The Power of Four: A Coven's Tale
C1: Off To France
Standard Disclaimer: I don't own any of the recognizable characters.
A/N: This will be a Harem fic with a bit of incest. This will be the only time I will say this, so if this is not your cup of tea, don't read it. It will start at the end of fourth year, going on into fifth. Perhaps I will make this a multi part story going on into sixth and beyond. With that said, enjoy and please Read and Review.
The early morning sun woke him from his slumber and as Fabian Black opened his eyes, he couldn't help but smile at his good fortune. He was currently in the Beauxbatons Carriage cuddled up to his gorgeous girlfriend, Fleur Delacour, and although she was two years older than he was, they had hit it off from the moment the beautiful blonde walked into the Great Hall, now almost seven months ago.
She had saved him from the depths of the Black Lake during the Triwizard Tournament, and their first kiss upon resurfacing had drawn a lot of attention.
But now as his fourth year of school came to a close, he couldn't help but feel a bit sad. It meant that she was going back to France and that they would be separated, which left a cold feeling in his stomach, even if it was only for a few days, since her parents had invited him to their home in France, and thankfully his mothers had given him the okay.
They had gotten extremely close over the year and were practically inseparable at this point, and both of them had similar theories about the why.
Fleur now also started to wake up as she turned around. "Good morning, mon amour, 'ow did you sleep?" She asked softly.
He smiled at her. "As amazing as I always do when I sleep in your arms, ma cherí. How did you sleep?" He asked in a similar tone.
"The same, although I can't believe the year is already over. It 'as gone by so quickly." She said with a sleepy smile.
"I know, it seems like only yesterday that I woke up in this bed for the first time." He said before pressing a chaste kiss to her lips.
Fleur smiled and pushed him to his back, nuzzling her head in the crook of his neck. "Remember 'ow embarrassed Gabrielle was when she first found us like this?"
He smiled and nodded as he wrapped an arm around her. "Of course I do, I remember most of our intimate moments together, just as I remember how excited Luna was when she saw us entering together at the Yule Ball."
"Ah yes, the Yule Ball, such a magical night, but I still don't understand why you two are so close. Sometimes it makes me very jealous." Fleur said softly.
Fabian smiled and kissed her cheek softly. "You don't have to be, mon amour. Luna and I are so close because she is like my little sister. I have always felt very protective of her and we are both very affectionate people. She will never try to steal me away from you. After her mother died I was there for her and she has been by my side for most of my important moments so far, my Aunt Bellatrix has even said that Luna is another child of the Black Family."
She smiled at that. "She is the Aunt that you have a soft spot for, oui?"
He nodded at that. "She has always meant the world to me, and I have always been her favorite, although she also has a soft spot for my cousin Nymphadora, who was the firstborn of my generation."
"I don't believe you have told me about her yet, love. What is she like?" Fleur asked with a soft smile.
"Nymphadora, but she prefers Dora, is the kindest, most loving woman you will ever meet, but also has an amazing sense of humor, and on top of that, she is a Metamorphmagus, so she can change any part of her body to what she wants or needs. She used to change into me that even my Mum wouldn't know who was the real Fabian anymore." He said with a dreamy smile.
Fleur smiled at that. "You are so mischievous sometimes my love, but I guess that is what attracted me to you."
He smiled and kissed her softly. "I thought that my sparkling personality drew you to me." He said teasingly.
"That too, as well as other certain features of your being, one of which I can't wait to feel for myself." She said with a bit of a husky tone.
He blushed at that, and Fleur found that absolutely adorable. "Don't think I 'aven't felt your morning erection press against me, my love, and it is impressive to say the very least."
His blush darkened as there was a tentative knock on the door, which could only mean one person. "Come in Gabrielle, we are decent." Fleur said as she moved to a more neutral position against his side.
The petite blonde opened the door and poked her head in with a smile. "Madame Maxine said we have to leave in an hour, I just thought you two might want to know."
