Hi! It's been a while.

I'm back again. This time with a femluffy/Law story.

Its a cliche romantic fluff and family fluff with a sprinkle of angst.

Its probably been written before but here's my take. Hope you guys enjoy.

Luffy felt giddy as she shifted from one foot to the other, hopping and clumsily tripping over piled clothes on her bedroom floor.

She felt like her feet barely touched the ground, overjoyed; she began to hum to herself as she bounced around their small rented apartment. She couldn't sit still nor remain in one spot, her heart was beating away, fluttering inside her chest as she bit her lips stopping the grin forming in her face.

She was finally meeting her boyfriend after not seeing each other for ninety days, eleven hours, forty-five minutes and thirty-three seconds. She might have counted a tad too specific but that's beside the point, she was excited.

Her boyfriend had to attend a university far from Wind Mill to reach his dreams of becoming a cardiologist. He always wanted to be a doctor and Luffy had been so supportive of him; wanting nothing more than for him to reach his dream.

It didn't matter that she misses the man so bad every second they spent apart. Their schedules didn't match, which meant less time to communicate with each other through texts and calls. Her boyfriend had a tight schedule with all his advanced classes — he was really smart after all, it was as expected for him to get extra classes — and Luffy, herself, juggled with multiple part-time jobs that were taking up most of her spare time.

Needs must, she supposes.

Beggars can't be choosers. So she'll grab what time she can to spend on checking up on him. He has a tendency to miss his meals and seriously, who does that? Food is good. Luffy loves food as much as he loves him.

After graduating high school together, Luffy was undecided to pursue college while Law immediately got admitted to the top medical school in the neighboring city. Law had been understanding even though he really wanted Luffy to come with him and attend the same school.

And just the thought of Law wanting to spend his college years with her made her heart swell.

Luffy didn't want to force herself into entering college when she was not sure on what to do no matter how good it sound to go with her boyfriend, money didn't come as easy to her and her siblings compared to her boyfriend's businessmen extraordinaire dad and uncle. She didn't want to burden her brothers more, they were already paying everything for her —to the point of being annoying. Their grandfather did send allowances for them monthly but considering their food consumption —which is, oh boy, don't even ask — it was barely enough.

Her boyfriend's dad even offered to pay all of her fees in college but Luffy being Luffy choose to decline, she didn't want to rely on other people. She still wanted to do things herself. She didn't want to burden other people. How would she grow into an independent woman if everything was spoon fed to her?

She wanted to succeed in life with her own will and strength.

She fixed her short black hair — barely reaching her shoulders— or at least tried to as she untangled the knotted mess and huffed in annoyance every time the comb snagged. Her hair hugs her face in the right way which makes her ten times cuter...Well, that's what her brother says.

She didn't care what she looked like. Those things didn't matter to her, it was what's inside the heart that matters.

Though sometimes —rarely—, she would look at herself in the mirror and wonder; how on earth did someone like Trafalgar Law liked her.

She sees a plain, skinny, black haired girl with a scar below her left eye. She wore baggy clothes and loose pants more to the demise of her friend Nami. She skips class to hang out with her friends, dives into street fights and eats like twenty full grown men. Nowhere near the girls that one would like to date, bring to a dance and much less meet their parents.

Law could date any girl that he wanted yet he chose Luffy.

And that thought alone made her feel so warm and loved.

Her phone rang and she almost fell off the chair she was sitting on. That was weird, she was sure she was almost done preparing. She scrunched her nose, was this the thing that Ace and Sabo always picked her on? What was that word...


Yeah. Mooning over Law.

Huh. Love does make you do weird things.

Picking up the trashed combed on the floor, she grabbed her phone and grinned at the message displayed on the screen.

'I'm at Makino's.' - Torao

She bit her lip, that giddy feeling coming back again just because of a single text from him.

Luffy grabbed a pair of blue tattered jeans from her closet and a white loose shirt with a flaming fist design that was splayed on the bed. It may or may not be her brother's shirt but details. She's sure Ace would flip out if he finds out she was wearing his clothes again but her boyfriend was waiting for her and the longer she lags around, the lesser time Law and her could spend together.

She stormed out of the only bedroom in the apartment and put on her flip flops, grabbing her phone on the dresser and her favorite straw hat. She bolted to the door, screaming goodbye to her brother who was lounging in the living room, watching television with his boyfriend; both almost half-naked and thank god Luffy didn't see them making out this time. Sabo was at work, so decency is out of the window apparently.

Before the man could even reply or turn around to see her out, Luffy was already out of the door and away from her brother busting her of wearing his shirts — again.

A slammed door and an "Ace, I'm going out to meet Torao. I'll come home before six, but I won't promise. Shishi, love yah! Better leave food for me!" could be heard from behind the door. No doubt it can be heard throughout the whole neighborhood and beyond.

The couple jumped away from each other as the door slammed shut. Marco shook his head and leaned back on the chair. Ace smiled fondly, shaking his head at his sister's antics and leaned on his boyfriend's shoulders. It is not every day he gets a day off so might as well take advantage and binge watch his favorite series with his beau and with no noisy Luffy around.

