"The victim was found with his pants around his ankles, duct taped to a toilet."

Chloe held a tissue over her nose and listened to Ella's briefing as she took in the crime scene. As Ella described, the body had been left in one of the most undignified positions Chloe had ever found a body in. And, judging by the smell, the most disgusting too.

The victim's head lolled forward, lips chapped, skin gray, with a river of dried blood running from his neck down his chest. His throat had been slashed.

"The cause of death is from, you know, the gash in his throat," Ella continued, noticing the direction of Chloe's gaze. "But he was taped here before our killer went all slasher. He was force-fed laxatives and was probably made to sit here until they worked their way through his system."

"What gave you that idea?" Chloe asked dryly, nose wrinkled at the stench, but Ella continued as if her question had been sincere.

"He's super dehydrated, for one. Seems like things came out as more of a number one than a number two, if you know what I mean. We also found an empty bottle of Re-LAX-ation in the trash next to him and he has some bruising around his mouth."

Chloe stooped to inspect the trash bin, putting a hand against her nose to ward off the smell.

"Seems like the killer had something extremely personal against our vic." Ella said shaking her head. "Wonder what the poor guy did to deserve this."

Chloe, now holding the bottle of Re-LAX-ation in her hand, hummed absentmindedly. Her mind, which she tried (really tried!) to keep focused on the situation at hand, was busy lingering over gaps in the conversation that normally would have been filled by someone else. By someone who should have been there.

This case would have made his week, Chloe knew. She could only imagine the terrible, crude, crass comments he would have made nonstop had he been there. She would have berated him, as usual, and he would have ignored her, as usual, and they would have solved the case together, as usual.

Too bad nothing had been as usual lately.

"…until we can run an autopsy on him, though. I don't envy the clean-up crew on this one, wheeew-ee. But I think I have everything I need here, do you need anything else from me?"

Chloe blinked and realized that she'd been staring at the empty pill bottle in her hand for a hard minute while Ella had continued to speak. She shook herself in effort to rein in her thoughts.

"No, it's…thanks Ella, I think I have things from here." she said standing up. Ella gave her a smile.

"I miss him too." she said. "Do you know when he's coming back?"

"Oh, he…um…" Chloe faltered.

"You said he had to move back to his hometown, right? How long does he have to stay?"

It took Chloe a split second longer than usual to answer. "Right, yes. His hometown. I have no idea when he'll be back."

"Doesn't he call?"

"No. It's…long distance."

"Pfft, just use Facebook or Skype. I use it to call my family back in Detroit whenever I want, no long distance fees."

"He's a bit farther than Detroit, Ella."

"Ah, that's right. London?"

"Something like that."

"Well, wherever he is the internet must suck there. He hasn't responded to any of my messages. Who else is going to appreciate my taste in memes?"

Chloe gave a tight-lipped smile and short nod. "Yes, well…" She trailed off. "Well." she said with a small shrug. She gestured to the victim. "This needs my attention right now."

Ella nodded understandingly and gathered her things. "Just let me know if you need anything." she said. She looked at Chloe square in the eyes and placed a hand on Chloe's shoulder. "Anything." Ella repeated emphatically. She then walked away.

Chloe turned her attention back to the victim. She studied him for a moment, then sighed. Her focus had been derailed, sent careening elsewhere. There was nothing more she, or the unfortunate victim, could gain by her being here. Quietly, she exited the reeking room. Maybe a shower would help her feel better. If nothing else, at least it would wash away the smell.

After a quiet ping of the elevator, Amenadiel stepped across the threshold of Lucifer's penthouse into a ruin of overturned furniture, shredded curtains, broken glass, and bullet-studded drywall. Puddles of top-shelf liquor coated the floor, drying into sticky, sickly sweet stains. The stained glass window, so carefully restored after Lucifer smashed through it, once again lay in ruins. The piano, always tuned to perfection, lay broken on the floor, deliberately smashed in half with each of its keys forcibly pried off like the legs of a spider.

"Maze." Amenadiel called. "I know you're here."

Shadows stirred as Maze unfolded herself from the corner of the room.

"Okay. And?" she asked flatly. In her grip she held a blade and a piano key. Amenadiel heard the quiet rasp of metal against wood. She was whittling the key into a vaguely humanoid figure.

"I wanted to check on you." Amenadiel said. "It's been a while since we've seen you."

"A blink of an eye for us." Maze muttered.

"Even so," Amenadiel interceded gently. "Linda was worried."


Amenadiel turned to the destroyed penthouse, noticing that the rooftop hot tub was now full of what appeared to be sewer sludge. "Your work?" he asked.


