Author: Inaho
Warning: None for this chapter, but it's only, what, a page long? How much profanity could you /possibly/ put in it?

Elf #1: Don't push your luck.


Disclaimer: Alas, the wonderful work of Miyazaki-san does not belong to me...I don't even have a little soot-ball to play with. ::sniff::
Feedback: Sigh, it would be wonderful. I'm a little rusty on the writing skills ::cough:: if you look at the last time I posted anything...

Elf #1: You know that there are probably masses of people out for you blood for not updating your other fics...

Elf #3: Yeah, didn't you open a threatening email just today?

Elf #2: And you're starting /another/ fic?


~ * ~ * ~

"Look, it's her…"

"I hear that she…"

"And left all alone to…"

"It's her own fault she…"

"Yeah, right…"

All around her, the low humming of whispering voices and darting glances carried like a storm cloud, buzzing constantly. But she paid no mind to it anymore, the everyday chatter dulling into a muffled drone. For almost two years now, she had not allowed such talk to touch her.

// "…left all alone…"//

She /would/ not allow it to touch her.

Ten minutes of walking brought her to the outskirts of downtown, a small white building wedged next to a prosperous ramen store. A small picket fence surrounded the little house, and she knew that in the back held a small playground. Squeals of laughter could be heard as she stepped into the building and waited at the front desk.

Looking around, toys and plastic tables and chairs were scattered all around the room, evidence of the chaos left by the little inhabitants, temporary or not. Barely noting the masses of grinning chubby faces, her eyes wandered to a little girl in the far corner, sitting by herself, watching the giddy play around her. A sharp pain tugged at her heart as she watched this little girl, unmoving and expressionless in her solitude.

"Miss Ogino?"

Turning back to the counter, she faced the older woman who called her attention. A fine thin eyebrow rose while perfectly manicured fingers tapped impatiently on the tabletop. Mumbling a quick apology, she immediately started rummaging in her backpack, around the numerous worn textbooks and papers, laying crumpled bills, her week's pay, on the counter under the woman's scrutinizing eyes. She knew the look that would be in the woman's eyes, and had been ever since she started coming here: utter disdain.

Deft fingers flipping through the bills, the woman gave her a smile that looked more like a sneer, before turning towards the playroom.


The little girl in the corner looked up, before a grin spread across her face and she was running towards the front, towards her.


Chihiro Ogino, 18 years old, smiled as she took her daughter's hand and walked out the door.

~ TBC ~

Author's Note: I know, it doesn't seem to be the most original plot, but I promise there's more. I realize I'm going to hell for starting another fic, but I couldn't help it. And I realize I have a problem finishing multi-part stories, so I wrote ahead!

Elf #1: ::snort:: And how long with /that/ last?

Shut it. I'm trying to keep people from murdering me for being a horrible updater.

Elf #1: Oh, and it's just so convincing...
