They won. As it should be since everyone on the battlefield saw Thanos's army turn to dust. Now you think this would be a time of celebration. That was most of the heroes that had fought the mad titan's army did. But for two people, it was the most horrific thing to happen. On a step to what looked like a cross of a small RV and quinjet, was a person in armour with a glowing chest piece. Now most people would think this is the legendary Tony Stark, aka the Iron Man. Sadly this wasn't Iron Man. This was Logan Stark, the adoptive son of Tony Stark and later Pepper Stark. The world known him as Iron Lad. As Tony and Pepper fly down to their adoptive son, they see a brief case. What was in the brief case, they didn't care, all they wanted is to see their son. When they get down to him, others join them. From the likes of the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, to the god of thunder himself Thor. They all saw the young man tackle the mad Titan as he was about to snap his fingers, but he was tossed aside and Thanos had then snapped his fingers, but nothing happened. They then see that Logan had the infinity stones moving onto his Ares armour's left arm and they hear Thanos ask.

"Who are you?"

To which Logan replies "I am Iron Lad."

They then see him snap his fingers, but, they hear two more snaps in quick succession after the first snap. When they all gather around him, they all move to make a path for Tony and Pepper. They see the helmet on Logan slide back into the suit of armour and most look away in sadness. What most people would see a handsome young man in the suit, they would now see a face where the left half had a nasty burn mark on it. His blue eyes that once shone with pride and creativity, are now somewhat clouded over. They see he lifts his head and give everyone a warm smile.

Logan says "How's my hair?"

Tony says "Just fine son." But everyone can hear the sadness in his voice.

Pepper is seen crying and asking "Why you do it Logan? We just got you back and you go do this. Why?"

Logan takes a struggled breath before replying. He say "Because it was the only way to stop Thanos. It was also the only way to repay you and Tony for giving me the best life anyone could ask for."

Tony then said "It should have been me. Logan, you had so much to live for."

Logan gives his adoptive father a shake of his head for 'no'. He then says "I wouldn't have lived till I was twenty. The wakandan surgeons removed the vibranium from my body, but they couldn't get all of it. It was a poison that had no cure. Morgan still needs her mom and dad. Brief case."

They see Peter Parker open the brief case and most of the heroes present see the infinity stones, but Logan still has them on. Logan then says

"The first snap was to get rid of Thanos and his army from existence. The second was to bring the present infinity stones back. The last snap altered the infinity stones so that they split. When I leave, I'm taking half of the power with me. I also made sure that no one can do what Thanos did ever again."

They see Logan and his vehicle start to turn a dull grey.

Logan then says "Sometimes the hero doesn't make it. Sometime they need to sacrifice themselves so others can live on. Maybe they didn't do anything that stop their allies from dying, but, they gave them a chance to live another day. The hero doesn't know what will happen next. But it doesn't matter. Because it's what heroes do. And. Well. Ain't that a b*ch."

They hear Pepper say "You can rest now Logan."

They all see Logan and his vehicle slowly turn to dust. What is left of Logan is his chest piece, that falls to the ground.

In the my hero universe

Falling. That is what is happening now.

Ares says in a panic tone "Logan! Come on buddy. WAKE UP!"

Logan snaps his eyes open. He sees that he is still alive and he is in a free fall. How he is alive is another question for another time. He looks at his hud and see he is at full power and he tells Ares.

"Full power to the flight system!" Said Logan to Ares.

Ares replies "Already done."

Logan shifts himself into a pencil dive. He then feels himself slow down and he sees a city. He aims for a building that doesn't look like anyone is home and he can't be seen from the street. A full minute passes before Logan touches down on the roof of the building, with a loud 'clang' of his armoured boots. He then looks around and sees Japanese writing. He was glad that Pepper had forced him to do another language at his school, which was Japanese because Logan watched anime when he is not doing anything with Tony or on one of his projects. Logan looks around to see he is in some kind of down town area. He feels his helmet roll off and back into the suit.