Amenadiel continued to survey her destruction. On the railings of the balcony overlooking the city, the shredded remains of Lucifer's undergarments flapped lazily in the wind.

"You never cease to amaze me with the creativity you bring to your craft." Amenadiel commented.

Mazikeen snorted. "My craft only matters when it reaches its intended recipient. Since he is not here, my work is wasted." She sniffed haughtily. "I shouldn't have bothered."

"Did it make you feel better?"

A derisive laugh escaped Maze. "HA. Better?" she snarled. "A little thing like this? No, he left me. He told me he would never leave me behind. Could never leave me. And what did he do? Run off to Hell on his own, not thinking about me as usual. He abandoned me."

"I understand your anger." Amenadiel said.

"Goody for you." Maze sneered.

"He left without saying goodbye to me either."

"So? What's it to you when you've got your little bundle of joy and pretend wife-y to keep you company here." She glowered at him. "But me? I have no one."

"Really." Amenadiel said flatly. Frustration began to bubble in his chest. "You truly feel that you have no one. Not me, not Linda, not Chloe, not Trixie? Not Eve?"

Her scowl deepened into a snarl. Realization struck Amenadiel. As if to confirm his suspicions, he noticed that the whittled figure in Mazikeen's hand appeared to be wearing a flowing dress.

"It's not Lucifer you're angry at, is it?"

"Of course it is."

"Be honest, Mazikeen. Besides, weren't you the one to leave Lucifer first? To set off, start your own life, become master of yourself? Wasn't it you who, only just a few months ago, told me that you no longer desired to return to Hell? If all that is true, then why do you care so much that he left?"

Though she'd turned her eyes back to the piano key in her hand, Amenadiel could see a faint glimmer of hot, angry tears forming in her eyes.

"He could have at least asked me what I wanted." she ground out. "But he never thinks of me." She snapped the head off of the whittled doll. Its head hit the floor with a hollow thunk.

Again, Amenadiel sensed she was talking about more than just Lucifer, but he didn't press the issue.

"Lux is mine now, you know." she said after a brief pause.

"I have no doubt that you will make an excellent owner."

"Yeah, well." she paused and looked out the window. "People say I have big shoes to fill."

"That you do."

"Good thing I've got huge feet."

Amenadiel turned towards the elevator. "If you ever need anything…please, come to us. We miss you."


"I miss you."


Chloe sat at her desk trapped by an unsurmountable pile of paperwork. It grew larger every day, and Chloe knew it wasn't because the amount of cases coming in had increased, but because her efficacy had decreased. Just when she wrangled her thoughts back in order, a stray thought, clad in a tailored suit, drifted through and cluttered her mind once more.

Like now. Her hands clasped around a mug of coffee that had long since gone cold, Chloe stared blankly at the files before her, barely registering the details of cases that she was supposed to be solving.

Skimming the top file, Chloe read that a man who had been caught killing his wife and children had been shot while resisting arrest and died shortly after from his wounds. What an awful thing to do… Chloe thought. Surely that man was bound for Hell.

She wondered if he would take care of the killer's punishment.

And her thoughts were scattered again.

She dropped her head into her hands, massaging her temples. Focus, Chloe, focus.

"Rough day?"

Chloe's head lifted at the sound of Dan's voice.

"Dan, hey." She offered him a tired smile. "No, just a headache."

"I see." he said with a searching look. "Just a headache, huh? Sure that scumbag, Luci-"

"Stop." Chloe firmly cut him off. Dan's eyes locked with hers and for a moment it appeared that he would challenge her. But after a moment, he looked away.

"Well, maybe you just need some water." he offered. "I'll go grab you a glass."

"No, it's fine. I can get it." She stood. "I need to stretch my legs anyways."

They set off to the kitchen together.

"That case you and Ella have been working on. What a doozy, huh?"

"Oh, the one with the guy on the toilet? Yeah, that one sucked for everyone involved."

"Any leads yet?"

"Sadly, no. But the murder seemed so personal that it probably won't be long before someone comes forward with info about some juicy conflict the victim was involved in."

Dan's nose wrinkled at the word "juicy." Noticing, Chloe gave a short laugh. "Okay, maybe that wasn't the best adjective I could've used."

"No, it wasn't." Dan said with a grin that turned serious as he looked into her eyes. "It's good seeing you smile again, Chlo."

Self conscious, Chloe felt the smile slide from her face. She busied herself with pouring herself a glass of water. "I never stopped." she protested.

"Uh-huh." Dan said, unconvinced. "You haven't smiled since that fu-" He corrected himself when Chloe shot him daggers. "Since Lucifer left a month ago."

