An Arc's Promise

By: Kuroyami Fukaikuro

In memory of those who fought against Salem.
All gave some.
Some gave all.

Pyrrha Nikos. Yang Xiao Long.
Maria Calavera.
Ozma "Ozpin" Ozymandias. Professor Glynda Goodwitch. Professor Thumbelina Peach. Professor Peter Port. Doctor Bartholemew Oobleck.
Raven Branwen. Qrow Branwen.
Ghira Belladonna. Ilia Amitola.
Hei "Junior" Xiong. Miltia Malachite. Neo Politan. Mercury Black.
Reese Chloris.
Brawnz Ni. Roy Stallion.
Nebula Violette. Dew Gayl. Gwen Darcy. Octavia Ember. Fox Alistair. Yatsuhashi Daichi.
Sage Ayana. Scarlet David.
Russel Thrush. Dove Bronzewing. Sky Lark.
Edward Caspian. Carmine Esclados. Bertilak Celadon.
Jacques Schnee.
General James Ironwood. Colonel Winter Schnee. Major Caroline Cordovin. Captain Ciel Soleil. Lieutenant Flynt Coal.
Colonel Jacob Arc.

Jaune stared at the monument in front of him. Etched into marble was the names of everyone who had lost their lives in the final battle against Salem. It was a circle of stones, standing fifteen feet high, with a forty foot radius, made to replace the old statue of the Huntsmen warriors that used to grace Beacon's entryway - that had been destroyed in the Fall of Beacon.

It was his first time seeing it in person, and he walked around it, mesmerized, as he read all the names he could, seeing if he recognized any of them.

As it turned out, he recognized too many.

"Jaune? My gods, is that actually you?"

Jaune turned and saw Cardin Winchester coming towards him. In the years since the final battle, he'd clearly changed. An eyepatch covered his left eye, the result of an Ursa's surprise attack. The Atlas military had offered cybernetic replacements to many of the battle's survivors, Cardin included. Some had accepted, but he, like many, had opted instead to learn to live with their new disabilities as a badge of honor. He still wore his armor, though it had grown more elaborate as he'd developed. Now, instead of just simple plate, there was a chain shirt and chain skirt protecting him underneath the metal, as well as gauntlets to protect his hands. The front of his breastplate bore the insignias of his three teammates, in memory of their lives. It had also been expanded to accommodate a surprising beer belly.

Long ago, he had been a bully, arrogant and brash, pushing around anyone he thought he could.

Now, however…

Without hesitation, Cardin wrapped his arms around Jaune in a hug that would have killed a normal man. After staggering back for a moment, Jaune returned it.

"It's good to see you, Cardin."

"You too! I guess Ruby managed to convince you to leave your little hovel?"

"My farm was not a hovel," Jaune said indignantly. "Besides, I don't wanna hear that from someone who's clearly had too much of the fruits of victory. Emulating Port, are we?" He poked Cardin's sizable stomach.

Cardin laughed a hearty laugh. "Ah, whatever, it's great to have you back! The others are going to be so happy to see you. Ren and Nora are in Mistral right now, running their orphanage, Weiss is in Atlas teaching at the Academy, and Blake is currently running some ambassador recruitment trip in Menagerie. But I bet they'll rush over here as soon as they hear you're back."

"How's the school been doing these past ten years?"

"Well enough. Recruitment rates are lower than they were in our time, but that's mostly because the biggest threats have all passed. Nowadays, we mostly train people to be diplomats. Just, you know, diplomats capable of fighting Grimm and powerful criminals."

"Any idea what position they brought me back for?"

"Oscar had an idea for a combat tactics and strategy class. Any of us could have run it, but when he talked to Ruby about it, she said that no one was better at that sort of thing than you."

"Ruby did?"

"Yeah. Some of the others tried to argue for Weiss to transfer here from Atlas, but she defended you. Said that you were ultimately responsible for the plan that took out Salem."

He glanced down at Jaune as he said that, noting Jaune's wince.