"Thank you, ma sœur, we'll be ready." Fleur said with a soft smile.
Gabrielle smiled and left the couple to their canoodling again. She would readily admit that she had her reservations about her sister's boyfriend in the beginning, but he had been an exemplary boyfriend to Fleur, and he was really sweet and kind of cute too, so she was more than okay with him stealing her sister's heart.
Inside Fleur's room, the couple had now gotten out of bed, and being the gentleman that he was raised to be, he turned around so she could get dressed in peace, and if he was honest, it was better for his control too. Fleur was drop dead gorgeous and her curves seriously tested his self control.
"Why do you always turn away when I am changing, my love? Chances are that we are going to see each other naked very soon." Fleur asked with a smile.
He smiled and turned back, seeing his girlfriend did not have her top on yet and was standing in front of him in jeans and a baby blue bra. "Because I was raised to be a gentleman and I respect your privacy."
Fleur quirked an eyebrow at that. "While that is a very proper answer, I would love it if you showed your true feelings. I am craving it before we are parted for two days."
He sighed softly and picked her up by her hips, kissing her passionately as she wrapped her legs around his waist, and she couldn't help but moan when he pressed her against the wall of the room and let one of his hands glide to her bra-covered breast. "The feelings you stir up in me cannot be explained by words, ma cherí."
She smiled and kissed him again. "That is a very good start mon amour, and I can't wait to get more of that when we get to my home."
"What about your family love, won't they have something to say about us being so close?" He asked softly.
"Don't worry about that, my love. If my feelings are correct, we will be sharing a room for the entire time we are at the Château Delacour, and my mother and grandmother will welcome you into the family like a son." She said with a smile.
He smiled and kissed her again before he set her back onto the floor. "I hope you are right, ma cherí, because I would hate to lose you."
She smiled and pulled him close. "You will never lose me, mon amour. If it comes to it I will find a nice house for us in Britain, but I am sure it will not come to that. Gabrielle already adores you and I am sure you will enamor my mother and grandmother too."
"I will trust you on that love, but if I get castrated I won't be held responsible." He said with a smile.
Fleur giggled and kissed him. "They won't go that far, ozerwise I will not be able to give them a granddaughter, and Maman will not want that."
He smiled and relaxed into her embrace, the two lovers staying like that for a minute when there was another knock on the door. "Fabian, I know you're in there and I just wanted you to know that Professor Flitwick is looking for you." Luna said from the other side.
"I'll be there in a minute Lu." He said with a soft smile.
"I'll just wait here then. We have a tradition to uphold after all." She said with an audible dreamy smile.
He smiled and turned back to his girlfriend. "I almost forgot about that. Will I see you before you have to go?" He asked softly.
Fleur smiled and nodded. "Of course you will. Go and spend time with your best friend, and you shouldn't keep your Head of House waiting for me."
He smiled and gave her another kiss before he finished getting dressed. "I'll be back as soon as possible, ma cherí. I couldn't handle it if I didn't see you a last time before we are separated for a few days."
She only smiled before pecking his lips for a last time. "I'll be waiting, mon amour, now go before I won't let you leave."
He nodded and kissed her a last time before making his way outside, Luna smiling brightly when she saw the slight blush on his cheeks.
Walking together to the Castle, Luna hooked her arms with his. "Did you and Fleur have fun?" She asked with a knowing smile.
"We did, we covered a lot last night and this morning. It hurts that I have to let her go for a few days." He said softly.
Luna smiled and gave him a side hug. "I assume you two have some theories about that already, because it certainly sounds like you two are already planning to spend the rest of your lives together."
"We have some theories, but we will have to go to her family's library to confirm them. Books on the Veela can only be read by them or their rightful mates." He said softly.
Luna nodded at that. "I know, I've heard about that before, and I hope you two are really meant to be. You fit together so perfectly."
He smiled and hugged her. "Thanks Lu, and I really hope that you find someone worthy of your gigantic heart."