"Untrue." Chloe said, turning on her heel, intent on returning to her desk. "Trixie and I watched Snow Day 4 last week and we laughed our asses off."

"Really? Because Trixie told me that you hid your head in a pillow and cried every time someone kissed on screen."

Trixie, you traitor!

Spinning to face her ex-husband, Chloe hissed "Even if I did, it wouldn't be any of your business, Dan."

Dan grimaced. "Look, I know I don't have any claim to you. Really, I do. But I still don't like you being ditched by the guy you had feelings for even if I've always thought he was an asshole."

Chloe grit her teeth. If the past month had taught her anything, it was heartfelt appreciation for how Lucifer must have felt knowing that no one believed him even when he was telling the truth. Now that she knew the truth, that he was the actual Devil and had returned to Hell with the noble intention of preventing a flood of demons from overtaking humanity, she felt so frustrated by her inability to communicate that with others. Especially with those who were so intent on seeing the bad in Lucifer when she knew what he had done made him a hero.

"He didn't ditch me." she argued. "He had to…go home to take care of some important business."

Dan regarded her evenly. He backed down. Raising his hands in mock defeat, he said "Fine, fine. If that's what you need to believe." Chloe watched his retreating figure before throwing herself into her chair.

Should she just tell Dan the truth? No, he would never believe her. He'd need proof, and proof was currently residing several miles beneath their feet. (Or at least if Hell existed on a physical plane like a few of the research tomes she had read in Rome had suggested.) Maybe she could get Amenadiel to flash his wings, but Amenadiel only liked to divulge divine information on an absolutely-need-to-know basis.

Chloe sighed, taking in the mountain of paperwork that await her. I guess Dan will just have to believe what he wants to believe.

"Amenadiel, could you please take him for a moment? I need to get dressed."

Linda gently placed Charlie in Amenadiel's arms, planting a kiss on her son's forehead before entering the bathroom. Stopping in front of the mirror, she shut her eyes and took a contented breath. Things were as they should be. Better than they should be, even.

Her son, her perfect son. He never cried. He never fussed. Unlike the other parents of newborns she met at parenting classes, she had no bags under her eyes. She got a full night's rest every night. Life was good.

Almost, anyways.

She couldn't shake the gnawing fear of demons taking her son away from her again. The paralyzing panic still sometimes seized her, refusing to let her go until she held onto her son, breathed him in, and memorized every tiny detail of his perfect face.

Not to mention her anxiety that angels might take him away too. She knew now that Amenadiel would never take her son from her, but he had let slip that Remiel (one of his many siblings she hadn't known about) had come to Earth, intent on bringing her son to heaven. Demons she had expected to worry about, but there was something truly unsettling about fearing an angel. They were supposed to be good. Protectors of humanity. They were angels.

Well, if having Lucifer Morningstar as her patient taught her anything, it was that biblical characterizations of celestial and demonic creatures were rarely accurate.

She was grateful she had Amenadiel. Not only for his support in the domestic tediums of everyday life (which he took to with surprising zeal for a man who had, until recently, been Heaven's finest warrior), but also for the protection he offered Charlie. She slept more soundly knowing that she had a literal guardian angel watching over her family.

But even still, a voice gnawed in her brain. Amenadiel is not omniscient.

Shaking herself, she reached over to run the tap to wash her face. All of the psychological experience she had could do nothing to quell the unending anxiety that had shaken her entire being since Charlie had been kidnapped. She thought the scariest time of being a mother was going to be the pregnancy, when she still had a mysterious angel baby growing God-knows-what inside her. How wrong she had been. Motherhood, it seemed, was a never ending stream of worries and doubts. All she wanted was for her son to be safe, happy, and healthy, but how could she do that when she was just a human in a world of celestials?

Patting her face dry, she gazed at her reflection once more. Suddenly, she smiled wryly. Even though she didn't have bags under her eyes like the other mothers, her worry lines had sunken deeper than theirs.

Amenadiel flipped Charlie back onto his back after checking (yet again) for any signs of wings that his son might have sprouted. Still nothing. But since Remiel had sensed the creation of a new celestial being even before his birth, Amenadiel knew that his son had inherited something of his divine gifts.

They would just have to wait to find out, it seemed. And Amenadiel was nothing if not patient.

Charlie had brought Amenadiel happiness he had never known existed. His former life, eons of watching the world from the heavens, felt muted and dull compared to the bright vivacity of now. Every moment felt special, magical. Eating breakfast with his family. Helping Linda do laundry. Tucking Charlie into bed.

Nothing he had ever experienced compared to it, and he had experienced a lot.