"I was, but… I'm not proud of that plan. If we had known more-"

"It's easy to say 'if', Jaune." Cardin placed his hand on Jaune's shoulder. "If we had gone with General Ironwood's plan, most people estimate that thousands more would have died."

He looked up at the memorial, at the names of his teammates. "I won't say that I'm not bitter about what we lost. But I'm happy that we didn't lose more."

They stood there in silence for another few moments before they were interrupted by the arrival of another.

"Daddy!" Jaune and Cardin turned to see a young girl, maybe five, run up to them. Brown rabbit ears adorned her head and long, orange-brown hair was styled into braids. She leaped up and was easily caught by Cardin, who gave her a much softer hug.

"Wait, you and Velvet?"

Cardin laughed again. "Time moves on, Jaune. Can't stay in the past forever."

"Daddy, who is this?"

"Selina, honey, this is Jaune Arc. He's one of the guys who fought with me in the war. Jaune, this is my daughter, Selina."

"You fought in the war?" Selina asked, looking at Jaune.

"Uh, yeah. I was in charge of one of the Atlesian battleships." An oversimplification, but it served well enough as an explanation.

"Selina, sweetie, where's your mommy?"

"Mommy is at the library with Auntie Coco again. They're doing reading about ag-agri-" She scrunched her face up as she thought before finishing, "Special farming stuff."

"In that case, let's go help her out, shall we?"


"Alright. See you later, Jaune!"

"Bye bye!"

Jaune waved as Cardin and his daughter walked off into the school, taking a left towards the library.

"She's cute, isn't she?"

Jaune turned to see Ruby walk up behind him.

"They didn't get married until just last year, despite their kid. Cardin's parents weren't happy about him falling in love with a Faunus… Eventually, he decided to excommunicate himself from them. He took Velvet's name."

Jaune nodded silently. "Where are the- our kids?"

"I dropped them off with my dad for now. He's got an apartment in the city - can't exactly maintain our old house in Patch by himself with his legs gone."

She walked forward, past the monument. As she did so, she briefly kissed her fingers and tapped on Yang's name before passing by.

"Come on, I'll take you to see Oscar. The school's building structure has changed a little bit since the reconstruction."

He followed her through the halls, looking around as they passed the occasional change. Students occasionally stopped and stared, whispering among themselves as he followed Ruby around. It was only natural - a General of the Valean Military, leading some stranger around? That kind of thing just didn't happen every day.

Eventually, they reached a large door that was labeled, "Headmaster's Office". "On the ground floor?"

"Oscar wanted to be more accessible than Ozpin. More able to understand the people he led, and easier for students to approach if they had problems."

Jaune nodded before walking up and knocking on the door.

"Come in!" a man's voice called out.

As they entered, Jaune took note of the office. A well built mahogany desk was covered with documents, with Oscar sat there. Oscar had grown as well, now around the same height as Ruby, and filled out, broad shouldered and with a tight, toned physique. There were bookshelves filled with all manner of texts, filing cabinets practically overflowing with paperwork, and a private coffee machine in the corner.

"Well, I can see you've definitely one-upped Ozpin in one aspect."

"Jaune!" Oscar yelled with excitement as he rose from his desk and went to hug him. "Gods, it's been so long!" They embraced for a moment, before Oscar separated and went to go right back to work. "I dig the beard! I tried to grow one, but facial hair doesn't really run in my family. So, I see Ruby's brought you back for the teaching position?"

Jaune nodded. "If you'll have me."

"Of course! You wouldn't start until next semester, naturally, and you'll need to come up with a curriculum and get it approved, but if you think that you're up for it, we'd be glad to have you."

"Sure. I'll get to work on that… anything in particular you think I should cover? Also, any paperwork I need to fill or anything?"

"Emerald will fill you in on that sort of thing. Speaking of which, where is she?" Oscar reached across his desk and pressed a button.


"What is it, boss?" her voice came back through the sound system.

"Jaune's here about the teaching position."

"Wait, Ruby actually got him out of his hovel?"