She smiled dreamily at him. "I'm sure I will, I'm only fourteen and I have all the time in the world to find love, and when I find him or her, you will be the first to approve."
He smiled and kissed the top of her head, as he often did. "Would you mind terribly if we waited with our walk until after Fleur leaves? I think I will need the support of my little sister then."
She only nodded as they entered the Castle, where Professor Flitwick was already waiting for him. "Ah Mr. Black, so good of you to have pried yourself from your girlfriend's side. There are some things I need to discuss with you."
He nodded and gave Luna a quick hug before following their Head of House to his office, the blonde skipping off to their Dorm to start packing.
When Fabian entered the office of his Head of House, he was surprised to see his mothers Eliza and Narcissa also being present. "Good morning sweetie, how have you been?" Eliza asked sweetly.
He smiled and gave them a hug. "I've been great Mum, thank you for asking, and thank you again for letting me stay with Fleur and her family over the holiday."
The two women smiled at him. "We actually came with news about that sweetie. We have been in contact with her parents, and they have agreed to let you two stay three weeks in France and three weeks with us. We want to get to know your girlfriend as well." Narcissa said with a smile
He smiled brightly at that. "She mentioned wanting to get to know our family as well, so she will love these turn of events as well."
Eliza smiled at him. "There is more sweetie. We want you to cross reference some things while you are there. There has been a book that has been in our family for centuries and having witnessed the interactions between you and Fleur after the Second and Third Tasks, we have some theories about what is transpiring. We just want to confirm them and help you two unlock your full potential."
He smiled at that. "If we have the time, I will sit down with Fleur and read through it, since you two make it sound that it involves her as well."
They merely smiled at that, but said nothing more as they all took a seat and turned to Flitwick. "As you can imagine, Mr. Black, your mothers presence has another reason. I have made a deal with your Godfather and secured Ms. Delacour a place as his assistant for the coming year, and with that comes her own quarters. I have been informed by your mothers that the Black Family actually has a room for couples within the Castle walls. If things continue to develop the way they have this year, which I expect, you and Ms. Delacour are free to use this room next year, as long as your impressive grades don't suffer from it, although I think that will not be an issue considering your close friendship with Ms. Lovegood and Ms. Granger."
Fabian nodded and smiled at that. "I think that will not be a problem, Professor. Hermione and Luna have both kept me focused on my studies during the year, and I am sure they will continue to do that."
Narcissa and Eliza shared a knowing look, knowing they had more to share with their son when the time was right.
Fabian didn't notice the look but kept his attention on his Head of House. "As a last thing I want to give you ahead of time is this." Flitwick said as he placed a Prefect Badge in on the table.
His eyes went wide. "Thank you Professor. I promise to not let you down."
Flitwick smiled his toothy smile. "I know you won't, your partner will be Ms. Patil next year and I trust you two to act according to our House standards."
Fabian nodded and took the badge with shaking hands, feeling two hands on this shoulders. "We are very proud of you sweetie, and just so you know, your brother will also be a Prefect." Narcissa said with a soft smile.
"I'll congratulate him when we get home then, since he has an image to keep." Fabian said with a smile.
Eliza and Narcissa smiled at him. "We understand sweetie, but we have kept you long enough, go and say goodbye to your girlfriend."
He looked to Professor Flitwick, who only nodded and smiled at him and after getting that affirmative, he took off again, making his way to the Beauxbatons carriage immediately.
Seeing that the drivers and students were making their last preparations, he spotted his girlfriend immediately, making his way over with a smile on his face. "Bonjour ma cherí." He whispered as he wrapped his arms around her from behind.
Fleur yelped adorably and turned in his arms. "You scared me, mon amour and trust me that I will get you back for that once we get to France."
He smiled at her. "About that, I have some news. My mothers were with Professor Flitwick and said that they had been in contact with your parents and that there has been a slight change in plans. We are going to spend three weeks at your home, and then three weeks at mine. My mothers and my family really want to get to know you."
