I hope you are all safe and well and keeping sane?

In reviewing this story before I started writing this chapter, it seems there is a number of adverts throughout my work (not sure if anyone can see these), I have no idea how or why they are here or how they came about but hopefully doesn't interfere with your reading!

Now let's get back to it shall we?

"Linda, you should leave!" Maze's cold eyes met her best friends, a silent but short conversation passed between the two, "you don't need to see this!" That was all Linda needed to hear, so she quickly grabbed her purse and hurried for the door, not even allowing herself a second glance at the now terrified priest, his fate now depended on how generous Maze was feeling and by the look of the woman / Demon, that was a very, very low priority to her! Answers were going to be got one way or another.

Once the door was securely closed behind her, Maze stalked forward, a chilling smile started to spread across her face as she allowed it to melt into her true demon self, 'Bob the priest' was now wide eyed and terrified, backing up as far as he could until there was no space between them, trapped between the wall and Maze, he thought trying to go through the wall would be an easier option than trying to go through the Demon. "Now, where were we?" Maze snarled.

Linda was halfway down the corridor before she heard the first screams. She wasn't sure if it from the torture or just the fact of being faced by the true face of a Demon from Hell. Linda quickly decided she really didn't need to know and headed for the exit.

"You should drink this," a woman Cassiel assumed had to be a nun, even though she wasn't dressed like the ones she had seen on the street of LA, pressed a cup to her lips, trying to force her to drink it, Cassiel stubbornly kept her lips pressed together tight, she knew whatever this liquid was it sure as hell wasn't water, "stop resisting! It will be so much better for you if you would join us in the holiest of fights against evil!"

"Nah, I'm good thanks!" Cassiel gave the so called nun her best impression of calm indifference and boredom over the whole situation, a rather 'Lucifer' expression now firmly plastered on her face, what would one more act of defiance cost her anyway. She quickly found out as the nun lashed out and grasped her face, forcing her mouth to stay open. Cassiel almost gagged as the foul tasting liquid slipped down her throat, the nun's hand now covering her mouth, pressing firmly against her, so now the only option was to swallow the drink or choke on it.

Cassiel needed to buy herself some more time, time to allow her family to find and rescue her, so she gave in and stopped resisting, swallowing the liquid, she would go along with them for now, she hoped to find a way out of this place on her own but Cassiel knew she needed some help and big time!

The nun gave her a truly evil smirk as she disappeared out of the open cell door and into the dimly lit corridor, the door was was slammed shut behind her by some unknown guard who was hiding in the darkness. Cassiel didn't know how many humans were outside her prison, all in the name of protecting her! Yeah right?!

Now alone, Cassiel pulled her legs up against her body, trying her best to give herself a little comfort, both of her arms were chained to the wall, all she could do was to rest her head on her knees, trying to gather some warmth and a sense of home.

Sure she had been scared before, her arrival on earth had terrified her as did the company, her thoughts of fear had quickly been changed by those she had discovered, Her Brother, Ella, Chloe, Linda and Maze and little Trixie or Detective Douche, or Dan as he preferred, all touched her heart and made her revaluate her perceptions of what this world was, good and honest people lived here and she would ignore the propaganda she was being fed, but now though she was all alone, scared and in pain, her wrists rubbed raw from the struggling against the chains that kept her in this cell. Pain, she had quickly come to the conclusion of, was a truly unpleasant feeling, never having experienced it before, she decided she wasn't a fan.

Whatever the liquid was Cassiel had been forced to drink had started to take effect, she could now feel it coursing through her veins, sapping the last of her strength. Her head was swimming and the pull of unconsciousness was clawing at her mind, so she did all she could think of and sent a silent prayer to her brother, not for the first time since she was taken but he hadn't heard any of other prayers directed at him. This was all she could think to do. It was all she had the strength to do and her only hope.

Darkness consumed Cassiel.

"Report Mazikeen!" Lucifer's commanding tone filled the air stopping Maze cold in her tracks, she had barely even entered the penthouse before Lucifer had spoken, his back to the elevator but it didn't matter he knew it was her, he always did! The power in which Lucifer had said those two little words almost had Maze take a knee out of respect for her King, but this was Maze!

