I do not own One Piece or My Hero Academia that belongs to their respective owners
There will be references from other anime, shows, games, and etc that I also don't own.
Opening to use My Hero Academia opening 7 or Fairy Tail Strike Back
Eri Kidnapped! The Dark Secret of Eri's Blood…
After Izuku/Bullet, Eri, Mirio, Bubble Girl, and Nighteye left the office, Nighteye and Bubble Girl decided to stakeout at one of the Shie Hassaikai while Izuku/Bullet, Eri, and Mirio went on patrol.
As Izuku/Bullet, Eri, and Mirio walked by two girls noticed them...
"Hey, isn't that kid Douglas Bullet?" a girl(1) asked her friend.
"He is! Oh, he's so cute I want to have him!" the other girl(2) said.
"Well, I heard he's married and has a kid." the girl(1) said.
"Oh, I'm so jealous!" Girl(2) said in excitement.
"But did you see that little girl with him?" girl(2) asked.
"Yeah! She's so cute!" girl(1) said.
Meanwhile with Izuku/Bullet…
"Well, Bullet aren't you nervous?" Mirio asked.
"Not, really when you're in the Pirate King's crew almost anything can't compare to the journey I've been through." Izuku/Bullet said.
"I guess, but good thing Sir and Bubble Girl are on a stakeout at the hideout cause Eri would be in trouble if she were with them," Mirio said.
"Yeah, but Eri is a tough girl right?" Izuku/Bullet asked Eri.
"Yeah!" Eri said as she hugged Izuku.
"By the way. We should tell each other our hero names. Mine's Lemillion, because I want to save at least a million people you know?." Mirio said.
"Okay, Lemillion, my name is Douglas Bullet the Demon Heir." Izuku/Bullet said.
"Really, going for your villain name?" Mirio asked.
"It's a pirate name, not a villain name. And I want to give hope to some children who look up to us." Izuku/Bullet said as he messed with Eri's hair.
"You know I like that reason. In a sense, technically you're redeeming yourself." Mirio said.
"I know but it won't change what people think about me whether I'm a hero, a pirate or a gosh darn villain. My goal is and always be. To become the strongest in the world." Izuku/Bullet said.
"Yeah! Papa's the world's strongest!" Eri pouted.
"Yeah, I'm the world's strongest. Now let's finish up patrol." Izuku/Bullet said as Eri ran past him. But then met up with the man that they weren't supposed to meet.
"Ouch! I'm sorry sir," Eri said as she looked up and saw him. The man from her dreams...
"Oops, sorry kid. I hope I didn't hurt you." a man wearing a plague mask and a jacket with purple fur.
"Whoa, well I'll be you're that famous Yakuza known as Overhaul." Izuku/Bullet said with a false bravado smile.
"Damnit! We weren't supposed to meet! If I die, with my final breath I cursed Nighteye." Izuku/Bullet thought.
"Papa!" Eri said as she ran up to Izuku/Bullet and hugged him.
"Sorry, sir. But she doesn't take strangers well." Mirio apologized to Overhaul.
"It's okay, I guess with a reputation like mine would scare little kids. Names, Chisaki Kai I would shake your hand but I don't know where you've been." Overhaul said.
"Well, I guess that's fair. C'mon Bullet, we need to finish patrol so we can get Eri some apple slices." Mirio said.
"Right. C'mon Eri, let's go." Izuku/Bullet said.
"So far so good." Izuku/Bullet thought.
"Wait a minute isn't that girl…" Overhaul thought.
"Wait, you're Douglas Bullet aren't you?" Overhaul asked Izuku/Bullet.
"No, I'm Jabba the Hutt." Izuku/Bullet said sarcastically.
"Well, "Jabba" if you see or even meet up with Douglas Bullet," Overhaul said as he pulled out a card with Overhaul's number.
"Tell him that if hero work isn't for him then he should join up with the Shie Hassikai." Overhaul said politely.
"Right, I'll tell him that." Izuku/Bullet said as he and Eri tried to walk away.
