

'Ugh...my head.' I thought as a loud ringing sound blared through my ears like a hurricane on chakra enhancements. The noise forced my eyes closed and my paws over my head as I tried to combat the sound, but to no avail. The thundering ringing came from all sides as if it was someone who struck a 'triangle' in a closed box that reverberated the noise to no end, only amplifying it more and more, much to the dismay of the room's occupants. As the sound blared, a growl rose up from within me and caused me to scream out. "GRRRRR, SHUT UP! FOR THE LOVE OF HECK SHUT UP!" As I did so, I threw my paws down into the ground where the ringing was replaced by two sounds that make me shudder to ever think of after my freedom years ago, a metal clang louder than thunder itself with the force I hit it making it seem as if a million thunderstorms arose at once and a splash of water with which forced a wave to hit my face and shower my fur lightly. I paused for a moment and slowly took a look at my surroundings to try easing my fear. Instead of being in an open forrest next to a lake like I normally was within Naruto, I was back in the cell...the cell I have been trapped within for the last 16 years before my host became more than that and let me free. 'What...this can't be...I-I...' My mind raced as it tried to find an explanation for my new imprisonment. 'No Kurama, think this is probably a genjitsu or something, not the real deal.' I closed my eyes and began to reach to stop my chakra flow briefly to break it but not even an ounce of resistance arose meaning one thing...I'm back in the cell for real. At that point my mind went crazy trying to explain how I got here when I was just seconds ago lending my chakra to Naruto.

'Maybe I'm his punk son or something...' I thought as my tails swished in the shallows of my sewer prison. 'I should at least summon my host if that's the case, maybe I could convince Boruto or whomever it is easier than Naruto that I'm not evil or to be afraid of.' I let my paws fall and my body to relax as I focussed my sealed chakra to summon my host. Oddly nothing happened at first which caused me to growl in frustration. "I swear if this is some kind of prank I'll end who ever my host is!" I yelled out loud and punched the metal door, contempt no one could hear me.

Sighing I tried again, this time in a meditative position and clapped my paws together, summoning more power into the summoning, causing me this time to feel a very weak and undeveloped presence. 'Don't tell me I'm in another infant.' I thought disgustedly. 'Naruto as a baby was silent as it was, I don't want to wait any more to see my host.' Gritting my fangs I concentrated harder and harder, forcing past a small bit of the seal within the door before something managed to get pulled to outside. I was about to great the presence when I heard the sound of a baby human crying their eyes out.

Cringing inwardly, I folded my ears back as I got back on all fours and moved my body to the door. I creaked my eyes open as to not scare the child more, not like I really could and notice the typical whiskers any container of mine held on the child's face. After that, I scanned his form and blushed when I saw the child was naked, but thankful it was a male. I never liked female hosts, being a female myself, so this is a nice step. The seal of the Leaf Village's fourth Hokage's forbidden work rang true on his gut meaning it was used to seal me within the boy much to my dismay. I sighed and decide to just let the boy leave, 'Maybe when he's 7 I'd talk to him.'

I was about to send the child back to normal reality when suddenly I realized that seal. ''No...it can't be...' I decided to check the infant's chakra signature and to my surprise however...it was who I thought it was. 'Naruto...? But how did...when did...?' My mind began again in its quest for answers. 'Ok think Kurama. One minute you and Naruto are holding back a blast that would kill his son and next you're back to just after Naruto's father sealed you in the boy...' I began, rubbing temples as to try drowning out that infant's crying. 'Why does my kit have to be such a pain at this age? So the only explanation is that I chose this...somehow I sent myself back in time to when the kit could've benefitted from having my company, but why this time? Wouldn't it have been better to stop the fight to begin with and not revert to when the boy was a child and change his life as I saw fit?' I grumbled in annoyance and snorted, the crying still barraging my ears. 'It's something my old evil self would do but me now? Sure I tease the kit but I'm not heartless about him anymore. He's taught me a lot more than I could've learned on my own, so I'm in his debt, although I'd never admit it, and that wouldn't make me want this.' My thoughts trailed on and on trying to think why I would even want a reset of the timeline, leaning on the cage some and letting a paw near Naruto absentmindedly.

I was pulled from my thoughts why my ears didn't singe from Naruto's cries but instead silence followed by a tugging on my paw. I focussed on where he was, thinking he left me to my devices but instead I saw him curled in my paw. The little brat curled in my paw like kit of my own. I stared at him curiously, feeling every sensation of touch he exhorted on my fur as he played and rolled with it, causing a small red blush on my face as well as a smile to form, but not a fake one I'd use some times but a real smile. 'Why does he have to be so cute at this age? Damn.' I looked at him and reached my other paw out and ran it along his bare chest. A giggle escaped him as I started twirling my fingers causing me to look on in a rather playful way and more red filling my face. My tails curled in a way foreign to my natural motions and were around the bars seemingly trying to reach for the infant. Realizing this I forced them back and looked at the boy again. 'Oh don't tell me...' I began in my mind before a gurgling sound came from the floor as Naruto actually was trying the water in his mouth. '...' My mind was silent as the boy continued and caused me to look away, not out of humiliation, but rather the feeling if I stared longer I'd try breaking free to cradle the infant.

