AN: I don't own My Hero Academia or the Fate Series. This is a Fanfiction and any liberty taken regarding Quirks and the Nasuverse is to be considered as my concern alone. Please Follow, Fav, Review or respond to the poll if any are up.


Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg.

This name is unknown to many and feared by the few that known of it and whose it refer to:

The master of the 2nd True Magic "The operation of Parallel World" also known as the "Kaleidoscope", whose endless possibility let the ones who dared study under Zelretch as traumatized broken mess unable to perform as Magus anymore.

A Dead Apostle so powerful that in the very small list of beings that are considered a higher form of danger to humanity is Primate Murder, the legendary Beast of Gaia, the accumulation of every known catastrophe having taken one form as the ultimate, fastest and most vicious killer of Human for the sake of the planet survival.

The man that overseen the formation of the Holy Grail War system, the most intense battle between Magi seeking one absolute wish, and Heroics Spirits, whose legends are remember by humanity for eternity in the Throne of Heroes, both being at levels that can hardly be labeled as human.

But the most dangerous thing about Zelretch is his troll nature whenever he gets bored, fortunately (or not) for one Izuku Midoriya, Zelretch decided that he would pass the time by giving a push for one of his many possibility in a more fitting direction…

Yes, you can pity the boy.

Izuku's World, Age: Four years old -

Laying in the middle of the local park during the afternoon of a summer day was not really a good idea, even a 4 year old kid like him knew that.

He could get a heatstroke or get home too late and worry his mother but he didn't care at the moment.

"It… hurts..." murmured the boy to himself, alone in the summer haze.

And if anyone were to take a look at the body of Izuku Midoriya, they would say that it was an understatement. Shirt ripped at the end of the sleeves, some large burn on his stomach era and so much sand and ash on his face that you would say the boy has been on the street for days instead of an hour.

'At least, the other one got away' thought Izuku, searching reassurance in this situation.

He had gone to the park wanting to play with his friends, mostly Katsuki 'Kacchan' Bakugo, when he stumbled upon him and his two "lackeys" for lack of a better term because Kacchan never tried to even remember their name, making another boy cried for what seems "A. Having a useless Quirk" or "B. Wanting to be a Hero", option C was that the kid irritated Kacchan but it was so easily done that this option was always the answer when Kacchan was about to beat someone up.

"Kacchan, stop you're making him cry!" shouted Izuku placing himself before the crying boy, something that felt natural to him, not because it was like a Hero would have done so but in the sense that his legs had already chose the place they wanted to be before he had finished speaking.

"DEKU!" growled the red-eyed blond at the sight his childhood friend, "Get the hell out of here, it's not your business!"

"N-No." Izuku responded, stuttering at the sight of Bakugo displaying his grinding teeth like a savage animal. "I-I won't let you hurt him, Kacchan! Look at him, you're making him cry."

"What you think you're some kind of Hero, you Quirkless Deku!" shouted the blond preparing some sweat to ignite on his palms. "You better stay out of this, you damn shit."

The insulting nickname and the reminder of his "condition" sapped Izuku of most of his defiance but he stood firm after glancing behind him at the other child. 'A Hero wouldn't run. All Might wouldn't run ! He would smile and say…' : "Meddling when not needed that's what a Hero does! Quirk or not, I won't let you make other cry." Izuku cried back.

"DEKUUU!" yelled Katsuki before launching with his Quirk, his two lackeys in toe.

The next minute, Deku was held on the ground by the "Long-Finger"-Quirk boy while Kacchan pummeled him to the ground with his Explosion boosted fists then he was lifted from the ground some meters up in the air by the chubby "Wing"-Quirk user before being finished of by a gut wrenching explosion in the middle of his fall.

And it's in that state that the three bullies left him after kicking him to let up some frustration (mostly Bakugo).

"I should go home… Mom will be worried sick if she gets home before me and I need to hide the bruises AND the first-aid kit before that… but… It hurts so much, I'm not sure if I can get up" said the 4 year old between labored breaths.

