Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. How many times must I say it?

Chapter One

The Wind Changes

(Prompt: Far From Home)


The dawn winds rushed across the surface of the deeps, and they tugged on the flags that hung from masts. The first was as orange as flames, decorated with a curl of flickering fire, cradled by a wreath of leaves—the colors of the Emperor. The second was blue as the deeps of the sea, emblazoned by a red and white fan, the symbol of the Royal Uchiha clan, rulers of the Archipiélago de Fuego and foremost supporters of His Imperial Majesty.

The last was black, with the symbols of a cutlass and a blazing torch, superimposed by a navy falcon. The flag of the Garuda, the flagship of the Pirate Fleet and seat of the Pirate King.

At the bow of his ship the King stood, his face turned to the sky, his eyes closed as he felt the winds slip through the strands of his ebony hair.

His first mate, Suigetsu, approached him carefully from behind. He looked moody this morning, and no one wanted to get on the bad side of the Pirate King when he was ill-tempered.

"Lord Cap'n?" He said cautiously. "What are your orders this morning?"

For a moment it seemed as if the Captain hadn't heard him, but then he tilted his head, as if listening intently to something Suigetsu couldn't hear. Not that that was unusual—the Captain's connection to the god of the Sea was well-known on the Garuda.

"There is a change in the wind, at last." Sasuke said, and he turned his head, blood-red eyes piercing Suigetsu. "Alert the ship. We set our prow towards home."


Author's Notes:
I told myself, "No more stories until you finish with Amazement or at least with TRS." But then today I discovered July is SasuSaku month... and I've never done a prompt-based story before... so here you go! (Yes, I am very weak). I'm gonna write another chapter right after this, and I hope to be caught up to the prompts in a day or two. Just so you know, this is going to be one, cohesive story with each chapter inspired by the prompt of the day. I'm not entirely sure what is going to happen, but I have a vague idea of the ending. I'm really looking forward to finding out where exactly this is gonna lead! See you later!