Despite the happy domesticity he had settled into, however, Amenadiel felt gnawing guilt. He was on Earth, happy, with everything he could have wanted. Lucifer, however, was in Hell. The exact opposite of what he wanted.

Yet he had voluntarily gone to protect humanity.

Amenadiel remembered that night, Chloe's shaking, tear-stained voice, tinny and diminished through the phone, telling him that his brother, the most selfish man he knew, had willingly sent himself back to Hell, the very thing he had so brazenly refused to do when Amenadiel had first come to collect him.

How his brother had changed.

Amenadiel had considered going to Hell to speak with his brother, but after what had happened to Charlie he didn't risk leaving his family alone for more than a minute. Even if Lucifer was in Hell overseeing demons now, that didn't mean that Amenadiel's other siblings weren't keeping a close watch on his family, waiting for the perfect moment to snatch Charlie away to Heaven.

Still, Amenadiel didn't know if he could handle this guilt. In a way, he felt responsible for Lucifer's sacrifice since he had been the one to literally hand over Charlie to the demons. Linda, wonderful, patient, Linda, had explained to him that that was nonsense, but Amenadiel couldn't shake the feeling. He wasn't used to feeling guilt - for most of his life he had always been so sure of everything he had done - so now he wasn't sure how to handle this aching, gnawing pit in his chest.


After the Garden of Eden ( A "fiasco," Uriel had called it), Amenadiel and his siblings had discussed the possibility of closing Hell forever. Seal in the Devil, demons, and any other nastiness that threatened the world and humanity forever. They had gone so far as to craft a ritual that would seal the gates in such a way that would allow human souls to pass through but trap all demonic creatures inside. The ritual, in theory, was flawless, guaranteed to work, yet they never went through with it.

Officially, they said that they decided against it because they needed demons, in a way, to spark fear in humans, to push them towards heavenly worship. (If Amenadiel's siblings had one flaw, it's that they craved reverence a little too much.) But Amenadiel knew that another reason had prevented them from sealing the gates: Lucifer. Even after everything he had done, he was still their brother.

However, the plan did exist and it was technically possible…

It would take many risks, though. Risks he would have to consider carefully, he thought as he looked down on his son cradled in his arms.

But if it could help his brother, it might be worth it. After all, in a roundabout way, Amenadiel owed his new life of bliss to the Devil.

Linda emerged from the bathroom, worries firmly placed behind a mental wall for the day. Even though her job was to encourage her patients to face their troubles, that didn't mean she always had to follow her own advice.

And when she looked upon Amenadiel and Charlie snuggled together on the couch, she didn't have to pretend to not be worried anymore.

"Hey, you two." she said, a smile floating over her face. She leaned over to plant a kiss on each of their foreheads. Amenadiel smiled back.

"You look radiant." he said.

"And you sound like you've been reading dating advice columns." Linda teased. "At least you'll teach Charlie how to treat a woman."

Amenadiel beamed at his son, and bounced him lightly in his arms. "That among other things. He'll be the best of us, among men and angels."

"I'm going to miss him when I go back to work…" Linda said. "I can't believe my maternity leave is up this week."

Amenadiel's eyebrows furrowed. "I still can't believe you're returning to work so soon."

Linda shrugged and sighed. "Yeah, well, that's America for you. At least he'll have you to watch over him."

"Yes, he will. But he should spend as much time with his momma as possible." Amenadiel stood and transferred Charlie back to Linda's arms where he gurgled happily.

"What are your plans today?" Linda asked.

"There's something I need to check on." Amenadiel said.

"Well if that isn't the vaguest answer I've heard since my last session." Linda raised her eyebrows. "What's on your mind? Is it Mazikeen again?"

"No, not her. It's…" Amenadiel paused, then sighed. He didn't want to worry Linda, but if he had learned anything from his time on Earth, it was that secret keeping could have awful consequences. "I need to visit Heaven."

"Heaven?" Linda's voice caught the slight hitch that always appeared when they discussed celestial matters. "What, like a day visit?"

"Something like that." Amenadiel said. "Hopefully quicker. I don't like to leave you two for long."

"Why do you have to go?"

Amenadiel paused again, instinctively wanting to keep divine matters secret from mortals. But he couldn't keep doing that, at least not to the mother of his child.

"You're familiar with the story of why Lucifer fell?" he asked.

"Yes, or at least with what's written on the internet. Never was much of a Sunday school girl. It's because he led a rebellion against God, right?"

"Yes, he defied our father and started a war. I…I'm not sure if a war was his intention at first, but I think his pride wouldn't allow him to back down until it was too late. After he was cast into Hell, my siblings and I conspired to seal Hell's gates: to lock Lucifer and all demons inside forever."

