pointed to Max.

Max immediately went defensive. "I'll have you know that this stomach has won hundreds of free hot dogs in eating tournaments!"

"Let's just find another way up the tree guys!" Rina reassured her team.

"Okay there has to be an easier way up the tree," Miriam thought to herself. "Algonquin!" she turned to the Boy Scout, who was still moping.

Algonquin didn't look up.

"We need your rope! You have to have some, right?" Miriam asked.

Algonquin stood up. "Yeah," he said. "You are right, I have enough rope to get us all to the top." He reached for some rope in his back pocket, untangled and tied it to a grapple and flung it to the top and began climbing.

"Yes!" Eden smiled. "This is going to be the easiest challenge ever!"

Algonquin was half way up the tree as Miriam began to climb from the ground. He reached into his pocket again and pulled out a pocket knife and sawed below him.

Miriam fell to the ground with a heavy thud and looked up at Algonquin, who continued his climb. "Did he cut the rope?!" Miriam demanded.

"I don't know?" Dylan shrugged. "Maybe Charles did something to sabotage us. That's a very Charles thing to do."

Abby and Eden nodded. "That sounds right," Eden commented. "Anyway, you guys forgot I was a martial artist, so I'm just going to climb up to the top."

"So what do we do?" Florence asked sarcastically, leaning up against the tree. "Most of us can climb, but we can't win if all of us don't get to the top."

Rina sighed. "I… don't know," she admitted. "Charles, can't you just stack your money to the top of the tree?"

"No." Charles replied shortly.

Max rolled her eyes. "Well we have to keep thinking. It's not like an answer will just fall out of the sky."

Team Green stopped moving for a second.

"Shoot. I thought that might work," Max muttered.

Simon looked at his watch. "Well, it looks like the other team isn't getting up there any time soon either," he pointed to the Griffins, where only Algonquin was at the top, and only Eden was climbing. "Maybe we can just wait for the tree to fall over."

"How about the people that know what they are doing climb up to the top, and Max and Charles can find their own way?" Danny suggested.

Charles shoved Danny to the ground. "I thought you said that you could get birds to carry me up or something!"

"Yeah, but I don't really want to do that," Danny dusted himself off and got back to his feet. "I'll see you at the elimination ceremony you *censored*." And just like that, Danny was gone.

Confessional- Danny

"Honestly, Charles is a parasite," Danny crossed his arms. "And not some good kind. He tried to sabotage Annah, an actual good player, and she's been off her game recently. He NEVER pulls his weight. At all."

Chris, Chef, Schaffer, and Algonquin were at the top of the tree as they looked over the edge. Schaffer pulled Chris aside to talk about something, leaving Chef and Algonquin.

"You know, that was a bad move," Chef said to Algonquin, who turned around to face him.

Algonquin rolled his eyes. "So? The team deserves to lose. If I lose, so be it."

"Just because people are annoying doesn't mean you should sabotage yourself," Chef said. "I thought the same way you did once. I wanted to quit when the second season was over because Chris is so bad. But you know what? I learned that it would only hurt me in the long run."

"Right." Algonquin rolled his eyes again. "Remind me of that when I'm flying through the air later because all the other people here hate me."

Chef shrugged. "I may not be a psychologist like Schaffer, but if there's one thing that I've learned on this show, it's that no one wins if everyone likes them. No one has won this show by being popular. And, you are the strongest one here. So screw what everyone says. You could win if you actually tried and helped your team." He turned around and walked over to Chris and Schaffer.

"You really think so?" Algonquin said excitedly, turning to see no one there. He looked at his hand uncomfortably.

Eden had arrived at the top. "Hey Algonquin, about what happened earlier-"

"Get out of my way," Algonquin demanded, running past Eden and to the edge of the tree. "Hey guys!" He called to the remainder of the Griffins. "Catch!" He threw another rope down, and tied it to a branch.

Abby cheered. "You are the best Algonquin!"

"I know," Algonquin nodded. "Just climb up before I decide to drop you."

Confessional- Julio

"Maybe Algonquin thinks this redeems him, but if we lose, he still cost us precious time."

Confessional- Algonquin

Algonquin pulled out a camera. "I videotaped my conversation with Dylan earlier. Looks like I won't need it anymore!" He smiled and dropped it on the floor and crushed it. "Wait..."

"Well, it looks like we've been screwed over by our team mates," Charles sighed, pointing to the Griffins, who were all making their own way up.

Dylan laughed as the Griffins continued their climb. "Good luck! See you at the elimination ceremony!"

