Hello, this is my first attempt at a Yugioh story, I just recently started making stories to post on websites and I find it difficult to share my work as I am actually quiet shy. While I do hope you enjoy the story, I ask that you please be gentle with your comments.

"I know there are a million places you'd rather be right now,Love, and I'm sorry you're feeling so sick. But I'm glad you did this, Grandpa and I just want to make sure you're all right." Yugi said, wrapping the blanket around Atem. The Pharaoh shivered on the examination bed. Yugi reached out, lightly pressing his hand to Atem's head and frowned.

"It doesn't feel like your fever's come down at all. Do you want to lie down, I could-"Atem shook his head. Though he felt weak and exhausted by the illness, his beloved Yugi was frightened of his illness. Atem was determined to keep everything as close to normal as he could. The pharaoh turned from Yugi,coughing harshly into his tissue, he winced at the pain in his chest, finding it difficult to catch his breath.

"Are you-"

"Give him a minute, Yugi." Solomon suggested gently. The teen reached out, resting a hand on Atem's shoulder.

"I-I'm fine, Yugi."Atem assured, patting his hand lovingly. Yugi laid his head on the king's arm.

"I'm so sorry, love. You had the chance to be home with your family, I begged you to stay and your family gave you back to me. I promised them I'd take care of you and we haven't been married three months and you end up in the emergency room."

"Y-you can't control everything that happens. I stayed because I love you with all my heart. My father gave us his blessing, if he thought you weren't capable, he would have taken me home whether you and i liked it or not. You can't be blamed for this, I could have gotten it anywhere." Another coughing fit hit him, prompting Yugi to pull him close, resting his head on his chest. To his surprise, Atem didn't pull away.

"try to rest, hopefully they'll come back and tell us what's wrong. The sooner we know that, the sooner we can get you feeling better."

"Do you want me to get you some water?"Solomon offered. Atem nodded, receiving a bottle of water, his hand grasped the object as best he could,Yugi helped to steady it, allowing him to take a small sip and hand it back to the old man.

A tall brown haired woman wearing a white coat and stethoscope around her neck, entered the exam room, in her arms she carried a manila folder, which she briefly glanced at before speaking to the group.

"Sorry, I know you've been here a while, the lab was a little backed up,but I do have some results for you."

"What's wrong with him, he'll be okay, won't he?"Yugi asked worriedly. Atem took his hand.

"Everything will be fine, Partner." He soothed.

"I've looked at his x-rays, the blood tests and everything points to pneumonia in both lungs. Because of the way it's affecting his breathing, I'd like to keep him here for a few days-"

"Is there any way something can be done at home?"Atem asked, feeling Yugi tighten his grip on his hand.

"Once we've started you on medication and you start feeling like you can breathe a little better, I can let you go. I can see you're struggling a little and we want to stop the progression. The best thing for you is to be here for a couple of days. We can monitor you for complications and-"

"Yugi, my dearest love, please don't be so unhappy. In a few days time, I'll be back home with you. This I promise. There's no need to be so concerned."

"If you're sick enough for them to keep you here-I don't want to-I mean, I want you to stay because it's important for you to get better, but.." Yugi sniffled.

"Only for a short time. I don't care for the idea myself. I would rather be home with you, however I'm not that far away and should you need me, you can visit or call at any time."

"Can I stay with him?" Yugi asked.

"Don't you think we should let him rest?" Solomon asked.

"Of course we should. I'm sorry, Atem. I just hate that you're so sick, and leaving you here-"

"I don't think having him here for the night would do any harm."Solomon sighed heavily.

Yugi gazed into his eyes.

"Y-You want me here?"

"There will never be a day in my life that I don't want you near me. I can think of no one better to spend my days with." Again the king coughed hard, causing his chest to ache terribly. The doctor moved closer, removing her stethoscope, placing the chest piece on the teen, who shivered as the cold metal touched his skin.

"I want you to lie down and try to rest, I'll have a nurse set up a breathing treatment and an oxygen tube. It's very important that you rest with pneumonia, over exerting yourself isn't going to do any good." She turned and exited the room, making her way to the nurse's station.

Atem however, ignored the instruction, instead focusing on comforting his beloved Yugi.

"Atem, my boy, don't you think it's best for you to have some time to rest quietly. I know how much you love Yugi, and I'm glad to see that you're so willing to take care of him, but you need to look after yourself as well. He's going to be fine." The old man shook his head,watching the Pharaoh softly kiss Yugi's forehead and wipe away the falling tears.

"Y-You always take care of me, Atem. Even when you don't feel good. I wish I was as strong as you are, then you wouldn't have to protect me so much and-"

"The best move I ever made was to offer you the ring that has been in my family for centuries. When you asked me to stay with you, my heart was filled with such joy. When you and I took our vows in front of our family and friends, it became not just my responsibility to protect you, to cherish you above all others, to keep the promises I made, it is my wish to do so. Whether I am ill or not, you are my priority and I love you with all my heart. You have given me the greatest honor of all."

"You always know just how to make my heart smile. I love you, so much."

"And I love you, so much more than you could ever know." They waited a hour longer before Atem was settled in his hospital bed. By this time, He no longer had the strength to support himself and was forced to lie back, nearly giving into his exhaustion.

"Are you sure you're all right with Yugi spending the night, you know how he's been and you heard the doctor's orders." Solomon pointed out.

"I'm sure. Yugi will be able to see that I'm all right and I will be able to comfort him." Yugi straightened the blanket around the pharaoh. He yawned,they had spent most of the afternoon and evening in the emergency department.

"You should sleep." Atem said softly, Yugi shook his head.

"No. You're sick, you need the sleep more than I do. I'll stay up in case you-"

"Come here." Atem requested lovingly.

"What's wrong, are you-"

"please?" Yugi nodded and Solomon watched as Atem pulled Yugi onto the bed, allowing him to rest his head on his chest.

"But if you need-"

"You'll be right beside me."

"I don't want to hurt you. Earlier, it hurt you when the doctor-"

"Close your beautiful eyes, Yugi. There is no need to concern yourself anymore tonight. Sleep, and dream of wonderful things." Yugi needed no further encouragement, snuggling into the king and did as he was told. Soon, the teen was asleep, prompting Solomon to spread the spare blanket over his grandson.

"If you have any trouble, I will come back and get him. Have them call the house. I'll be back to see you tomorrow before the shop opens. Get some rest, I'm only a phone call away." Atem smiled faintly.

"Thank you, Solomon. I'll look after him tonight." the old man nodded.

"I don't doubt that, just remember to do what the doctor tells you. I'll see you both tomorrow."

"I will, thank you, Solomon." Solomon patted his hand.

"I love you the same as I love Yugi, and with as much as you've done for all of us, you've earned some time off. I'm just sorry it happened the way it did."Atem bid the man goodnight, turning his attention briefly to the boy at his side, holding him close. He closed his own eyes, giving into sleep at last.