"Oh you know, the usual! Your father, retribution, saving souls, destroying you, blah, blah blah!" Maze shrugged and went to get herself a drink,

"So another waste of time!" The frustration bleeding into Lucifer's tone,

"I wouldn't say that, I had fun!" Despite the situation Lucifer couldn't help but smirk,

"That as it may be, we are still no closer to finding Cassiel!" The anger radiated off of Lucifer but he refrained from taking it out on Maze, he knew she had learned all she could have from the priest (no one lie's to Maze when she was focused on a target), just as he had earlier found out from his own interrogation, if neither he or Maze could get these men to spill their secrets, then these men had no secrets to spill!

"So what now?" Maze asked and she downed her second vodka since arriving,

"I am not sure." Lucifer let out a deep breath,

"What? You always have a plan, granted usually these plans are stupid and suicidal plans but still?" Maze couldn't help but be a little surprised by Lucifer's statement,

"My plans are always excellent and often heroic, just ask the Detective!" Lucifer reflexively defended himself,

"Yeah right!?" Maze laughed into her third drink,

Ignoring Maze's disrespect (he knew her too well after all and didn't expect anything less), "This time it is different Maze!" Lucifer almost growled, "this time, we know what the goal is, banish or destroy me, whatever is the easier option and using Cassiel to do it. We know the why, but we don't know the how, how they are keeping her here, how they have taken her powers or how she cannot contact me!" Lucifer was then quiet, too quiet for Maze's liking. This usually meant trouble,

"Sooooo?" Maze queried,

" I DON'T KNOW!" Lucifer throw his glass across the room with such force it took a chunk our of his marble wall, the glass shattering into a thousand pieces, "I don't know Mazikeen." A lot calmer this time in answering, "I see two options, first one being that somehow they turn Cassiel against me, somehow convince her to fight me in an attempt that somehow she could beat me?" Maze interrupted,

"Is that even possible? Maze was wide eyed,

"Perhaps, I don't know, not in the defeating me part, she wouldn't stand a chance against me but If they are using drugs of some kind to suppress her powers, then anything is possible, I would like to think she wouldn't be a willing participant in murdering me!" Lucifer smirked at that, Cassiel had come along way in the few weeks she had been on earth, with them, Cassiel's true family but Lucifer had to push that thought aside.

"Ok, I get that, so what is the second option?" Maze went for another bottle,

"The second is to use her to lure me into some kind of trap! For both od these options to work, they need to contact me and arrange some sort of get together, without knowing what these miscreants have up their sleeves, I honestly don't know what will happen, I feel I am only going to have only one choice"

"One I guess you would have to go along with?" Maze asked


"So what? We wait? Wait for them to come directly for you?" Maze was almost incensed by the lack of action, her fun she had had with the priest earlier had now worn off,

"Do you see any other options? Neither you or I can find her and we always find our prey do we not Hmmmm?" Maze hung her head, she knew she had failed her king, failed her friends and family but she never got a chance to reply, "now, now, none of that, I truly know that you have done all you can Mazikeen, I do not blame you for this, I blame myself!"

"Well then, you're an idiot!" Maze snapped off a reply,

"Excuse me?" Lucifer was a little surprised by the reply and stood a little straighter, even though Maze had called him that many times in the past, this time was a little different,

"Oh shut up Lucifer, you are forgiving me of not being able to find Cass and then blaming yourself and what? Shouldering all the blame in this? This is all down to some delusional humans trying to play at being your father or interpret his intensions, this is not your fault, it's theirs!" Maze's tone was firm but not unkind, but she needed Lucifer to be on the same page as her.

"I don't say this often enough, but thank you Mazikeen." Lucifer locked eyes with his former Demon bartender and greatest torturer of Hell, hopefully conveying his appreciation, but this was also Lucifer, "I see you have been taking notes from Linda again?"

"Oh fu…"

Cassiel awoke no longer chained to the wall, she felt strong again, her wrists had already healed from the early injuries but her incarceration by the Group seemed to blur into the background, all she could hear in her mind was the priest's words, over and over again, she knew what she had to do. Cassiel, Angel of the Lord finally had a purpose, that purpose was to kill the Devil, she smiled at that.