"Take the world." That message was clear to Brandon Breyer of Brightburn, Kansas. The space ship that he came in when he was an infant was always present in his head in the form of alien voices to remind him of his task.

Currently, Brandon was living within the home of his aunt, Merilee McNichol. She had taken custody of him after the death of his parents, who he killed. No one knew that for he disposed of all the evidence of his actions by dropping a passenger plane onto the farm he grew up on. Later when the authorities arrived to the scene, he came out among the ruin as a 'survivor' of a tragic accident. Although, no one was sure what exactly caused the plane to go down but no one would blame Brandon for it. After all, he looks just like a harmless 12-year-old boy.

Brandon just rested in a guest bedroom his aunt had him stay in. He didn't feel much remorse but he caught himself reflecting on that day. He wouldn't say it was overwhelming but he had to murder his parents for their attempt to kill him. Sparing them was impossible for they would no doubt attempt to kill him again. He was special and had a reason to be on Earth. He quickly recalled the shock he felt at his father for shooting him in the head in the hopes he would die. Brandon had hoped it was an accident but seeing his father reload made it all clear what his father viewed him as. It was fair in Brandon's mind to kill him for his betrayal for it showed his father's love was weak. He tried not to think of his mother and he had no need to anymore. She was an inferior being that is now obsolete. Brandon didn't need to feel anything for her and so he didn't.

While laying in bed, he peered out of the window. A gentle knock then occurred at the door before slowly opening. It was his aunt and she simply called out, "Brandon?"

"Yes." Brandon responded. The door opened wider to completely reveal Aunt Merilee. She looked tired and her hair wasn't brushed. She wore a pink bath robe.

"How have you been, sweetie?" Aunt Merilee gently asked. Brandon quickly pondered on his response. He will need to say something more than "okay." He didn't want to come off as dismissive when Uncle Noah's death was brought up to him by his parents. It made him look suspicious so he must put some effort in showing some emotion.

"I... I am doing okay." Brandon replied with a down expression.

"I just want to tell you that... I know what happened isn't easy, Brandon. Its tough for me too. I want to let you know I'm here for you." Aunt Merilee said as she got closer to sit at the edge of the bed. She looked like she wanted to cry. Brandon looked down to avoid any eye contact for it made him look more convincing.

"Everything will be fine, sweetie. Well, goodnight and see you in the morning." said Aunt Merilee with a smile as she got up and slowly exited from the room. She closed the door behind her just after giving a quick glance to Brandon. He still looked down.

She finally closed the door, leaving Brandon alone again. He raised his head up and stared blankly at the door. He hoped he wouldn't have a need to kill his aunt. He did planned to but the sheriff was gone. She had no one to report to about him. If she would report to someone else, he would have to put up a small act of remorse to prevent that. If all else fails, he could just resort to killing her as he originally intended. It could raise suspicion though if he had to kill her.

Brandon then suddenly remembered Caitlyn. He was too caught up with his parents and had forgotten her. Brandon felt a little disappointed he forgot when he shouldn't have. It didn't matter for he'll deal with her in time. He'll likely see her again on school grounds in a couple of days or much earlier if possible. He had appearances to make and things to do for the spaceship. He had relocated the ship from the barn into the depths of the woods, and it would call to him.

Brandon went to sleep for right now there was nothing to do. Before placing the blanket over him, he looked out the window and saw the night sky. The Moon was high up in the sky among the few clouds.

"Take the world." Brandon whispered to himself before closing his eyes. He had a lot of work ahead of him.

Aunt Merilee poured herself a glass of wine at the kitchen. She wanted to drown some of the sadness away before bed. Noah's death was bad but losing her sister too made it worse. She tried to keep herself together when around others, especially Brandon. Only God knew what he must be feeling about everything.

Actually, she realized how calm Brandon seems to be about everything. That reminded her of how calm he was when she asked him about crushing Caitlyn's hand during class. He was remorseless and dismissive about the severity of his action.

"You know, sometimes when bad things happen to people it's for a good reason." Brandon had responded to her.

Merilee then remembered when Brandon had went to her house very late. He had asked her not to report anything to the sheriff, and he had an unsettling tone during their brief interaction that night.

She took a few drinks from the glass of wine. Maybe those things meant nothing. Brandon may have been acting odd but now he needs someone to comfort him. Brandon could be really sad deep down and trying not to show it. Also, people mourned in different ways. She is all he has left in the world, and he was all she had. They're family. Like her sister, she'll look after him and try her best to be there for him. Tori would want that.

She finished the glass and placed it into the sink to wash in the morning. She walked to her bedroom and got ready to sleep. As she laid on her side on the bed, she cried herself to sleep for a while. Hopefully things would get better.


Brandon had a strange dream that night.

He was floating in an abyss. Nothing happened for a while until suddenly he was engulfed in a red light. The familiar alien voices started to echo all around, but Brandon couldn't understand any of it except for "Take the world." The voices then grew louder and louder. Brandon found himself placing his hands to his ears to drown out the noise. The voices then ceased and the red light faded away. Next, he was able to make out a distant figure within the light that had no clear features. It was amorphous and looked like it was bigger than him. It was extremely difficult to make out any other details.

The dream then suddenly ended and Brandon woke up, opening his eyes partially wide. He didn't move from where he was, and he slowly looked around. He was still in his bedroom and everything seemed to be alright. He closed his eyes again and gave no second thought to the dream. He slept well for the rest of the night.