the title is german for Dance With Me.

i have no clue why i decided to use a foreign language. Guess i'm taking a leaf out of katya's book! *giggles *

ne wayz, onto da fic!

yam: -_- disclaimer, warnings, and summary, baka.

yam: SUMMARY: it's the sadie hawkins dance at school, where girlz ask da guyz, and yugi and anzu both like me and want to ask me. this is going to be a very special, romantic night for a certain someone and me. ^_~ shounen-ai! sweet, romantic fluff!

yam: WARNINGS: shounen-ai. boi x boi. mushiness and fluffiness, some minor angst.

yam: DISCLAIMER: stands for entire fic. oni doesn't own. thank God.

hey! i heard that, yam!

yam: ^_______^


yug: check it out here! this is the site for it! or go see chibizoo's bio!

yug: and for those of you in an educational mood, go learn more about the sadie hawkins dance here:

now, fineally, for da ficcie!



(Dance With Me)

Yugi walked down the hallway, sticking along the wall to avoid the milling students. He chewed his soft, full lower lip nervously and his huge violet eyes were transfixed on the note in his shaking, tiny palm. He felt his breath catch in his throat and his breath started to cut off.

Yugi paused, leaning against the cold, pale tile of the wall, closed his eyes, and took several deep breaths to calm himself down. 'I can do this.' He reassured himself, trying desperately to fight off his fear.

The little one was terrified of what Yami's reaction might be, terrified that he'd have his heart and dreams shattered. He loved Yami with all of his heart, and he hoped the older boy returned his feelings. This was his chance; he and Yami had never gotten to go to a dance together before. The only dances the school had held so far, the Semi-formal and homecoming, were for juniors and seniors only. As a sophomore, Yugi had watched as Yami had gone to those dances with other people of his grade level.

But the Sadie Hawkins Dance was a very special dance. It was open to all students; freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. And instead of the guys asking the girls, the girls asked the guys. That was what made Yugi so excited; Yami wouldn't be asking anybody, so it gave Yugi a chance to be brave, and this would be the first dance he and Yami could attend together!

Yugi sighed dreamily, picturing himself held in Yami's steady, sure arms as they floated across the dance floor, gazing into each other's eyes deeply. The little one was slipping further and further into his day dream, his tight, nervous grip on the note he'd lovingly written slackening slightly. It all depended on Yami........

"Yugi!!! Hey, Yugi, guess what??!!" Anzu Mizaki, one of Yugi's friends and a cheerleader on the Varsity squad, came rushing up, her blue eyes alive with happiness and pure joy. She was bursting with sheer pleasure, as if all of her fondest dreams and wishes had come true.

Yugi smiled, glad to see his friend happy. "Hi, Anzu. What?" His voice was cheerful, and his dark violet eyes showed just a hint of his unease, which he put aside, concentrating on his friend, as he always did.

Anzu came running up and threw her arms about Yugi's petite body, whirling him around in the hall until he became dizzy. "Oh, Yugi, it's so wonderful! I didn't believe he'd say yes, but he did!! I think he may really like me!"

"T-that's wonderful, Anzu." Yugi smiled, despite his dizziness, up at both her heads in his whirling vision. "So, who's the lucky guy?"

"Yami!" Anzu squealed, hugging Yugi tightly.

Yugi's eyes widened, and he gasped, staring up at her with horrified eyes. "Y-yami?" "Yeah!" Anzu smiled again, her face going dreamy.

"That's....that's....congratulations, Anzu." Yugi gulped again, trying to hold back his tears.

"Oh, Yugi, it's going to be the best night of my life! Me, going to the dance with Yami! I never thought he'd say yes! I still can't believe it! You need to get a date, too, Yugi; don't be so shy, and ask someone! Just think of all the fun we'd have, going shopping for outfits for the dance together, helping each other get ready; it'd be so awesome!"

"Y-yeah...." Yugi trailed off, feeling his heart crumble inside. So much for him going to the dance. Yami was the one person whom had even the slightest possible romantic interest in him, was the first one to ever befriend him, and now......Yugi had lost him. He wanted to hang his head, curl into a ball, and cry. But he couldn't; he didn't want Anzu to know. He didn't want to spoil her happiness; she didn't know he liked Yami. If she did, he knew she wouldn't have asked Yami to the dance.