"We can hear you, Emerald."

"Yeah whatever give me a sec, I'll be right there. Don't go running off to another farm at the end of the world in the meantime, 'kay?"

The call buzzed off. As they waited, Jaune briefly considered turning back. Leaving now and doing exactly what Emerald had said.

He dismissed the thought. He had his chance to stay hidden. He had to own up to his actions, all of them. He glanced at Ruby, who was talking with Oscar about a joint-training initiative between the military and the Huntsmen.

There's only one way to make that right, he thought.

When Emerald entered, Jaune blinked several times in shock.

"Wow, and I thought Cardin let himself go…"

She flipped him off. "Yeah, fuck you too Jaune. Welcome back."

Emerald had gotten multiple tattoos across her arms, torso, legs, neck… basically anywhere that she had visible skin. It was nothing petty or made for the simple appearance, however - Jaune recognized that they represented some of the most important moments in the War, probably across her whole life as well. There was one for when she and Mercury defected from Salem's faction, one for the Fall of Beacon, one for when she met Cinder, and a few others he couldn't place. She had also changed her hairstyle, no longer wearing her hair cut short with two extended twintails. Now, she wore her hair up in a bun, like Glynda used to. It was a little disconcerting, to be honest. She even wore glasses in a similar style.

"Is reading paperwork actually that bad for your eyes?"

"Do it for ten years and see what happens. What do you need, anyway?"

"Oscar said you had some paperwork for me to fill out, and a curriculum to work around?"

"He said I- Oscar!" Oscar jumped and turned away from Ruby. "Yes?"

"You said that you were going to do the paperwork for Jaune!"

He chuckled nervously. "Uh, did I?"

She gave him a glare that would do Glynda proud, as Oscar quickly cleared space on his desk and rummaged around. His eyes widened as he found the paperwork.

"Ah! Yes, I did. I'll get right on that. Jaune, I'll have all this ready for you tomorrow, so come back then, alright?"


As Emerald nodded, satisfied that things had gone her way, she glanced back at Jaune. "Jokes aside, it's good to see you back, Jaune. I'd hug ya, but the kids might see, and then I'd have to kill you. And them."

"No love from the Deputy Headmistress?"

"Someone has to be the firm one," she said, raising her voice just high enough for Oscar to hear, who coughed, embarrassed. Ruby laughed and slapped him on his back, making a whip-cracking sound.

Despite herself, Emerald laughed at that, before turning back to Jaune. She patted his shoulder and said, "Look, once you get settled in, let me know if you need anything, alright? I'm in charge of logistics and a lot of the bullshit around here."

Jaune nodded. "Thanks. I'll see you again soon."

She nodded back before leaving, giving Ruby a quick wave as she turned out the door.

After they said goodbye to Oscar, Ruby walked Jaune around Beacon, taking him on a tour of the new facilities and meeting up with some of the others.

Afterwards, they took a private Air Bus down into the city, so Ruby could quickly check on some projects she was overseeing, and then go eat dinner at Taiyang's place with the kids.

"I still can't believe Coco's teaching History."

"Yeah, she got all curious about Ozma and whether there were any records of his past lives. She hasn't found anything concrete, but she thought that he might have been responsible for the original Vacuan Agrarian Revolution, which is probably why she was researching Agriculture."

"What does Cardin teach anyhow?"

"Oh he doesn't teach, but he might as well with how much he hangs around the school. He's my liason between the Valean Military and Beacon."

"What's his rank?"

"Lieutenant Colonel. He doesn't wear the uniform outside of ceremony because, in his words, 'Only a tool cares about the uniform'."

Jaune glanced at Ruby, fully decked out in her General's uniform, cape included.


Ruby blushed. "Look, I have to wear it while I'm working. It's mandatory for me! Cardin gets some leeway because of his job, but he really is supposed to be wearing it."

Jaune chuckled at her expense before reaching over and grabbing her hand. Ruby looked up at him, curious by the sudden contact, and waited.

