, been a loooonng time, ne folks?

yam: it's pathetic excuse time....

no, no excuses. ^.^ *beams * i just couldn't write this..this...disgusting glob of gooey fluff and icky sugary sweetness......that stuff totally isn't really my style lately; all i've ever seem to come up with anymore is lots of .....angst, angst, and more depressing, heart wrenching, someone's life just got torn apart angst! you know, the good stuff! i'm in an odd actually did something't know i could do that lol!

yam: -.- your stupidity is astounding

shut up

yam: make me

with pleasure *chases off after yam *

yug: HEY! WHAT ABOUT THE READERS AND THE STORY? *suddenly notices said readers * *gulps and waves shyly * h-hi guess i'm doing the author's notes.... so...

yug: this is the last happy chapter of this happy little story! ^.^ and a huge thank you to all you dear, wonderful, sweet reviewers! musoka 14, bazzie-boo (cloud 1-3-5), isis 54, lovely nori, hime no ichigo, agentpudge, dark fairy7, amethyst bubble, ryu arashi, yami's girlfriend, serena yugi yami, soul dreamer, sabby, kazuki landen, lady ithiliell aka luna malfoy, goddess chloe, and i luv kai

yug: *huggles them all * thank you so much for reading- and reviewing! especailly if you did it more than once! oni loves all of your lovely reviews- and so do i! ^.^

yug: and more than one reviewer has pointed out it should be tanz mit mir, not mich, but oni knows this; she's already addressed it; she's just too lazy to change it -.-

yug: and....anyway, i hope you all enjoy this last chapter! happy readings! ^.^

...must you sound so bloody cheerful? -.-

yug: ...oh, shut up, oni! for once, you-or yami- won't ruin this happy fluff! ^.^


"Yugi, shh, it's alright. It's over; we got away. Please, Yugi, shh." Yami had both his arms wrapped around Yugi's small, shaking body as the little angel sobbed into his chest, his face buried against him.

Yugi cried hard, his heart pounding in his chest. He'd never been in trouble before, and the angry principal looming over them had frightened him nearly half to death. But he was calming down slowly under Yami's gentle administrations. The older boy held him close, rocking him, running a hand through his fluffy, spiked hair, whispering sweet, reassuring words in his ear, and placing little, soothing kisses on his soft forehead.

Yugi sniffled and Yami groped around the car, searching for a small packet of tissues, but he didn't have any. "I-I'm sorry, Yami." Yugi kept his petite body pressed against lean one; his voice was muffled by Yami's shirt.

"No, Yugi. It's my fault; I shouldn't have lost control like that." Yami gripped each of Yugi's thin shoulders and eased him back a bit, then titled his head up with one finger and gazed into his big violet eyes. Yugi's soul shattering purple orbs were puffy from crying, and he had tear tracks staining his porcelain cheeks.

They gazed into each other's eyes, crimson and purple meeting and staring past each other, trying to look into the other's soul. Yugi gulped and licked his lips, going light headed. Yami's ruby eyes darkened with desire as he watched Yugi's little pink tongue dart across those soft, silky rose petal lips.

He was loosing control again. He couldn't help himself when he was around Yugi; it was so easy to get lost in his sweetness. His thumb started to brush Yugi's soft cheek of its own accord, and the violet eyes sank shut as the angel leaned into the caress.

Yami started to lean down, and Yugi automatically sat up a bit more. Their lips touched softly, pressing firmly against one another. Yami's arms tightly encircled Yugi's slender waist and he shifted their bodies so that they could be even closer. He turned them forwards instead of sideways, bringing Yugi's back to rest against the steering wheel.

Yugi shuddered once, a tingling sensation sweeping through his body. His second kiss in one night! He was lightheaded with ecstasy; he couldn't think, couldn't do anything except feel Yami's warm hands, his hot mouth. Nothing existed except for Yami and his touch.

Yami lost himself in Yugi. All he knew was the soft, heaven sent bundle he held in his arms. The faint floral scent of Yugi's perfume only intoxicated him further, and, blood rushing through his veins, Yami crushed Yugi's soft lips under his own.

He was leaning Yugi backwards to deepen the kiss when the sudden, loud honk of a car horn made them both jump. Yami's ruby eyes flew open and he jerked up, fully alert and glancing around. Yugi screamed and clung to Yami, his violet eyes wide with fear, his small, shaking hands fisted in Yami's shirt, which was still damp in spots from his previous tears.

After scanning the night darkened parking lot intensely, Yami breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed, flopping back against the back of his seat and pulling Yugi with him. But if no one had caught them, then that meant.....

Yami's sudden peal of laughter made Yugi scream and jump again. The little one buried himself against Yami as the older boy laughed. " was...was us..." Yami gasped out between laughs.

Yugi was frozen for a few minutes, turning what Yami said over in his mind, then he giggled a little, nervous. When he and Yami had been ..making out.... Yami had turned him, and he in turn had honked the horn! Face flushing scarlet, Yugi giggled self consciously.

He looked up at Yami, who was still shaking with laughter, when a flash of movement under the outside light caught his eye. "Y-Yami! Mrs. F-Filch is c- coming!" He squealed in panic, eyes widening in terror. They were going to be caught!