Linda remained silent, listening.

"We ended not following through. …I stopped us."

"Why?" Linda asked.

Amenadiel gave a short laugh. "Why indeed? At the time, I convinced the others that it was in our best interest to allow evil to continue walking the Earth. Humans…at least back then, needed convincing that God and angels were necessary for protection. That if humans felt the chill of evil up their spines, they would run to us for protection and worship us."

"Ah." Linda said. "I didn't realize angels were capable of manipulation." She paused, perhaps considering the nature of how she and Amenadiel first met. "Or maybe I did. Anyways, why do you think you stopped the plan?"

Amenadiel sighed. "Because he is my brother. No matter how many mistakes he made, nothing can change that. I couldn't bear the thought of sealing him away forever. I think a few of my other siblings felt the same way."

"Amenadiel…why are you mentioning this now?"

"I think I have a solution. One that solves our problem and Lucifer's."

"You want to seal Hell?"

"Yes, and get Lucifer out. If we can seal the gates, the demons will be trapped inside. They will never threaten Earth again. Not only that… I think having Lucifer in Los Angeles helps us. My siblings…they would never admit it, but Lucifer scares them. If he's here, I think that my siblings will be more likely to leave Charlie alone."

Linda sucked in a deep breath and nodded slowly, instinctively clutching Charlie close.

"You're talking about this plan as if it's going to be a piece of cake. Something tells me it's not that easy, though. What's the catch?"

"That's what I need to check." Amenadiel said. "There's a huge flaw, but I think there might be a way around it. That's why I need to return to Heaven."

"What's the flaw?"

"For the gates of Hell to be sealed, Lucifer needs to be inside."


Trixie threw herself onto Chloe, locking her arms around Chloe's neck and legs around Chloe's waist.

Chloe stumbled a few steps backwards. "Oof! Hey, monkey." Somewhat awkwardly, she reached up to ruffle Trixie's hair. "I'm so glad to see you."

Trixie grinned and dropped to the floor. "Me too. I'm really happy you're home."

Chloe turned to drop her keys on the counter and kick off her shoes. "Oh? Why's that?"

"It's Taco Tuesday!"

Chloe was glad she had her face towards the wall so Trixie couldn't see the grimace that passed over it. She had forgotten all about Taco Tuesday. Or even that it was Tuesday.

Rearranging her face into a smile, she turned around beaming. "That's right! Go grab our special bowls out of the kitchen, okay? I'll be right there."

As soon as Trixie's back was turned, Chloe whipped out her phone and hurried to her bedroom calling Dan. He answered just as she was shutting the door behind her.


"Yeah, hey. Please tell me you remembered Taco Tuesday."

"What? Yeah, of course. I'm not about to forget again after the chewing out you gave me last time."

"Can you pick up the ingredients?" Chloe asked.

The line went silent. Then, "…did you forget Taco Tuesday?"

Chloe scowled. "Yeah, fine, I did. One time out of many, I think I'm doing pretty good." She braced herself for a mocking comment.

But Dan was quiet. "Sure, I'll grab the ingredients. Be there in twenty."

"Thanks." Chloe said. "I mean it."

"Sure, Chlo. I…I know how hard it is to lose someone you care about."

Unexpectedly, tears welled up in Chloe's eyes.

"Thanks, Dan. See you soon."

"See you."

She hung up and sat heavily on her bed, pressing the palms of her hands against her eyes, willing the tears to stop. She had been hurt by him so many times before, with Candy, Eve, a callous word, a concealed truth, so why did losing him to Hell hurt so much? After everything he put her through, she should be glad to see him gone. And maybe she would be…if she didn't love him.

And if he didn't love her back.

Chloe shuddered as she felt a fresh wave of grief wash over her. They had finally gotten there. Reached a point of understanding, of trust. Their secrets and worst parts of themselves laid bare before the other, ready to be claimed and loved fully, only to it stripped away because the Devil decided to do something selfless for once.

And she understood why she left. Really, she did. Maybe that's why she felt so guilty for still wishing he had stayed. After all, what kind of person would put their own interests before the good of humanity?

A knock on the door caused her head to snap up. "Yes?" she called, scrubbing tears furiously from her eyes.

The door creaked open. "Mommy?" Trixie called, poking her head in. "I got everything ready."

"Thanks monkey." Chloe said, forcing a smile. "Daddy's going to pick up the ingredients tonight. He'll be here soon."

"Have you been crying?" Trixie came to stand right in front of her and took her mother's head between her hands, forcing Chloe to meet her gaze.