She smiled at her boyfriend. "That is magnifique, mon amour. I would love to get to know your mothers and thank them personality for raising such a gentleman, and apologize for corrupting you."
He smiled and kissed her softly. "You are not responsible for my corruption, they blame my uncle Sirius for that."
Fleur smiled and kissed him softly. "I will miss you in the next two days, my love. It will be hard not to wake up next to you tomorrow morning, or even going to sleep tonight without your arms around me."
He smiled at her. "I will feel the same. Not waking up to your floral shampoo tomorrow morning or feeling your silky skin against my own tonight will be torture."
They kissed each other softly and leaned their foreheads against each other, smiling at each other as they basked in each others presence.
"Fleur, it's time to go cherí." Madame Maxine said with a kind smile.
"Oui Madame." Fleur said with a soft smile before turning back to her boyfriend. "I will miss you so much, mon amour."
"I will miss you more, ma cherí, have a safe trip." He said softly, unwilling to let the contact break.
Fleur smiled and gave him a last kiss before she slowly back away, keeping her hands in his for as long as possible, and when she needed to let him go, she blew him a kiss, smiling as he caught it and placed it over his heart.
He blew a kiss back to his lover and smiled as she repeated the move, and in an instant Luna was by his side, smiling at the French witch.
Fleur smiled back at her and was glad that her lover had someone so close to him to take care of him until they could be reunited.
She would admit she had been wary about the petite blonde when she saw how close she was to Fabian, but she noticed soon enough that it was more of an adoration that a younger sister held for her elder sibling, since she usually saw the same thing in her own sister.
Gabrielle was also instantly by her side as soon as the doors of the carriage were closed, the two sitting together as the carriage lurched and took off.
Meanwhile Fabian and Luna watched as the carriage took off, and Fabian couldn't help the tears that made their way down his face.
Luna noticed and wrapped her arms around him. "You'll see her in a couple of days Fabian, they'll be over before you know it."
He smiled and pulled her into his side as the carriage went out of sight. "Let's go and take our walk. I don't want to have a heart to heart with everyone staring at us."
She nodded and smiled at him as they made their way to their favorite spot, their hidden alcove near the Black Lake, and Luna just couldn't help but hook her arm with his again.
He smiled at her and squeezed her arm softly, which earned him a bright smile from his best friend.
When he pushed away the branches that hid their alcove and they had taken a seat on the log they had transfigured into a comfortable bench she turned to him. "So, ready to talk about what these feelings you have for Fleur are?" She asked with her ever present knowing smile.
He nodded at her as she got comfortable against him. "I love her Lu, more than anything in the world. I just don't know if I am ready to admit that to her."
"Sometimes you have to take the plunge, Fabian, you know that. The woman literally saved you from the Lake and then kissed you for the entire school to see. Your brother was sporting a very prominent blush when that happened." Luna said with a dreamy smile.
He smiled at that. "I know, but sometimes admitting the obvious can be the most difficult thing in the world. I am so afraid that she might not feel the same for me and will eventually realize I am just a boy."
Luna frowned a bit at that, not used to hearing her brother in all but blood talk himself down so much. "Where is this coming from Fabian. You are not just a boy, you are a man with wisdom well beyond your fifteen years, and anyone who says otherwise is lying."
He smiled faintly at her. "I guess, but every time I look at Fleur I just see a woman who has so much more to offer to a man, and yet she somehow chose me, I just don't understand it."
"That fact alone should speak volumes, Fabian Black. She can have any man or woman in the world and she still chose you. And you have a lot to offer to a woman, trust me, I know." She said with a hint of a blush.
"And what might that be Lu?" He asked softly.
She smiled at him. "An amazing personality, a great physique and you are a very loyal and loving person, and if I will admit, you have another very attractive feature for a woman."
He smiled and pulled her close. "I think I know what you mean by that, so you don't have to say it, although I wonder how you know about that."
She blushed a little at that. "We have spent nights in the same bed together for over ten years, at some point an erection in the morning was bound to happen, I just happened to notice it and I took a little peak while you were still asleep."