He says "Ares fine me anything that deals with the Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D, Stark industry, and fine me my parents."

He then walks over to a bench that is on the roof and sits down. He then looks into a puddle and shots back up on what he saw in the puddle.

Logan says, more like ordered, Ares. He says "Ares show me my face. NOW!"

Ares does as he is told. What Logan sees in the screen makes him light headed. His once bright blue eyes had changed colour, giving him heterochromia iridium. His left eye was red, blue, and yellow in a swirled design going to the left. His right eye was green, purple, and orange in the same way as his left eye. He then starts to hyperventilate. How is he alive after the snaps he did, why are his eyes a different colour from their original bright blue. He then hears Ares talk, which make him even more panicked.

Ares says "I've checked, doubled checked, heck I even tripled checked and still nothing on the things you asked me to fined. The Avengers, shield, Stark industry, and your adoptive parents. Nothing. They don't exist. Also there is something in you pocket you should see once we figure out what happen to us."

Logan then hears a explosion in the distance and sees a smoke tower over the nearby buildings. He then has his helmet come back on. He then rockets over to the smoke stack. What he sees, well, he is still trying to believe. In the street below is a slug monster and said monster has two hostages. One blonde boy, which looks like he is trying to absorb. And a black haired girl that is being held down by the monster. He then hears the monster say.

"Once I take over your body, I'll have some fun with the girl here."

This gets Logan's blood boiling. He hated men that see women as objects and that force themselves onto them. Logan had a few times in New York had stop muggers from raping women and teenage girls. Logan then decides it's time for Iron Lad to step in.

A few moments before Logan showed up

The heroes where having a hard time getting the boy and girl away from the slug villain. A boy with green messy hair and pale skin with freckles on his face asks a hero a question.

"Why aren't you helping them?!?"

The pro hero Kamui Woods replies "The blonde kids quirk makes it hard for us to get close. The girl is another problem. We have to wait for a hero with the right quirk to help them."

The boy looks at the blondes face and is visible shocked. The blonde boy has tears in his eyes daring to roll down his face. The girl is also in tears, due to the fear she is in and about to be raped by a villain. The boy without thinking runs in. He hears the pro heroes yell out to him, but he doesn't listen. He then throws his backpack at the villains eye, which stunned the villain. He the starts to claw at the slug holding his friend.

The blonde bot coughs before yelling at the green haired boy. He yells "WHAT THE HELL DEKU! I DON'T NEED YOU TO SAVE ME!"

The boy know as Deku replies "I just felt my legs move on their own. Have to save you Kachann!"

The slug villain says "And now your dead!"

Everything goes in slow motion. Deku sees the arm coming his way and braces for impact. But, the arm of the slug villain is cut off by a beam of light. Everyone present looks up and sees a armoured individual fly down towards the slug villain. They see the person land in front of the villain and shot beams of light from their hands at the face of the villain. The slug villain recoil's in pain, which gives the armoured person enough time to grab all three of the teens. Everyone then sees what look like jet boosters on the back and legs ignite. The armoured person pulls the three teens to safety. He then looks down at Deku.

The person says "Nice job kid."

They then see him, due to the voice sounding male, rocket back towards the slug villain. The villain opens his eyes, only to get a armoured knuckle sandwich to the face. They see the right shoulder of the person move and out comes a missile pod. It fires one missile at the villain, but it explodes in what looks like a freezing solution. The villain is then immobilized. The armoured individual then lands and shoves the villain over to the heroes. He then gets air born and hovers in the air.

They hear him say "He's all yours." Before he rockets off into the sky.

Back with Logan

Now that has been dealt with. Logan now must figure out what happened to him. He sees a tall building in the distance that has four towers, which are positioned in a square formation. He lands on the southwest tower and goes to take off his Ares armour, when left arm doesn't open. Logan quirks an eyebrow. He try's the manual release, it doesn't work. He then try's to force the arm open, which he knew wouldn't work, but it was worth a try.

He then says "Come on Ares open the left arm."

