Hikigaya Pov -Before the Park- Flashback Cont.
I wonder how Komachi is feeling right now. She seemed so hyper during our trip. I guess maybe we went too early and she got sleepy. I went to go check on her sleeping only to be bombarded with a flash of pink that broke all boundaries that was my personal bubble.
"Yes, hello. Welcome to my personal space. May I help you?" I say as I put my arms up to put some distance between us. A pout came out of Yui as her cheeks seemed to keep inflating, reminding me of a certain vice-president from a show. Love is indeed war.
"Shaddup! I was just going to ask if Komachi was going to be fine?" Yui kept trying to grab my arms to rid of my personal bubble defenses, but you fool! I have-never mind she's stronger. Bruised ego aside, I decided to go for a cheap shot.
"Just give me some space! First of all, I'm positive that she is just tired. We woke up a bit early and you probably tired her out with your energy and-Oh hey Komachi." The second she looked away I flicked her forehead putting some distance between us. Yui started rubbing a growing red spot on her forehead. A moan came out that made me question where was the fine line between erotic and normal moans.
"Just wait till I tell sable about this!" Yui continued to rub her forehead, her cheeks puffing out more and more. I wonder if it's possible for someone to explode that way. I'm sure if Yui were to somehow achieve this goal, it would put Vegeta's final explosion to shame.
"You act as if Sable hasn't already fallen to the dark side. I'm sure Sable will agree with my actions once I give him one of my head pats. I'm thinking about turning it into a business."
"Ugh, don't mention your dream again Hikki..."
For context, whether if it was a nightmare or something else, I once had a dream where I ran a store where I would head pat every pet that their owner would bring in, healing them of all their illnesses. A weird dream, but then it got even weirder when a certain Gahama dressed up in a poor imitation of a dog costume for head pats. While still a dream, I wonder if it's not far from the actual truth for Yui to act like that.
I then woke up in a state of horror after Sable spoke to me, calling me his son. Out of wonder and genuine curiosity from that dream, I asked Yukino if a such a business can be created. I was met with a loan of 100 yen to start my business. To this day, I take it as a success. I'm thinking about getting it framed as sign of successfully negotiating against a Yukinoshita.
"Hikki you're monologuing again." Yui said helpfully as she giggled at my pathetic state.
"Sigh, Sorry. But to be fair it isn't my fault, a pink haired creature infected my mind to lose track of my thoughts" And really, that is the whole truth. After hanging out with Yui, I seemed to have gained some of her personality traits. The traits being losing track of my thoughts...Wait. Am I becoming an air-head! Wait no let's look at this logically. Ever since Yui and I started to hang out more, I become invested in my thoughts and lose track of what is happening. Everything seems normal there. But...
All of a sudden, a court appeared in my mind.
"The council will now take your case. Please state the situation and your stands." A younger Hachiman stated with an absolute aura of professionalism. But his childlike voice ruined the aura completely.
A spotlight on the prosecutors stand revealed an older Hachiman alike to the original one. The only difference was that he was wearing glasses with his hair slicked back. Another spotlight revealed another clone on the defense stand, with his hair down and dead-fish eyes out to the world. Both wearing suits that screamed "Please Notice that I am a lawyer".
"The prosecution is ready, your Honor"
"The Defense is ready, you Honor"
The younger grade-schooler Hachiman squinted at each of them only for him to sigh. He slammed his gavel. "You may begin" While meant to be intimidating, it only screamed adorableness.
"You see honor, our loner appreciations and passions have been invaded by a disease. Our suspect has been basking in the presence of a poison. A poison with no cure." He then slammed a folder down filled with blank papers. "AIRHEADNESS. Look at the man on the stand! His eyes scream guilty! He is being infected!" He said pointing to the original Hachiman on the suspect stand.
"W-wait that isn-"
"OBJECTION!" The clone at the defense stand slammed down another folder filled with blank papers. "It seems you are still a rookie prosecutor. If I were to guess, your evidence would be that he is losing track of his thoughts?"
The prosecutor nodded his head. "Precisely. Only an airhead would easily do such a thing. As shown before, Yui Yuigahama, during the hours of the Service Club or ventures with the suspect, would go from topic to topic without any end goal. She would get lost in her thoughts and would speak without any coherent purpose. And, our suspect is beginning to exhibit such traits. He has changed from his loner origins and...?" As the prosecutor was going to continue, he saw the defense wagging his finger back and forth, with a smirk of confidence.
Holding up another piece of blank paper, the defense began to read off of it.
"The Definition of monologue- a long, tedious speech by one person during a conversation or in their own mind. Now, our suspect has always done such an action since the beginning of our loner days, correct?" The prosecutor nodded his head.
"And wouldn't you say, that during our monologues, it would be a quick thought that would exit our minds later on. It held no importance, no real purpose...so we could say...that our monologues...similar to Yuigahama's thoughts...had no end goal as well?"