"I should have known that was the reason you had trouble looking at me that day without blushing. Now it makes sense." He said with a teasing smile.
Luna's blush darkened at that. "Yes that was the reason. You know perfectly well that I always had a crush on you, and to be so close to you during our formative years had just as much an effect on me as it had on you."
He smiled at her. "What are you saying Lu, that Fleur stole me away from you?"
She smiled and shook her head. "In a way, but all I ever wanted for you was to be happy, and you clearly are with Fleur, so I will remain your loving little sister for as long as you will have me, just know that you will be the standard for all my relationships."
"By your description I will have to find a way to split myself in two then." He said with a wink.
Luna merely smiled and snuggled into him, the two of them just sitting there relaxing against each other until it was time to go back and pack the last of their things, which in Fabian's case was basically everything.
Stepping out of the train the following day, Fabian had to smile at the familiar sight of Kings Cross station and his mothers and Aunt standing there.
He quickly made his way over and smiled as he was enveloped into a hug by his Aunt Bellatrix. "Hello my dear nephew. How have you been?" She asked sweetly as he relaxed in her arms.
"I've been good Aunt Bella. It's so good to see you again. How have you been?" He said with a smile.
She smiled and pressed him a little closer to her chest, something she knew he always loved. "It's been a bit boring, but Cissa is keeping me occupied well enough, but I understand that your girlfriend is going to join us in a couple of weeks."
He nodded at her. "She was really excited to meet everyone when I told her yesterday, and but I have to admit I am a bit anxious about meeting her family."
Bellatrix smiled at him. "Most boys are anxious the first time they meet their girlfriend's parents, but I am sure you'll be fine. Just be your charming self and everything will be fine. It has always worked wonders for the women in our family." She said with a smile.
He blushed a little at that as he went to hug his mothers. "Don't tease him so much Bella. He is nervous enough as it is." Narcissa gently chided her sister.
Bellatrix only smiled at her. "A little teasing takes away some of the nerves Cissy, and I only want to help my nephew. I want to see him happy as much as you do."
Eliza smiled at that. "You've always been a bit bias when it comes to Fabian, but with him being the youngest it is understandable."
Fabian pouted a little at that. "Draco is only a couple of months older than I am."
The three woman smiled at that. "That's because of the circumstances at the time, sweetie, we'll talk about that when we get home, I think you're old enough to know the story." Eliza said with a sweet smile.
He nodded and smiled as Draco walked up to them. "Hello sweetie, you sure took your sweet time."
The blonde smiled at them. "Sorry, but I had a bit of trouble keeping Pansy off me."
"She just cares about you Draco, and if you feel the same for her, it might not be a bad idea to return those feelings." Narcissa said diplomatically.
Draco smiled at her. "I'm not sure I like her in the same way that she likes me, but I do care for her. Maybe it can blossom in something more."
Narcissa and Eliza smiled at him. "How about we talk about that when we get home. Sirius has a family meeting planned that concerns you two as well, since you both know what happened in the last Task of the Tournament."
The two boys nodded and followed their family to the shielded alley next to the train station, where they could apparate home.
When they arrived in the den of Black Manor, most of the family had already gathered, being Andromeda her daughter Nymphadora, Sirius and his wife Marlene.
"Welcome back boys. I hope you had a good year and behaved as well as I did during my time at Hogwarts." Sirius said with a grin.
Narcissa and Eliza glared at him. "They actually behaved like perfect gentlemen, so I would dare say they behaved better than you."
Sirius grinned at them. "I was only joking. I know full well what kind of mayhem we got into, and to see that your sons are the perfect gentlemen warms my heart."
The two women quirked an eyebrow at that, knowing full well Sirius had not lost his antics over the years, and they suspected something to happen now that they were home.
They took a seat while Fabian and Draco went upstairs to pack away their things, with Nymphadora following them, since she really needed to talk to Fabian.
