Chapter 6: Surprise

It was the start of a long weekend and Lincoln had a big surprise coming. I bet you can't figure out what the surprise is. As Lincoln is waiting to go to the bathroom upstairs he calls to his mom, "Hey mom, is the surprise ready yet?"

Lincoln's Mom states, "Not yet, your Dad and older sister left to get it early."

Lincoln says, "Oh man I want it now."

Lincoln's mom responds, "be patient."

When Lincoln has finished getting dressed, he hears a car horn. Lincoln's Sister and Dad come inside and say to Lincoln, "Look what we have, It's a brand new 2019 wheelchair bus!"

Lincoln's Dad's says, "I sold Van-villa."

Lincoln replies, "I was wondering what happened to it. Who helped you get the new one?"

Lincoln's Dad responds, "Who the heck do you think it was? JCS. of course."

In rolls JCS. saying, "Well, well, well, Mr. Lincoln, it's good to see you again, are you ready to go?"

Lincoln asks, "Are you taking me?"

JCS. replies, "No your sister is, I'll be staying behind to get your other surprise ready. It'll take about 5 hours. OK guys lets get started as soon as Lincoln leaves. I've already called the crew and they are on their way already."

In walks JCS.'s Uncle, head of the construction crew. JCS. says, "it's good to see you."

His Uncle Replies, "Hey Nephew, are you ready get started?"

J.C. replies, "I'm not so little anymore."

J.C.'s Uncle responds, "You're always so serious all of the time, I'm just kidding,

Lincoln's sisters state, "J.C., we didn't know that you had an uncle."

J.C. responds, "He's my Mom's older brother. When I told him about Lincoln he wanted to help. My aunt is head of the school board and wanted to help Lincoln, She helped me get the funding for his student companion. She is my Mom's older Sister. Also, my Mom is a social worker, she specializes in cases like Lincoln's."

Lincoln's reply, "Oh thank you so much J.C..

J.C. responds, "No Problem my family likes to help those in need. Lincoln reminds me of myself. I'm a case manager, actually a social worker if you prefer, I'm not just a wheel chair expert, that's why I was called. I work for an Organization called the Wheelchair rights Organization."

Lincoln's sister state, "By the way J.C. your Mom is here too."

J.C. responds, "My, my, my Mom?

Lincoln's sister's reply, "Yep your Mom. She drove all the way from Michigan.

J.C. States, "My Mom is going to be Lincolns social worker when I leave."

J.C.'s Mom walks in and say to J.C, "You never write, you never call, and now I get a phone call saying that you're in Royal Woods helping a kid. Why didn't you call me earlier?"

J.C. then turns to his Mom and says, "I had to get here in a hurry."

J.C.'s Mom responds, "Don't worry about it J.C., I need to talk to Lincoln's Mother. You guys get to work, you only have 5 hours."

J.C states, "We better get back to work, My mom is scary when she is angry."

And now we cut to Lincoln...

Lincoln and his Sister are at the store picking out bath soaps and a bath robe.

Lincoln asks, "Why do I need a bathrobe?"

Lori responds, "Because Mom doesn't want to see your naked butt, you're a teenager now."

Lincoln replies, "Why did you have to say that so loud."

Lincoln returns home after 5 hours, and says,"Hey, what that new door doing here."

J.C. says, "Why don't you take a look inside, it's a new bathroom, just for you."

Lincoln replies, "Wow, it has a walk in shower, a wheelchair accessible toilet, a shower wand with 23 massage settings, an area with soaps, a place for your bathrobe & towels, a hamper, trashcan, and floor with a nonslip surface.