"Look, Ruby, I… I haven't thanked you yet."

He paused, and Ruby said nothing, waiting for him to let out whatever it was that he'd been holding in all morning.

"When you came and found me, I was… Angry. I was angry that after ten years of nothing, of Blake, Weiss, Ren and Nora avoiding talking about you to me, and me avoiding asking about you, you decided to pop up out of nowhere and reinsert yourself into my life. Angry that you disapproved of the life I'd chosen for myself."

"It wasn't a bad life, Jaune."

He looked down at her.

"Farming, clearing out Grimm… it wasn't bad. But I know you. For all that you were living well out there, I know you wanted more. It's what brought you to Beacon in the first place."

"That was a long time ago."

"It was. And yet, it feels like just yesterday you were helping me up after I sneezed an explosion all over Weiss."

They both laughed at the memory.

"Anyway, my point is, you were right. I was happy there, but there was still some part of me that wanted more. Some part of me that missed all this, that missed you. So thank you, Ruby. Thank you for bringing me back."

He breathed out and squeezed her hand harder. She reached up and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

"You don't have to thank me. I wanted you back. I missed you, too. And the kids deserved to know their father."

"Right, the kids… Ugh, I can't believe I'M the Raven. I'm gonna have to make it up to them."

Ruby giggled. "You'll be fine. They're curious about you. They've grown up hearing about you, about the things we did… edited versions, of course. But they know that you joined Beacon with no training, that you led your own team, that you saved us time and again, either with your strategies, your skill, or your Semblance. They've never been angry about your absence. Just… curious."

"But they should be angry. They should be suspicious of me, regardless of what you've told them. I've missed- gods, ten years with them. I've got a lot to live up to."

"You won't have to do it alone."

Jaune nodded. "I know. I need to thank you for that, too."

After a quick stop by Fort Port - a new installation named in honor of the professor - Ruby and Jaune began walking out into the city, towards Taiyang's apartment. Ruby could have ordered someone to drive them, or gotten a cab called, but Jaune wanted to walk through the city, to see how things had changed. She had changed out of her uniform and into civilian clothes, though her weapon still hung openly from her hip.

For one, Ruby pointed out that Melanie Malachite had closed down The Club and opted to open a small cafe, though she still wore her own personally designed outfits, which tended to polarize the clientele. Though, she had befriended Coco over their love of fashion. The old shopkeep they knew had retired, and had moved to a condominium on the coast of Vytal. Velvet had retired from being a full time Huntsman due to her injuries, and was now the Chief of Police, though in what free time she had, she often worked together with Coco. A few shops had closed, some streets had changed, there was a new library, a new movie theater, and other new things all around the city.

Jaune couldn't help but be awed by the changes. It felt like he was seventeen again, seeing Vale for the first time, staring in wonder at the sights. And yet, he also felt a sense of withdrawal - the city he knew was gone.

Noticing this, Ruby wrapped herself around his arm, clutching it close, going beyond simple hand holding. Jaune paused and smiled at her, before pulling her in for a hug.

They stood there for several moments, on the side of the walkway, simply feeling at peace and gaining a sense of serenity from each other's presence. Despite himself, Jaune cried, finally letting out what he had been holding in since the first saw the monument - letting go of the pain and grief he felt as he read each and every name inscribed on it. And then, eventually, the tears were those of joy. Joy, at being reunited with the woman he loved. Joy, at knowing that his friends still truly cared for him. Joy, at learning that he was a father. Relief, at realizing that the war they had fought, and all they had lost, had truly been for something - that in the end, it truly was worth it all, to work and struggle to protect those too weak to protect themselves.

Eventually, they separated, and Ruby and Jaune both ignored the wet stains on their shoulders. "So," Ruby said after they collected themselves, "you ready for dinner?"

Jaune nodded. "Yeah."

As they began walking again, however, Jaune stopped. "Actually Ruby, you go on ahead. I need to do something real fast."

"I can come with you. It's no big deal."

"No, it's something I need to do alone."