While trying to regain his breathing and recuperate from the beating he received Izuku started to think about a lot of things for a child his age: Kacchan, the kid that run away, his mother, the school, Heroes, Quirks, his missing father, his quirkless status, the bullying, his nickname,…

All of it seemed to click at the epiphany he just got:

"All men are not created equal…" he says solemnly as if he discovered an undeniable truth about the World.

As if answering to this statement a bright light that seems to alternate between a rainbow of colors appears at the upper end of his vision, just short of how much he can orientate his head so the only thing he find when he can finally look at it is a well suited old man.

The man is clearly of western origin, but Izuku cannot be sure from where, his face show profound wrinkles on the forehead that make him seem like a 70 years old person but the smile from ear to ear that seems to split his face make him appear so much younger. The gray and white from his bear and hair glow in the sun giving them an ethereal glow and his attire consisting of a black mantle, some elaborated suit and matching pants with white gloves that only accentuate his huge physic of 185 cm.

"Hello, boy" says the stranger to the boy laying before him.

Izuku perks up at being addressed and reply meekly : "H-Hello Sir, … can I help you?"

The smile only seemed to grow at those words before the man asked : "Humor me a moment little one, aren't you the one in need of assistance seeing as you are laying in the dirt ?"

"Y-You don't look Japanese and I sometimes help tourists to get to some landmarks." The boy answered "And no, I'm just fine sir."

"Hum… Observant, Polite, Helpful and not afraid of the unknown. Eh-Eh." Zelretch chuckled "You wouldn't happen to be Izuku Midoriya perchance?"

The green haired child was puzzled to have this stranger know about him but nodded not seeing anything bad from giving an answer.

"Excellent my boy! I am named Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, and while I have many titles you can address me as either Zelretch or Kaleidoscope."

"Ka-lay-dos-cope?" the four year old ventured to spell the name that other universes feared with the childish innocence of discovering a new word to try.

"Yes, but before I explain why I needed to see you perhaps you can explain to me why you are in such a state" ventured Zelretch

"I-I played with some friend and fell out of a tree…?" the child tries his way of lying and failed to convince even himself.

"Oh-Oh, well some friend they are to let you fall from tree that leave burns and bruises. Let's fix that should we." Said Zelretch while putting his hand on the boys head.

A rainbow glow emanated from Izuku's body and he was now as good as new.

"Thank you Zelretch-san ! W-Was that your Quirk? So Cool Healing quirk are already super rare but to have one that doesn't even seem to tire you or the target like Recovery Girl is even rarer." And from there started the famous Izuku mutter-storm.

Zelretch laugh openly at this display causing Izuku to blush at his bad habits kicking in.

"Well boy, you surely are interesting but no this is not a Quirk. Actually from this world standard, I'm Quirkless." The statement causes the boy to gap open mouthed. "Anyways, You are Izuku Midoriya, correct?"

Said Izuku Midoriya gulp and then nodded to this mysterious man.

"Perfect, I actually have something for you. I will keep it short and simple. You see, I'm a dimension travelling magician with a 'problem' only you are able to solve. To accomplish this goal I need to "fix" the issue of your Quirk, do you still follow me kid?" asked Zelretch.

"B-But I don't have a Quirk!?" exclaimed the greenette "My doctor showed me and my Mom the X-ray of my pinky toe and said I would never get one."

"Ah! That's the thing I have to fix little one. You see Quirks are attached to a part of the body in any case, that's why people can use the Evolution theory to justify this test" Zelretch explained "But tell me boy what would happen if the Quirk was on something that isn't related to your body and those aren't affected by the Evolution of the Human Species?"

"It… It wouldn't appear on the results! BU-But what is part of me that isn't my body contain my Quirk?!"

Zelretch's smile put the Grinch to shame before settling in two words : "Magic Circuits"

Izuku tilted his face before his mouth emitted a strange sound of "Eh?"