"Oh, I almost forgot to ask you about something." Overhaul said.
"Well, what is it?" Mirio asked.
"It seems I lost my boss's granddaughter and he would be furious if he found out I lost her. He'll tear me apart limb from limb." Overhaul said.
"Sure, we'll help you find her," Mirio said.
"Thanks, hero, follow me I prefer to have some form of privacy." Overhaul said as he walked into the alley he came from.
But the events that would transpire will affect another location…
Meanwhile with Nighteye…
"They may be weaker than they used to be but they know how to choose one hell of a hideout. High walls and not too many windows. Hey, a call." Bubble Girl said as she then took out her phone.
"After a week and a half of surveillance, I feel that there's a few comings and goings lately," Nighteye said.
"What? Sir… It's Lemillion...He encountered Overhaul…" Bubble Girl said with a frightened tone.
"Really? Tell him to wait where he is at and-" Nighteye said but was interrupted by Bubble Girl.
"No sir, you don't understand! Eri has been kidnapped and Bullet…" Bubble girl said.
As Nighteye's eyes widened in shock.
"...He's dead…" Bubble Girl said as the lightning strikes.
Meanwhile with Overhaul…
"LET ME GO! MY PAPA WILL KICK YOUR BUTT!" Eri yelled as she struggled.
"Boss who's that kid?" A no-name guy asked.
"She's our game changer." Overhaul said as he brought Eri to a room.
Several Minutes ago with Izuku/Bullet…
"So, what does the missing granddaughter look like?" Izuku/Bullet asked.
"Actually she looks exactly like Eri here, even sharing the same name." Overhaul said.
"Wow, what a coincidence. If I didn't know any better then they must have the same quirk." Mirio said as he laughed.
"Actually, they do. In fact, Eri went missing 5 to 6 years ago." Overhaul said as he took off the right glove.
"Is that so…" Izuku/Bullet said as he prepared to fight or defend.
"Yes, so I'm taking her BACK!" Overhaul said as he grabbed Eri with his left arm.
"PAPA!" Eri screamed.
Izuku/Bullet prepared to slug Overhaul in the face.
"Die." Overhaul and Izuku/Bullet said at the same time.
Izuku/Bullet punched Overhaul in the face. But Overhaul only touched Izuku/Bullet a little.
Then Izuku/Bullet's upper body exploded into a bloody mess leaving his legs remaining.
"BULLET!/ PAPA!" Mirio and Eri screamed in horror.
As Mirio ran and tried to save Eri.
"I wouldn't if I were you. One-step and I'll splatter her just like Bullet here." Overhaul said as he walked back as he knocked out the girl with chloroform.
"Damnit, Eri is being kidnaped right in front of me I can't do anything!" Mirio thought.
"That's it, heroes feel despair but this is only the beginning and the end of heroes…" Overhaul said as he vanished into the darkness.
Then Mirio went on his knees and screamed.
Minutes later after Mirio made the call…
The Nighteye Agency is currently at the police station...
"..." everyone was silent due to the events that transpired.
Sir, this is my fault I could've saved Eri but when Bullet died. I froze. I'm so sorry sir." Mirio said as he cried.
"Mirio it's okay this was my fault I should've checked Eri's future," Nighteye said.
"I can't believe a person as strong as Bullet was killed too easily there must be more to this." Nighteye thought.
"What am I supposed to tell Uraraka?" Mirio said.
"I'll explain it to them hopefully our future won't end here," Nighteye said.
"Umm… that's a joke right?" Bubble Girl asked.
"I wish it was a joke but we have time to explain it to them and hope for a peaceful solution," Nighteye said.
Just then the Midoriya parents and Ochako burst through the doors!
"WHERE'S DEKU!?/OUR SON!?/BIG BWOTHER!?" Ochako, Midoriya's parents, and Izumi yelled.
" things get any worse?" Nighteye thought.
Just then a police officer just came into the room with the autopsy.