Fabian let himself fall onto his bed when he was in, already feeling the separation from his girlfriend. He just sighed deeply as he stared at the ceiling. He couldn't wait to get the Portkey to the Château Delacour so he could see Fleur again, but until that time thoughts of his lover could tide him over a little bit.
A soft knock at the door shook him from his musings. "Come on in Dora." He said with a smile, knowing it was her. She was the only one that knocked so respectfully.
She poked her head into the door and smiled at her nephew. "Wotcher Fabe. How have you been?" She asked as she entered and took a seat on the edge of his bed.
He sat up and smiled at her. "I've been great. I found myself a girlfriend this year and we have basically been attached at the hip since the second Task."
"While I am thrilled that another family tradition has been kept alive, it already sounds very serious. Is there something more going on?" Nymphadora asked with a smile.
He smiled at that. "Well, she is half Veela, so that might have something to do with it, and we have some theories that we are going to research when I get to France in two days."
Nymphadora smiled and pulled him into a hug. "I'm really happy for you Fabe. You deserve to be happy, although I would have expected you to end up with Luna. You two are so incredibly close after all."
"That we are, and probably always will be, but she is my sister and best friend, and all I want for her is to find happiness." He said with a soft smile.
"That is very sweet of you, but I should have expected it from you, but I actually had a question for you, if you don't mind." She said nervously.
He smiled at her. "If I can answer it, I will Dora."
She smiled at him. "Well, it's a bit weird to ask right of the bat, but I really don't know how else to do this. You know Hermione Granger, right?"
"I do, she is one of my best friends and always keeps me on my schedule." He said with a kind smile, knowing where this was probably going.
"I figured as much, you have always been drawn to intellect, but I have a confession to make. I have heard a lot about her and to be very honest she sounds like a very interesting person, do you know if she would consider being friends with someone like me?" She asked softly.
He smiled at her. "Friends I have no doubt of, but you make it sound like you want something more as well."
She blushed and her hair turned a dark crimson as well. "I would like that, but for once I want to take my time in getting to know her first, I just don't know how to approach her or even when. It's not like I can just show up at school or at the Weasley's, not to mention that she is five years younger than me."
"Honestly, with everything that has been going on, you might see plenty of her during Order meetings. Knowing her she will want to join the fight together with Harry. Ronald I am still not sure about." He said with a soft smile.
Nymphadora smiled at that. "At least that is something. I don't know how to talk to her though. She is the brightest witch of her age, how can I ever compare to that."
He smiled and gave her a hug. "Just be your charming and funny self. She loves that in people. She needs it to wind down a little."
"I'll try that when I see her then, I just hope I won't make an ass out of myself." She said softly.
"If you do, I am sure you will find a way to catch yourself, just be yourself around her and be her friend first. She needs someone outside of school to talk to, and you are a lot closer to her in age than other members of the Order. She tends to need a person to vent against when Ron and Harry rush into danger again." He said with a smile.
She nodded and hugged him. "I'll try that then, thank you Fabe. It means a lot to me that you are willing to help."
"You are my only niece Dora. I would love to see you happy with the girl of your dreams, and if she happens to be younger, than that is just the way of the world. Love does not take directions." He said softly.
She smiled at that. "How sagely of you Fabian. I will certainly think about things over the summer, but now, tell me about your girlfriend. I want to know absolutely everything."
The next two days he was absolutely miserable, barely getting an hour worth of sleep every night, but now he was in their backyard, his shrunken down trunk and bags, which held the ancient book safely in his pocket. He looked every bit of the pureblood heir that he was, the entire family there to see him off. "Be safe sweetie, and please let us know as soon as possible when you have arrived." Narcissa said softly with a few tears in her eyes.
He smiled and nodded. "I will Mum, and I will see you in three weeks." He said as he activated the Portkey and he was whisked off to France.
Arriving at the Château Delacour he was a bit stunned at the sight of the Castle. It seemed that his girlfriend had not told him the exact details of her family's wealth, which he figured could rival his own family.