Zelretch shook his head and explained "In this Dimension they were never discovered but they are a sort of pseudo-nervous system connecting the Soul of Magus to the body. In my home Dimension, they qualify you to learn the art of Magecraft. They cannot be found on the physical body, so even if you were to stimulate them by creating a Nerve Circuit, which is a painful process, you would never understand your quirk staying in this dimension and if you ever understood it you would be nothing more than a paraplegic mess by the time you could put it on paper."

Izuku was honestly terrified by what the man said. "But it's there right ? I have those Magic Circuits and you can tell me how to use my Quirk?"

Zelretch shrugged "Not exactly… I can't exactly bring you to study under me in my home dimension so instead I'll give you a hand in using your Quirk and 'He' will take care of the rest after this."

"O-OK!" said Izuku, not sure of the glint he saw in the red-eyes of Zelretch when he said him but he couldn't pass it up. This was his chance to become a Hero, his chance to save people with a smile.

Zelretch took out a stick from his vest that reminded Izuku of some Magical Girl show that the neighbour girl watched in their home when his mother had to babysit.

"Alright, first I'll have to check your Circuit then your Origin and we'll finally be able to use that Quirk of yours" Zelretch said with eyes that seemed to sparkle in amusement.

He bonged Izuku's head with the Stick filling their vision in a rainbow of light before everything settled in black.

"Where am I? ZELRETCH-SAN?!" Izuku yelled at the sudden change of scenery.

Then he felt them.

One, then ten, and finally a hundred in the shape of a tree in reverse starting from his brain extending to each of his limbs, warming up but unlike his stay under the summer heat in the sun after his beating, this heat was deeper and seemed to call for him as if he finally discovered a part of himself for the first time.

Zelretch whistled before appearing next to the boy in the endless void, "A Hundred Circuit of extremely good quality and there is room for improvement. Congratulations are in order my boy you are a lucky one."

"Zelretch-san, is that… are those my Magic Circuits ?"

"Yes, boy, those are the paths of your Life force to Magic, we are actually inside your Soul, no more like I decorated this dimension with the status of your soul."

"Okay, but why?" asked the clearly confused boy

"Well you see, I stumbled upon the effects of your quirk while doing some research on the Dimensions where Quirks exist to prepare one of my student for a test. Your Quirk has an effect on this dimension magic of mine and depend of something we call an 'Origin', the starting point of one's existence and will affect people differently depending of their Origin. 'Origins' affect our action, our personality and we human seek to be in harmony with our Origin while taking decisions."

"Oh, and what is my Origin?"

"Ah, that is why I decided to intervene on your situation Izuku Midoriya!" exclaimed Zelretch, "Because you don't have one Origin but two. Here look."

From the Void, shapes took form, then colors emerged and finally two 'sides' appeared before him that he could only express as :


The concept of standing before evil for the sake of either oneself or others even if it means to inflict harm.


The concept of saving other from any form of harm and the resolve to find good in one's soul.

At the sight, Izuku cried. He couldn't stop crying before the Truth of his own soul. He was meant to harm and yet needed to save. He could stand up for other and protect them from bullies but he didn't strike back, before he thought that it was because he was too weak, too much of a coward or even because he was quirkless while others weren't but now he understood…

"Conflict in Origin." He heard Zelretch say "The existence of a dual Origin is rare in itself but it can be explained by cases like those, people can't really survive if their very soul is tearing itself apart. I knew of two people with dual Origins:

Kiritsugu Emiya with his dual origin of [Severing] and [Binding] managed to balance those concepts in his study of Magecraft and even to weaponize it with something called "Origin Bullet".

The other is a peculiar instance of his adopted son Shirou who instead of a single origin of [Sword] had a dual origin of [Sword] and [Artifact] [1], those resulting in a messed up state of mind, the boy seeing himself as nothing more than a mere soldier that should be use until he died for the greater good.

You already know that an Origin of [Sword] make you value yourself in consideration of the entities and obstacles you stood against. The Emiya boy's other Origin had the effect of overwriting this aspect and let others decide of the value that they saw within the boy's soul."

Izuku couldn't stand anymore, the feeling in his very soul was twisting his very nature as if he finally realized he was running with a broken leg for hours and was finally registering the pain.