The prosecutor while rubbing his chin, suddenly flinched back as if a shock wave hit him.
"Order! Order! Order! Now, what does this mean!" The grade-schooler said with genuine curiosity.
"Why Honor! It means that our suspect did not poison our origins of being a Loner. No! He already had the trait to begin with! And I dare-say this this "trait" only adds on to his origins! It isn't a trait of airheadness, no! It's a trait of a loner that our suspect already had!"
"Wha-!" The prosecutor flinched back with such vigor as his clenched his teeth. "Grrrr. Then if you are so confident defense, why don't you explain how our suspect as well can't seem to focus on one topic lately. Explain that!" He said while pointing a finger at the defense.
"Tsk, tsk tsk. It is simple. This "airhead" trait you speak of, isn't an airhead trait at all." The defense pointed his finger at the prosecution. "IT IS A NORMAL TRAIT THAT EVERYONE HAS!"
Chaos ensued in the court as everyone began to question the case itself.
"Order! Order! Order! Before I say my verdict, let me think this through!" The young Hachiman said while banging his gavel.
"I didn't understand half the words you two said" The young Hachiman said sheepishly.
I exited my imaginary court as I came out even more confused than before.
"Don't call me a creature-Ah!" Yui let out a sound of embarrassment as I suddenly grabbed a hold of her shoulders.
"Yui." While the space between us were one sable's distance away, I was able to feel her breath on my cheek.
"M-hm? Y-Yes?" She said in a trance.
"If I ever turn into an airhead, tell Sable to maul me. He will understand" I state in a serious aura surrounding me.
Yui Pov -Park-
"Sometimes I wonder if Sable likes you more than me" I said as I noticed the bliss expression of sable on our way to the park. I know Hikki's head pats feel nice but this is unfair! Anyway, after making sure Komachi was sleeping, we walked to my house to get, as Hikki weirdly quotes " the beast that is to wreak havoc upon the park." But then that image soon went away when Sable immediately came to be cradled in Hikki's arms and nuzzled against his face.
And I could totally tell Sable was giving me a "Ha" expression! You traitor! We were suppose to be a team! No treats tonight!
Okay maybe one treat. His puppy eyes got me...
"You're walking into the street Yui" Hikki said making me realize where I was walking. He grabs a hold of my sleeve, pulling me towards the sidewalk. H-Hey! I-I'm not a child!
"A-Ah! I was...This is your fault! I started thinking in my head now more because of you!" I shout lightly punching him in the arm while making sure to not hit Sable. I continue punching him until-
"Ow!" H-he flicked me! He chuckled at me rubbing my forehead and right when I was going to call him a meanie.
"There there. Just don't wander off again. Don't really want you to get hurt Yui" He said while patting my head and smiling slightly.
I just looked down while blushing as Sable continues to woof in excitement when we start to see the park. His smile really is dangerous...I try to fight down my blush but it doesn't seem to work...Now that I think about it. Us walking through the park with Sable...It's almost as if we are a couple. I could imagine it. Hehehe...Me and Hikki after a day of work in the future, relaxing by walking around in the park as Sable being cradled in Hikki's arms. Then we go back home and...
Steam starts to leave my ears. I yelp in surprise, scaring both Hikki, Sable, and other strangers around the park. Everyone is looking at me!
"I wonder what they are doing?"
"Couples are so weird these days..."
"That poor dog..."
Ahh! I need to do something!
"S-So Sable! Are you excited to play around in the park!" Ahh! Sable's Whimpering! I-I didn't scream that loud! Hikki gave me a light glare. Why am I getting scolded! In the end, Hikki had to head pat him to calm him down while giving everyone around a quiet apology.
Hehe...I think I'm gonna die from embarrassment. Hikki then chuckled at my state, adding fuel to my already red face.
"Isn't Yui a weirdo Sable?" While he tried to make the situation no longer awkward, I could tell he was getting awkward himself with talking to Sable in public. Uwahh! Make this nightmare stop!
"Woof!" Sable said putting his own two cents. Don't agree Sable! I quickly went in front of Hikki and grabbed a hold of Sable's paws.
"Sable, don't fall to the dark side! You won't leave me for Hikki, right?"
Sable looked at me with a blank expression. Just right when I was going to sulk again, Hikki gave a laugh at my reaction.
"And just like that, Sable has fallen to the loner side"
"Wha! You two are traitors! Meanies!" I hid myself in my hoodie, but it's hard to look mad when my hoodie had puppy ears on top. While I should be acting mad, Hikki continued to laugh with Sable. Hearing his laugh, I couldn't help myself but smile at the sound.
"I'm never talking to you two ever again!" I say in a playful tone.
"Ah. It seems that Sable and I have to go on a trip then. It was nice knowing you Yui." Hikki said while walking a bit faster to the now visible park.
"W-Wait for me!"