"Sir Nighteye the autopsy of Izuku Midoriya or "Douglas Bullet", revealed that his fate is similar to that of a League of Villains member. Poor kid, I hate to be his parents, huh." The officer said.
Then Bubble Girl facepalm.
"WHAT!? WHO KILLED HIM! TELL ME OR ELSE I'LL BURY YOU INTO A EARLY GRAVE!" Hisashi/Gaban said as he held the cop by the collar.
"Stop it Scopper Gaban, hurting him won't bring him back," Nighteye said calmly but was nervous.
"Oh yeah? Bring it on! Not even an entire building's worth of police officers and nearby heroes couldn't beat me!" Hisashi/Gaban said.
"Hun, calm down although strangling the boy with the face of an old cartoon character is tempting," Inko said with a menacing aura around her.
"Deku...no I can't lose you and now I lost Eri…" Ochako began to tear up.
"Uraraka...I'm sorry… Overhaul had Eri hostage and if Mirio tried anything, she would have ended up like Bullet." Nighteye said as he tried to comfort the girl.
"Deku you lied to me! You said that this piece of paper will reunite us again if we separate!" Ochako cried as she went on her knees. But the keywords "piece of paper will reunite us", was familiar.
"Wait, Ochako! What did my son give you!" Hisashi/Gaban asked as he put down the cop and went for Ochako and shook her.
"He gave me this!" Ochako said through the shakes as she took out the paper.
Then Hisashi/Gaban snatched the paper and inspected it. He grins and starts laughing and crying.
"Hun! We can no longer worry about our son, he's alive!" Hisashi/Gaban said.
"What do you mean, papa?" Izumi asked.
"Remember what we told you about the magic paper?" Inko asked her daughter.
"The magic paper will lead to the person you trust most?" Izumi said.
"That's right Izumi. Ochako the paper Izuku/Bullet gave you is a Virive Card." Hisashi/Gaban said.
"Virive Card?" Ochako said in confusion as she stopped crying.
"Yes, a Virive Card is linked to the owner's life force until the very end. It also slowly moves towards whoever it's linked to." Hisashi/Gaban explained.
"Then, Deku could still be alive!" Ochako said with a smile.
"But, Mr. Midoriya, your son is just a pair of legs now how could he still be alive?" the cop asked.
"Well, he-" but before Hisashi/Gaban could explain there was an explosion.
"Run! It's alive!" a cop yelled as he ran out of the room.
"Huh?" Nighteye said in surprise as he saw a pair of legs walking out of the room.
"What the heck!" all the cops in the room yelled in shock.
"He's still alive!? Even after his heart and brain were removed?!" the cop that inspected the body said.
Then Inko covered Izumi's eyes.
"Hey, I want to see big brother," Izumi said.
"Just wait," Inko said.
Then the pair of legs started to glow purple.
As Izuku/Bullet's torso was being rebuilt the entire room was filled with dread…
"This Haki… it's so heavy…" Hisashi/Gaban said as he fell to his knees.
"Mama? What's going on?"Izumi asked, not feeling the aura.
"It's alright darling it'll pass," Inko said to comfort her daughter.
"Deku…" Ochako said.
As Izuku/Bullet was finished being rebuilt he shouted three words that sparked the pirate bloodlust Izuku/Bullet had since Galzburg.
"WHERE IS ERI!" IZuku/Bullet shouted but then fainted standing up and his eyes rolled back.
"He fainted… What power… and to think All Might's Successor is dating such a monster…" Nighteye thought.
Days later things became crazier and crazier…
"During Kirishima's Work Studies Suneater's quirk was temporarily not working. Deku hasn't woken up yet and Eri is still missing. And now I had to deal with two gigiantified quirk users." Ochako thoughts she wrote into her diary.
"Ugh… Ochako? Where am I?" Izuku/Bullet asked.
"You're in U.A.'s medical office and you've been in a coma for three days now," Ochako answered.
"Wait… where's Eri?" Izuku/Bullet asked in a frightened tone.