Chloe gave a watery smile. "Yeah." she said, unable to lie to her daughter. "Yeah, mommy's been crying a little bit. But I'm fine now."

"Is it because Lucifer moved away?" Trixie asked.

"What would make you think that?"

"I've seen you scrolling through the photos you have of him. And the way you've been falling asleep on the couch holding the necklace he gave you."

Chloe sighed. "You would make a great detective with your sleuthing skills, monkey. I think your dad and I have taught you a little too well."

Trixie grinned cheekily at her. "Not really. You're just an obvious case."

Pretending to be annoyed, Chloe poked Trixie's belly causing her to squirm and laugh. Then, probably because a good dose of laughter was exactly what Chloe needed, Chloe kept poking and tickling Trixie until she was bent double laughing. Her fun was short lived, however, because Trixie struck back, and before long, they were both on the ground breathless from laughter with tears - the happy, not sad, kind - streaming down their faces.

They heard the front door open and Dan's voice echo through the house. "Who's ready for tacos?"

"Race you." Chloe said, lurching for the door.

"No fair!" Trixie exclaimed darting under Chloe's arm.

As a tried-and-true tradition, it took no time to get Taco Tuesday into full swing. As Dan browned the beef and added his secret combination of spices, Chloe diced onions and Trixie sliced tomatoes. They were just sitting down to eat when the doorbell rang.

Dan shot a questioning look at Chloe who shrugged, equally baffled. "I wasn't expecting anyone tonight." she said as she got to her feet.

"Amenadiel!" she exclaimed as she opened the door. "It's good to see you!"

"Hi, Amenadiel!" Trixie chirped from behind her. She had left the table to investigate, as had Dan. Dan gave Amenadiel a friendly nod and handshake.

"Hello, Chloe, Dan, Trixie." he said. As usual, Chloe felt a sense of calm and peace wash over her when he talked. Although Lucifer had no supernatural effect on her, she couldn't help but subconsciously feel comforted by Amenadiel's presence.

"Please, come in." she said, standing aside. "We were just about to eat. I hope you like tacos."

"I do."Amenadiel said. "But that's not why I am here. I need to talk to you, Chloe." He glanced at Dan and Trixie. "Alone."

Understanding washed over Chloe. If he wanted to speak privately, it likely had to do with divine business. She nodded. "Let me get my jacket, we can go on a walk."

"But mommy, your food is going to get cold!" Trixie protested.

"I know, but I think Amenadiel has something really important to say. I'll be back soon, okay? Feel free to start Uno without me if I don't get back on time."

Dan, although Chloe knew he couldn't fully know why Chloe wanted to speak with Amenadiel so badly, seemed to understand that Amenadiel likely had something to say about Lucifer. He nodded at her and placed his hands on Trixie's shoulders. "Go," he said to Chloe. Then, turning to Trixie, he said "More tacos for us anyways."

Trixie seemed to perk up at that. "You're right!" she exclaimed and hopped back to the table.

"Thank you." Chloe mouthed to Dan as she slid her jacket on and followed Amenadiel out the door.

They were halfway to the beach when Amenadiel spoke. "I think I know a way to get Lucifer back." he said.

Chloe took this information in. "Okay." she said. "But the problem isn't that he can't get back. He has his wings, right? He can't come back because he's the only thing that's stopping an army of demons from taking over L.A."

Amenadiel gave a low chuckle. "As astute as ever, Chloe. Please, let me rephrase what I said. I think I know a way that would allow Lucifer to come back and keep the demons in Hell for good."

Chloe's heart skipped a beat. She shot Amenadiel a questioning look, but he kept walking forward to the beach.

They stepped onto the the silvery sand that glistened in the moonlight, the sound of crashing waves echoing around them.

Amenadiel stopped and took a seat on the sand. She did the same, looking at him intently, waiting with bated breath to hear what he had to say.

Amenadiel looked towards the heavens. "I know of a ritual to seal the gates of Hell…forever. The problem is, though, the gates can only be sealed with Lucifer trapped inside."

Chloe said nothing, seeing the obvious flaw in the plan, but trusted Amenadiel to explain.

"Sealing the gates would keep the demons in for good. There would no longer be any risk of them getting loose to spread evil in the world. Lucifer wouldn't have to keep them under his rule any longer."

"But if you're saying that to seal the gates, Lucifer needs to be inside…"

"I found a way around that." Amenadiel said, tearing his gaze away from the stars to lock eyes with her. "I visited Heaven and searched our scrolls. There is a way to get him out after the gates are sealed…but I need your help to do it."

Chloe's breath caught in her chest. Her heart racing, she asked "What do I need to do?"

"You need to go to Hell."