Charles and Max shared an angry glance, while Julio and Harvard looked at each other with a puzzled look on their face.

"We have to find a way up there, if just to stick it to him," Charles snarled, looking around for something to help him and the Energetic Tomboy.

Max got an idea. "You remember my Magic Foot?" She asked Charles.

"Yes, why?" Charles asked.

"Wow." Chris grimaced, looking over the edge of the tree. "Looks like Team Green's going to lose this one. Really thought they would have tried harder. He looked over at Hayley, who had just crossed up. Only Piper, Jaime, Dylan, and Miriam remained.

"What are you doing?!" Charles' voice rang out causing everyone to look at what was going on.

Max was climbing, with only two hands while leaving her feet hanging, which Charles was gripping for dear life. Apparently, Max was very quick as they were half way up the tree.

"Hurry up!" Miriam called, partially shocked by Max's idea.

Confessional- Max

"Having very strong feet gives you an incredible sense of balance," Max smiled. "And also, Charles is probably like five pounds. Can't complain though. I should take up professional tree-climbing as a hobby."

Max looked at Dylan who was now climbing up. "We won't make it with you holding on!" She cried to Charles.

"I'm not letting go, you psychopath!" Charles screamed, looking down.

Max began to swing, causing Charles to scream more. She then flung him upwards by catapulting him at the height of a swing.

Charles landed with a heavy thud at the top of the tree, still screaming. "Wait? Still alive?" He asked.

Max then flung herself up, landing with a heavy stomp. "And Team Green wins!" She declared.

"Hey!" Chris shouted. "That's my job. And on close inspection, Team Green does win! You guys win immunity, and full access to the elevator I installed earlier. You guys should really have checked around the back. Griffins, you guys are headed to the elimination ceremony tonight. AGAIN."

Confessional- Harvard

"Yeah, no. What Max did defies all laws of physics."

Location: Crying Griffins' Cabin

Campers: Algonquin, Harvard, Julio, Eden, Piper, Jaime, Abby

"Look, you have to believe me!" Algonquin pleaded. "Dylan's playing you for immunity! He knows that it'll come down to me or him tonight!"

Julio rolled his eyes. "Right. You sabotaged us dude. You cut that rope on purpose, and you cost us all time AND the challenge."

"I still tried to redeem myself. And once I'm gone, Dylan won't ever be eliminated!" Algonquin cried. "You have to understand. Didn't you hear him taunting Max and Charles earlier?"

Harvard sighed. "Maybe he just got really into the game. Like you do?"

"But he's playing you ALL!" Algonquin insisted. "He told us earlier!"

Abby had been silent so far. "Who is 'us'?" She asked finally.

"Him, me and Jaime," Piper said. "I believe him. I was there."

Confessional- Eden

"It's not that I don't trust Piper… but I totally don't trust Piper further than I can throw her," Eden said. "Which isn't more than like six feet. She was trying to manipulate Jaime for a super long time, remember?"

"I was there too," Jaime said. "And as much as I hate Piper for blackmailing me," he turned on her. "I have to say that she's right."

Algonquin nodded enthusiastically. "I'm telling you guys! I even recorded it!"

"Really?" Harvard asked. "I'd believe it if I saw the tape." Julio nodded in agreement.

Algonquin rubbed the back of his head modestly. "I broke it earlier though. I thought I didn't need it since we would win."

"In that case, no dice," Harvard shook her head.

Confessionals Begin Here

"Algonquin," Dylan nodded.

"Dylan," Piper said nervously.

"If both Jaime and Piper say so…" Eden said sheepishly.

"Everyone seems intent on Algoonquin or Dylan. But when Chris rigs the votes against me, what then? I only prolong the conflict," Harvard sighed. "So I guess I have no choice but to vote-"

"Maybe I can swing the Green vote?" Algonquin ran his fingers through his hair. "I can't go home yet! I went through an ARC! Doesn't that mean anything to anyone any more?!"

Abby looked between Dylan and Algonquin nervously.

Confessionals end here

Location: Campfire Pit

Campers: Chris, Chef, Schaffer, Team Green, Crying Griffins

"Wow," Chris said. "What is this? Three in a row? The only thing keeping you guys above water is Hayley."

Hayley took this as a compliment. "Thank you!"

"Yeah, shut up," Chris frowned. "Now remember, the person with the most votes will be forced to take the Boilerplate of Shame, and go hurtling into the air to never be seen again…" He caught Schaffer's look. "Or something like that. Team Green, your collective vote?" He asked.

"DYLAN!" Max shouted before any of them began to discuss.