"Overhaul got her…" Ochako said as she is tearing up.
"DAMNIT!" Izuku/Bullet said as he punched the bed.
Later after Izuku/Bullet returned to class he was distracted… distracted by the fact that Eri was kidnapped on his watch…
After class ended Mirio went up to apologize to Izuku/Bullet on his knees for not saving Eri.
"Bullet I am so sorry for not saving Eri! As my punishment, you will strike me down, Bullet!" Mirio said.
"Look, Mirio, I am not mad at you, you did all that you could and look on the bright side you know what Overhaul's quirk is." Izuku/Bullet said.
"Thank you, Bullet. Sir Nighteye wants us to join in a Joint-Operations. Relating to OVerhaul." Mirio said.
"Good, then I'll be the one who will put Overhaul 6 feet under." Izuku/Bullet said.
Later Izuku/Bullet, Mirio, Ochako, Asui, Neijire, Kirishima, and Tamaki Amajiki went to the same location for the meeting.
"Okay, we're all here for some reason huh?" Izuku/Bullet said.
"Yeah, Deku hey isn't that Mr. Aizawa and Gran Torino right there?" Ochako said as she pointed at the two.
"Yeah, Mr. Aiziwa what are you doing here?" Kirishima asked.
"Well, I was called at the last minute," Eraserhead said.
"Dad? What are you doing here?" Izuku/Bullet asked his father.
"Apparently not just Eri is connected to the Shie Hassaikai but also the entire Midoriya Family as well. Alright, Nighteye were all here." Hisashi /Gaban said.
"Okay, let's get started. Thanks to all of you our investigation far more progress than what we hoped for. This conference will discuss the Shie Hassaikai and what their motives are." Nighteye said.
"Shie Hassaikai who are they?" Kirishima asked.
"The group that messed with the wrong pirate." Izuku/Bullet said coldly.
The explanation about the Shie Hassaikai and their current actions were reviewed by the people in the room.
"But in any case during Red Riot's debut, Suneater's quirk was temporarily taken away," Fatgum said.
This made the situation extreme.
"It can't be All For One I beat him to a pulp." Izuku/Bullet thought.
"Are you okay Amajiki?" Ochako asked.
"Yeah, but it was scary…" Amajiki said.
"Thanks to Red Riot here we have a complete bullet intact that should tell us what is going on here," Fatgum said.
"Wait, I did that?" Kirishima said in shock.
"And what we found was distributing… the bullet contained human blood and cells… that of a girl named Eri Midoriya…" Fatgum said.
"What?" Ochako's eyes widen.
"But, it can't be…" Asui said in shock.
"What?" Izuku/Bullet said coldly as his desire to save Eri just multiplied by a hundred.
"Yeah, I was disgusted too, Bullet." Hisashi/Gaban said as he stood up.
"As it turns out the doctor that my family has been going to since my son. Had connections with Overhaul. Apparently, the good doctor sold almost all of Eri's blood every year to get more funding. When I found out a few days ago I connected with Nighteye and I attempted to ask the doctor almost immediately he disappeared from that clinic, even his name was forgotten by the people who worked in the clinic and patients." Hisashi/Gaban said.
"Chisaki Kai quirk Overhaul: the ability to take things apart and put them back together. A few days ago Bullet was almost killed by Overhaul and kidnap the girl." Nighteye said.
"Wait, Bullet you were defeated… unreal…" Kirishima said.
"But, will Overhaul really experiment on her?" Ryuyko said.
"In this or any world: if you're ambitious enough it may come true." Hisashi/Gaban said coldly.
"Wait, Mr. Midoriya what are you saying?" Kirishima asked but afraid of the answer that awaits him.
"Why, do we have children here? I'll make this easier for you all to comprehend this. Now, this Overhaul bastard has the source of the blood. He'll weaponize her blood and sell it on the black market." Rocklock said.
All of the U.A. students reacted with the face of terror and fear.
"We can't say he's selling them but he's testing them. And he's gathering up funds and allies to take out society as we know it." Nighteye said.