"BUT!" and with that Zelretch gave the Void Space a hard hit with the bottom of his Stick and the pain ceased.

"The Emiya Boy managed it… His loved one showed him that the path of his Origin was not one that was necessary to be followed, you cannot let yourself be consumed by your driving force if it'll crash you against a wall. Look, child in the rift between your Origins, what do you see?"

In the middle of his Origins laid a golden rift, not a violent gash but a common ground where the two concept could coexist, this concept had a name, it was:


It was right in front of him and he couldn't deny it anymore, [Hero] the [Sword of Salvation] that was his Origin, the balance where he could be at peace with himself. Being a [Hero] wasn't a desire born from seeing too much cartoon or news reports, it was in him all this time.

"Come with me boy, it's time I show you your Quirk" Zelretch push him to go to the center of his Origin.

Izuku launched himself forward and when he entered upon the golden ground he finally felt complete, as if he couldn't find any better feeling in his memories other than his mother's embrace, not even All Might's debut video had an effect like that on him.

"Don't linger too much, It's not really safe to take too much time here, we are here for something else remember" Zelretch explained with a knowing smile.

"Y-YES! So my Quirk is supposed to be here?" asked Izuku looking around.

"Correct. I found a suitable name considering the pattern of your Magic Circuit and the effect of your Quirk with your Origin. This 'Rift' is your Quirk pointing the balance you can reach, you still have to achieve it when you return to your dimension, but the 'Mark' of it is the 'pressure' applied by another dimension who decided to settle close to your Soul." He pointed to Izuku before pointing his Stick to the sky

"Izuku Midoriya, the effect of your Quirk is to sit 'Upon the Throne of Heroes' [2]."

Izuku looked up and gasped.

Hundred, no, Thousands of peoples who looked beautiful and strong were reflected by the Sky in a golden glow.

Heroes because they couldn't be anything else and just looking at them made him see into their legends: Jeanne d'Arc The Pucelle d'Orléans, Cu Chulainn the Hound of Ulster, Alexander the Great, Siegfried and so many others.

"To call upon the power of your Quirk you will need the training of a Magus and of a Hero, so we will use the Master/Servant summoning spell to link you to one and he will be training you for the time being until I return to see you or when complications arise."

"Couldn't I just summon another All Might to teach me how to become a Hero?" Izuku asked the vampire, wanting his idol as his first Hero

"Unfortunately, no."

"Eh ? But why ?" replied Izuku pouting at the fact that he couldn't summon All Might.

"Even if you have the Origin of [Hero, you are still limited by the Origins of [Sword] and of [Salvation]. So the easiest of summoning and that wouldn't rebel against you would be a Hero that lived by the Sword and who is searching Salvation. And I have just the Catalyst to raise up the chance to summon him. HERE!" said Zelretch flipping his mantle to reveal: An ordinary skillet.

Izuku blinked and thought 'I'm not sure if that's the weirdest thing that happen today or not'.

"Then let's proceed! Repeat after me and focus on your Magic Circuits :

"Silver and iron to the origin. Gem and the archduke of contracts to the cornerstone. The ancestor is my great master Schweinorg.

The alighted wind becomes a wall. The gates in the four directions close, coming from the crown, the three-forked road that leads to the kingdom circulate.

Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill).

Repeat every five times.

Simply, shatter once filled.

I announce.

Your fate is under me, my salvation is in your sword.

Upon the rule of the righteous heir, if you so desire, then answer.

Here is my one and true oath. I am the one who shall save all of the world of the dead, I am the one who will bring evil to its final place.[3]

You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, emerge from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance"

Light appeared from the "Throne of Heroes" and the Void dispersed itself getting the both back in the park the setting sun indicating that at least some hours had passed while they were gone.

Before the dust settle a voice broke the silence, "Servant Archer, I ask of you are you my Mas- "

Counter Guardian EMIYA had to stop himself when instead of Rin, or something that resembled a case of any other Grail War occurrence, he found himself standing in front of a green-haired kid that couldn't be older than five and standing behind him was Zelretch, the old vampire giving him a shit-eating grin and tossing him a letter before disappearing in a flash of rainbow.