He loves her oh so much but he needed privacy. It was hard to do things while his sister was in the other room and might pop out randomly. Her innocence was on the line so he got to be a good big brother and behave.

Luffy ran past the streets, smiling and waving at almost every person she met along the way. When you live in a small town, you'd end up befriending a lot of people. In Luffy's case, everybody.

Older people may call her a menace sometimes but they couldn't deny how she brightens up their town with her sunny attitude, her distinct laughter and her buzzing energy.

Sometimes the mayor scolds her for doing reckless things, disturbing the peace with her rowdiness; everyone knew that's how the mayor shows his fondness and concern for the young lady.

Cheeks flushed from running and smiling at the people she passed by, Luffy finally arrived at Party's a homey and dainty cafe owned Makino. She used to look after Luffy and her brothers when she was younger before their Grandpa had sent Dadan to "take care" of them.

The little bell rang as she opened the door, her heart racing in her chest.

Luffy noticed Makino cleaning and arranging small plates and cups behind the counter. She waved at the dark haired lady and she smiled, her face lighting up yet Luffy can tell that there was something hidden in there, a trace of hesitation.

She paused and looked at her for a moment, Makino was genuinely smiling now. That might be her eyes playing with her. She shrugged it off for the timebeing, she'd get back to Makino later and make sure she's okay. Luffy would punch anyone who makes Makino sad.

Luffy pranced through wooden tables and chairs, aiming for the little open area of the cafe overlooking the waters of East Blue.

Smiling from ear to ear, happiness trembled inside her, almost bursting with the prospect of finally seeing Law after months of being away from each other.

She skipped through the tables, maneuvering like the graceful —HA! Lies — monkey that she was and and reached area where Law was calmly sitting, his long legs crossed and Luffy couldn't help but be swooned again.

Torao looked perfect.

Luffy sighed, weak. So weak for him.

He was wearing his favorite yellow and black jacket and spotted jeans. His fluffy white spotted hat covered his midnight blue hair shadowing half of his face. The whole image screamed, tall, dark, handsome and mysterious.

She was really lucky, wasn't she?

"Torao!" she ran towards the table all smiles on her face and her boyfriend looked up with an annoyed frown. Still the grumpy guy, so it seemed. She already told him to smile more. He looks good smiling.

Stupid Torao.

Used to it, Luffy shrugged. Torao must have had an argument with his uncle again since he was making that grumpy face again. But it doesn't matter, Luffy will turn that frown upside down.

"You're late, Luffy-ya." his silky voice made Luffy shiver.

Did she say she missed the man? Cause that might as well be an understatement.

"Shishishi, sorry! I was helping old Nyon cross the street. And may be talked to one or two people along the way." She settled herself on a chair opposite with Law's, enthusiastically taking the menu laid on the table even though she already memorized the entire thing written there.

"You don't have to order, we won't be staying long," Law said with such indifference, Luffy actually dropped the menu and stared at him. She pouted a bit, that was mean. He must have had a really really bad fight with his uncle then.

"Did something happen with your uncle?" Law shook his head and looked her in the eyes. Gray eyes piercing through her. There was a moment of silence as they stared at each other, the world around them hushed and it was just the two of them.

Law sighed. "I'm breaking up with you, Luffy.-ya."

Luffy blinked. She stared at Law. The first person she felt what romantic love was.

"I ought to tell you months ago but I didn't want to say it in our phone calls. Sorry." He said.

She listened, she could feel her heart fall in to a million tiny fragile pieces.

Huh, those girls talking about heart break weren't exaggerating, were they?

Luffy couldn't blame him. She was... Well... she was Luffy, different from everyone else. Law finally opened his eyes and realized she wasn't worth all the troubles she brought in his life.

"I see." She mumbled softly, something out of character coming from Luffy of all people. A million thoughts swirled inside her head, making it ache. She didn't like thinking, she was more of an act now, think never kind of gal.

She follows her heart in everything she does.

Right now, it was screaming.

She stared at Law and smiled. He looked surprised. Luffy wanted to laugh, really. It should be her acting that way. This came out of nowhere.

She had no idea why.

She wanted to ask yet she doesn't want to hear him say she wasn't enough.

Brown eyes met grey ones and Law avoided her gaze. Luffy smiled softly to herself, why didn't she notice?

This wasn't the Law she spent three years of her life with. The man she fell in love with. She was too focused and ecstatic on meeting him that she didn't notice the way Law looked at her now. There was that blank look he used before, walking around in the hallways of the school not giving a damn about others.

She couldn't rely on her heart right now.

She wanted to fight for their relationship, she wanted to but what for?

Fondness, affection and love was nowhere to be found.

Though she could see a little guilt. He shouldn't feel guilty. Law was being honest. It hurts but that was nice of him. This was all her fault, she didn't give enough.

But how much was enough?

