Author's Note: My dear followers, I fear my Date In the Land Of Waves story and others may be under siege by a user named catspats31. This person has threatened to report my story if I don't remove the lemon. He is not an admin, not a moderator, not responsible for the site, so I don't know what his problem is. I saw his channel and all the has posted is rules for the website as his bio. This guy just seems like a goody goody tattletale with nothing better to do and feels like it's his responsibility to go around policing people who break the rules. So Incase he decides to wage war on my account, and he probably will. I will be moving to the Adult Fanfiction website under the same username and all of my stories with the same titles. I will not let my fanfics die I can assure you. P.S. I'm just putting this out there Incase my page does end up going down, I don't know for sure what will happen yet though I'm just preparing.