He glance at it before thinking : '…Damn E rank Luck'

End of Prologue

Author's Note : Hello everyone, GodWing30 here, and welcome to my first fanfiction, the crossover between MHA and FSN with a Master!Izuku.

Please don't hesitate to point out errors, English is not my first language and I didn't do writing as a hobby since my Highschool days.

1. The Dual Origin conflict is heavily inspired by "Fate : Heaven's Works" by badliar 2312 ( ).

I found the concept really interesting and when I tried to imagine the concept of Izuku as a Magus the Dual Origin [Sword] [Salvation] = [Hero] just clicked and I went with it.

2. So no mistakes can be made here is how I design Izuku Character Profile for this fic :

Name : Izuku Midoriya

Age : 3

Class (possible) : (None)

Alignment : Lawful Good

Pairing : [ REDACTED ]

Quirk : Sitting Upon the Throne of Heroes

Lore - The holder of this quirk is connected to the realm known as the Throne of Heroes on the spiritual level and manifest upon the Magic Circuit/Magic Core within the Origins of the person.

For this reason, the body is not affected in the same way and the picky toe test isn't capable of revealing the Quirk and a blood test would indicate that a quirk is present but couldn't point to which part of the body it is attached to. –

Primary Function - The connection permit the holder or a user to contract and maintain Heroic Spirit to a much lesser cost of prana and to offer Divine Spirit a copy of the most suitable vessel instead of the actual person. This function can be use by other if they complete the summoning process correctly and by using the holder as a medium. (Same as a Holy Grail, it would be upon Izuku's reserves) – The invocable Servant are based upon the user's Origin(s) –

Secondary Function : Once certain conditions (Bond ?) are met the holder can perform a variant of "Install" and "Include".

Origins : [Sword] / [ Salvation] : [ Hero]

The Existence of Izuku Midoriya in this universe is affected by his Quirk in his Origin itself (Same way as Avalon changed the blank version of Shirou after the Fuyuki Fire).

[Sword] made Izuku's desire to be raised against Evil and to defend the weak at his own expends

[Salvation] made Izuku's caring and empathic personality, his will to find the best in other (cf Bakugo) and to seek alternate end to conflict.

Normally this double origin result in contradiction and make Izuku follow the way of the "Aldera's quirkless punching bag" of the Manga/Anime but with his Quirk, those Origins found the middle ground of [Hero] : Those came a healthier personality and Hero complex.

Element : [ ? ]

As of now, Izuku doesn't possess any knowledge of Magecraft and his Quirk affected the driving form of his existence.

Let the readers propose some ideas


Stats NA

Class Skill NA

Personal Skill NA

Noble Phantasm NA

Goal : Follow the Path of All Might and become the Number One Hero,

Make everyone smile.

Personality : A timid boy with a heart of gold, he care about his friends even if the sentiment isn't mutual.

3. Considering that no Holy Grail is present in the MHA Universe I fiddled with the summoning chant. I would appreciate some return because while it fit with the situation, I am not convince and open to change it if you can give me something better to work with.

Please pose your questions in the review of the chapter and I will responds in an edit of the chapter.

Some questions where my plot is has yet to be fixed so don't hesitate to propose ideas :

What could Izuku Elements be ? (He doesn't have to be a Sword Incarnation

Who do you want as the first real servant ? (EMIYA is a tutorial not the base of Izuku's power)

Any proposition for Katsuki and other MHA's Character Origins ?

Edited the 6th of July 2019: Minor spelling and error that i missed but doesn't affect the story.

Edited the 14th of August 2019: Some grammar error and more review responds.

Review Responds :

LogiCritic :

I explained in the disclaimer that i would use the Nasuverse in any way I see fit but if you want a real reason to why I used this idea of Zelretch fooling around it's because the concept of the Izuku of my FF is absolutely broken in the Nasuverse norms and even Rin would be REALLY tempted to experiment on a person whose soul is in direct contact with the ToH. Couldn't find any other way to introduce the Nasuverse fact without having the feeling I was writing a pill of bullshit.