The somber mood on the table cracked when a red-haired woman wearing something that seemed to be worth ten times her apartment pulled the chair on their table. She sat beside Law, placing her dainty hand on his lap casually.

Law's lips quirked up at the girl presence, something Luffy knew was once only for her.

"Oh." Luffy exhaled slowly. She understands now.

"You must be Luffy, I've heard a lot about you. I'm Amber." She extended her frail manicured hand.

Luffy unconsciously took the hand and shook it as if she was meeting a friend. She felt numb. Her brain was sent into overdrive, she basically let her body do as it pleases.

Luffy stared at the two people in front of her.

What happened? What did she ever do wrong for her to experience something like this? Was she evil in her past life?

Did she kill someone to get punished this much? For her heart to hurt so badly.

She thought if the meat had run out of stock in the entire world, she would feel as shitty as this. She shook her head and chuckled softly. Same old Luffy, how could she think of meat when her boyfriend, ex-boyfriend, just broke up with her and introduced another woman.

She was falling apart, she braced herself and tried her hardest not to show it in her face no matter how many times her friends always called her out for being a shitty liar.

It hurt, it hurt so much. But she got to try.

"I hope they're all good things." She said, her voice started to quiver and she bit the inside of her lip.

"Oh, they all are." The woman chuckled. She leaned against Law, laying her head on his shoulder. The urge to punch the woman was at its peak. Yeah she could do that, she could punch her face and Law's face too.

That sounded like a good idea.

But she never wanted to hurt Law.

Never wanted to see him frown because of her.

Turned out it was only her who felt that way huh.

Luffy felt her phone vibrate on her leg. She thanked whoever texted her, she didn't know what to do. She wanted to leave. She doubted if she lied, Law and the woman would believe.

She clenched her fist before she unlocked her phone. "Ah, Ace wants me to go home early, apparently Sabo's returning from his trip." She looked straight at the couple in front of her.

She stood up and shrugged her shoulders. "It was nice seeing you again, Law... You too Amber." She took a deep breath and forced her legs to move away from that table.

Move away from pain.

Cause it hurt.

It hurts.

She wanted to cry.

She couldn't cry now, she wouldn't. At least not in front of them.

She would go out of this cafe just like how she entered, a happy and sunny Monkey D. Luffy, full of vibrancy and warmth.

"Thank you for everything." She finally said and she knew it was heartfelt and she knew Law felt that judging by those wide grey eyes.

She started walking, never looking back.

Makino was calling after her but the ringing in her ears blocked everything. Her head was spinning and she wanted to leave the cafe as soon as possible.

Away from Law, away from that red-haired woman, away from everyone.

She just wanted to be alone.

The moment she stepped out of the place, tears fell on her cheeks. She wiped them with her wrists, she doesn't want to cry but the tears kept falling. She couldn't hold it in anymore. It hurt.

She started running and she didn't even know where she was going.

It didn't matter, anywhere far from this place would be fine.

Makino stood at the entrance of her cafe, her heart reaching out for her precious little Luffy. She had never seen the young woman looked so heartbroken.

She barged her way into the veranda ignoring the growing onlookers. Nosy little bastards, she thought. She hoped they didn't see Luffy breakdown in the front of her cafe, the girl doesn't need the whole town to have a show out of her heartbreak.

She stomped towards Law's table and she saw him flinch while the woman was oblivious to Makino's mood, smiling at her.

Good he better be scared because he had no idea how mad she was right now. How dare he. How dare he break Luffy's heart.

She didn't' deserve any of this.

She wanted to scream at him, throw profanities at the kid. Yet her heart's resolve crumbled at the image of Luffy trying to hold her tears. Smiling through the pain she was experiencing.

"You." she said solemnly, pointing her finger at Law. "Don't you ever return to this place again. I don't want to see you around here."

"I'm sorry-"

"I don't need your apology, Law. Take your friend out of my cafe."

The young man remained quiet.

"Why Law? All she ever did to you was love you wholeheartedly." She sniffed and pointed at the door. "Leave please, before my common sense leaves me and drag you and your fancy little friend out of here."

The man stood up along with the red-haired woman, who looked flabbergasted. Law bowed and walked towards the exit.

"Wait." She added and Law turned around only to feel the impact of Makino's slap on his cheek. It resounded inside her cafe making the other guests gasp.

"That's for breaking her heart, asshole."

God, she felt great, the shock on the red-haired woman's face was priceless. Makino wanted to see Law's face full of bruises. She didn't give a damn if she gets a lawsuit the next morning. That bastard deserves it.

No one hurts Luffy and gets to leave unscathed.

Law glared at her but walked out of the cafe, leaving the astounded audience behind.

Makino looked around. Of course, the customers were all looking like giraffes with their necks extended just to see some drama.

"What are you all looking at? If you're all done eating, pay and leave!"

The woman groaned.


Now the whole damn town would hear about this.

Lots of thanks to D_E_A for being super nice and editing this chapter for me.

I'm looking over my other fic and planning to rewrite everything. Hopefully i'll get to that soon.

Thanks again for reading!

Updates will be coming 3