Seeing Fleur coming toward him made him smile and he easily caught her as she crashed into his arms. "Bonjour ma cherí. Happy to see me?" He asked softly.
"Oui, I missed you so much that I only managed to get two hours of sleep in the last two days. I'm so glad you are here mon amour." She said softly.
He smiled and kissed her softly before they made their way to the rest of her family. He could easily identify her mother and grandmother, both women looking at him with a critical eye, while her father looked ready to question him in a small room with a bright lamp aimed at his face.
Fleur noticed his distress and squeezed his hand softly in reassurance, giving him a loving smile. "Fabian, allow me to introduce my family. This is my father Jean-Paul."
Fabian smiled friendly at the man and shook his outstretched hand. "Enchanté Monsieur." He said politely.
That seemed to surprise the gathered Delacours, and quickly the handshake became a firm and friendly. "You speak our language almost wizout an accent. Zat is incroyable." Jean Paul said kindly.
"Merci Monsieur. My family has its origins in France and my mothers have made sure my brother and I know our roots."
Jean Paul merely smiled at him. "This is my mozer Apoline, who I believe I have told you about." Fleur said with a smile.
"Indeed you have, and it is a pleasure to meet you, Madame Delacour." Fabian said with a kind smile.
"Please, call me Apoline. Fleur 'as told me a lot about you and they were all positive." Apoline said as Fabian placed a friendly kiss on her outstretched hand. "And such good manners too, I see you are a fine match for our daughter."
Fabian smiled and bowed a little. "Finally we 'ave my gran mere. Juliette." Fleur said with a loving smile.
"Enchanté Mademoiselle." He said as he placed a kiss on her hand as well.
"Eet is very good to finally meet you. I can see you 'ave a lot of love for my granddaughter." She said with a knowing smile.
He smiled and looked at his girlfriend. "I do, I couldn't imagine a life without her."
Fleur smiled and squeezed his hand again before Apoline drew everyone's attention. "Then we 'ave only one more thing to do, if that is okay with you two."
Fleur knew what her mother meant and nodded. "We can test one of our theories already, mon amour. Would you like to join us in the library?"
He nodded and followed his girlfriend and her family through the vast halls until they came to a massive set of double doors, and when they opened he had to smile. It rivaled his family's library, which is what he expected.
Fleur then led him to one of the comfortable couches where three books were already waiting for them. "In these books could be our future, mon amour, are you ready to learn a little in your vacation?"
He nodded and placed a soft kiss on her cheek as they opened the book together and he saw the soft shimmering of letters coming to the blank pages.
Fleur noticed it too and smiled brightly as they thumbed through the pages. "I think all of our theories just got proven right mon amour. These books can only be read by a Veela and their mates. We are meant to be."
He smiled and kissed her softly. "I kind of knew that already, but to have the official confirmation is a load off my mind."
Fleur merely smiled at him. "It is a load off my mind as well, I was really miserable without you."
"Now we at least know why we were so miserable, but what happens now?" He asked softly.
She smiled and kissed him softly. "Now you are a member of the family and we have three weeks to really get to know each other and solidify our Bond."
Apoline smiled at them. "Zere as been some news zat I was meaning to share wizt you, cherí. We 'ave been in contact with 'ogwarts and 'aving expected this outcome, we 'ave secured you a place as an assistant to the Potions Professor, Severus Snape, so you two can be zogezer while Fabian attends school as well."
Fleur smiled brightly at that. "Merci Maman." She said excitedly as she went to hug her mother and father.
Apoline and Jean Paul merely smiled at their daughter. "We will talk about zis later, mon tresor. For now why don't you show your mate your room and get 'im situated."
She nodded and took his hand, leading him upstairs and to her room, kissing him deeply once they were in the door.
"We have a couple of 'ours before dinner, and I would love to take a nap with you, because I can see you have probably slept as much as I have over the last few days.
He only nodded and was led to the bed, the two of them quickly disrobing before cuddling up together, dressed merely in their underwear.