Naofumi and Raphtalia laid on their shared sleeping bag. She still wasn't used to this… closeness to Naofumi. Every little shift made her tail go
straight. She listened to the crackling of the slowly dying fire and chirping of crickets.
Suddenly, she felt two warm hands on her tail. Shocks ran down her tail and up her spine. She turned her head and swatted at the offending limbs.
"Naofumi-sama! My tail is sensitive!"
"Tail fluff." He simply replied.
"Tail fluff…" He whined. His face turned into an adorable pout.
She made a huff. "Alright, fine." The two hands placed themselves back on her tail.
Maybe the feeling wasn't that bad.
I just had the sudden urge to write a little bit of Raphumi fluff. After a Senko-san binge, this is what I came up with.
I'll be getting that next chapter of SGDS done soon.
Also, Litter was a "gift" one-shot to strax. Sorry, but I won't be continuing the saga of raccoon babies.