"Uh…" Drew said, terrified of what was happening, and what was probably about to happen,

"I said drop it!" Drew tried to drop the phone, but with his luck, it stuck to his hand,

"Awe, crap. Not this again." Drew mumbled,

"What are you talking about?" the thug demande,

"Uh, nothing! Sometimes my sweat is just, sticky. That's all. You see this happened once when I was talking to this-"

"Shut up! I ain't joking! I won't hesitate!" Drew let out a nervous laugh,

"What's so funny, punk?!"

"Um, that was a nervous laugh." Drew said,

"Alright, that's it!" the man pulled the trigger, but right before he did, Drew got the goosebump feeling again, which were seemingly warnings to move out of the way. Drew rolled to the side, avoiding the bullet. The gunshot alerted the people by the van,

"What was that?!" the dealer said,

"Let's go find out." 'Doc', suggested. The guy with the gun turned around, just as Drew was about to attack, pouncing and punching the guy in the face, and knocking him out. Drew heard the others coming, and made a run for it, heading through the trees and hiding behind the van.

"Hey! Who did this to Fred?" the dealer asked,

"There's no one here." Doc replied,

"Maybe someone with quote 'super-hearing'." the buyer suggested, sarcastically,

"Not funny! Look around, whoever did this must couldn't have gone far." Doc headed back to the van, searching around for Drew. The goosebumps once again warned him, and he ran into the van, avoiding being found. But sure enough, Doc entered the van as well, flashlight in hand. He then spotted Drew, who to his surprise, had one of the weapons in hand, a big gun with a spinning container in it, that had a glowing orange liquid in it. Doc dropped everything and raised his arms,

"Whoa whoa whoa! Don't shoot that one! It's the vaporizer!" Doc pleaded,

"Oh, oops… that sounds lethal." Drew then dropped the vaporizer and grabbed something else, a metallic fist-thing, which he put on,

"Uh oh…" Doc said before Drew punched him with the fist and rocketed him into a tree, right in front of the man in the purple hoodie,

"Holy crap!" The man walked up to the van,

"Well that was shocking." Drew joked. "Uh oh, you look angry."

"What makes you say that?"

"Uhhhh… you know I didn't really get your name." the man climbed into the van,

"The name's Cobra… King Cobra."

"How about just Cobra?"

"Do you ever stop talking?!" Cobra grabbed Drew, choking him, and threw him out of the van into a tree. Drew got up, but Cobra punched him in the gut, and slapped him back onto the ground, "Any last words, kid?"

"Nope." Drew threw a punch, but Cobra grabbed his arm. But out of nowhere, a web-like substance shot from Drew's wrist, covering Cobra's face in webbing, "Well that's new."

"Aw, what the- OW!" Cobra cried as Drew kicked him back, and tried to shoot another web. But his attempts failed, and Cobra managed to tear the webs off his face, and got back up,

"Oh come on!" Cobra kicked Drew, and Drew punched him. But this time, his punch was stronger, and Cobra was knocked out, "Huh?" Drew stared at his fist, "Another new power. I should probably call the cops or something." and with that, he did, and left...

1407 Graymalkin Lane, Salem Center, located in Westchester County, New York...

"What is it, professor?" a man asked another man in a wheelchair, with a futuristic looking helmet on. The two were in a huge dome-shaped room, with red and blue silhouettes of people around them.

"I see that a young boy has gained his genetic powers very recently." the professor said back,

"What's so special about this one?"

"Well, he seems to be more powerful than others who have gained their powers this week."

"So, are you gonna enroll him?"

"Not yet. Though his determination would make for a great student, I want to see how he handles his newfound powers first..."

To be continued...