
This story is going to be a bit different from what is known of the battle royale. Here is where I will highlight as much as I can about the changes from the BR to this story.

Items that don't exist in the story and for what reason they will not be included:

Shield Cell

*Adds more severity to having just one shield and helmet. It takes hits and loses integrity, making each fight more dangerous than the last one.

Shield Battery

*Same idea as the Shield Cell

Phoenix Kit

*Same idea as the Shield Cell

Ultimate Accelerants

*This is merely a gameplay mechanic and wouldn't make much sense in a "more realistic" setting. The ultimates of each Legend will be tweaked appropriately so they aren't too pathetic or too over-powered.

Respawn Beacons

*Once someone is dead, they are dead. It will make the action and fights have more intensity and more meaning.

The entire match of this story is also different in its timescale. Instead of a match lasting until the last ring (which is 25 minutes), the rings are much slower and a single match lasts an entire weekend.

The same idea applies to consumables such as syringes and med kits. Nobody gets instantly healed from those things. Instead, those items will heal over time. Syringes and Med Kits heal completely in a few hours. Syringes heal small injuries, like cuts, scraps and flesh wounds while Med Kits deal with serious injuries, such as internal bleeding, bullet wounds that can be lethal in minutes and effects from grenades and brutal hand-to-hand combat.

I will make changes where necessary and will update at the beginning of chapters if need be. I'm posting this ahead of time to get the category up publicly on . Hopefully, the first chapter will be out soon! Follow me to stay updated!