Ares replies in a conscious tone "You sure?"

Logan says back "Yes. Now open up."

Ares says "I don't know. You can never be to carful when you are in unknown territory. Maybe keep the left arm on for now. I'll fallow you when you walk around. How's that?"

Logan having enough stalling from Ares say "Override code. Alfa, bravo, x-Ray, one, ten, one."

Ares replies "Override code expected." Was the tone of Ares in a slalom tone, like he was worried.

Logan then says "Finally I..." He stops when he sees his left arm.

He sees his whole left arm has changed to a metallic skin colour. On closer inspection, his skin had become metal, Ares did a scan and said it was vibranium. What is even more panicking is what is on his hand. On his hand we're the infinity stones themselves!! Now if Logan can remember, the orange one was soul, it was over his pinky finger. The red one was reality, it was over his ring finger. The blue one was space, it was over his middle finger. The one over his index finger was the power stone and it was purple. The time stone was over his thumb. Lastly the mind stone was in the middle of his hand on the top. Logan now is feeling very lightheaded. How! How could this happen to him! He just wanted to save everyone, not get transported to some other world. He then looks at Ares.

"Cut it off." Said Logan.

"What?" Replies Ares.

"CUT IT OFF!" Yells Logan.

Ares says "Ok ok!"

When Ares uses his repulsers to try, enthuses on tries, to cut off his makers hand off. But it didn't work. Even after five minutes of the repulsers beam on high didn't penetrate Logan's new vibranium arm. Logan gets down on his rear and gets into the fettle position.

Ares hears him repeat "Please be a dream." For over a minute. They then hear a load voice behind them say.


Ares and Logan look to see a very tall man. He has light brown skin, blonde hair combed back with two noticeable bangs pointing up. They see that he has a lot of muscle that could rival the hulk or Banner now. They can't see his eyes, but they see them glow a blue colour. Ares on preprogrammed safety protocols, gets in front of Logan and points his two Gatling guns at the man, as well as both his arm repulsers. The tall man pauses when the what he presumed was the person in the armour doing pointing their guns at the him. All Might for a fact can tell that the boy on the ground was not a student at UA, due to the school being closed now.


Ares for awhile thinks about it and lowers his arms, but he has one of his guns trained on the man, All Might he thinks because he did a Internet search on people and he was the most popular hero. Ares then knees down beside Logan and helps him up, not before he wraps Logan's left arm in bandages so no one would ask why Logan had a metal arm. Ares and Logan then fallow this 'All Might' hero into the building and into what looks like a office. In said office is a woman and some kind of animal. The woman is wearing black leather breastless leotard, which shows off her curves, it also has some red gemstone like accessories on the vertical pattern from the collar to the midriff. She also wears a flesh coloured bodysuit under the leotard. She has on translucent black thigh-high stockings, along with black knee-boots. She wears a small mask on her face that outlines her eyes. She has handcuffs on both of her wrists, but they aren't connected, as well as a utility belt. She also has long purple hair, she also has sky blue eyes. Logan in respect looks away from her, he maybe a young man, but he is definitely not a prevent. The animal has white fur, beady black eyes, it also has a tail. Now Logan can't put heads or tails what kind of animal it is, even more so is how in the world is it in a office building. It wears a white business shirt underneath a black vest, as well as wears black pants. It has some what big shoes on that are yellow.

The animal says "Ah All Might. Me and Midnight we're just talking about you. Oh, is this your successor?"

Logan was now confused. All Might was looking for a successor? But why? He then sees All Might cough and in a puff of smoke, the tall muscular man was now half his height. All Might now looked like a skeleton, his face was now more angular. Even his hair had changed, for its slicked back look, to a rats nest. Logan then sees All Might, or Small Might if he had his adoptive fathers humour at the wrong time kind of humour, cough up blood.

All Might says "No. He isn't my successor. I think I fond the vigilante from the slug villain incident earlier. My real successor is at home resting for tomorrow's training. He seems alright, but I don't know who this young man is or what the vigilante looks like for that matter."