Looking back, I saw Naruto staring at me blankly and a little disheartened when I pulled my paw back. 'Are all human infants like this?'

"Yes they are Kurama." voice similar to Naruto-kun's rang in my head. My head snapped up to see a greyed and transparent Hokage Naruto next to his younger self.

"Naruto-kun!" I exclaimed in shock. Naruto chuckled.

"Yes it's me Kurama, but I don't know how much longer I can stay." He replied solemly.

"Why is that? I swear kit if you did something-" I began before the blonde brat cut me off.

"We both did. We used our chakra limits to save my son and Sasuke, but I..." He said before he coughed as some blood came from his mouth. I looked at him speechless and unable to send any healing chakra as he continued. "I used all of mine, so to save you...I used your chakra to send you back in time."

"But time travel is a myth! Only the ten tailed kyuubi could do such an act!" I yelled out earning a grin from the older Naruto who chuckled like a fox cub. "Does that mean though that..." I stopped when I realized what he did. "BAKA! You used your very life energy to end me back!" My tails flared as I glared at him.

"What was I supposed to do?! Let my best friend die!? I had to find a way Kurama! I made a promise to save everyone, and I don't back down from a promise!" Older Naruto-kun said in response as he looked at me with tear felt eyes, causing me to feel sad for my kit. "It was the only way."

"But why did you do it? Why save me when you could've let us die together?" I asked him.

"Because you're my friend Kurama-sama. I couldn't let you die." He said. "Besides, this one-" He said pointing to his infant self. "-needed a companion by him, to make his life better than mine was."

"So let me get this straight...your dying wish is for me to watch over you as a kid so he doesn't repeat your life growing up?" I said rolling my eyes and smacking his older form with a tail. "Naruto-kun you baka." Naruto-kun chuckled as the infant looked at us confused beyond all belief. Hokage Naruto nodded and looked at the infant before coughing and falling to his knees.

"I don't have much chakra left Kurama...I...I didn't think it'd end like this...but I'd rather die than let anyone get hurt, it's the Uzamaki way!" Naurto-kun said in his cocky voice, earning a tear to fall similar to the one I shed when the old man left. He then looked at me and gave a thumbs up with the biggest grin I've seen while his body slowly faded away. "I'll see you in the future Kurama! And thats the truth!" He said before his body collapsed and faded away. The infant was about to start crying again so I shushed him with my tail, while some more silent tears fell from my face. 'See you later, Hokage Naruto-kun.' I thought as I looked back to the baby.

Sighing, I rested my head in my paws, my muzzle against the gate and looked at the boy as he tried moving his body in an effort to move closer. Smirking inwardly, I rolled my eyes, which were now open fully, and just watched as the boy slowly made his way to the bars, his tiny hands barely causing a peep from my prison walls. 'Am I really doing this?' I asked myself inside while Naruto reached into the cage with his hand, with face full of curiosity only a fox could possess. His hand reached the edge of my lip and he began to rub it with his hand, making me subconsciously purr.

In response to his act I pulled him into the cage with my paw and let him reach my muzzle better. The kit rubbed against my lower jaw, causing me to look incredulously at him. 'Wha...I-I...' I blinked in shook as my muzzle reddened more from the act. "Naruto..." I began before shutting up, hearing a small snore from the kit's spot. 'Ugh...that's just cute and annoying at the same time...' I deadpanned the infant before I moved my tails to cover him protectively. "Things will be different my kit, I'll be there for you as a friend instead of an enemy." I told the infant who continued the snore fest that was starting to bother me a tad. 'Time for you to go back to the real plain now.' I thought as I sent him back and in a puff of smoke, Naruto was home in reality while I was still caged within him.

I held a paw to my muzzle as a wave of emotion I haven't felt since Naruto let me free washed over me like a tidal wave, loneliness. This was different though than typical loneliness however, my chest hurt as my 'heart' ached a little when the infant left. I looked at the long hallway it was that lead to well...wherever, personally until now I never really cared because the seal was never going to break in my old angry eyes. Now, I hope I can make him an even better jinchurriki than he ever was in our past lives. I smirked as I thought of the bratty kit I knew from our old life and how I used to hate his antics. Now they were the only thing keeping me company as I sat alone in the cage, tails wagging in silence as the only sounds in the room was the occasional drip of water. I groaned and decided to rest due to my chakra being strained, 'Maybe this won't be so bad if I can help him believe the truth of who I am.' I thought as I glanced at the entrance. 'Now to wait and slide that plan into action.' I chuckled and smirked. 'Well Naruto-kun, time to change...well the past in hope for a better future.' I chuckled at that line and closed my eyes to sleep, bringing my paws under me as I did so.