"Oh, ****." Yami swore. "We'd better get out of here...." He pushed Yugi a little and the small one scrambled from Yami's lap into the passenger seat. Yami didn't take the time to buckle his seat belt; he quickly turned the key, starting the car, put the gear shift into reverse, turning the wheel as he backed out, shifted to first, then peeled out so fast he left tire marks and his tires made an angry, loud screech.

Yugi was jostled along, nearly hitting his head off of the dashboard as the pulled out, before he managed to get his seat belt on. He buckled it in and wrapped his hands around it, his knuckles going white. "Y-yami...t-too fast." He had his eyes screwed shut, sure that they were going to wreck.

Yami eased his foot off of the gas pedal and slowed down, now doing the speed limit since they were far enough away from the school. "I'm sorry, Yugi. You okay?"

Yugi whimpered a bit and nodded, then they fell into silence. " what should we do?" Yugi chewed his lip nervously, noting that, in all of the kissing he and Yami had done, his lip gloss had come off. In the flickering light of passing cars, he saw Yami's lips sparkling from Yugi's gloss.

Yugi giggled and Yami gave him a sideways look. "My lip gloss came off on you."

Yami smiled a bit, his tongue flicking out to lick it off his lips. " you don't naturally taste like strawberry then?"

Yugi's blush deepened and he hid his giggle behind his dainty hands. "N- no."

"Ah. I bet you taste like cherry." Yami's eyes gleamed at Yugi, and he felt his pulse quickening and his breath shortening.

Panting once more, Yugi licked his lips, but it wasn't because he was nervous this time. "W-want to find out?"

Yami gasped in surprise at the open invitation as he got dizzy from desire, but before he could reply, there was a ringing tone from Yugi's purse. Yugi sighed, opened the light blue hand bag that matched his dress, and pulled out his cell phone. "Hello? Grandpa? Do I have to? Just a little longer, please? B-but....oh, alright...."

Yugi looked thoroughly disappointed as he hung up. "Grandpa wants me home now; it's already 11 pm, an hour past my curfew. I'm sorry, Yami." The little one's head was lowered and he stared angrily down at his sandals.

Yami reached over, driving with one hand, and squeezed one of Yugi's dainty hands with his own. "It's alright, Yugi. We always have next weekend to go out."

Yugi gasped and his head snapped up. He smiled widely at Yami. "Y-you really mean it?" Yami nodded and Yugi squealed in delight, latching both his arms around Yami's free one and nuzzled his shoulder. Yami chuckled and kissed the top of his head before turning back to the road.

All too soon they pulled up in front of Yugi's house. They would have stolen a few more kisses, but Yugi's grandpa was outside, in his house coat, with the porch light on, waiting and watching them. So all Yami got was a sweet smile from Yugi and a quick good bye.

Yugi opened the door and was half way out when he froze. "Oh my gosh! We forgot about Anzu! She doesn't have a ride home!" He looked horrified.

Yami chuckled. "She has a cell phone; she can find her own way home." He said off handedly, not worried about her at all.

Yugi smiled a bit, still not thoroughly convinced, but his grandfather waved him on. "I gotta go....I had a really wonderful time; thank you, Yami." Yugi walked up the sidewalk to the house, but turned when he heard Yami start his car up again. He smiled sweetly and Yami and blew him a kiss before following his grandpa into the house.


A half hour later Yugi was in his pjs, on his bed, with Harry Potter and the Order Of the Phoenix open before him. He was re-reading the book for the seventh time, and giggling hysterically as he did so. He was on chapter twenty-five, when Harry was out with Cho on a date. But he wasn't reading or thinking of wizards, broomsticks, or Quidditch.

He was imagining him and Yami in a corner at Madam Puddifoot's tea shop. It was Valentine's Day, just like in the book, and he and Yami were sitting at a small table for two, sharing a cup of cocoa with whipped cream, their hands entwined on the table and making goo-goo eyes at each other.

He giggled and blushed again when his grandpa's sleepy voice interrupted him. "Yugi! Lights out; it's past your bed time."

"Alright, Grandpa." Yugi said, then stuck his tongue out at the closed door. He turned his light off, grabbed a flashlight, pulled a blanket over his head, and went back to reading and daydreaming about him and Yami and their perfect date.

Well, their real date hadn't been perfect, but it had been close enough. Besides, not even the best of plans turned out perfect. What mattered was that he'd been with Yami. And that had made it perfect. Yugi blushed a little and muffled his giggle with his pillow. He fell asleep dreaming about his first kiss from his first boyfriend.



yay! 'tis finished! done! finito! the end! the end! the end! 'tis over! yay! *grabs yam and yug and spins around in circles until they all fall over, dizzy *

wow, i'm so beyond proud of myself! i finally finished a story!

yam: -.- *dryly * oh, joy, oh rapture. forgive me for not leaping for joy. bad back, you know.

*glares * smart ass

yam: *sticks his tongue out *

eh...anyway....plz review if you liked this sickeningly sweet, icky gob of fluff and sap!