Midnight then says "Then why did you bring him into the school?"

Logan blinks twice. This building was a school! He hadn't been to a school since he had helped the Avengers in Sokovia, due to him being homeschooled by Tony, in his mind he was the smartest thirteen year old at the time, in the US of A. What made Logan do a double take, was that Midnight is wearing a very revealing costume.

All Might says "I brought them in so we can talk in a more privet area. Also it made the vigilante lower his guns when I showed up."

Nezu can see where All Might as going with this. With the vigilante inside of the building, they could possibly detain him if he try's anything. But now they have a random boy that knows All Might's secret. Nezu then gets out of his chair and walks in front of the two people. He then introduces himself.

He says "Hello there. My name is Nezu. What's your name?"

Logan shakes Nezu's hand or paw and says "Logan. Logan Stark is my name."

Nezu says "Are you from America? You Japanese is very good."

Logan replies "Yes. I'm from New York. My adoptive mother forced me to learn another language while I was still in school, before they decided to home school me."

Nezu, All Might, and Midnight raised an eyebrow. Was this boy an orphan? But they then look at the armoured individual as well.

Midnight then says "Well, aren't you going to come out for the armour or do we have to force it open?"

Ares says "Why?"

Nezu says "So we now you are someone that we can trust with All Might's secret."

They all see Ares's helmet fold back into the armour and they eyes go wide. The armour was empty! Was it a drone? Was a person controlling it form another location?

Ares says "I'm a suit of armour with an advanced AI in it."

Midnight says "Who built you?"

They hear a cough and look over at Logan, who has a smile on his face.

Logan says "Your looking at him."

Logan then explains what 'Ares' is. To say the three adults are shocked. A young man, possible around fifteen, built a heavy combat armour all by himself. But, where did he get the money to do it?

Nezu asks "How did you afford the materials and why are you in Japan?"

They see Logan get a sadden face. Did Nezu ask a sensitive question on a personal subject. They see Logan grab his left arm, which was covered in bandages. Did he get a bad injury on his arm or something else happen to him before he came to Japan.

Logan says "You wouldn't believe me anyways."

Nezu says "Try me."

Logan then thinks "I could try to use the reality stone, along with the mind stone to show them my memories. Might as well."

He then concentrates on the reality and mind stones. Three pro heroes see something glow underneath Logan's bandages.

All Might asks "What are you..."

He didn't finish due to the room changing with a wave of red. They are now in a open area, they could see it was a battlefield. They see, for them still trying to understand, what looks like a alien army. They see Logan in the Ares armour standing beside a man in a mostly blue, with some white and red uniform with a big white star on his chest. The man has on a blue helmet. They also see he has a broken shield. Logan's armour wasn't looking good ether, it had multiple dents in it, with some of the pieces missing. They see a very tall man or alien with a doubled bladed sword staff. They see Logan walk beside the blue uniformed man. They then both start walking up to the army of aliens. They then hear from the blue uniformed mans com link.

Person on the other side of com "Cap can you hear me? Cap come in, it's Sam."

The now named Cap says back "I read you. Over."

They then hear "On your left."

They see Logan and Cap look over on their left side and are surprised to see a sparks form and then a portal form. Out of the portal comes three people, one male and two females. The man is wearing a skin tight bodysuit. The two females are wearing what looks like African tribal robes, but with some armour and advanced weapons for the shorter female. They see a African man smile at Cap and Cap breaths sign of what looks like relief. A man flys out of the portal, he was also of African descent, they see him fly around three walking out of the first portal and around Cap, which he then flys up into the sky with more portals opening.

The African man in the bodysuit yells "YIBAMBE!"

They then hear a more collective shout back "YIBAMBE!!!!" This repeats for awhile.