"Oh… alright then. Try not to be late, okay?"

With a deep breath, Jaune knocked on the door.

Taiyang gave Jaune an even stare as he opened the door. "Well well, look who's finally come out of their hovel."

"Okay, what's with everyone calling my farm a hovel? It was not a hovel! I had three-hundred acres! AND I was expanding too!"

Taiyang chuckled. "Anywhere on the outskirts is a hovel, Jaune."

Jaune grumbled as he stepped through the door, being rushed by Jacob and Yang. "Dad!" they ran up, Ruby right behind them, and held their arms out expectantly. Without hesitation, Jaune reached out and held out some candy - only for Ruby to speed over and snatch it out of his hands.

"Aw, mom, come on!" they cried, now reaching up to her.

"Not until after dinner!" she scolded before winking at Jaune and walking down the hall.

"She's really got a good handle on them," Jaune muttered, impressed.

"She should, with all the time she's had with them." Taiyang wheeled himself over and patted Jaune's back. "Don't worry. You'll get your time with them. Take it from me, it's gonna be rough, especially with all that you've missed… but there's no underselling the value of having both of your parents with you."

Jaune nodded. "Thanks, Taiyang."

"Sure thing. Now come on, we've been waiting for you. Dinner's getting cold."

"Oh, one thing I need to ask you first. Before we go on."

"Can't this wait?"

"I'm afraid not, sir. It's better to do this sooner than later."

Taiyang nodded and turned the wheelchair around to face Jaune. "Okay, Jaune. Ask."

Jaune took a deep breath, summoned his courage, and opened his mouth to speak.

They were losing. Badly.

Cinder was tearing through them like a buzzsaw through paper. Yang's prosthetic had been blasted to pieces by a fireball, and if the stray limb on the floor was any indication, she now needed one for her leg as well. Blake was screaming, hands clutching the top of her head, where her ears, once standing proudly, had been severed off. Weiss was unconscious to the side, now sporting a matching cut on her right eye, though if the blood loss was any indication, this one was much deeper.

Ren and Nora had been hit by the first fireball, and had been blasted out of the building entirely. They had held out hope that they would get back, but the odds of that seemed lower with each passing moment.

Neo was pinned to the wall, her own sword stuck in her shoulder. She was conscious and trying to break free, but couldn't muster the strength.

Mercury was lying under some rubble, his prosthetics crushed. Emerald and Jaune were both out, lying close to each other, having been knocked aside by the same swipe, Jaune jumping to cover Emerald with his shield after they had turned on Cinder. It hadn't been enough.

Oscar, Qrow, Maria, Ironwood and Winter were in another room entirely holding back Tyrian, Watts, and Hazel, albeit barely.

It was just them and Cinder.

And Cinder was more than enough.

Ruby was barely holding on as it was, only able to stay on the defensive, blocking each wild strike from Cinder with the shaft of Crescent Rose, or only able to dodge at the last second with a burst of her Semblance. She had thought of using her Silver Eyes to weaken Cinder, but she couldn't concentrate enough while being attacked.

Cinder laughed as she struck, and this time Crescent Rose split apart as Cinder's fiery blade crashed through the shaft, knocking Ruby backwards onto the ground. As she struggled to sit up, arms reaching out for a rock - or something, anything - her eyes looked behind Cinder and noticed Jaune, now conscious. He was shaking Emerald awake, pointing to Cinder and muttering something. Emerald nodded. Slowly, quietly, Jaune rose and picked his sword up off the ground, taking care not to scrape the blade against anything. Emerald reached her hand out to Cinder, her Aura flaring briefly as she activated her Semblance.

Knowing she had to help keep Cinder distracted, Ruby spoke up. "You'll never get away with this, Cinder! Ozpin and Uncle Qrow will finish off your friends in the other room soon enough, and then they'll kill you!"

Cinder laughed as Jaune inched forward, stepping lightly as he kept his sword ready.

"And what do you think they can do against me? I killed Ozpin at the height of his power- in his new body, killing him again will be as easy as killing you and your friends was!"

