Ismeta woke up and looked at Roman. He still had his eyes closed. She moved her hand up to touch his hair, and a smile spread on his lips. He was clearly awake and enjoyed her light touch.
"I'm sorry," she said.
"Don't be. It feels good," he said.
"The sun is up," she said. "I wonder what time it is."
She turned around and bolted out of bed with a little scream. Her outburst was so extreme that all three men immediately sat up to look at her. Their attention went to the fourth man in room. Up against the door stood Bray with a hunting knife in his hand.
"Ismeta, you've been a very bad girl," he said.
"How did you find us?" She asked.
"Harper followed you when you left. Once you got settled here, he drove back home and woke me up," he answered. "Sister Abigail is very disappointed in you."
"She's not real," she said.
"She is!" He growled. "She speaks to me. You know this. She chose you to be one of her angels, and this is how you repay her? This is how you repay me after everything I've done for you?"
"What is it you think that you've done?" She asked.
"I took you in. I raised you when your father failed. I loved you when no one else would," he said.
"You loved me?" She sneered. "You don't fucking know love! All you know is power and you're obsessed with it."
"Enough!" He held up his hand. "Time for you to come home."
She looked at the three men that wisely chose to keep quiet. They didn't know Bray like she did. They were watching the situation, trying to figure out what to do. She knew she could never go back with Bray. She had finally made it out of that place. No way she was going back.
"Or what?" She asked.
"Sister Abigail has told me you either come back or you'll never go anywhere again," he answered.
"You're gonna kill me? With that knife?" She asked.
He grinned at her as he held up the hunting knife.
"Ismeta," Roman tried.
"Shut up!" She growled
She walked over to Bray and stopped right in front of him.
"I lived and breathed and killed for you!" She yelled.
"Killed?" Dean asked nervously.
"Deers," she clarified. "With that fucking knife!"
She pointed at the hunting knife in Bray's hand.
"But it was all to train me, wasn't it? You were training me for something bigger, weren't you? So tell me, Bray! Fucking tell me which one of these three I was supposed to kill!" She shouted.
She pointed both hands backwards at the beds. She didn't turn around to face the three men as she put the truth out there. She knew better than to take her eyes off Bray.
"What the fuck?" Seth mumbled.
"Tell me!" She shouted even louder.
"The big one," Bray said.
"Roman? Why?" She asked.
"He's like a soft teddybear. He wouldn't dare hurt a girl even if his life depended on it," Bray answered.
"This is so messed up," Roman said.
"Would I have gotten the Brock guy? I would have beaten the shit out of him," Dean said.
She held up her hand and Dean stopped talking.
"I'm not coming back with you," she said. "Not now, not ever."
"If you say so," Bray lifted the knife.
"You're not gonna hurt me, Bray. You're gonna walk out of this room and drive away," she said.
"Is that so?" He chuckled.
"You're in a room with three men. That knife will only go as far as my heart before they jump you. You don't stand a chance," she said.
She grabbed Bray's wrist and placed the knife on her chest. She could hear Roman gasp in horror but she couldn't focus on him right now.
"Go ahead. Do it. Kill me. You know just as well as I do that you won't make it out of here alive either. Who's gonna take care of your family, Bray? Who's gonna take care of your angels if you're gone?" She asked.
"What are you suggesting?" He asked.
"Walk out of here and go back. Don't ever think about me again. If you leave now, I'll let you live in peace with your family," she said.
"How do I know you're telling the truth?" He asked.
"You just have to trust me," she answered. "I may never have cared much about you but you know I love Harper. I couldn't do that to him. It's his family too."
He stood still and stared at her for three long seconds. She could hear all three men sigh in relief when Bray lowered his hand with the knife.
"Alright," Bray said.
"One last question," she pleaded. "Who killed my father?"
"It was Mandy's turn to take a step up the rank," he answered.
"I thought so. She was there from day one, rubbing herself all over him to make him fall for her charm," she said.
"I never wanted your father. Harper brought you in because he wanted you. He wanted a daughter," he sighed. "It's a sad day. His own daughter leaving him and breaking his heart."
"I'm not sorry," she said.
"I know you aren't," he tipped his fedora hat. "I trust you, Ismeta. I trust you keep your end of the deal."
He opened the door, walked out and closed it behind him. She fell down to the floor, breaking down and crying. Roman was there fast, wrapping his arms around her to comfort her. Seth flew to the window and looked out.
"They're leaving," he said. "They're actually fucking leaving."
"Thank you. You saved our lives," Roman said.
"I can't... I don't know... I won't..." She couldn't form a sentence.
"You did so good, Ismeta. So fucking good," Roman comforted her.
Dean crouched down next to them and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Hey," he gently shook her. "You're not actually gonna honor that deal, are you?"
"Fuck, no! I don't know where to go to find police but I'm sure you can help me," she said.
"Let's hope they bring in the biggest swat team ever to take down that cult," Dean said.
"And let's hope Bray doesn't serve any kool-aid," Seth said.
"Kool-aid?" She asked.
"You've been out of the world for a long time. That's a story for another time," Roman said. "For now, let's get the fuck out of here before he decides to come back and finish the job."
They were on the road only ten minutes later. She was in the back seat with Roman again. He held on to her hand. She had stopped crying back in the hotel room but he knew everything was being torn apart inside her. He was sure she hadn't been lying when she said she loved Harper. She had found some sort of light in the darkness that Bray had brought into her life. It was hurting her to turn her back on Harper but she knew it was the right thing to do.
"Ismeta? Listen, baby girl, I'm gonna help you. I know everything will be scary but we're gonna get you through this," Roman said.
"Where will I go?" She asked.
"For starters, home with me," Roman answered.
"What will I do? Can I get a job somewhere planting carrots and beets like I used to do?" She asked.
"You could write a book," Dean suggested.
"A book?" She asked.
"About the cult. Those books are always very popular and will bring in some money," Dean said.
"But first the police to report that shit show out there," Seth said.
"Welcome to Nattie By Nature. I am your host Natalya Neidhart," Natalya looked in the camera. "My guest today is cult survivor and bestseller author of the book The Sacred Angels. Please, give a warm welcome to Ismeta Davis."
"Hello," Ismeta said.
She waved at the camera and then placed her hands in her lap. She wore black and grey zebra striped jeans, a bubblegum pink blouse and grey monk strap ankle boots. Her hair was back to her natural color and the front of it was pulled back with a hairclip.
"So your book took everyone by storm. It's raw, it's heartbreaking, and it's all real," Natalya said.
"Just be happy that you didn't have to live it," Ismeta said with a smile.
"I am," Natalya chuckled. "I understand you have some good news. The book is being turned into a tv show, right?"
"Yes, we've signed for 24 episodes so you're in for a long run. No important detail will be left out," Ismeta said.
"Any names you can reveal on the project yet?" Natalya asked.
"Jason Momoa is interested in playing Roman Reigns," Ismeta answered.
"Roman Reigns? One of the men that saved you?" Natalya asked.
"Helped me out," Ismeta corrected. "He usually says I saved him that night."
She looked over at Roman that stood in the background behind the camera crew with a smile on his face. He stayed true to his word a year ago. He never left her. Instead they ended up falling in love.
"That's right, you two are dating," Natalya said.
"That leaves me to some other good news that I wanna share with the world," Ismeta held up her hand and showed a silver ring with a small star shaped diamond. "He asked me to marry him yesterday."