DISCLAIMER: When you've run out of quirky disclaimers, all you can say is this: JKR is a genius, and we all thank her for writing the books that feed the addictions of so many of today's children, teens, adults and world leaders, though they won't admit it.

A/N: Final Chapter of the story that pushed the limits of my fluff writing abilities. 5 chapters of fluff! Who'd o' thunk it?


As Harry's quill flew across the page of notes he'd been taking, a folded piece of parchment hit his hand.

Glancing up, he saw Ron trying to look over at him without making it look like he was looking over at him in case Professor McGonagall looked over at them, and saw the note he'd just passed to Harry. Yeah, that's right.

Anywho, Harry picked up the letter, and opened it as inconspicuously as possible, under cover of his desk.

It was the paper he'd given Ron earlier. Scrawled along the bottom, Harry spotted Ron's message to him.


Harry grinned. "Well, it's about bloody time!" he thought, spotting Ron and Hermione trying to mask their flirtatious glances to each other.


The bell rang, signalling the end of class and the beginning of lunch. Harry told Ron that he'd meet him in the Great Hall, and left, knowing only too well to what he was leaving Ron and Hermione.

Harry walked out into the corridor leading to the Great Hall, and paused, looking around. He spotted Ginny heading towards him, and jogged out to meet her halfway.

"Did it work?" Ginny asked immediately, eager for news.

"I think so. They were eyeing each other on my way out, so I'd say that we've finally managed it!"

Ginny smiled, relieved. Harry couldn't help but notice the faint glow that rose in her cheeks as she grinned.

"So, shall we head to lunch, and see how our handiwork has paid off?" Harry asked, holding out his arm to Ginny.

"Gladly," Ginny returned, taking his arm. Hand in hand, they walked towards the Great Hall.


"Hermione? Can I talk to you for a minute?" Ron held his breath as she turned around. He hoped that he didn't look too nervous, too pale, too scared out of his wits.

"Ron? Are you all right?" Hermione frowned at him. "You look ill." Okay, maybe he did look nervous, pale, and scared out of his wits. But at least he hadn't gone red! Yet.

"'Mione, there's something I want to talk to you about," he said, as he led her towards the exit. This wasn't something he wanted Professor McGonagall to overhear.


Halfway through lunch, Hermione and Ron showed up, looking strangely dishevelled. Harry noticed Hermione's lipstick was smudged a great deal, and, upon closer inspection, also saw that Ron's lips were looking much more pink than they normally would. The pair sat across from each other next to Harry and Ginny.

Before anyone could say anything, Ron leaned over to Harry, motioned slightly towards Ginny, and said,

"You planned it all, didn't you?"

Harry, slightly surprised, glanced at Ginny, and smiled. She smiled back, and blushed slightly. Harry turned back to Ron.

"Ron, we've been planning this since before the Yule Ball last year," he said.
Ron's jaw nearly hit the floor.

La Fin


As to the 'Riddle of the Chapter Titles':

Take the first chapter - 'FRTDS' - and write each letter onto a separate line, going downwards . . .


Next, do the same with the second chapter - LO OO - writing these letters beside the first in a vertical line. . .


(Whenever there's a space, skip a line.) Continue with the rest of the chapter titles, and you'll unlock a secret message.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to review my story! You all deserve yummy chocolate cookies!!

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