After we ended up reaching the park, Hikki and I ended up sitting on a bench while Sable ran around on the grass. I looked to make sure Sable didn't wander off too far as Hikki read his light novel thingy. While we sat in silence, I feel like I could stay here forever. Next to Hikki. It really does feel like we are dating...But... when I think about it. Is that really something that can happen. Me and Hikki...
Do it now Yui! Tell him your feelings!
B-But I can't. What about the others!
You can't let them steal him! He was meant to be yours! You met him first!
But, what if Hikki was suppose to end up with someone like Yukino. They both seem close.
Not if you don't do something about it...You deserve this happiness...You will regret it if are you aren't able to say those three words.
But, Yukinon is my friend! I know she loves him too! I can't do that to her...no matter how much I want to.
You two are meant to be with each other. What are you scared of?
That he doesn't love me back...
"Oy, are you alright" Hikki said breaking me out of my thoughts. While he didn't show it, I could tell he looked a bit worried.
"Y-Yeah. I-Im alright! I was just wondering that, well, I wonder how the future will end up like"
"Hm? You're thinking of something like that all of a sudden?" He said putting his novel away. "Why think of something like that now?"
"Well, our winter break just started. And I know this is a time to make memories but, I'm a bit, scared Hikki" I said while looking away. He sighs as he puts a comforting hand on my shoulder.
Everything that we all have worked for. Everything that the Service Club has come to be. It all could be ruined just because of these stupid feelings. But at the same time...I don't want these feelings to go away. I want to share these feeling with Hikki and be by his side. I want to be together with Hikki but...
Right when he was going to say something, I cut him off as my fears start to come out.
"What if everyone we have starts to get ruined. What if everything we worked for breaks apart just like that Hikki! I don't want that to happen! I love what we all have! I don't want to lose that!" My eyes start to get blurry as tears look as if they are to fall any moment. But right when I was going to break down, Hikki hugged me making me gasp.
"Yui, I, look it's hard to promise that everything will go perfect but, you don't have to fear everything won't be here anymore. I'll be here Yui. I know that somethings may come up but..." He looked away obviously embarrassed at what he was saying.
"Considering how clumsy you are, if you ever fall I'll be there to catch you. So don't be scared Yui..." He said blushing more than I thought he could ever.
I wrap my arms around his neck as I kiss him on the cheek.
Hikki turns into a stuttering mess as I giggle at his state. I'm one step closer to my dream.
Confess to him now!
...No, not now. I just want to enjoy what we all have now.
...Don't be too late next time. You never know when it's going to be too late.
I know but...I hope my red thread is wrapped around Hikki's finger as it is on mine. I just have to hope.
"Thank you Hikki..."
"N-No problem just, warn me next time. My years of a loner are catching up to me..." He said while finding a piece of grass interesting, obviously ignoring me. Hehehe, so cute.
"Alright Hikki..."
I just have to hope nothing comes between Hikki and I. Please fate, let me have this...
I lean my head on Hikki's shoulder as he sighs and pulls out his novel again.
I really do wish I could stay here forever.
"Uwahh! Sable don't wander too far!"
An hour before the Park
"Never mind. Let's just go get Sable or as I prefer to call him, the beast that is to wreak havoc upon the park" He says with a glint in his eyes. Ugh, Hikki is lucky his weirdness adds to his adorableness. Right before I we were to leave, I suddenly remembered something.
"Oh! Wait! Before we go, can I write Komachi a note about where we are going Hikki! I don't want her wondering where we went." Hikki eyes went wide as he forgot to leave a hint to where he was going.
"Yeah do that. I'll wait outside...Can't believe I forgot to do that. Am I really becoming an airhead?" Hikki muttered while leaving the house. Huh, wonder what that was about.
I walk to the kitchen and grab a piece of paper and pencil from the drawers. Let's see...my writing really does look childish. But I am done! I put the pencil away and stamp the paper onto the fridge door. But right when I was going to leave, I decided to see Komachi one more time before leaving with Hikki.
I walk down the Hallway until I saw a half opened door. I walked in only to see Komachi softly breathing into her blanket.
"Uh...Hi Komachi" I whispered at her. I giggled when she snuggled closer to her pillow. I guess she really was tired.
"Sorry for making noise, hehehe...I just wanted to say thank you for taking care of Hikki so much. I also want to ask for a selfish favor. I know you can't hear me but...I hope you are still able to come through in the end" I continue to whisper softly. She wrinkles her nose as her snuggles even closer to her pillow. So adorable!
"I...love Hikki Komachi. And I hope one day that you can call me your big sister. I just...wanted to ask that you support me Komachi. And I know there may be others but, I just want fate to let me have this one thing, and I guess I'm too selfish to let others take this away from me. As gross as Hikki says it, I can see you being a really great sister to him. So please...wish me good luck Komachi" I gently pat her head as I close the door behind me.
At least I know I can count on Komachi to support me on closing the distance between Hikki and I.
Wish me luck Komachi!