The earth beneath her suddenly felt as unstable as the waves on the horizon.

"W-what? How? How is that possible?"

Amenadiel lowered his gaze. "I know this is a lot to ask of you. But if you agree, I would fly you down into Hell. You would find Lucifer and work with him to complete the ritual."

"But…if I'm down there when the ritual is completed…won't I be trapped too?"

Amenadiel regarded her evenly. After a moment of what appeared to be internal conflict, he asked "Did Lucifer ever tell you why he doesn't affect you? Why he can't manipulate you like he does other humans?"

Thrown by the sudden change in topic, Chloe could only shake her head no.

"It's because you're a miracle, Chloe." Amenadiel said. "Your parents…they had trouble conceiving a child. My father gave me direct orders to bless your family. So I did, and you were born."

The world was spinning even faster around her. She dry swallowed, taking a deep breath to calm herself. It was almost too much to take in.

"God told you to… create me?" she asked.

"Yes…and no." Amenadiel said. "You were made by your parents. You are as human as anyone else, but with a slight difference. You wouldn't be here unless my father had asked me to intercede."

"Why…?" She sucked in a deep breath between her teeth and knotted her fingers together. "Why was I so important that God sent you?"

Amenadiel held her gaze. "I don't claim to understand my father's will…but I think he sent you to save Lucifer."

"So you're saying I was made for Lucifer?" Chloe asked, uneasy at the thought of being created just to be there for someone else, even if it was a man she loved.

"I think you were put in his path to help him. Again, this is just speculation on my part, but I think my father regrets what he did to Lucifer. But I think you were also set in his path to achieve something much bigger.

"We could have sealed Hell with Lucifer inside all of those years ago. It would have been difficult and I imagine that there would have been casualties, but we could have done it. But now, because of you, Chloe, we have the opportunity to close Hell and trap all demons inside with the willful participation of Lucifer, especially since he has a guaranteed chance to get out."

"You keep saying that he won't be trapped. That I'm supposed to go to Hell and help him, but I won't be trapped either. What do you mean?"

"You see, Chloe, a child that is born by God's command carries a special mark. A heavenly mark. You, no matter your actions, will always be pulled towards Heaven. The heavenly mark that shines in you will never let you stay in Hell. That's not where you are meant to be. You will be pulled back out of Hell. And, since Lucifer loves you and you love him, he will be too."

"This doesn't make any sense." Chloe scoffed shaking her head. "What is this, a Disney movie? The 'power of love' will save him?"

Amenadiel smirked, but not unkindly. "You know, there's more truth in Disney movies than many of you humans are willing to consider. Love truly is a force. My father intended it to be among the most powerful in the universe.

"When a soul love another and that soul loves it back, a bond is forged between the two. In places like Heaven or Hell, where humans are only their souls, the connection between you and Lucifer will be more apparent, more tangible. Lucifer will be able to join his soul to yours and be pulled out of Hell with you."

"But if I'm only bringing his soul…what is he going to do about, you know, a body? Will he have to find one that, um, well, just died to use like the demons had to?" Chloe couldn't believe she was even having this conversation right now.

Amenadiel waved a dismissive hand. "We're able to manifest our human forms out of nothing." he explained. "As angels, we aren't confined to a physical form. As long as you bring his soul back, Lucifer will be able to recreate his body."

"So what, I just pop down to Hell, do the ritual, grab Lucifer, and pop on back? Who's to say that my 'heavenly mark' doesn't yank me out of Hell before I can accomplish everything?"

"That is a real concern." Amenadiel acknowledged. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a gray stone that dangled on a leather cord. The stone was etched with runes Chloe didn't recognize.

Holding up the necklace, Amenadiel said "This amulet will make it so Heaven's pull doesn't affect you while you are wearing it. The moment you take it off, you will undoubtedly be yanked out of Hell and back to Earth."

"Why back to Earth and not to Heaven if I'm supposedly being pulled towards it?"

"Because you are still living, Chloe. Heaven is not meant for living souls."

"Neither is Hell."

Amenadiel smiled wryly. "No, it's not. Me flying you there is 'cheating the system,' so to speak."

Chloe took a shuddering breath. "You're serious. You really mean that you can fly me into Hell."


"And you expect me to shut the gates and return with Lucifer."


Chloe dropped her forehead onto her knees trying to fight off rising nausea. Panic swelled like a tidal wave up her spine, threatening to overwhelm her and turn her into a blubbering mess.

"Hell." she said. "Hell." she repeated, choking on the word. She wrapped her trembling arms around her legs, curling into a ball to protect herself from what Amenadiel was proposing.