"Yugi? Are you alright?" Some of the light in Anzu's eyes faded when she saw how distressed her friend was.

"Y-yeah! I'm f-fine! Just...just nervous about a test next period!" Yugi gulped, his heart beating. He wasn't very good at lying, but she seemed to buy it.

".....Alright, Yugi, if you're sure. But, if you need someone to talk to, you know you can always count on me." Anzu told him seriously, looking him in the eye and seeing the intense amount of sorrow in them. She didn't believe his lie one bit. "Yugi....I have to get to class now, but if you want to talk, call me later tonight, k? I get home from dance class around 8."

Yugi nodded numbly, then tears slipped down his cheeks once Anzu was gone. He didn't want her to know how upset he was; then she'd want to know WHY he was upset, and he refused to be selfish. He refused to destroy her happiness. As for him.....perhaps he deserved to be alone and unwanted; maybe it was his fate to be forever unloved, an object of ridicule and pity. Alone, with only half a heart.

Yugi sniffled and tore up the note he'd written, throwing it in the wastebasket. He had no hope of ever being with Yami now. He wouldn't stand in Yami or Anzu's way of happiness. Head down, eyes leaking tears, the small angel turned and made his way to his next class in which there was no test.


Yami sighed, absentmindedly drumming his pen tip against his notebook as the teacher droned on and on in front of the room. He didn't really want to go to the dance with Anzu, even though they were going as just friends, at least as far as he knew.. They had no romantic feelings for each other, well, if Anzu liked him, she'd never said anything about it; they often went to dances just to have someone to go with to avoid going with people they didn't like. But Yami DID like someone; he liked Yugi, and wanted to go with Yugi to the dance. This was the only dance in which he had the chance, but Yugi would have to ask him. The girls were supposed to ask the boys, so all the gay uke's had to ask the seme boys they liked as well.

Yami snorted, angered by the irony of it all. The one dance where he could take Yugi, and he wasn't able to ask the petite, fragile hikari. Oh, the cruelness of the world!

Yami ducked just in time to avoid Joey's spitball as it flew in a graceful arc over his spiky hair to land upon Tristan's neck. He rolled his eyes, and ignored those two. Life really wasn't fair; Yugi should be able to go; he was ten times more mature than those two knuckle heads!!


Yugi lay on his back upon his bed, the curtains on his window shut to block out the night and heat. His soft, white, and slender body was clad in white cotton ankle socks, light weight cotton, loose baby blue short shorts, and a matching blue and white striped spaghetti strap top. He toyed with the blue silk bow on the front of his pj's shorts as he talked to Yami on the phone.

"But....Yami, are you sure?"

"Yugi, please come. I know, I'm not supposed to ask you or anyone else, it being the Sadie Hawkins Dance, but Anzu and I always go to dances as just friends. This is the first time we can actually go to a dance together, and I would really like it if you would come, Yugi. You, me and Anzu. I'm sure she won't mind." Yami pleaded on the other line.

Yugi bit his lip, his heart urging him to say yes, but his mind hesitant. How could he do that to Anzu? Yami obviously had no clue the girl was head over heals in love with him. But so was Yugi. He...he just couldn't resist. "Al..alright, Yami, but....if....if Anzu doesn't want me to come, then I won't. I don't want to intrude on anything."

"You won't, Yugi, I promise. This is going to be one very special night-"

Yugi blushed as he interrupted Yami with a huge yawn. "Sorry, Yami."

Yami chuckled. "It's quite alright, little one. I think I should go now; you need your sleep."

"G'night, 'Ami." Yugi yawned again, snuggling down into the blankets.

"Good night, sweet one." Yami hung up the phone, then Yugi did, and the small one fell asleep with the phone cradled against his chest. &&&&&


this was, originally, supposed to be a one-shot, however, i find that i can't finish it tonight. it's 11 35 pm, early for me, but i just kinda ran outta energy,

and i have my math final on tuesday, and i have to do an english report that was due on thursday, which i skipped class b/c i didn't have it ready, it's already dayz late,a nd i gotta turn it in....actually, gotta write the damn thing!

ne wayz, pls review if you think i should continue this!

next chappie, the dance and all it's complications- and sweet moments!

feedback is alwasy appreciated, and more than welcome! ^____________^

yam: yes, plz help boost her very small ego. or puncture a hole in it! ^_^