Gracias ! :)

Izuku no debería tener un Don si si con mi guión actual pero OfA es siempre una apertura que me dejo.

No, Izuku va a aprender que ostras personas invocan a ostros héroes proque no están motivados por las mismas Origen.


I know people like the Class Card system but it's a too easy power up system that other fanfics have done. The only fanfic that I read where Izuku is a Master with Servants is Fate/Hero by Jcomic on AO3 and he had a roster already selected.

It's more of a challenge to try to pair Servant with MHA character or to assign an Origin to a MHA character and to find my way to a specific Heroic Spirit that could be summon but it's really fun to do.


Yeah, I know there is a point of "too much" when it comes to EMIYA and Shirou but he's here to be a tutorial to how the Magus and Fighter businness go. There will be a point where Emiya will have to go and even then he will have become a secondary character not a main character.

Guest 2:

I took note of all your proposition but I will limit myself with the Classic 7 and probably Ruler and Avenger.

IronWroughtChef and a Guest:

Scathach is effectly in my top list for the "teacher" position for a lot of field but since she is an interesting character I don't want to have her laze around with nothing to do.

As for your other choices in servant you hit the mark on some of the Servant that were already planed but IF Muramasa were to be summon he wouldn't be Shirou and IF Altria was summoned it woudl probably be a copy from the Thrones not the FSN cannon because it's related to interaction that happen in FSN and this fic is supposed to "MHA has a Izuku trained by Nasuverse. Get ready for the Consequences."


Thank you!

I annouce to you that Katsuki's Origin has been decided along with the Servant that could/will be summoned by him in the future.

As for OP!Izuku, he doesn't have all the power I descried in this chapter, Zelretch show him what he has but he need to discover it by himself and with some help.

Why he has so many circuit is because I need him to supply at least 3 servants even not at full power to have a plot where the servant aren't always on the sideline and he will have to suply the Servant his classmates would like to keep around until they can suply them by themselve.

Choices noted but I repeat there can be more of 1 servant per class.

Guest 3:

Chiron is in the top 10 of "Teacher Servant" but the problem is that I can't find a reason as to why it "should" be him when I look my Character profiles and my current draft and his personnaly doesn't really appeal to me.

Moreover I just realised that the character of Chiron is to teach student with potential but with flaws and that wouldn't fit with Izuku.

He could still make an apparition as I fixed the Origin of a particular student to be close enought to the summoning condition I fixed for Chiron when I examined the posibility of him being the "Teacher"

Medea is a character I really like and I don't want to f* this up if I write her in this universe. The character is already good in FSN but it's Path of the King by Neoalfa just made me realize the potential of a Medea route in the FSN universe.

Nightingale is a potential servant but not for Izuku and I don't want to summon her just because she is good at healing, if I wanted a servant to make everyone heal real fast I would make Recovery Girl summon Iskandar and... well imagine Fate Zero but Waver is replaced by a granny that heal when she kiss... LOL.

Have a Little Feith:

Thank you for the punctuation lesson, I totally forgot that but I will try my best for the next chapter.

Kisame Hoshigaki:

Thank you. Katsuki has two Heroic Spirits assigned and they are final.

Cu Chulainn and Drake are in the story so you can make another guess if you want.


For now things are pretty tame but I have some pretty bullshit scenario in place mostly around the First Term exam and the Sport Festival.


You make a pretty good point but I'm not interested in a Beta. I want to test my ideas and with level in English and if I'm either dissapointed by what I delievered in the previous chapter, I can always make a revised version of the Story.

Please continue to review, it's important to know that I can do better.

Thank you all, I leave you with some teaser to what's to come and don't forget to blame Zelretch.


-"You call those guys 'Heroes of Justice' ?"

-"Welcome Class to your First Kaleidoscope Bullshit !"

-"Trace on."

-"N-No way… He is using Reinforcement with Nerve Circuits !"

-"And this is why you will never find a Quirk User in your little collection of Hero."

-"As I said : The starting penalty is Five…"