Of course, she hadn't accepted yet. But he must know…how could she not?

She was going to Hell.

"What's it like?" she whispered hoarsely from her cocoon.

Amenadiel took a moment to reflect. "I've only seen it from above when I was…babysitting for Lucifer after he abandoned Hell for Los Angeles. But it is truly a desolate place."

"Is there fire? Brimstone?"

"In some places." Amenadiel said. "But most of it is gray. Dark. Desolate. Ash rains endlessly from the sky. A horrible, bone-aching chill permeates the air. It is not always a place of fear like you might expect. Fear is present where the demons are…but when they are otherwise occupied, Hell is a place of hopelessness. A place for the guilty to become consumed by their guilt."

Chloe dug her nails into the skin of her legs and bit her cheek hard enough to draw blood. Gun fights, gang wars, drug cartels she could handle. But literal Hell? Although she wasn't religious (or at least she used to not be) Hell was a place that humans were hardwired to fear. She didn't want to go to Hell.

Yet she would go. Of course she would go.

Drawing in yet another shaking breath, she rose her head and gaze towards the horizon. The moon, bright, beautiful, and full, cast its silver glow onto the Pacific, making the ocean's waters sparkle and dance like diamonds. She thought of Lucifer in the place that Amenadiel described. Gray, dark, desolate. So unlike the environment Lucifer enjoyed being in. Vivacious, exciting, lively. She thought of Lucifer, how he would spend hours gazing over L.A., how he would witness every sunset, how his eyes would linger over the bright hues, and how, when he thought she wasn't watching, he would smile the smile of a child experiencing the world for the first time.

If she had a chance to bring him back to this, to the world that he loved, she would do it. Of course she would.

"I'm in." she said, wincing when her voice cracked.

Amenadiel placed a warm hand on her shoulder. "Chloe, this isn't something you need to decide right now."

She shook her head. "No, I want to do this. I have to do this. Tell me, what do I need to do?"

Chloe stepped back into her home to find the kitchen dark and the TV glowing in the living room. Dan and Trixie sat leaning together on the couch, mouths hanging open slightly with twin snores emitting from each of them. With a weak smile, Chloe pressed her lips against Trixie's forehead and brushed the hair from her face. And then, surprised by a sudden surge of warm kinship, she lay a blanket over Dan's lap.

Overcome by emotion, she stumbled back into the recliner, hungrily searching the faces of her daughter and her ex-husband. Here they were, so alive, so unburdened by the knowledge that Hell is a real place and that Chloe was going to find herself there very soon. Chloe felt her face contort, threatening to let forth another wave of tears. Quickly, she turned to the TV in search of a distraction.

This proved to be a mistake.

Dan and Trixie had picked All Dogs Go to Heaven. It had been a childhood favorite of Dan's, and he had passed his love for it onto Trixie. Chloe herself had developed a certain affection for it, although she would never watch it unless Dan was there. But she had seen it enough times to know exactly what was about it happen.

The nightmare scene. The one where Charlie, the canine protagonist, finds himself in Hell. Horrified, Chloe found herself unable to look away. She watched as the cartoon dog was sucked into a hellish vortex and cast into a lake of magma. Her breath caught in her throat as he fought demons in a skeletal boat, only to have it sink beneath the flaming waters as a dragon watched and laughed and laughed and laughed…


Chloe snapped to her feet, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights. On the television, the credits were rolling. Confused, Chloe looked down to see Trixie, her hand still outstretched from when she had shaken her awake, gazing up at her with worry.

"Mommy, are you okay?"

Chloe blinked and found her eyelids to be like sandpaper.

"Mommy?" Trixie sounded genuinely worried.

"Uh…yeah, I'm fine, baby. I'm fine." Chloe forced out. "I'm just not feeling well, that's all."

"Do you want me to get you some meds?" Dan asked from across the room. His face looked as equally worried as Trixie's.

"No, it's fine, I just…" she swallowed hard, thinking about what lay ahead of her. "I'm just not feeling well." she repeated. "I need some sleep. Dan, could you…?" she motioned vaguely to Trixie. "I need some sleep."

Dan correctly interpreted her vague handwaving as a sign to put Trixie to bed and nodded. "Don't worry about it." he said. "I'll take care of everything."

"Thanks." Chloe murmured heading for her room. But she didn't go to sleep once inside. Instead, she turned on all of her lights and sat on her bed. Sleep wouldn't come, but waves of chills, fear, and despair did.

She was going to Hell. She was going to leave her daughter to go to Hell. Her hands began to shake again. She lowered her head into her hands.

And she wept.

A/N: Stay tuned for weekly updates on Saturdays!