Disclaimer: First Chapter
Explain Start!

Since these are actually really popular when I do them for readers, I'll do another Explain where I summarize some of the most commonly asked questions or things that people misunderstand about the story.

1. Naruto's Quirk makes him like the Hulk?
Not exactly, because eventually he won't need to be angry to use 100% of One for All.
He's able to use 100% and regenerate from the damage quickly, but as his body grows more used to One for All he won't even need to Regenerate from One for All.
Eventually, a day would come when Naruto won't take damage from One for All, and ALL of his Regeneration abilities will be used towards healing from damage he takes during fights.

The focus isn't on him getting stronger when he gets angry.
The focus is him learning to get stronger without needing to be angry.

2. Mito's Death, did she kill herself?
Mito was, at the point in the story she died, 138 years old. She was an Uzumaki, but even she is human and she doesn't have the Uzumaki healing from Naruto-canon.
She slipped in the bathroom while getting ready to take a bath, and just died.
No villains attacked her, and there was no scheme out to get her either. She just slipped in the bath, knocked herself out, and died there with no real pain or suffering while knocked out.
People remember that she is an Uzumaki, but everyone forgets that she is a My Hero-verse version of Uzumaki.

Her death was like Nagato's death in a way.
There was no great scheme to kill Nagato, the villain he fought was working with Moonfish to kidnap Karin. The villain wasn't trying to kill Nagato, but Nagato was protecting Karin so he put himself in harm's way to try and save her.

This was done to show that, even when the world is NOT out to get you and end your family, sometimes things just turn out that way because of bad luck.

3. Oh-chunko?
This one is stupid.
It is a combination of O' and chunk, so a Translation would be "Great Chunko" in a way.
People bitch that it's using an English word, or ask why Naruto calls Ochako this despite her not being fat.

1. About 30% of all Japanese people can speak, or understand, English to various degrees. Naruto knowing English isn't shocking or surprising. English is Mandatory in Japanese schools.
2. In Japan, it's quite common for a Japanese person to add some English words to what they are saying to seem cool.
3. In NARUTO canon, Naruto HIMSELF has spoke several English phrases, even in the Japanese version of the anime. So for Naruto, him mixing English words and phrases into things he says keeps him in character and is a callback to the Naruto anime/manga.
4. He calls her this, not because she is fat, but because she has a round face, and they are childhood friends. It is used to show how close they are, since Naruto has given people nicknames when he respects or is very close to a person.

Rock Lee - Bushy Eyebrows
Might Guy - Bushier Eyebrows-sensei
Tsunade - Grandma Tsunade
Jiraiya - Pervy Sage
Killer B - Octopops
Kakashi - Kaka-sensei (Writing-sensei, a reference to how he reads smutty books)
Sasuke - Bastard

Notice that Naruto usually gives people pretty insulting nicknames, but he's very close to, and respects these people very much.

4. Why include Izuku in the story at all?
Just because Naruto is in the story, doesn't mean that Izuku stops existing. Izuku has a hero's heart, and I do want to show him in the background being a good side character while still managing to achieve his dream of becoming a hero.
Midoriya serves several purposes.
I've always liked heroes, who instead of using powers, use gadgets and their brains to win fights against the odds.
Midoriya also serves another purpose as well that I won't reveal.

5. Harem?
I do not like Harem stories in My Hero Academia, because they don't really make much sense given the setting. There is no evidence in the series of people getting harems to "mix their Quirks or make stronger Quirks".
There is evidence of SINGLE marraige like that, but harems supported or encouraged by the government to make stronger Quirks? No.
Otherwise Endeavor would have selected MULTIPLE women with Quirks that would fit with his own in order to increase his odds, if such a thing were really allowed in this setting.

Also, My Hero Academia isn't really much of a "Harem" type of story.
I myself like a Suspense where there is multiple possible love interests, and you the fans don't know who the winner will be. Also, it's quite a bit more realistic this way, and that even in love, some people do not win the first time they play the game.

I will tell you if a story has a harem, if I DON'T tell you, then assume it is a Single Pairing.

6. Who would win in a fight between Reluctant Hero, Quirky Villain, and Inheritor?
This one was a strange question.

Reluctant Hero is the answer though.
The Quirky Villain represents a Villain with the Heart of a Hero, a villain with honor and integrity, who just wants to be free. He doesn't strive for power, nor does he activelly seek it.
The Inheritor represents the next generation that carries on the will and hopes of the previous generation, to surpass them and add his own dreams and will to it so that he can pass it on.

The Reluctant Hero represents the unstoppable nature of man.
If there is a problem, he will solve it.
If there is an obstacle, he will overcome it.
If he has a limit, he will break it.
The Reluctant Hero shows the true strength of a person, who despite his reluctance to accept himself, that can overcome anything no matter what the challenge. A person born without the ability to see his own limits, because he is constantly breaking them through sheer willpower.

The only thing that held back the Reluctant Hero was his fear of his own power, his 'Reluctance' to use his true power for fear of losing control.

Though, Quirky Villain could put up a fair challenge because of the nature his fighting style.
Sadly, the Reluctant Hero would see the poison stopping him as a challenge he needs to overcome, and somehow become immune to it despite it being impossible.

Hope this clears everything up for everyone, and answers that last silly question so people can stop asking me.
Explain End!
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Hope this Explain helped everyone.