With that, she stabbed down, blade aimed at Ruby's heart.

Suddenly, a red blade struck out from a portal, with a woman behind it- Raven Branwen came through, deflecting Cinder's sword and knocking it out of her hands.


Jaune took advantage of the opportunity and didn't let Cinder finish her sentence. Now within five feet, he rushed forward and grabbed her hair with his left hand, pulling her back and off balance as he thrust his sword through her back, the horizontal blade severing her spine before bursting through her chest. "That was for Pyrrha!" He roared.

Cinder only offered a choking gurgle in reply as her Aura flared, a bright orange glow bursting from the open wound before racing back and slamming into Emerald, causing her to scream as the Maiden's power imprinted itself on her.

With a wrathful cry, Jaune tore his blade back from Cinder's body before throwing it on the ground, collapsing and beginning to cry from the shock of what he'd done.

Ruby started to reach for him, but stopped and looked to Raven. She simply nodded toward Jaune. "We'll talk later."

Ruby nodded back and went over to Jaune, embracing him and trying to calm him down. It didn't quite work, and she soon began to cry as well.

Ruby's eyes slowly opened. She could tell that the dream had caused her to cry in real life, rubbing her eyes dry and looking around. For a moment, she expected to find Jaune lying next to her, but remembered that he had opted to sleep on the couch, to Taiyang's approval.

She sighed and got up, checking the clock - 3am - and left the room, mentally preparing for another sleepless night. She was, oddly, not surprised to already find Jaune in the kitchen, nursing a cup of tea with another ready before an empty seat.

"Is your Semblance precognition now?" Ruby joked as she sat down, accepting the cup with a thanks.

Wordlessly, their hands joined on the table, the simple act fast becoming a comforting routine between them.

"No, nothing like that. I just had a feeling."

They sat there for a while, saying nothing as they drank. Eventually, Jaune spoke up.



"Why'd you wait ten years to talk to me?"

She said nothing.

"I mean, I can understand that you were mad about Qrow, and busy with the kids and your work, but… I can't imagine you were just waiting for Oscar to have a job opening for me."

Ruby breathed as she considered his words, considered her answer, and ultimately settled on telling the whole, unaltered truth. After all, that was what they'd promised each other when they realized their feelings together, that night before the assault on Salem's tower.

"For a while, it was just anger that kept me from contacting you. Anger about Qrow, about you leaving with no trace, about me being pregnant without any preparation… that faded, but it was slow. I guess it first started when the kids were actually born, and I looked at them for the first time. Knowing that you had helped with making two of the most beautiful things I've ever seen - that's when I started to calm down about it all. But it was still slow going. Even with my dad and everyone helping out, being a single mother isn't easy, especially when the mother in question is a full time member of the military. It took a long time to reach a level of… normalcy about the whole situation. Maybe four years. And when I reached that equilibrium…"

"You didn't want to stir things up again by bringing me back?"

Ruby nodded. "I'm ashamed to say it. But yes, I was scared of- rocking the boat, so to speak. I didn't want to risk the peace I'd worked so hard to earn for myself."

"So what changed?"

"Well, like I told you when I found you, I missed you. Even when I was mad, I missed you, and that just got stronger as the years went by. But I was too scared to just… up and find you unannounced. It wasn't until Oscar brought up the position that I thought I had a good enough excuse to go looking for you, not as a friend or lover-"

"But as a colleague?"

She squeezed his hand. "Yes. And looking back at how easily you're coming back into my life, back into Beacon, maybe my fears were unfounded, but-"

Jaune shook his head. "You don't have to apologize for being afraid, Ruby. It's understandable that you'd be… Apprehensive, about me coming back. But I'm glad that I came back. Especially since it brought me back to you."

They continued to sit in silence, simply enjoying each other's presence as they drank. Eventually, they finished and prepared to go back to their rooms, to try and get some small bit of sleep once more.

Ruby paused as once more, Jaune grabbed her arm and held her back.