"Tch… this would have saved us a lot of trouble if Bullet let Overhaul take the girl away." Rocklock said but as he finished his sentence.
Izuku/Bullet grabbed Rocklock's face and slammed him to the ground and prepared a quake bubble.
"DEKU!/BULLET!/ SON! LET GO OF THAT MAN!" Ochako, Kirishima, and Hisashi/Gaban yelled in shock.
"I don't want to lose her, not like this…" Izuku/Bullet said as he breaks down.
"Kid…" Rocklock said in shock.
"Crying won't bring her to us. But, I swear in the name of Gol D. Roger I will save Eri no matter the cost! Even if it cost me my life!" Izuku/Bullet said with tear stained eyes.
"Right, I agree with Bullet. That is the reason we're doing this operation." Nighteye said.
"I guess but how will we find her?" Rocklock asked.
"You are right Rocklock. That is the reason I want to gather all of you. You see there are several Shie Hassaikai related hideouts all over the country and I want all of you to investigate them each and every one of them." Nighteye said.
"Grr… What are we waiting for? We should rescue the girl as soon as now!" Fatgum shouted.
"As much I agree with Fatgum… we can't… and as much I hate myself for saying this but we got one shot at this. With the most accurate details and data, we will save her." Nighteye said.
"What about your Foresight? Can't that help us?" Eraserhead asked.
"I can't risk using my Foresight… not what I saw with him..." Nighteye said in fear.
"He's talking about…" Ochako thought.
"We will have to be careful cause this operation could be our last," Nighteye said.
"...Tch.." Izuku/Bullet said.
Later with the U.A. students…
"So that's what happened I heard that you got killed but I never thought… Damn!" Kirishima said.
"You did your best Deku…" Ochako said as she tried to comfort Izuku/Bullet.
"No wonder Mirio was depressed." Amajiki thought.
Just then Eraserhead entered the room.
"What is this? A funeral?" Eraserhead said.
"Are you gonna tell us that you are going to suspend our Work Studies?" Izuku/Bullet said with red glowing eyes.
"What?! Is this true?" Kirishima asked.
"Originally when I heard that the League of Villains were involved. But when I heard about Eri... " Eraserhead said Izuku/Bullet flinched.
"Yeah, even if I suspended your Work Studies, Bullet will take things into his own hands… So, I'll watch you and see this till the end." Eraserhead said.
"Thanks, Mr. Eraserhead." all the U.A. students said except Mirio and Izuku/Bullet.
"Hey, Mirio, cheer up we need for this raid okay?" Nejire said.
"Deku?" Ochako said.
"Thanks, sir/teach…" Mirio and Izuku/Bullet said.
Meanwhile with Gran Torino and Nighteye…
"So what you think of Ms. Uraraka and Bullet?" Torino asked.
"I think Bullet will go far in the hero world and for Uraraka she has yet to show me what she got…" Nighteye said.
"But she may impress me with this raid if she is truly worthy of One For All…" Nighteye said.
Meanwhile with Eri...
Eri was asleep on day 3 of her capture...
Just then someone opened the door as she woke up and prepared to fight back with a bed leg she took off from her new bed.
"Hey, kid. Relax, it's just me. I'm just checking to see you're okay and all." the guy said.
"What? You haven't opened any of the toys I got for you? Look I'm not going to hurt you okay?" the guy said.
"How can I trust you? You work for the man that took me away?" Eri asked with a glare.
"Okay, kiddo I'm going to level with you. If you're not happy then I'm gonna end up like the last guy that made Overhaul mad. Please, my life is somewhat on the line. Just tell me what would you like to play with?" the guy said as he got on his knees.
"..." Eri was silent.
"Sigh… fine but I will get you something that will make you smile!" the guy said as he ran out of the room as he closed and locked the door.
After he left the room Eri went back to sleep and uttered the words that will bring her happiness and hope...
"Papa...Mama… please save me…" Eri said as she cried in her sleep.