Florence rounded on her. "What?!"

"Okay then." Chris blinked. "With that, you've all cast your votes and made your decision. Make sure I don't not call your name."

Julio looked to Harvard. "That's a double nega-"

"The first marshmallow is for Hayley!"

Hayley smiled and pat Harvard on the shoulder, reminding her of her promise.

"Abby! Eden! Julio! Piper! All safe!"

The odd group of four all received their marshmallows with content looks.

"Jaime and Miriam!"

The two got their marshmallows.

"That leaves our bottom three. Algonquin, you possibly cost your team the challenge. Dylan, you were supposedly a bad person?" Chris paused. "Um.. okay. And Harvard, to be honest, I don't even know why you are here. Any way, the next marshmallow is to...















"WHAT?!" Dylan and Julio demanded.

Harvard just had a grim look on her face as Chris was standing with one marshmallow remaining. "The final marshmallow is for
































Harvard woke up from her slump. "What?"

"Yeah, don't ever question the ethics of this show again," Chris narrowed his eyes. "We make fair, clean drama. Do you even know how much this show would be cancelled if the networks execs found out I was rigging the votes?"

Harvard cheered. "Yes! I'm safe!"

"This is impossible!" Dylan exclaimed. "How could I be eliminated?!" He rounded on Algonquin. "It was YOU!"

Algonquin smirked and bit into his marshmallow. "Yeah. You are right. But you are a scumbag."

"You were behind Kyle's elimination too!" Dylan screamed. "Maybe I bragged about how I was set, but you all were dumb enough to buy this villain's testimony?!"

Algonquin shrugged. "Maybe next time. You see, I learned something today. This isn't some kind of social game. You can't win just because everyone likes you. No matter what, people will make mistakes, and it takes more than charisma to recover from them."

"You-" Dylan began.

Schaffer interrupted him. "I think you have to take the Boilerplate of Shame, mkay."

"He's right!" Chris said. "I hope you all have said your final goodbyes!"

Dylan was sitting on the Boilerplate of Shame, looking at the ground. "I made one mistake of bragging and got kicked off? Are you serious?"

Abby walked up to the Boilerplate of Shame, looking very introspective.

"You didn't vote for me, did you?" Dylan asked, looking rather hurt.

Abby shook her head.

"Well maybe in some other show we could get to know each other better," Dylan remarked.

Abby sighed. "Maybe."

"You ready to die?!" Chris yelled.

Dylan nodded to Chris, and looking to Algonquin in the distance, did a Boy Scout salute. Algonquin smiled and did the same, as Dylan was launched into the distance.

"Well! With Dylan out of the contest, how will Abby reciprocate? Will Simon and Danny ever get over their hatred of their teammates? And will Algonquin last even one more episode? Probably not, but find out next time on Total! Drama! Project: Pearl!" Chris cheered as the camera faded to black.

Okay! As with every episode, let's talk about it!

The original draft for this episode was a bit different. Originally, Harvard was afraid she'd be kicked off, but Chris would rig the votes against Dylan instead, teaching Harvard a lesson to not doubt him.

I preferred this way because this way, Algonquin's growth would be put in front and center. Otherwise, it would be cast aside. With Miriam more or less taking the reigns of the Crying Griffins, this was really the only time Algonquin's mini-arc could be squeezed in there.

So. Dylan gone. I know it probably doesn't make a lot of sense, but this way, Abby can grow as a character and we can get some changes to the Crying Griffins. Plus, now that alliance between Algonquin, Dylan, and Kyle now looks kind of silly since the point was for them NOT to be kicked off.

Also, Dylan's been in the final two already, so it isn't super unbelievable that he could be eliminated, just unexpected.

Any way, the official votes!

Algonquin: Dylan

Abby: Algonquin

Dylan: Algonquin

Eden: Dylan

Harvard: Dylan

Hayley: Algonquin

Piper: Dylan

Jaime: Dylan

Julio: Algonquin

Miriam: Algonquin

Team Green Collective Vote: Dylan

Eliminated: Dylan (6-5)

I like how the Team Green vote did him in.

Elimination Order:

24th. Chandler Bing (The Sarcastic Geek) (7-5 Vote)

23rd. Kahlin 'Kyle' Mora (The Laid Back Observer) (5-4-2 Vote)

22nd. Georgia (The Shorty) (5-4-1-1 Vote)

21st. Gabe (The Easy-Goer) (Double Elimination)

20th. Brittany (The Girl with a Dark Secret) (Arrested)

19th. Dylan (The Cheerful Jock) (6-5 Vote)