They then see an army of African people march out of the portal and see advanced airplanes come out of the ones of the sky. They see other portals bring people of mostly Asian descendants, but have other nationalities in robes. The people in robes have their hands covered what look like a magic circles, or could they all have the same quirk. Another portal brings out a legion of people in armour. Another one brings five people, two of which don't look human. The man has grey skin with red tattoos. The woman has pale skin and very big eyes in green robes, she also has two antennae on her fore head. A boy in what looks like a spider suit swings in onto a piece of rubble. Another man flys in on his rocket shoes. With the fifth man glides in beside a a somewhat chubby man they see then man ask the chubby man.

He asks "Is this all of them?"

The chubby man replies "You want more?!?"

They then hear a load sound of rubble being moved and crushed. They look and their jaws drop at what they see. They see a giant man shove rubble off him. He then released three people from his hand. One was as tall as All Might in his muscle from, with the same amount of muscle. But he had a very disfigured left arm. The other one was a raccoon in orange and black suit, that was also holding a gun. There was another armoured individual, that was more armoured then Logan's Ares armour. They see more people show up.

Cap yells "AVENGERS!"

He then pauses, while catching a hammer that flies into his hand. He then says in a normal voice "Assemble."

A bearded man with an axe gives a mighty battle cry. And everyone charges the alien army, while also giving a battle cry. The alien army does the same. All Might, Nezu, and Midnight watch the battle ensue. They see multiple people fight aliens hand to hand or they use ranged attacks. They see Logan with two other armoured people, one male and one female.

Logan says in the memory, "Now this is a family reunion!"

The woman says "I got your backs."

They then see the space ship fire onto the battle field and they see the robed people make shields. The caucasian man in robes stops a torrent of water from entering the battlefield. They then see a woman rocket down from the sky and through the space ship. They then see people carry a strange, while damaged, gauntlet with some glowing gem stones. They see that multiple aliens try to get the gauntlet, which means it is important to the leader of the alien army. They then see the purple man get the gauntlet and put it on. They see what look like power veins glow up his left arm, he even yells out when he put it on. Some people try to get the gauntlet away from him. But they are all knocked away. It is then Nezu, All Might, and Midnight sees Logan's sacrifice. They see him tackle the mad Titan and get thrown away. They then see the mad Titan snap his fingers, but nothing happens. They see him look at the gauntlet and see the stones are gone. They then look over at Logan and see he has the stones.

They hear him say, after the purple man ask who is he. He says "I am Iron Lad."

They see him snap and a bright light erupts from the snap, but they hear two more snaps after the first one. When the light dissipates, they see the alien army turn to dust. They then see Logan is very injured, Midnight even gasped when they saw his face. They then hear Logan say his speech, before him and the vehicle he was siting on, slowly turn to dust as well. The area goes black before they see him fall to the city below and then over to the slug villain. The room turns back normal. They then look at Logan. A boy from another universe, one who gave his life to stop an mad man. Logan then explains what had led up to that point and what his world was like. To say Nezu is shock and amazed. Amazed that the multiverse theory is true, as well as a world full of quirkless people. Even more amazed that regular people can be heroes even thou they don't have powers. There is also no hero association, so all the heroes in Logan's world are pros, while also living double lives. All Might is shocked by the young mans resolve in his sacrifice. Logan had also said he was dying anyways due to a near invisible metal call 'vibranium' that was poisoning him due to him getting a very big chunk in him, Ares then clarified that the remnants of the vibranium had fussed with Logan's left arm. Midnight is shocked as well. They all see Logan remove his bandages and they see his arm, as well as the infinity stones. Logan then said he made alterations to the stones, so that no one could do what Thanos did ever again. Logan then explains the powers of the stones. The three adults are shocked once again. This young man had the power of the universe at his finger tips. They then see him snap his fingers. A bright light happens, but, nothing happens. A load growl comes from All Might. They then have Ares do a scan of All Might and they are surprised to find out that All Might is fully healed. They talk some more, before Logan asks.

"Now what are you going to do with me? I can't go back to the US, to them I don't even exist."

Nezu replies "We will put you into the foreign exchange student program, this way you can get a visa to say you are Japanese."