"Yes, Jaune?" she asked.

He let go as she turned to face him. "I… as soon as I decided to come back, when I knew you still loved me, I knew I would have to do it right. All of it. Not just coming back to Vale, but coming back into your life, I wanted to-"

He stopped, searching for the words. Finally realizing he had nothing more to say, he got off his chair and got on his knees. Reaching into a pocket, he pulled out a small box.

Ruby's eyes widened and she took a step back in shock, but Jaune pressed forward undeterred. "I talked to Taiyang about this earlier. Like I said, I wanted to do it right, and I wasn't sure about when, but… no better time than the present."

He opened the box to reveal a small golden ring, with a large ruby surrounded by small diamonds inset in the center.

"Ruby Rose, will- will you marry me?"

No sooner had the words left his mouth that Ruby tackled him, pressing her lips against his in an obvious answer.

"Yes," she whispered as their lips parted, "Yes, I will."

The End

Author's Note

Well, that's the end of An Arc's Promise. Hope you all enjoyed. There's a lot of room for this "Ten Years Later" idea to grow, but I want to get back to Sins of the Forefathers.

There were a lot of things I wanted to expound on in this chapter that didn't quite make it in due to it breaking the pacing.

A basic list of things:
-Taiyang came through a portal along with Raven and helped Qrow fight Hazel and co. in the other battle.
-Taiyang is paralyzed from the waist down. It's not a Mercury situation with him.
-Yang losing her leg is why she died in the final battle. She wasn't fully adapted to a prosthetic leg.
-At some point, Raven died, which is why Yang had the Maiden's Power.
-Emerald is still the Fall Maiden.
-Neo was the Summer Maiden. Yang was Spring. Obviously, Weiss was Winter.
-Are Emerald and Oscar in a relationship? I dunno, maybe. The kids ship it.
-Emerald and Mercury betrayed Cinder because Mercury helped Emerald see that Cinder didn't really care for her.

Review Responses (from newest to oldest):
(Chapter 2 Reviews)
Hey, thanks!
PineapplesanPizza and MidKnightMoonglow99: Thanks for bringing this to my attention, it actually wasn't my intent for the chapter to be spaced like that. Twas a computer error resulting from transferring the chapter over onto the site.
Dragon lord Syed 101: Hey thanks, glad you enjoyed.
Guest who hates the fic: Don't you have better things to do than read things you dislike?
Guest commenting on the kid's age: Yeah, I'm not great at writing kids. I'll get better as I keep writing though.
343: Honestly, someone should. Dunno where they'd take things though.

(Chapter 1 Reviews)
aSinglePancake: I didn't really see it as guilt tripping. She explicitly said she wasn't mad at him for leaving. She had her own reasons for not looking for him.
Engineer1869: Wish granted.
Mr. What If: Wish partially granted. I guess.
343: The fast pace was a result of the fact that the whole thing was pretty unplanned and a spur of the moment thing. Hope you enjoyed this follow-up.
The Guest that told me the fic was trash: Yeah whatever
Thunderwolf7226: Thanks. Glad you enjoyed.
Guest who thought Jaune was gonna catch hell: Kinda I guess. A full-blown fic could probably run through that line of conflict.
death'sgodson1224-DGS and Mr ChubbySnorlax619: Glad you enjoyed. Hope you liked this little finale.
JamesAsmodeus: There's no really good explanation for that, but I hope Ruby's sufficed well enough. Again, that was a natural consequence of the lack of planning on my part. Parental/Child conflict between Jaune and his kids could definitely be a story arc for a full length fic.
carpenter656: Well, here's more. Hope you enjoyed.
Dragon lord Syed 101: Seems to be a common suggestion, lol. Thanks for reviewing.
Dumbass0: Hey, welcome back to another one of my fics. Hope you enjoyed this one too.
Guest who's into Lancaster: Hey same. Though I do also enjoy Arkos and the occasional Jaune crack-pairing. My faves in that regard would have to be Jaune x Emerald and Jaune x Neo.