Logan says "And then?"

Midnight says "Become a hero."

Logan thinks and sees the plan.

Logan says "Will you guys set me up with an apartment where I can live?"

Midnight replies "No. You will be living with me. We can make a story that I adopted you, due to me being friends with your late parents."

All Might says "Aren't you already taking in another foreign exchange student? Do you have enough room in you house to allow them their own space, as well as provide them food and other things."

Logan says "I'll take an apartment please."

Midnight says "No."

Logan then hangs his head in defeat.

The next day

Logan had got moved into Midnight's house, her name was Kayama Nermuri. Logan had asked them to keep his secret because he didn't want a very large target on his back. Today was about getting comfortable. Logan had then pulled out a strange black cube from his pocket. The cube was nothing special, it was at lest two inches all the way around. Logan then accidentally dropped it. Nermuri comes over and sees a door in front of her, Logan peers around the right side.

Nermuri says "What?"

Logan then opens the door and sees a open area. He walks in, but Nermuri rushed over to the other side to see Logan go through it. She fallows Logan in and gasps. In the area is a large wooden house made from logs, a small lake in front, there is also a small hot springs in there, also a small forest to the right of the house. The lake had a small island in the middle, which the island had a small amount of trees on it. She sees Logan shaking.

Nermuri asks "Logan, are you alright?"

Logan replies with a tone that barely held back his sadness "I'm fine."

Nermuri can see Logan isn't fine. She goes up to him and hugs him. Logan had told her that he would have been twenty, if he hadn't been put on ice to help him heal. By the time school starts next year, Logan will be sixteen. Logan then explains, that this was the house Tony and Pepper lived in with their daughter Morgan. When they go inside, Logan sees things he thought shouldn't be possible. He sees Captain America's shield, fully repaired. He also sees Hawkeyes bow and sword. Black panthers necklace. Even mjolnir and stormbreaker are there, both are in a weapons case. He even sees Ant Mans suit and some Pym-particals in a safe and in the suit. He then sees a room that he was thinking about trying to invent, a fully VR room, where you play as the main character of a video game, but, the room was huge. He then goes over to the garage and sees his vehicle he made from a scraped RV and a quinjet. He then sees his other armours that he had made. He sees his Raiden, Poseidon, Apollo, Athena, and the others he had made with his own hands.

Later that day, Nermuri brings the other exchange student home. The foreign exchange student is a fourteen year old girl. She has black hair, that reaches down to her waist. She has light brown skin. She has a hourglass figure. Her eyes are a yellow to a gold colour. She sees Logan on the couch.

She asks Nermuri a question. She asks "Who's this mis. Midnight?"

Midnight replies "This is my stepson. I was a friend of his parents. They wanted me to take care of him if they ever pass away."

Logan says "Sup. Names Logan Stark."

The girl says in a some what shy voice "Hello. My name is Natasha Richmen."

Logan remembers another Natasha he knew. Before she gave her life to get the soul stone. Natasha's quirk aloud her to freely control lighting, ether be it from another source or from her body, if it is from her body, she will get sleepy by overuse of the energy in her system, but, she can absorb electricity to recharge herself. The limitation is that she can still be electrocuted by the Lightning she is controlling, so she can't cover herself with the lighting, but if she wears a protective clothes or armour, she then can have lightning surround her body. The three have lunch and get to know each other better. Logan and Natasha quickly become friends and are in the same foreign exchange student program. Logan sees Natasha as a little sister figure. Logan had also met a friend at a local comic book and video game store. His name was Denki Kaminair. They hung out when ether of them weren't doing anything. Logan also made a vow to himself, that he should never use the infinity stones on people, but all bets are off if he is facing a monster or a creature that isn't human. He would only use the infinity stones on a person only if he was out of options to take them down, but not out. He would rely on his tools, his armours, the other weapons of his fellow avengers that got copied when he came here.

So that one day he can be Iron Lad, no, the Iron Man of this world.